Kings Avatar (Quan Zhi Gao Shou) Anime Season 2 Release Date Announced

Kings Avatar Season 2 Poster Quanzhi Gao ShouAfter all the many let-downs regarding the airing date for the long awaited return of The Kings Avatar (Season 2) anime series, we finally have credible sources to confirm the release date for Season 2. I’d chopped and changed my news page about the series so much, that it’s almost unreadable. 

The latest rumour (and to put you out of your misery, it’s definitely believable this time) is that a 12 episode Season 2 of The Kings Avatar (Quan Zhi Gao Shou) will air of 25th September 2020 in mainland China.

It was announced on the official Weibo account for The King’s Avatar (Quan Zhi Gao Shou) which stated that season two will begin streaming on September 25 2020 via Tencent Video. They also confirmed by the way, that it will be only 12 episodes long which is sad as many of us were hoping for something a little more substantial in length.

The conservative and well trusted Kings Avatar fan site at have also confirmed that the air date is 25th September 2020 ( and if you need more evidence, the venerable MyAnimeList has finally started showing an “aired from” date on the Kings Avatar 2 webpage. They are well known for only putting up release dates if they are pretty certain.

My Anime List confirms September 25th for 2nd Season of Kings Avatar

Perhaps the most obvious indication is in the trailer itself, not so obvious for westerners who don’t speak chinese, but there if you look towards the end of the video.

The Kings Avatar (Quan Zhi Gao Shou) Season 2 Trailer

On the earlier versions of the tailer (the Asian ones), near the end of the trailer you will see this screen (alas this isn’t available on the trailer above (the first one was taken down by Tencent):

Bilibili Trailer for Kings Avatar (Quanzhi Gaoshou) Season 2 - 25th September

That pretty much seals it for me 🙂

Checkout other News & Reviews from Sci Fi SadGeezers:
The Kings Avatar Live Action Episode 17 Review (Quanzhi Gaoshou)

A prequel film titled Quan Zhi Gao Shou: For the Glory was released in 2019 and many fans in the west still haven’t seen it. We don’t believe that not having seen the film will be too much of a problem for enjoyment of the second season.

Kings Avatar (Quan Zhi Gao Shou) – Overview of Season 2

In Season One, Ye Xiu left the Excellent Dynasty guild and he and Chen Guo formed Happy Guild on the 10th Server. Ye Xiu has continued to dedicate all his time to Glory, while Chen Guo manages the guild and build up the teams reputation for Ye Xiu’s eventual return to the professional Glory gaming scene.

That reputation is certainly building as Chen Guo and Ye Xiu win more accolades on the 10th server but the Ye Xiu (still called Lord Doom) realises that he still needs gather new and talented players quickly to be able to compete.

Kings Avatar (Quanzhi Gaoshou) Season 2 Poster 2

Will we see Season 2 on YouTube?

Tencent Video uploaded the first season of the animated series on YouTube for some of the fans outside Mainland China (excluding some countries in Southeast Asia, Taiwan, and India). But G.CMay Animation (who manage animation & production for the series) is uncertain if Tencent Video will distribute the second season on YouTube. We’ll just have to wait and see who will pick it up. Netflix picked up the live action show very quickly after it was released and we loved them for it. I’m not sure Youtube will be as quick off the mark.

Checkout other News & Reviews from Sci Fi SadGeezers:
It's OUT! Finally, Kings Avatar Live Action is released and it's really Good!

I’m not sure how soon we will be able to see it after in begins airing in China.  Hopefully streaming version will be available somewhere accessible.

The Kings Avatar (Quanzhi Gaoshou) pictures, story, news and everything else about the animated TV series is copyright Tencent Penguin Pictures and Bilibili. All rights reserved.

This article is copyright Tony Fawl and not for reproduction in any format without the authors permission.

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