Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThere aren’t very many that I would still enjoy today but here are a few.
[b]Dungeons and Dragons[/b] A great show to bad they never finished the last episode.
[b]Plastic Man[/b]
Any of the [b]Sid and Marty Kroft Shows[/b] Can’t remember the names of all of the shows they did but I enjoyed them all.
[b]Fraggle Rock[/b] Didn’t get to see as much of these guys as I would have liked since I didn’t have HBO back then, but I did get to catch a few at a friends house.
[b]Dragons Lair[/b] Not as fun as the game but still enjoyable.
There are many many others but these are the ones that I remember the most.
Sure Galactica 1980 reached Earth, but does anyone even remember that series? [/quote]
Unfortanetly no matter how much I try to forget I still remember Galactica 1980.I plan to watch the new show with an open mind. It will be interesting to see how it looks. It just won’t be the same without Lorne Greene.
ParticipantLexx seems to have the most. Lisa Hines (original Zev) Xenia, Bunny, Wist, the girl from Twilight, the three goth girls from season 4.
Bab5 had a few Talia, Londo’s girlfriend that was poisoned, Na’Toth, Lyta.
Xena: Gabrielle
This one may be a stretch as far as being scifi but I think it still manages to fit: Pam Dawber from Mork and Mindy.
All I can think of for now.
5th September 2003 at 5:49 am in reply to: Survey: Your Favourite AND Least Favourite Sci-Fi Shows #68038DaveCole
ParticipantLooks like a good place for a first post.
1. Babylon 5
2. Lexx
3. The Chronicle
4. Invisible Man
5. Stargate SG-1
6. Prisoner
7. X-Files
8. ST DS9 and Next Generation
9. Battlestar Galactica
10. Buck Rogers