Tripping the Rift: People: Angel

Angel is a sex slave. A highly selective, skanky yet innocent looking, cheap whore. Chode purchased her as a replacement for Six, what he got was an uppity sexbot that didn’t know her place.

If you were to see Angel in a pub, you’d think she was way too young to be there. But after watching her down all the drinks the guys were sending to her, you realize that she’s exactly where she belongs. You might want to send over a drink yourself, but you’d just be wasting your money. Try the venetian chick a few stools over instead.

Angel was advertised as an innocent sex kitten. She promised to be a virginal tart who wants to learn all she can about sex. But advertising is always misleading. It didn’t take long for Chode to realize that he lost his money by purchasing Angel. She refused to engage in any sexual act with Chode. She had a perpetual headache. Chode who hates rebellion and insurrection against himself, started to order her to do more depraved acts, like have sex with Whip. (Un)luckily for the “Whipper” he shot off before he could enjoy the boxum sex slave.

It seems though that Angel only refused sex with Chode and his crew. Despite her claims of innocence, she was thoroughly experienced in the carnal pleasures before her tour of duty on the Jupiter 42. After Six returned to the ship, Chode shipped her off. I don’t know where, my guess is that he sent her to work in some sunless coal mine. Whip, despite striking out numerous times with her, considers her to be his long distance girlfriend, even though she never calls, writes or emails.

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Tripping the Rift: People: Six of One

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Tripping the Rift reviews are © 2003 – 2019 Ryan Bechtel.
Not for reproduction without the authors express permission

Tripping the Rift names, characters and everything else associated with the series are the property of Chris Moeller, Chuck Austen and Dark Bunny Productions, CineGroup and the Sci Fi Channel.

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