Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy: Character Bios: Trillian
Trillian is played beautifully by the lovely Sandra Dickinson.
She is a girl from Earth. Not just any girl I might add – a drop dead gorgeous girl with a degree in mathematics and another one in Astro Physics. If you were to meet Trillian in a pub, you’d try to get her drunk while she bored you to death rambling on about Higgs Boozer or Bozen or whatever…..
She met Zaphod at a party in Islington (he just dropped in on his way somewhere). Apparently Zaphod’s chat-up line was, “Is this guy (Arthur Dent) boring you, why don’t yer come and talk to me, I’m from another planet!”
Welp! As Trillian confessed, he was from another planet, and why should she stay around Islington? She was, after all, unemployed and Zaphod had a lot to offer (well, an extra head and arm at least!). So he and she stayed together. She is the member of the crew who is, at times, the only one sane – she also has the best dress sense!
The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy reviews are © 1999-2019 Tony Fawl. Not for reproduction without the authors express permission
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