Tripping the Rift: Cultures: Troopers

Darph's Angels

Troopers and Darph in a
Charlie’s Angels pose

Troopers are cloned Imperial Commandos. They serve the Dark Clowns (presumably Dark Clowns are the Imperialists).

The trouble with the Troopers is that they are begging to be killed off. In the first episode they died needlessly at the hands of their boss (Darph Bobo) and in the second, one was killed by a Dark Clown…. oh yeah… Darph Bobo!

It seems that Darph is their master and their nemesis. If you were to meet a Trooper in the pub you would probably laugh. Thinking a Star Wars convention was in town, you’d say to yourself, ‘who is stupid enough to go to a sci fi convention dressed as a trooper?!’. And you’d blush slightly at the thought of how cool it looked.

Nit-picking with BoboDespite this, Troopers are baddies. I guess they are modelled on the troopers from Star Wars. They all wear white combat suits that are the most implausible outfits – restrictive of movement and almost impossible to see out of.

If the first two episodes are anything to judge, the Troopers will be the cannon fodder of the series.

One thing is for sure, the Dark Clowns will always have a ready supply of Troopers to take their revenge out on – Troopers are the heavily armed defenceless animals of the show.

Race Rating – Troopers
Personality 1 (rancid butter) – 5 (cool dude) 2
Attractiveness 1 (requires paper bag) – 5 (Drop-dead-gorgeous) 3
Humor 1 (stomach-turning) – 5 (sidesplitting) 1
Dress Sense 1 (laughable) – 5 (hip) 3
Aggression 1 (big/little softy) – 5 (hard as nails) 3
Social Standing 1 (scumbag) – 5 (god) 1

Sad Geezer Race Rating   (out of 30)  13          

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This Tripping the Rift review is © 2005 Tony Fawl.
Not for reproduction without the authors express permission

Tripping the Rift names, characters and everything else associated with the series are the property of CineGroup.

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