LEXX: Cast and Crew Interviews

Interviews & Chats with the Cast and Crew of the LEXX TV Series


The SadBOARD Moderators (particularly theFrey, Flamegrape and FX) have been diligently working away to get interviews with the stars and crew of LEXX. Here are their impressive results!


The Louise Wischermann Interview

(March 2003)
An interview by thefrey Texas, USA.

The Brian Downey Chat

(April 2002)
A complete chat transcript.

The Lex Gigeroff Interview

(March 2002) An interview by thefrey

The Lex Gigeroff Chat (Transcript)

The Chris Bould Interview

(February 2002)
A telephone and email interview by thefrey

The Jeff Hirschfield Interview

(February 2002)
An interview by FX by email.

The Jeff Hirschfield Chat (Transcript)

The Rolf Kanies Interview

(January 2002) An interview by theFrey by email.

The Rolf Kanies Chat (Transcript)

The Patricia Zentilli Interview

(December 2001) By thefrey by email.

The Patricia Zentilli (and Louise Wischermann) Chat (Transcript)

The Marty Simon Interview

(October 2001) An FX interview by telephone.

The Marty Simon Chat (Transcript)

The Paul Donovan Interview

(October 2001)
An interview by thefrey in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

The Invasion of The Moderators PART ONE

The Invasion of The Moderators PART TWO

(Halifax, October 2001: The chronicles of the LEXX forum moderators as they visited Salter Street films to interview the actors, cast and Crew of the LEXX)

The Ellen Dubin Interview

(October 2001)
An interview by FX conducted by email

The Ellen Dubin Chat (Transcript)

A Little Gossip from the Dark Zone. (Snippets of emails from Salter Street in 1999)

A couple of emails from Crew Members.  Some interesting insights of what it was like to work on the sets.  Only included here for historic reference.

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LEXX Discussion Forums

This episode review is © 1999-2019 by the respective reviewers.
Not for reproduction without the authors express permission

The LEXX names, characters, pictures and everything else associated with the series are the property of SALTER ST FILMS & TiMe Film-und TV-Produktions GmbH in association with Screen Partners. All rights reserved.

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