You know you’re a Dune fanatic when…

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    It was inevitable that this would occur so here are a few to get it going:

    Asked how far a destination is, you give the measurement in thumpers.

    Your response to any insult is to shout “I will have your water!”


    totally have used both in regular conversation:

    It’s the spice!!! The spice!

    “The sleeper has awoken”

    and muttered to self: “fear is the mind killer”

    😀 😳 😀 😀


    At the end of the Matrix-1 when Neo merged with Smith and blew him up, I was the obnoxious bastard in the back who shouted:



    It’s not a direct quote, but as a health inspector I had to order a few swimming pools drained. One property argued with me that it was a terrible waste of water, my response was “And somewhere there’s a fremen shaking his crsyknife; drain your pool”. The reference was lost on her…


    Goot One Lexx!

    😀 😀 😀
    I haven’t laughed so much in days, next time I watch the matrix I am SO doing that!


    [quote=”Headgehog”]It’s not a direct quote, but as a health inspector I had to order a few swimming pools drained. One property argued with me that it was a terrible waste of water, my response was “And somewhere there’s a fremen shaking his crsyknife; drain your pool”. The reference was lost on her…[/quote]

    Cute Headge.

    I am not a real Dune fanatic, but I have read and re-read all of the books, even the news ones being written right now. I have also watched all of the movies and mini series.

    Having said that I have to admit that I have intoned the ‘Fear is a mind killer’ speech on occasion to theNeices when they were growing up. (Which just validated their feelings that Aunt is crazy.)

    And I when people have discussed true artificial intelligence, I have told that that ‘We will not suffer thinking machines’.

    My most ‘Dune’ moments come however when I do the ‘VOICE’ growl. 😀 Sadly, it does not work as well for me as it did for Jessica in the first movie. I mean it works…. but not every single time…. I must not have the pitch just right. I will just have to keep working on it I guess. 😉


    You know you’re a Dune fanatic when…

    The only shows you regularly watch are “how to” cooking shows because you know that “He who controls the Spice controls the universe.”

    You’re actually looking forward to your baby daughter getting her first case of worms just so you can tell her, “We have Worm-sign the likes of which even God has never seen.”

    [size=9]I’m always quoting stuff used in the Lynch version of Dune[/size]


    Groooan! 🙄

    I just hope my two year old great-niece does not don a bedsheet and start insisting that we call her..”Reverend mother!!”

    (Shudders!) 🙄


    I think anybody who has read Dune, has uttered the litany against fear at some point, I know I have,

    But while meandering on the net last night, I also came across an interesting version of the Piter DeVries mantra from Lynch’s Dune, you know the “It is by will alone I set my mind in motion, it is by the juice of Saphos the thoughts acquire speed, lips acquire stain, so stains become a warning, it is by will alone I set my mind in motion.”, this version read:

    “It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion, it is by beans of java that thoughts acquire speed, hands acquire shakes, so shakes become a warning, it is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion…. I….AM….IN….CONTROL….OF….MY….ADDICTION!”


    When gardening, you have to stop every ten minutes because of “worm sign”

    When a friend asks what the secret is to a delicious recipe you prepare, and your answer is: “The Spice Must Flow!!!”


    MAN # 1
    I just took a shit. Come look. It’s weird looking.

    MAN # 2
    I have shit the likes of which even
    God has never seen.

    Sorry. I tried to be funny and failed.


    [quote=”kamisama103″]Sorry. I tried to be funny and failed.[/quote]

    That’s the story of my life! 🙁 😆 Mind if I borrow that for my epitaph?

    Anyway, when watching the Contender (boxing matches, hockey etc.) I can’t help but think, “Long live the fighters.”

    [b]Gurney[/b]: It’s time for your daily lesson.
    [b]Paul[/b]: Not today Gurney, I’m not in the mood.
    [b]Gurney[/b]: Moods are for cattle and loveplay, not for fighting!
    [b]Paul[/b]: Ahh, well, yes, you know I’m always in the mood for cattle loveplay.
    [b]Gurney[/b] (smiles): Moooooo!


    [quote]Paul: Ahh, well, yes, you know I’m always in the mood for cattle loveplay.
    Gurney (smiles): Moooooo![/quote]

    😆 😆 😆


    loved feyd….hmmm sting goodness…..


    I remember being in a tough spot at work a few years back and I muttered to myself, “I will bend like a reed in the wind.” 😳


    [quote=”Sidhecafe”][quote]Paul: Ahh, well, yes, you know I’m always in the mood for cattle loveplay.
    Gurney (smiles): Moooooo![/quote]

    😆 😆 😆


    loved feyd….hmmm sting goodness…..[/quote]

    Sting was perfect in that role. The scene where he mocks Chani and Paul at the end is one of my personal favs 😀


    Lexxlurker wrote:

    [quote]Sting was perfect in that role. The scene where he mocks Chani and Paul at the end is one of my personal favs [/quote]

    I totally agree!!!
    Sting was fabu in that role, I think my friends and I in high school stopped and replayed Feyd stepping out of his spice shower a thousand times… 😳 😉

    He is good at those mean creepy types, like Lock Stock & 2 Smoking Barrels and Brimstone & Treacle.

    You really could imagine what he’d had in mind for Chani if he managed to kill Paul…… 😯


    [quote=”Logan”][quote=”kamisama103″]Sorry. I tried to be funny and failed.[/quote]

    That’s the story of my life! 🙁 😆 Mind if I borrow that for my epitaph?


    Hehe… go for it.


    You really know you’re a Duneophile when:

    You think the SPICE GIRLS are an Arrakeen dancing troupe!

    (I too have tried…)

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