Battlestar Galactica: Transcripts: S02E14: Black Market

Promethius – Bar


Lee is holding a gun at Phelan

Phelan: You’re not going to shoot. You’re not like me.   

Cloud 9 – Room L258


Shevan gets out a bed and starts to dress. Apollo who was sleeping beside her is awakened.

Apollo: Hey, hey. Hey, don’t go.  

Shevan: Sorry. I though you were still asleep.  

Apollo: You should have kicked me out of bed an hour ago. If I hold up Galactica’s raptor, Tigh’ll have my ass.

Shevan: Which me both know currently belongs to me.    

Galactica – Adama’s Quarters


Roslin: All right, let’s move o­n to the the next item– (she stands, and everyone else rises with her)  Oh, no, gentlemen. Please, don’t get up. After the last few weeks, it just feels good to be o­n my feet, thank you though.  

Fisk: You’ve made a remarkable recovery, Madame President.  

Roslin: Remarkable, indeed. But, now I’m playing catch-up, and I’m afraid during my illness I lost focus. I let some things slide.  

Adama: That’s behind us now.  

Roslin: Yes, it is. To the point– supplies are running low and the people are worried.  Fisk: Well, they wouldn’t be civilians if they didn’t have something to bitch about.  

Roslin: Well, I think that in this case, they’re entitled. Our inventory levels are tight, but they’re not critical. But all the way across the fleet, people are reporting shortages of essential goods and what they do get comes at a high price.  

Adama: They’re turning to the black market.  

Roslin: Last week, o­ne of my aides came down with pneumonia. Billy had to trade liquor to get the antibiotics.  

Fisk: It’s the nature of the beast. People want what they want. 

Roslin: A few trades would be o­ne thing, Commander Fisk, that’s reality. But, I’m talking about criminals making outrageous demands o­n the people, so bottom line is, I’m implementing a new fleet-wide trade policy. We need to be in control of our supply chain, not black market thugs. I am hoping that I can have the military’s support o­n this.  Fisk: Admiral. If you want Pegasus to run these dogs down, you just give us the word.  

Adama: Our people will do whatever it takes to get this under control. And it’s good to have you back, Madame President. 

Roslin: It’s good to be back, thank you, Admiral. Gentlemen, thank you.    

Galactica – Hallway


Fisk: Is madame President always so “right in your face”?  

Baltar: Her last-minute resurrection seems to have invigorated her somewhat.  

Fisk: Yeah, well, maybe too much. She doesn’t really think her made-up plans and regulations are going to change anything, does she?  

Baltar: As if we don’t have enough to do. Hmm. No, madame President sets a great prestige by her office and Adama supports her, at least for the moment.  

Fisk: Well then, so do I, just for the moment. By the way, did you get the cigars I sent over?  

Baltar: I not o­nly got them, I enjoyed them, as well.  

Fisk: Oh, my pleasure, Mr. Vice President. Well, I’ve got a ship to run. Look forward to our next visit.  

Baltar: As do I.   

Cloud Nine – Room L259

As Apollo is dressing to leave he has a flashback of his breakup with his girlfriend o­n Caprica. Back in the present he notices a bottle of anti-biotics. 

Shevon: I got them from a friend. Shevon’s little daughter Paya enters 

Apollo: Paya! 

Shevon: Hey, sweetie.  

Apollo: Wow, you seem to get an inch taller every time I see you. What, I don’t get my handshake? Well, it’s okay Paya. I have a special surprise for you. And it’s in here. You wanna come see?  

Shevon: What’s he got? 

Apollo: Come o­n. What have we got?  Apollo pulls out a doll as a surprise gift. It’s somewhat mangaled and scary. 

Paya: Gasps 

Shevon: Oh, Paya! Apollo: I’ve never been great with kids. Maybe next time I’ll get o­ne with, uh, two eyes.  

Shevon: Laughing Apollo: See if I can trade her for something else.  

Shevon: No, it’s okay. You just surprised her. 

Apollo: Well. Well, um. Look, I’m not sure when i’ll be able to make it back.  

Shevon: I know. Oh. Um. I’m gonna have to ask for an extra hundred since you spent the night.    

Pegasus – Fisk’s Quarters


Fisk: Hmm. Well, I wondered when you were going to show up.  A man sneaks up behind him, pulls out some piano wire and strangles Fisk.  

Raptor 129


Apollo has some flashbacks of his g/f o­n Caprica and his space ejection during his flight back to Galactica.

Kelly: Raptor o­ne-two-niner. You are cleared into the break.  Racetrack: Galactica, raptor o­ne-two-niner has the ball. Inbound speed two-two-zero.    

Galactica – Sick Bay


Cottle is preparing to do an autopsy o­n Fisk.

Cottle: Admiral, Colonel, I’m just getting started, but from the looks of him, I’d say he was garroted.

Tigh: Gods. This is the last thing we needed.  

Cottle: Admiral, you might want to take a look at this. Looks like our friend, Fisk, hit the jackpot.  Cottle pulls a cubit out of Fisk’s throat.

Tigh: Cubit?  

Adama: Find anything else, let me know right away.  

Cottle: If I find anything else, I may retire early.  

Adama: Someone’s sending us a message.  

Tigh: Or running us in circles. Maybe there’s another cylon in the fleet.  

Adama: I almost prefer that to the alternative. We start killing our own, all they have to do is sit back and watch.    

Galactica – Adama’s Quarters


Apollo: Fisk. Do we have any idea who did it?  

Adama: No. But we will do a full investigation and I want you to lead it.  

Apollo: Don’t you think it would be better if someone from Pegasus dealt with this?  

Adama: Even though Cain’s gone, her influence lingers. I need someone I can trust.  

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Apollo: You know, there were times when that was in short supply between us.  

Adama: We’ve both been through an awful lot, son. And I hope that we’ve grown stronger for it. I need your help.  

Apollo: I’ll call up a flight to Pegasus right away.    

Pegasus – Fisk’s Quarters

Apollo: Anyone else been inside?  

Marine: Just the medical team, sir. Apollo searches Fisks’s quarters. He finds lots of shiny expensive things. Including several boxes of fine Caprican cigars. From outside the room he hears Baltar trying to get into the room. 

Marine: No o­ne’s allowed in. 

Baltar: What? Do you know who I am? I am the vice President of the colonies, let me in! Captain Adama. Commander Fisk didn’t tell me  you were invited.  Apollo: Let him in. 

Baltar: They were going to let me in. Oh, my gods! What’s going o­n in here? Where’s Fisk?  Apollo: On a slab in Galactica’s morgue. 

Baltar: What, he’s dead? Apollo: Isn’t this your brand? 

#6: Careful, Gaius. You’ve bought yourself some good will by saving Roslin. But it’s fading. Their old suspicions are re-emerging.  

Baltar: What are you doing here? Captain.  

Apollo: I was about to ask you the same thing.  

Baltar: Wait a minute. Are you interrogating me? I’m not sure I appreciate your tone.  Apollo: This isn’t a diplomatic exercise. A man was butchered. His head was practically severed from his body with piano wire.  #6: You’re Vice President of the fleet. Why are you acting like a child with your hand in the cookie jar, hmm? Wonder what she would say if she saw you like this.  Baltar: You know I can’t believe it’s even necessary for me to explain myself to you. But obviously, no, I had nothing to do with Commander Fisk’s death. For the record, I just came here to discuss President Roslin’s new trade policy.  Apollo: Oh, I-I thought that was settled.  Baltar: No, uh, Commander Fisk had some reservations.  Apollo: I’ll bet. Baltar: And as the vice President, I decided to assuage his doubts. Of my own free will. Is that sufficient? Or would you like me to provide you with an alibi? I’m sure I can rustle o­ne up.  Apollo: Enjoy the cigars. Escort the vice President to his ship.    Galactica – Hangar========================================= Tigh: The wireless is going crazy. Word of Fisk’s murder has spread out through the entire fleet.  Adama: When we lose a command officer aboard a warship people are going to be concerned about their security.  Tgh: Crew can fall apart when their Commander is killed. Pegasus lost two in a matter of weeks.  Apollo: Maybe, this time, they were lucky. His personal log shows that he was rerouting supply runs, o­n- and off-loading freighters without command authorization. He raided the McConnell, and at least a dozen other ships in the last week. I also found a small warehouse of high value merchandise in his quarters.  Adama: He was working the black market.  Apollo: Well, half the fleet’s working it. Fisk was getting greedy.  Adama: If he crossed o­ne of his suppliers o­n a deal, that would explain the cubits that Cottle found.  Tigh: Still doesn’t tell us who did it.  Adama: Well, he’s going to need trading partners.  Apollo: And they wouldn’t be hard to find, even o­n Galactica.    Cloud Nine – L259 (Flashback)========================================= Shevon: Lee. I’m scared. Paya’s cough keeps getting worse.  Apollo: I’ll bring her something o­n my next trip.  Shevon: Which could be weeks if there’s another cylon attack. I keep hearing about shortages o­n the other ships. People trading anything they can for food and for medicine.  Apollo: Really?  Shevon: Have you seen all the new working girls outside? Lee, when your baby’s crying because it’s hungry, you’ll do anything to make it stop.  Apollo: Hey. Come here. They hug. Paya: Mommy. Shevon gets up to tend to Paya.   Galactica – Tigh’s Quarters========================================= Tigh: Captain. What do you want?  Apollo: Is your wife around, Colonel?  Tigh: No. Why?  Apollo: Is this hers? (refeering to the bracelet he found in Fisk’s quarters) Tigh: Oh, yeah. She lost it a couple weeks ago. Where the hell did you find it?  Apollo: On Pegasus. Tigh: Hmm. Apollo: In Commander Fisk’s quarters.    Cloud Nine – L259 (Flashback)========================================= Paya: Coughing Shevon: She’s burning up. Apollo: What did they say at the infirmary?  Shevon: Antibiotics have all been rationed out. They said they might have something by the end of the week.  Paya: Coughing   Galactica – Tigh’s Quarters========================================= Apollo: We got shortages across the fleet. People begging for scraps. Somehow, you and Mrs. Tigh have fresh fruit, real liquor–  Tigh: All right, what the hell is this about?  Apollo: You must have known she was trading with Fisk. Or maybe I’ll talk to her.  Tigh: She didn’t give it to Fisk, I did. I traded it for a few necessities, a couple of things to help her get by, big frakkin’ deal. There’s nothing illegal about that.  Apollo: Not yet. Tigh: Don’t you play “holier than thou” with me. I haven’t done anything that most people o­n this ship haven’t done. Including you. Apollo: Doesn’t make us right, Colonel, just a whole lot of people wrong.    Galactica – Work Out Room=========================================
Apollo is hitting a punching bag,  Dualla: You didn’t make it to class today.  Apollo: Yeah, I been pretty jammed up. Anyway, I’m not sure you need me holding your hand anymore.  Dualla: Is that what you were doing? Holding my hand?  Apollo: I meant it as a compliment.  Dualla: Permission to speak frankly, sir?  Apollo: You don’t need my permission and you don’t need the “sir.”  Dualla: Maybe that’s the problem. I don’t really know what to think anymore. So, I’ll just ask. Is this going somewhere?  Apollo: Dee–  Dualla: Please don’t pretend like you don’t know what I’m talking about. You know our time together, our workouts. Something’s changed between us.  Apollo: I’m just not sure what you want me to say. Dualla: Then don’t say anything.   Galactica – Hallway=========================================Petty Officer: (over loudspeaker) Communications paging captain Adama. You have a priority ship-to-ship call, Cloud Nine.  Apollo: Captain Adama here.   Cloud Nine: L259========================================= Apollo: Shevon. Shevon, it’s me.  Paya: Crying Apollo: Shevon! Paya: Mommy! Apollo: Oh, my gods! What did they do?  Shevon: They said they knew about you and me. They wanted to know what we’d been talking about. I don’t understand why they’d care.
Apollo: All right, get what you need. I’m taking you and Paya back to Galactica.  Shevon: Lee, wait. Apollo: It’s the o­nly place I can keep you safe.  Shevon: What are you going to tell them about us?  Apollo: I’m not fooling myself. I know what this is.  Shevon: Lee! One of the goons burst out from the hall and attacks Apollo. They scuffle with each other, trading blows. Another gets into the room and subdues Shevon. Shevon: Get away from us! Ahh! One of the thugs, strangles Apollo with piano wire. Phelon enters the room when the situation is under his control. Phelan: You listening? I hear any more talk about Fisk, I’m going send your whore back to you piece…by piece. And then I’m going start with the little girl. I know who you are. I know whose son you are. And I don’t care. You tell Adama to let it go.  He kicks Apollo in the head. The thug releases Apollo and he falls over unconcious.   Cloud Nine – L259 (Flashback)========================================= Shevon: Is that when you knew that you loved her? Apollo: I thought so. Shevon: But you hurt her.  Apollo: Yes.   Cloud Nine – L259 =========================================Apollo wakes up a discovers a dead assasin in the room and Shevon and Paya missing. Apollo: Ohh. This is captain Adama. I need a medic and a security team o­n L deck, asap.    Colonial o­ne========================================= Baltar: You wanted to see me, Madame President? Roslin: Yes. Thank you for coming, doctor. Have a seat. Would you like some tea?  Baltar: I’d love o­ne.  Roslin: You know, I’m never quite sure where we stand with each other, doctor. Why do you think that is?  Baltar: I can’t imagine why. I’ve never had anything but the utmost respect for you, and your office.  Roslin: I understand that you and Commander Fisk planned to meet just prior to his death. Baltar: Um. As I have already explained to Captain Adama, Commander Fisk had several lingering concerns about your new trade policy. What can I say?  Roslin: And that’s it? #6: Gaius, she’s afraid of you.  Baltar: Why– are you asking me this?  Roslin: You saved my life. And I’m grateful. But I sense that there is some unease in you about assuming the presidency, and I’d like to offer you an out.  Baltar: You what? Roslin: Resign. Return to your scientific work o­n Galactica. No o­ne will question your motives. You can consider it a second chance,
like the o­ne you gave me.  Baltar: Charming. Roslin: Doctor. This is a o­ne-time offer. I suggest you reconsider.  Baltar: You know, Madame President, I’ve never been particularly interested in politics. I never wanted any lofty position of power. I never wanted to be the Vice President. That is, until this very moment. Because right now, I can’t think of anything I want more.    Cloud Nine – L259 ========================================= Security: One to the head. You didn’t do this?  Apollo: I was attacked. Found him there when I woke up.  Security: Security bulletin said Commander Fisk was garroted with a wire. Whatever happened, looks like you found your guy.  Apollo: What about Shevon… and her daughter.  Security: Cloud Nine’s an open port. Chances are, they’re already off ship. I’ll get a team down here. Councilman Zarek. Zarek: Lee. I just heard, are you all right?  Apollo: What are you doing here?  Zarek: Attending a Quorum meeting. Nothing as exciting as all this. I assure you. I know these places are legal. But still, the son of the almighty Adama–  Apollo: Talk to me about the black market.  Zarek: Not much to say. It’s widespread, inevitable, and according to President Roslin…illegal.  Apollo: So, it’s no surprise that you and Fisk were in it up to your necks.  Zarek: Fisk, maybe, but not me. I represent Astral Queen. I have to be careful about the company I keep.  Apollo: This is Fisk’s log. He says, he made three runs to astral queen in the last ten days, and I doubt it was to discuss prison reform.  Zarek: What do you want from me, Captain?  Apollo: Names of ships. Contacts.  Zarek: I can’t help you. Why do you think Fisk approached me?  Apollo: To get a piece of your black market scam. To offer you protection. Zarek: You and your father are so blinded by the past. Fisk’s black market was up and running when he approached me. He knew Adama would pick up o­n his unauthorized shuttles, so he tried to force me into taking over the deliveries, creating a firewall between Pegasus and the illegal shipments.  Apollo: So, you’re trying to tell me that you turned him down.
Zarek: At great cost. Check the fleet logs. See how many supply ships made stops at the astral queen after last Fisk’s trip. The answer is none. Apollo: So, if Fisk was trying to starve you out, why didn’t you bring it to the quorum?  Zarek: Roslin’s acting like the black market’s some sort of aberration, but I thought you were smarter than that. Did you really expect some utopian fantasy to rise from the ashes? I heard the security officer. They gave you Fisk’s killer for a reason. They’re offering you a way out.  Apollo: You know something, don’t you?  Zarek: Just rumors. There’s a freighter, Prometheus. Some people say it’s gone off the grid. But if you want something bad enough, that’s where you go. The deals are brokered by an ex-military mercenary named Phelan. Lee. I hope she’s worth it.     Prometheus=========================================The ship is a dimly lit bazaar. It’s filled with underworld traders from all over the fleet trading their wares. Apollo makes his way through and finds a locked room with children inside. Paya is there too. He tries to comfort her through the gated window. Apollo: Oh, Paya. Paya! Paya, hey. Paya. It’s okay, it’s Lee. You remember, it’s Lee. All right, you’re going to be fine. I promise you. Okay, you just hang Tight. I’ll be right back. I’ll be right back.  He proceeds back toward the bar area. There he finds Phelan and his entorage. You may find this hard to believe, but my father was in the service too. Strict as hell. Probably the same as your old man. But, when the cylons attacked, all his duty and honor didn’t add up to squat.  Apollo: Is she dead? Phelan: I can see why you want her back, she’s o­ne of my best.  Apollo: One of yours. Phelan: A good escort understands it’s about a lot more than sex. She knows when to listen and when to call for help.  Shevan: Lee, I had to. Phelan: Don’t blame her. The o­nly reason you’re alive is because I was able to see you through Shevon’s eyes. And what I saw seemed reasonable. Like Fisk. Fisk was a pig. He tried to force us to renegotiate.  Apollo: So you killed him. Phelan: No. I gave you the killer. The murder weapon, the prints. Everything you needed to close the case legitimately. Despite the President’s objections, the fleet needs us. Rationing’s too tight, ship comes in too late, we’re the pressure valve, we provide. When Shevon needed antibiotics, she knew where to go. Without us, people would have nowhere to turn. The fleet would tear itself apart.  Apollo: And what about those children outside? How are they helping the fleet?  Phelan: Everyone has needs. Some settle for cigars or liquor. You wanted shevon. Others are more demanding. It’s hard to find the moral high ground when we’re all standing in the mud. I’m not not like my old man, Captain, and you are not like yours.
Apollo gets up, but o­ne of Phelan’s guard pulls a gun o­n him. He sits down again. Apollo: I came alone. But, Galactica tracked me o­n dradis. All they’ll need to vent this ship into space is an excuse. So, let’s make a deal. I want Shevon, the girl. I walk out of here, and you shut down this operation. And all of you will live. Phelan: Sorry, the little girl’s been paid for. No refunds.  Shevon: Oh, gods! No!  Apollo gets up again, and walks toward the guard with the gun, forcing the muzzle into his own chest. Phelan: Wait. Shevon: Lee, don’t. Apollo: Come o­n, do it. Do it.  Phelan: I made you a fair offer.  Apollo: So did I. Yeah, you’re probably right about everything. You, me, Fisk. Nobody can stop it, and maybe nobody should. But it needs limits. There’s lines you can’t cross. And you crossed them.  Phelan: You’re not gonna shoot. You’re not like me. You’re not gonna– (Apollos shoot him in the chest) Uh– uhhh.  Phelan dies. Apollo: All right, it’s done. Fleet relies o­n the black market. Much as we’d like, we can’t wish that away. So, you’re still in  business. For now. But if they are any more killings, if you hold back essential medicines, if you ever touch a child…  He sees a disturbed Shevon and walks over to her. Apollo: Shevon. Shevon: No, I don’t want to see–  Apollo: Hey, hey. It’s over, it’s okay, everything’s gonna be okay.  Shevon: Lee, Lee, let go. Apollo: Shevon, it’s over. Shevon: Stop! I can’t be what you want me to be.  Apollo: I don’t want you to be anything. Shevon: You want me to be her. That’s what this is about. That’s what this has always been about.  Apollo: No…that’s not what this has ever been about.  Shevon: Come o­n, Lee. I know my job. I’m a replacement.  Apollo: Hey.  Shevon: For a lot of things. Things that men can’t get anywhere else. Things they’ve lost. She wanted to give you a child. But you were afraid, so you pushed her away and then you ran. And you didn’t stop running until it was too late. Well, I’m not her! And Paya is not, and will never be, your child.    Colonial o­ne========================================= Apollo: Commander Fisk’s murder has been resolved, and Pegasus’ crew appears to have accepted Galactica’s conclusions. That’s all, Madame President.  Roslin: Not quite. What about the ship, Prometheus? I understand it’s the hub of the fleet’s black market.  Apollo: We will keep an eye o­n them.  Roslin: Keep an eye o­n ’em? It’s not exactly the solution I had in mind. Whether or not we allow a criminal enterprise to thrive in this fleet is not a matter of choice, Captain. Admiral? Adama: I’ve given Lee full authority o­n this issue. The decision is his.  Apollo: I support your trade policies wholeheartedly madame President. But, we are never going to have a perfect system. There will always be some kind of black market. At least this way, I know names, I know faces, I know where they are, and we will monitor the situation. Roslin: Thank you, gentlemen, I’m busy.  In a cut scene, we see Zarek walking through the Prometheus, escorted by o­ne of Phelan’s former thugs.   Galactica – Work Out Room=========================================
Billy is holding Dualla’s ankles as she does sit-ups. Billy: 18, I’m starting to sweat here. 19 Dualla: You should be sweating. Billy: 20  Dualla: Why aren’t you doing any of these?  Billy: No talking, no talking. No cheating, all the way up, a little higher. When Dualla comes up for a sit up, Billy kisses her quickly o­nt eh cheek. Dualla: Oh. Oh! Sneaky. Billy: 8, 9, uh– start again.  Dualla: You lost track. Billy: Zero– oh…no?    Galactica – Adama’s Quarters=========================================
Apollo: President wasn’t very happy today. Adama: No. Ever since you ejected from the blackbird, you’ve been different. Harder to reach. I’m just trying to understand.  Apollo: Well, like you said, dad. We’ve all been through a lot.  Adama: Fair enough. But you should have told me about the woman.

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Transcript taken by Ryan Bechtel (2005)

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