Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI actually tried it. It helped me increase my lifting capabilty by 20 to 30 percent with a fair energy increase.However,I also changed my diet a bit and exsiced more regularly during that time. How much exactly did it help I don’t know.
ParticipantXander seemed to be more jealous of Angel (because of his reationship with Buffy) more than anything.So,ultimutely,I think wanted Angel out of the way;preferredly killed. See how he was willing to Faith kill Angel in S3,eventhough he had his soul back.
It will be interesting the writers do with all of that. Perhaps the First Evil will used Xander’s jealousy against him,in the form of Angel taunting him.
It’s funny how Xander was jealous and vengeful early on and later got a (former) vengance demon as a girlfriend.
ParticipantWell,they also sell DVD’s to the video rental chains(Blockbuster,etc).They may make considerable money as more people discover the series.Just an idea.
ParticipantHey FX,everyone. So,Why does everyone,except religious fundumentalists,knows whats good and evil?
Buffy is really a pro-occult show so the idea that “religious fundumentalists”( usually Christians?} would be shown in a positive light would be very slim.
The real problem with religious (Christian) fundumentalists is they try to atone for their in by following a strict set of rules and rituals instead of giving their sin to Christ,confessing it and asking for forgiveness.This behavior will make one condesending toward others (like Cordelia,for example)Real Christianity is not so much a religion as it is a relationship with Jesus Christ.
When it comes down to it. Religious bias is no better or worse that any other bias. Sin is sin.
One question though: Just because one KNOWS the difference between right and wrong; good and evil mean that they will CHOOSE right and good over wrong and evil?
For example: In S2:When Xander was to tell Buffy that Willow was going restore Angel’s soul but instead said the message from Will was “Kick his ass”,he lied to her.Did he know it was wrong.If so, do he choose it anyway?
Also in S2:What the difference between Cordelia slandering Willow and Willow calling her “a big ho”?
The S2 ep “When she was bad” show Buffy being mean to her friends.Do she know this was wrong?Did she care?
In S3:When Willow said to Faith “It’s already too late (for you).” and even expressing that she wanted Faith to leave after Faith accidently killed a guy, did she hate what Faith did and attitude or did she hate Faith personally,maybe for other reasons?
There’s other examples that I could use (esp from S5 and S6). These are just a few. Could a Christian character on Buffy (regular or recurring) be allowed to show depth and grow?or would the fans hate him/her off the bat?
Any thoughts on these things?