Crusade: Character Biographies
JMS was an expert at developing characters and stories that were far reaching and, at the same time fun. Alas, Crusade suffered in it’s inception because of the rather stupid interference from TNT who were worried that the show was going to be too complex for the audience. This dumbing down caused some real problems for the show and the TNT influenced shows were shown first. The JMS influenced shows (the real story) were shown later. As a result, the characters are very poorly portrayed and confusing. Imaging that the latter episodes were the real story and the first ones were a mistake. Then you should be able to get a better understanding of where the show was aiming.
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Crusade reviews on this site are © 2003-04 Ryan Bechtel.
Not for reproduction without the authors written permission.
The BABYLON 5/CRUSADE names, characters and everything else associated with the series are the property of J. Michael Straczynski, TNT and Warner Brothers, a division of Time Warner Entertainment Company. All rights reserved.