Witcher TV Show News Roundup December 2019

This is a brief article with summaries of the Witcher TV Show News from around the internet and other media. (see the Introduction & Background to the series or the series overview for more information on the show itself). 

Lauren Schmidt Hissrich Gives nod to Video Game fans with Bathtub Geralt

There is a really nice interview with Lauren Schmidt Hissrich and a dude from Collider.com about the Witcher series. I really like the comment she made about giving a nod to the video game fans about the Bathtub Geralt and including it in a scene.

Bathtub Geralt - Witcher 3 Video Game and Netflix TV Show

Unequal Triple Timeline idea came from Dunkirk movie

She also mentioned the the inspiration for the timeline idea (the idea of telling a story of Geralt (with a timeline of 50 years), Yennefer with a timeline of around 100 years) and yet Ciri’s timeline is only a few weeks) from the Christopher Nolan film, Dunkirk (which also had three timelines).

Season Two – starts filming soon.

They haven’t started filming Season Two yet but Lauren Schmidt Hissrich said they hare managing to get the stories together and filming for season two will definitely take place in 2020. My personal view is that season 2 will be release on Netflix mid to late December 2020.

Witcher Season Two will start filming in 2020

Witcher Season Two will start filming in 2020


Hissrich speaks out against Witcher reviewers “unsubstantiated meanness.”

I personally have noticed a number of idiotic articles in popular press and on-line by reviewers who are supposed to be objective and yet have un-professionally criticised the series for intangible reasons that don’t seem to be particularly well considered or well founded.  When I first put pen to paper to review the show for Sci Fi SadGeezers, I was amazed to see a score of less that 50% for aggravated reviews on Rotten Tomatoes! WFT? Were they watching the same show?

Lauren Schmidt Hissrich Interview with Collider

It seems that one of them, Daren Franich from the hateful Entertainment Weekly, gave a negative review without actually watching the first few episodes! His peculiar reasoning, it was reported later, was “life is too short for Netflix drama running times” and went on to add that the show was a “borefest”.

Checkout other News & Reviews from Sci Fi SadGeezers:
The Witcher Episode 7 Review - Before a Fall

Hissrich was justifiably miffed when she read that and frankly, who can blame her? She added on twitter: “Many people have written [to] me, upset about the #Witcher reviews. Know this: Who do I care about? ‘Professional’ critics who watched one episode and skipped ahead? Or REAL fans who watched all eight in one day, and are starting their rewatch?”

Good for you Lauren!

Sapkowski is Impressed with Cavill – Cavill will for ever be the face of Geralt

Andrzej Sapkowski

Andrzej Sapkowski


“I was more than happy with Henry Cavill’s appearance as The Witcher,” Sapkowski told the website People.com in an interview. “He’s a real professional. Just as Viggo Mortensen gave his face to Aragorn, so Henry gave his to Geralt and it shall be forever so.”

Other Witcher News

I really enjoyed the review of Witcher from the Forbes website (by Paul Tassi):

I knew Henry Cavill was a big fan of computer games (and definately Witcher 3) but didn’t know he miss a call from Superman director because he was in a WoW (World of Warcraft) raid! Awesome!

Sudden increase in Witcher 3 Game players reports Steam!

The series is a little complicated to the newcomer and gamer alike. Many felt the need to go back to the game to maybe re-discover some of the lore. There are many new players too. Personally, I think that the series simply rekindled interest in the game. Lots of players who maybe hadn’t managed to complete the game) like me for instance, went back to continue playing. It is a tremendous complement to Netflix – a show that is set a few years before Witcher 3!

Checkout other News & Reviews from Sci Fi SadGeezers:
The Witcher S01E02 Episode Review - Four Marks

All we need now is a couple of rounds of Gwent! 🙂

Witcher TV Show GWENT card game


The Witcher is a Czech-American fantasy drama web television series created by Lauren Schmidt Hissrich for Netflix.

The Witcher characters, pictures and everything else associated with the TV show are the property of Netflix, CD Projekt Red, Lauren Schmidt Hissrich and Andrzej Sapkowski.

This Witcher TV Show news article is copyright Tony Fawl and not for reproduction without permission.

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