Tripping the Rift: People: Penelope Schlubb

Penelope Schlubb is a master lawyer and a mistress of coercion. She was once a lover of Darph Bobo but now takes a liking for the purple man himself Chode McBlob.

If you were to she meet Penelope in a pub, it would be on singles night. She may be the highly successful female lawyer with the power dress-suit to prove it. Oddly enough she’d be going after all the chauvinistic weirdoes in the place.

Penelope is a very busy and very high priced lawyer on Snozzle. She is one of the finest defense lawyers in the galaxy, and likes to take on the big publicity cases. Her last trial was defending Chode on charges of spitting out his gum on the street. Chode was obviously guilty, but she put up a brilliant case in his defense, one that almost got him cleared of all charges. “Almost” because before she could finish her closing arguments, she had to remove herself from the case because she was too emotionally involved with her client.

Penelope has a thing for abusive men. Before she defended Chode, she was a lover to Darph Bobo. She became to clingy for the dark clown, so he dumped in as subtly as he could. Bobo framed her for murder! No biggie though, because the penalty for murder on Snozzle is rather light, not that her lawyer skills couldn’t get her out of it.
She took on Chode’s case pro-bono, in the hop of dating him after the trial ended. Whilst defending him she used lots of innuendo with her client, and even went so far as to grope his various erogenous zones. This geezer of course knew that it would have never worked between her and Chode. Chode would have dropped her off at the nearest uninhabited moon as soon as the sex with her got boring!

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Tripping the Rift reviews are © 2003 – 2004 Ryan Bechtel.
Not for reproduction without the authors express permission

Tripping the Rift names, characters and everything else associated with the series are the property of Chris Moeller, Chuck Austen and Dark Bunny Productions, CineGroup and the Sci Fi Channel.

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