This was break-neck stuff. It was hard to keep up, especially near the end, but oh! The science was amazing – truly, computer games were just beginning to get more advanced and 3d gaming had only just started. Despite the limitations... Read more
Rimmer doesn’t have any fun and wacky memories – especially of girlfriends. Lister feels sorry for Rimmer and gives him some. It doesn’t end well!
Read moreRimmer to Rimmer: “Look, we’ve found a stasis leak on floor sixteen. I’m dead now and you’re not. But if I save you, you won’t die so I won’t die. And you won’t be dead, and neither will I!”
Read moreThe awesome Charles Augins played the Holly computer replacement. Queeg is ruthless and determined to get a more regimented routine into the Red Dwarf lifestyle.
Read moreA near perfect score for a terrific episode! Finally the crew of Red Dwarf meet some females, not just any females, but females that are just like them (except for Cat of course!)
Read moreThe crew of Red Dwarf find a reality that is backwards after going forwards through a Time Hole. Confused? Don’t be, it’s just another Red Dwarf epsiode….
Read moreLister and Rimmer are marooned on a cold planet together awaiting rescue. This is a dialogue episode and isn’t brilliant, but it isn’t bad either!
Read moreA very weak episode except for the whole premise. Poorly acted, poorly produced and directed but still great!
Read moreRimmer is a Hologram played marvellously by Chris Barrie and is the character in the series that everyone loves to hate. He is a cowardly, snivelling, back-stabbing, weaselly scumbag and we all love him dearly.
Read moreKryten is one of the best loved characters of the whole saga! He is a Series 4000 Mechanoid model 2X4B-523P played wonderfully by the excellent actor from Nottingham, Robert Llewellyn.
Read moreCat is played miraculously by Danny John-Jules.
He is the coolest guy of the series; his devotion to all things shallow makes him eminently watchable and, like all the characters in Red Dwarf, never takes himself seriously.
Three million years ago, Lister smuggled a pregnant cat on board Red Dwarf against the ship’s most stringent regulations. He rather stupidly took a picture of it and when the knowledge of the cats existence came to the attention of the... Read more
The concept of the Hologram is not a new one. The technology enables a member of the ships crew can remain a member of the crew despite the normally debilitating effects of death.
Read moreMechanoids were created to do all the menial tasks that humans find so disagreeable. They are programmed to perform such duties as the ironing, cooking and cleaning.
Read moreSimulants are Biomechanical killers created for a war that never took place. Some of them escaped the dismantling process and now they prowl around deep space searching for a foe worthy of their attention! They despise humans and all forms... Read more
The only nice GELF is a Pleasure GELF which looks like a big green blob. The rest are all baddies.
Read moreSkutters are the Red Dwarf maintenance robots. They look like hover-mowers with long necks and a beak! They have some intelligence and it seems that they also have feelings.
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