Andromeda: People: Trance Gemini
The slightly dizzy Trance Gemini is played superbly by the venerable Laura Bertram.
DarkGob tells me that on, (under Crew), Trance Gemini is listed as “Acting Life Support Officer.” Anyone heard any other job descriptions for her (there are more than one I think).
Trance was a recent addition to the Eureka Maru before joining the Andromeda Ascendant.
She is interesting to look at in that she has a slightly purple complexion and a sexy tail which she wafts around quite provocatively.
My wife says she is obviously a sort of ‘comic-relief-bimbo’ (but she said that just after she read the paragraph above 🙂
We haven’t seen much of her so far (metaphorically speaking of course) but what we have seen are interesting exchanges between Trance and Harper. In the Under the Fire episode, Harper explained that her predecessor had ‘Bought the Farm’ and Trance naturally assumed that he had achieved enough financial success on the Eureka Maru to start his own business. What he really meant of course was ‘shuffled up that mortal coil, kicked the bucket etc. A natural mistake I suppose ‘Bought the Farm’ – Wadda silly expression.
If you were to meet Trance in a pub you would probably make a complete fool of yourself trying to make polite conversation. “So are you purple all over… “, or “I have some cream for that rash if you’d like“, or “That’s a nice tail … erm.. is it furry?… can I touch it”
The exchanges between Harper and Trance are quite entertaining. She must have guessed that he rather fancies his chances at stroking that tail, and she doesn’t seem too disinterested.
In the second episode, we saw Trance die from a laser blast at the hands of the evil rat face Gerentex. Later however, she managed to revive herself. I don’t think it was that she was mistakenly thought of as dead, but that her species is capable of regenerating themselves after a serious injury. Nobody knows how she manages to do this, and she seems very secretive about her species and her parentage. I wonder why?
She has a keen interest in botany tends to take on responsibility for the hydroponics area of the ship. She also been seen assisting the crew with medical ailments and diagnosis.
In the episode ‘Angel Dark, Demon Bright’ Trance demonstrated another one of her abilities when faced with the huge bulk of Tyr threatening to kill her. She showed that she (and presumably her race) have a sort of telepathic defense. The exchange with Tyr involved a discussion in which she had to talk him out of killing her. Suddenly she seemed to grow brighter and Tyr became confused about his intentions and objectives. She was then able to talk her way out of trouble and leave.
Trance is very nervous about responsibility of everything related to maths, physics and mechanics. She once tried to pilot the Andromeda through Slipstream and screwed it up so badly, that the ship crashed out and ended up in another time frame.
Trance is a delightful character who seems to have much more than a provocative tail and skin tight shiny clothes to keep us entertained.
Laura was born in 1978 in ontario, Canada and has achieved considerable success as an award winning actress – most notably in Ready or Not where she played Amanda Zimm. Other performances include:
Dear America: So Far From Home (1999) …. Mary Driscoll
Seasons of Love (1998) …. Judith
Platinum (1997) …. Jessica Webb
Night of the Twisters (1996) …. Stacey
The Boys Next Door (1996) …. Cashier
“Ready or Not” (1993) a TV Series …. Amanda Zimm
Family Pictures (1993) …. Nina (12-15)
Notable TV guest appearances
“Deepwater Black” (1997) playing “Aurora”
“Wind at My Back” (1996) playing “Suzanne Nelson”
“Are You Afraid of the Dark?” (1992) playing “Laurel”
“Road to Avonlea” (1990) playing “Adeline Hodgson”
“Kung Fu: The Legend Continues” (1992) playing “Young Valerie”
“Are You Afraid of the Dark?” (1992) playing “Amanda
The character reviews are © 1999, 2001 Tony Fawl.
Not for reproduction without the authors express permission
The names, characters and everything else associated with Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda TV series are the property of the Tribune Entertainment Company. All rights reserved.
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