Forum Replies Created
ParticipantAye, What he said. Have fun y’all
ParticipantI still say Timothy Dalton was the best bond…he was mean…the real grass roots, hardcore get things done kinda bond…
But, for suave sophistication, well its gotta be the old Sean Connery, right?? RIGHT??
Basildon Bond 002.5[ 16-11-2002: Message edited by: Azrael ]
ParticipantUnfortunately, with the exception of the first Tomb Raider game, Lara Croft has been constantly “modified” to make her more attractive towards men. Therefore it was only a natural progression to do the same with the film.
However, I am all for an all kickin all killin super-spy babe. You go girls!!
Easily pleased. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]Azrael
ParticipantI just think that it will get very monotonous….for gods sake…they are winding their way around the galaxy in a age old mining ship….
How exciting would that be? I admit Petersen would be funny, and obviously all the larking about that him and listy get up to will be worth watching…but there is going to have to be some serious creative writing going on to make this into a decent movie.
I think its going to be hilarious to see actual CGI and a decent budget “Red Dwarf”
Oh come on, a bright red fairy liquid bottle, meshed out with a few lolipop sticks and a bit of paper mache….do me a favour, it was the lame special effects that add quality to the prog.
I am not sure about the idea of the movie being based before the series, it will be harder to bring the character development in. I mean, there will be no Kryten. So there will have to be a new kryten, though I hope there will still be room for Rob Llewellyn. There will be no Cat, so thats Danny John Jules gone too….and thats just two major characters….
Holly wont have the same character, for a start before the series, holly was just a super intelligent computer, not the senile piece of burnt out systems that we meet in the series.
It just wont work dammit!!
[ 05-11-2002: Message edited by: Azrael ]
5th November 2002 at 1:51 am in reply to: Whats in your CD player? part 3 (originally posted by snookl #64094Azrael
ParticipantAre you local?
4th November 2002 at 8:10 pm in reply to: Whats in your CD player? part 3 (originally posted by snookl #64092Azrael
ParticipantActually, I have Muse – Origin of Symmetry in mine, but very near and played often is the new Foo Fighters album, One by One and the Tenacious D album (FUNNY!!!!!)
I listen to what I like, unless I am forced to listen to something that I don’t.[ 04-11-2002: Message edited by: Azrael ]