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Good review, but how could you not like the music?
I loved it! Especially during the last scene, it was brilliant and helped to create the incredible suspense of that scene imo. Also when the landing party arrived at Galactica, I liked the vocals and the drums when Cain steps off the Raptor: Soooo cool!
The piece at the beginning was indeed very different from what we’ve heard in the series so far, but I think it is supposed to convey the feeling that something very special is about to happen. In that respect I didnt find it awful.n3bula
Participantquote]Andromeda will end this season. [/quote]
Thank God for that! Andromeda is crap! Sorbo has ruined it!
[quote]So apparently will Star Trek. [/quote]
Yes, probably. But perhaps it will be back some time with a fresh approach. Enterprise doesn’t really have a concept, it never had. It tried many different things none of which were done consequently and I think even Many Coto failed to change that so far and time is running out fast.
[quote]And they are not even sure if Battlestar Galactica will be renewed for next season.[/quote]
Did you see the ratings BSG scored? They were sensational! It was the highest rated January premiere Sci-Fi ever had! There will definitely be a second season. Even if the ratings dropped a bit for the remaining episodes, its still got better ratings than Enterprise while having a smaller budget. They would be really dumb not to renew it.
Nowadays I can’t watch Enterprise anymore without thinking that BSG is so much better. I think Enterprise is still okay and entertaining most of the time, but it lacks many things BSG has.[quote]Will the TV shows of the 21st century be comprised of just soaps, sitcoms and reality TV? [/quote]
Let’s hope not. There sure is a lot of bullshit out there. My impression is that most people don’t like to think while watching TV and TV networks are adapting to that making peolple dumber and dumber in the process.
Participant[quote]Welcome aboard N3bula! [/quote]
Thanks man!
[quote]The worst part of the episode! I need my BSG fix icon_razz.gif[/quote]
The wait is almost over. The Hand of God is upon us!
That wasn’t so bad, was it?
Whats far more shocking is the fact that we have only 4 eps left and then we will have to wait 7 months (!) for Season 2!
Any advice on how to endure that is really appreciated.-n3bula.
Participant[quote]Who must know first, and why do they need to know it before everyone else?
I have no fracking clue, what Baltar is thinking. I especially don’t know who the infamous “they” are in “they must know first”. Whoever “they” are, its not the audience.
[/quote]I think what Baltar said was “No muss, no fuss.”
[quote] “Where is Earth and when do we get there?” Finally they mention Earth in the TV series![/quote]
Actually, Earth was mentioned only the week before in “Flesh and Bone” when Leoben told Starbuck that they would find Kobol and that it would lead them to Earth.
Good review, great episode! See you in January!