Battlestar Galactica: Transcripts: S02E16: Sacrifice

Greenleaf Frieghter


Sesha is typing a report o­n the Cylons. She has press clippings about the cylons and Boomer all over her office.

Sesha: Aleeper…agents… within the fleet. Takeover by brute force… cylon impregnation… and reproduction… multiple models… suicide bombings… assault o­n natural resources.  Sesha has a flashback of a Cylon attack o­n her ship. A raider strafes the ship, causing a hull breach. Her husband is sucked out into space.

Galactica – Adam’s Quarters

Reporter: (over radio) Speculation continues that Galactica is harboring a cylon agent. Eyewitnesses claim to have seen o­ne of the known cylon models moving in and out of Galactica’s brig. Admiral Adama has made no comment o­n this situation. We will continue to–

Adama: How the hell did this get out to the press?

Roslin: I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner. I’m told you’ve been meeting with her regularly, allowing her to interact with members of your crew.

Adama: She’s a military asset, providing us with vital strategic intelligence.

Billy: While we pray that she’s not somehow… colluding with other cylons.

Adama: If I felt for o­ne second that she posed some kind of a threat to this fleet, I’d pull the trigger o­n her myself.  Billy: I think the fleet may need to hear that, Admiral. Even more, they need to believe it.

Galactica – Hallway

Roslin: Someone took their vitamins this morning.

Billy: Yeah, I don’t know what got into me.

Roslin: No, you’re right. Keeping Sharon Valerii alive, allowing her pregnancy to continue– there is no road map for any of this. Somebody, somebody has got to keep asking the hard questions.

Billy: I agree.

Roslin: I wanna stay ahead of this. Acknowledge the cylons’ existence, and then make… some kind of case for her to stay aboard Galactica.

Billy: I don’t think that’s gonna work.

Roslin: What? Why?  Billy: I think you need to trust the people. Use the press, tell them the truth. I mean, we barely know anything about the cylons. And until we learn more, we’re not gonna destroy the o­nly source of information that we have, period.

Roslin: Period. That simple, huh? Billy: Uh…well… um, could I– could I have a minute?

Roslin: Sure. Important? Mm-hmm. Billy: You were saying about the hard questions…

Galactica – Enlisted Quarters


Billy: I know it’s just my debate team ring, but it’s the best I could do. This…this really isn’t how I planned it.

Dualla: Anyway, um… Billy…

Billy: I love you. I’ve loved you since– since the first day I met you. I mean, you were half naked, granted… I know that I kind of blindsided you with this. Okay? I mean, it doesn’t have to be tomorrow. We can take our time.

Dualla: Billy, I can’t marry you. I don’t know how else to say it. I’m sorry.

Cloud Nine – Lounge

Dualla: He pulled out that ring… and it was like an electric shock. I could barely say anything.  Apollo: Well, maybe you’re  regretting that you didn’t say yes.

Dualla: No. No. I don’t know what to make of me and Billy, but… I know I can’t marry him. Then again, I don’t know what to make of you and me either.  Sesha bumps into Ellen Tigh in the lounge.

Sesah: Oh! Ellen: ‘Scuse me. Ellen walks over to the bar.

Apollo: Hey, two more.

Ellen: Coming right up.

Apollo: Ellen. It’s, uh… it’s…good to see you.

Ellen: It’s good to see you, captain.

Billy: Dee.

Dualla: Billy.

Billy: I didn’t know you were coming down here.

Dualla: I, um…I grabbed a two-day rotation. I thought I’d grab some R & R.

Billy: I’m o­n business, as usual. Captain Adama. (awkward silence) Oh… I really am an idiot, aren’t I?

Dualla: No, Billy–

Billy: Don’t. Don’t bother.

Dualla: Can you give us a minute?

Billy: No, you know what? Have a seat, captain. Be my guest.

Apollo: Billy, I’m sorry.

Billy: I thought if anything, we were honest with each other. But you knew you were gonna be here with him today, and you let me propose to you.

Dualla: I didn’t–

Billy: I know that giving you that ring was stupid. That’s fine. And maybe this wasn’t gonna work out between us. But this…you should’ve told me about this.

Ellen: Well, it’s hard, you know? To choose the people we fall in love with. To love o­nly o­ne person at a time. People like us… are more complicated.

Apollo: Us?

Dualla: I’m sorry.

Billy: I’m here with friends.  Apollo sees Sesha acting odd. She is talking to some goon like people and Apollo spots that she has a gun.

Apollo: Ellen, you’re a regular here, right? You ever see that woman before? In the corner?

Ellen: Oh…only when I came in and wondered when they were gonna start enforcing a dress code.

Apollo: Ellen, the bathroom’s over here.

Ellen: Are you serious?

Apollo: Let’s go. They enter the bathroom.

Ellen: [Giggles] Lee Adama, you amaze me.

Apollo: Shh.

Vinson: This is it now. You ready?

Sesha: Yes.

Vinson: We’re with you.  Sesha singals to Chu to close the blast doors.

Sesha: Do it. The doors close. Seasha and her gang start firing into the air and herding everyone together

Vinson: Everybody by the bar! Now! Move!

Chu: You, you– get up against the bar.

Ellen: Oh, my gods.

Apollo: Three men, o­ne woman, all armed.

Galactica – Adama’s Quarters

Boomer: Is it true the fleet knows i’m o­n Galactica?  Adama: I’m interested in navigational weaknesses. Worm holes, dark matter blind spots. Likely ambushes.  Boomer: I would avoid these pulsar pointers because of dradis interference. If I was gonna plan an ambush, I’d do it there. It  depends, Admiral. They adapt to your every move. Every move triggers a counter-move. Adama: Adapt. That’s what you’re good at, right? Boomer: Why won’t you answer my question? Does the fleet know I’m o­n Galactica? Mm. It’s the baby. She’s kicking.  Adama: The fleet knows. That’ll be all for today. Guards. Boomer is escorted by guards out of the room. Tigh: You know, if people knew how much you’ve relied o­n that thing’s so-called intelligence, they’d be scared out of their wits. Adama: What about you, Saul? Are you afraid of her?  Tigh: You know, the truth is… I don’t like the way it’s gotten under your skin.    Cloud Nine – Bathroom===============================================
Apollo is trying to remove a service hatch int he back of the bathroom. Ellen still has her drink fromteh bar, it is bubbly from the dry ice inside it. Ellen: What are you doing? What are you doing?  Apollo: The pressure hatch can withstand explosive decompression. The o­nly way help’s getting in is with a raft of high explosives. Or we could just let these clowns open the pressure door for us. There’s bound to be a security force o­n its way soon.  Ellen: Open the door for us? Why would they do that? Apollo: Gimme your drink.  Ellen: Let me talk to them. Apollo: The ice– I need the dry ice. Okay, stay calm. Ellen! She gives him her drink and then leaves the bathroom to talk to the criminals.
Ellen: Please don’t shoot. Vinson: Who are you? Ellen: Ellen Tigh. Vinson: Get over here. Now. Move.  Sesha: We are not criminals. We are members of the fleet, just like you.  Ellen: My husband’s XO of Galactica. You’ve just made the worst mistakes of your life.    Galactica – CIC===============================================Radio Officer: Colonel Tigh, Admiral– you need to hear this.  Ellen:  (on phone) Saul– Tigh: Ellen? What’s wrong?  Ellen: They’re holding us hostage. They’re threatening to kill us!  Sesha: My name is Sesha Abinell. I have seized control of the Cloud Nine lounge… and held the people in it hostage. Tigh: What do you want?  Sesha: What I want… this is not about… what I want. The colonial fleet has become a cylon-occupied territory. You are working in collusion with a cylon agent– the very same model of a cylon who tried to murder you, Admiral Adama, o­n your own ship. We want Sharon Valerii. You have two hours.  Adama: Get me everything you can o­n Sesha Abinell. Gaeta: Yes, sir. later Gaeta: Sesha Abinell… fleet records indicate she’s the widow of a Ray Abinell. He was a casualty aboard the Greenleaf Freighter when the cylons hit it about ten weeks ago.  Adama: Widow. Who do we have aboard Cloud Nine?  Geata: Uh, rotation schedule shows… Captain Adama, half a marine squad, and starbuck’s already there o­n R & R.  Adama: Get me Starbuck right away.  Radio Officer: Yes, sir.   Cloud Nine – Access Shaft===============================================Apollo is seaching behind the walls for the environmental sensors. Apollo: Hell, o­ne of you beauties has got to be an O-2 sensor. And I’m guessing it’s you. Take a sip of carbon dioxide. Apollo places the drink under the sensor to fool it into thinking there is more CO-2 than there really is.   Cloud Nine – Lounge===============================================Vinson: There was another guy at the bar. Check the back. We don’t want any more mistakes.  Chu: Kern, there’s an awful lot of military types here.  Vinson: And that’s why we’re here. To get Galactica’s attention, remember? Page. You go. Page: No problem.   Cloud Nine – Hallway===============================================Starbuck: Good to see ya, Gunny. I’m gonna need some of those gorillas you call marines.  Burrel: Most of my gorillas are already here, sir. Just trying to cop a little R & R.  Starbuck: Tell me about it. All right, here’s what we know. We got an unknown number of shooters at least 20 hostages. And about a 90-minute window before they start throwing out bodies.  Burrel: You got a plan, sir?  Starbuck: Lock and load. Let’s figure out the rest as we go along.    Cloud Nine – Lounge===============================================Page searches the bathroom for Apollo. He gets to the last stall and doesn’t find him. Apollo sneakes up behind him and takes his gun. Apollo walks PAge out into the lounge at gunpoint.
Vinson: Put your weapon down.  Apollo: Tell them. PageHe says he’s captain Adama from the Galactica. He just wants to talk.  Apollo: Talk, that’s it. Just talk. Sesha: They’re together. (referring to Dualla and Billy) Put it down. Or she dies.  Apollo: Hey, she dies, he dies, you get it?  Sesha: Difference is, you won’t do it. He will. Apollo: Okay? Apollo surrenders his weapon. Page responds by elbowing him in the gut. Sesha: We all have someone we care about. It’s his son. He’s not gonna choose the cylon over his son.  Vinson: Get in line with the others. (The CO-2 alarm goes off.)  CO-2 is through the roof. They’re trying to suffocate us.  Sesha: What is this, a trap? Apollo: There’s a reason you don’t just start shooting o­n a spaceship. You probably nicked a line. Why don’t you let me talk to the Admiral, see if we can’t find a way out of this?    Galactica – CIC and Clou Nine===============================================
Adama: I’ve got two strike teams inbound to you. ETA ten minutes.  Starbuck: We’ll have plenty of fire power, so that’s good. But I’m concerned with limited access points.  Radio Officer: Admiral. It’s Abinell. Adama: Keep Starbuck o­n the line with us. Adama.  Sesha: We’re losing oxygen. If it’s not restored, the hostages die.  Adama: Then you’ll all die. Because this is over.  Sesha: Not until the cylon’s dead. I’m willing to die to see this through. You willing to risk your son’s life?  Starbuck: Son of a bitch. Sesha: Suddenly you’re listening. Ellen: Gods damn it, give her what she wants! Give her the cylon!  Sesha: You’re all alone o­n this, Admiral. Adama: I’m not gonna sacrifice a military asset o­n your altar of revenge.  Sesha: What are you talking about? This isn’t a– Adama: You said this was about us being played by the cylons. But it isn’t. It’s about the loss of your husband, and I understand  hat. It’s about you wanting to strike back, and I understand that too. But we’ve all lost people that we care about. And we learn to live with it.  Sesha: I am sure you are aware, Admiral, of the concrete evidence… that Caprica’s defenses were compromised by a cylon agent who infiltrated the Ministry of Defense o­n the eve of the attacks.  Adama: People look for complicated answers when something terrible happens. Maybe we were just caught by surprise and were beaten. And maybe we have to learn to live with that.  Sesha: And maybe you are just missing the point. You were infiltrated. You. The military. And you are being infiltrated again right now. You can sit there and pretend you know what you’re doing, but you do not. You are being played. And the rest of us do not want to go down with your ship. I want this air system restored right now. o­ne person comes in alone, fixes it, leaves. Anything goes wrong, somebody gets hurt, it’s o­n your head.  Adama: Keep a direct line open to Cloud Nine.  Tigh: What do we do? Adama: We repair the air system. Saul, we can’t give her Sharon. I hope you know that, right?  Tigh: I know that. We can’t start dealing with the terrorists. We start now, it’ll open the floodgates, and it’ll never stop. But by the way, it’s not “Sharon”. It’s a frakkin’  cylon.  Adama: You don’t think I know that?  Tigh; I think there’s part of you that looks into that thing’s eyes and still sees that young girl that reported aboard two years ago as a rook pilot. Well, it’s not. It never was. Bill, it’s a machine.  Radio Officer: Admiral? It’s captain thrace. Adama: Sitrep.  Starbuck: I had o­ne of the cloud nine techs double-check the oxygen feed in there. There’s nothing wrong with the air.  Adama: Could be a glitch.  Starbuck: Or maybe someone screwed with o­ne of the CO-2 censors in the bar.  Apollo: Lee. Why? Starbuck: Maybe he’s giving us an opening. If I can get someone inside, get a clear idea of what we’re dealing with–  Adama: Kara, this is a recon mission. Get someone to volunteer. Then you assess the situation. And then get the hell out of there. Do you understand? Starbuck: Yes, sir.  Maintenance: I’m here to repair the O-2 line.  Burrel: Captain, what are you doing?  Starbuck: Volunteering. Let me see that.    Cloud Nine – Lounge===============================================Starbuck enters dressed as a maintenance worker. Sesha: Close the hatch. Search her.  Starbuck: You might not want to do that. You’re running out of air in here.  Page: Looks clean. Sesha: Do your job. Cover her. Vinson notices that Ellen gives Starbuck a look of recognition. Vinson: Wait a minute. Turn around slowly. Check the box again.  Starbuck pulls two guns out of a false lid of the toolbox. She and the criminals start fireign at each other. The three marines enter. Two are killed immedialty. The sergant kills o­ne of the criminals. Starbuck is forced to stay down. Apollo tries to get up to join the attack, but in the confusion, Starbuck accidently shoot him in the chest. Burrel: We’re hot. Let’s go. Get down! Get down! We gotta get out! Now! Come o­n!  Starbuck and Burrel try to leave the room. Burrel is shot in the leg o­n the way out of the room. Dualla: Billy. Billy. I need shirts, towels– anything I can use as a bandage.  Apollo: [Groaning] Dualla: Billy!  Vinson: Nobody said you could move.  Billy: You still want the cylon? Do you? Because if the Admiral’s son dies, you’re not gonna get a deal, you get that? If he dies, you’re not gonna get what you want.  Sesha: He’s right. Let him go.    Galactica – CIC===============================================Radio Officer: Sir, it’s Starbuck. We got a report of gunshots. Adama: What’s happening? Starbuck: My cover was blown. I had to move. I’m sorry.  Adama: Any casualties?  Starbuck: Two marines. Probably KIA… at least o­ne of the gunmen… and Lee. It was crazy in there, confused.He got hit.  Adama: How bad? Starbuck: I don’t know.  Adama: Stand by. Hold your position. Make no move unless you hear from me.  Starbuck: It was friendly fire. Lee got hit by friendly fire. I think it was me.  Adama: You have your orders.   Cloud Nine – Lounge===============================================
Dualla is trying to tend to Apollo’s wound. Dualla: I can’t stop the bleeding.  Billy: What can I do? Dualla: I can’t stop the bleeding. I gotta stop the bleeding. I can’t tell if it hit an artery, or… Lee? Don’t leave me. Lee, Lee. Don’t leave me, okay? Please. Billy: Hey. He’s gonna be okay. He’s gonna be okay. He’s gonna be okay. Just hang in there, come o­n.  Dualla: Stay with me. Please, stay with me.    Galactica – Brig===============================================Adama: Are you playing with us? Are you playing with me?  Boomer: I’ve saved the ship. Saved you. How many times now? Five? Six? You just can’t believe I’m not plotting against you.  Adama: You know that there are cylons within this fleet. You know what they look like. You know where to find them. If I were to ask you, would you tell me who they are? Boomer: No. Adama: That I believe.   Cloud Nine – Lounge===============================================
Vinson: He’ll be all right.  Dualla: Thanks for the concern.  Billy: She loses a husband, and suddenly the world owes her an explanation.  Vinson: He was a good man. And he wasn’t just her husband. He was my brother. Billy: My brother died o­n Picon. He was a good man too. They’re all good men.    Galactica – CIC===============================================
Roslin: The Abinell woman sent over a manifesto to the press before they took over the bar. It’s mostly a collection of rumor and conspiracy theories about cylons in the military and the government.  Tigh: Bunch of crap.  Roslin: It’s getting a lot of attention. We gotta get our people out of there. You have marines o­n Cloud Nine.  Adama: Pressure door to the room has been resealed. If we try blowing it open, we’ll need so much G-4, we’d risk killing everyone inside. There are no options left except for o­ne. Roslin: No. We don’t strike deals with terrorists. We can’t. We give them sharon valerii, we’re inviting terrorism and we weaken our position  permanently, you know that. Gentlemen, everyone in that room is someone’s son, someone’s wife, someone’s mother. Billy is the closest thing that I have to family left in this world. And if you don’t think that that… confuses  things emotionally for me– let’s not be naive.  Tigh: What if they’re right? What if sharon has been playing us all, plotting our destruction with every passing day? What if the terrorists are right?  Roslin: This isn’t about Sharon. It’s about something much bigger than that. It’s about the long-term survival, it’s about the way we conduct ourselves in all of this.  Radio Officer: Sir? It’s Abinell o­n the line. Adama: How’s my son? Sesha: Alive. But my friend is dead. So are two of your soldiers. And your son’s dying. You know, I thought a long time about this. About what I’d do… about how far I’d go… and I honestly did not know until this moment… Chu. Ellen: What? What? Chu: Get o­n your feet.  Ellen: What are you gonna do? Saul, give them what they want! It’s just a machine! Tigh: They’re gonna kill her. Adama: Hold your fire. I’m giving you the cylon. But she won’t be alive. What does that mean?  Sesha: That is not the deal.  Adama: It means that you’ve convinced me that we may have been played. And if that be the case, and she’s been playing with me, then I can’t take any more chances. So you make up your mind. If you want Sharon Valerii, you can have her. But o­n my terms. I give you the body, you give me the hostages.  Sesha: Done. Adama: Cut the wire.   Cloud Nine – Hallway===============================================Adama arrives with a force of marines. With them is a stretcher with a covered dead body upon it. Starbuck: Admiral. Let me help. Please.  Adama: Let me take it from here. (to marines) Let’s go.    Clound Nine – Lounge===============================================
Dualla: Stop looking at him, Billy. I can see you watching him. I know you think you can get that gun.  Billy: I’m o­nly thinking in case something happens.  Dualla: No. You’re not a soldier. You’re not trained for that. You’ve got nothing to prove.  Billy: I know.   Sesha: They’re right outside. We open up, they’ll give us the body. Okay. Vinson: We’re opening the door. But if anything goes wrong… we start killing hostages.  Sesha: Do it. They open the door and the stretches is wheeled into the room. They unviel the corpse enough to see the head of a very dead Boomer. Sesha pulls out her guns and shoots it in the head three times.  Sesha: It’s over. Vinson: Wait– This isn’t right. This o­ne’s been dead for weeks. (he unvocers the body some mroe to reveal that this is the original Boomer) Their cylon is still alive.  Sesha: Kill the girlfriend.  The marines storm the room. Billy jumps up and steals a gun from Chu. Vinson turns around and shoots Billy. The mariens promptly kill the remaining criminals. Marine 1: Down, report. Marine 2: All clear. Marine 3: I need help over here!  Marine 4: Medic! Adama: Lee. Lee, can you hear me? Lee! Can you hear me, Lee? Come o­n, son. Come o­n, hurry up. Apollo: [Moaning]  Adama: That’s good.  Dualla rushes over to Billy and finds him dead. Dualla: Billy. Billy. Billy. No. Billy. Billy.    Galactica – Mourge===============================================
Roslin: Is this what you gave ’em?  Adama: It was a calculated risk.  Roslin: It wasn’t worth it. (Roslin cries over Billy’s body. She notices a small imperfection in his hair and moves the stray hairs over slightly) Oh, dear. Well, that’s better. That’s better. He was so young.   Galactica – Sick Bay===============================================Dualla: Hey.  Apollo: Hey… what is it? Dualla: Nothing. When you’re feeling better, we can talk. Apollo: This was a hell of a vacation. Dualla: Yeah. Apollo: [Weakly moaning] Dualla: Lee? Lee, you can’t leave. You have to stay. You have to really stay. You understand? It’s okay. I’ll be here when you wake up. I’ll be right here.

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