Nowhere Man: Characters and Clues: Thomas Veil

An award-winning photo-journalist (played by Bruce Greenwood) specializing in war-torn and poverty-stricken areas, Tom made the mistake of taking a photograph of a private military group dressed as US army soldiers secretly executing four young rebels deep in the jungles of Chile.

Thomas Veil (Bruce Greenwood)An award-winning photo-journalist specializing in war-torn and poverty-stricken areas, Tom made the mistake of taking a photograph of a private military group dressed as US army soldiers secretly executing four young rebels deep in the jungles of Chile. He entitled it “Hidden Agenda”, and it attracted much attention as the center piece in his art show.

Perhaps too much attention…. Immediately after Hidden Agenda’s premiere at the show, he finds his life has been, for lack of a better term, erased. His wife, Alyson, his dog, and his mother don’t recognize him. His keys and ATM cards don’t work and there is no record he has ever existed. Slowly he finds out a secret organization wants the negative of Hidden Agenda, and they promise to give him his life back if he turns it over, but Tom has a thing about journalistic ethics and refuses to be involved in what he believes to be a military cover-up.

At the beginning of the series, there are only two things he is certain about:

1. He is Thomas Veil– The negative proves he is who he is and knows what he knows, in spite of the Organization’s vast influence, they can’t take that from him.

2. As a combat photo-journalist who has built his life on finding and exposing the truth, he is uniquely qualified to take down the conspiracy one branch at a time.

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But there is one thing he doesn’t know about himself: After his existence is erased he is sent to a Psychiatric hospital called Calaway. Like all of the other patients there his brain is rewired. The Director can afford to be patient with him after his escape because eventually the side effects will force him to return for treatment.

Over the course of the series, on the run, Tom discovers out there is much more to Hidden Agenda than meets the eye, and it reaches far beyond a simple jungle execution. He is also forced to reevaluate his life leading up to his erasure when clues surface about Alyson’s involvement with the Organization.

Nowhere Man reviews are © 2004 by Pet Serano.
Not for reproduction without the author’s express permission.

Nowhere Man names, characters and everything else associated with the series are the property of UPN and Touchstone Pictures.

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