Garibaldi is sent to retrieve a witness to the shipping line attacks but his relapse into alcoholism jeopardises this covert mission to the Drazi home-world.
Read moreWhen JMS indicated to the B5 newsgroups that we should be patient, this was the episode he was talking about. This is the Babylon 5 we have all come to know and love.
Read moreTragedy?!! HAH!#
This was a great episode, you begin to feel things hotting up after the lukewarm saga of the telepaths.
This was actually quite a good episode. It had a complicated story line but the acting was good and it was well produced and directed. Londo starts to suspect that all is not right with Centauri Prime.
Read moreThis show was both irritating and magnificent! Aside from the stoopid stand-up gags, this is actually legendary episode in B5 fandom – it’s an excellent concept and very memorable a long, long, time after it was originally shown.
Read moreThis episode opens with Franklin expressing concern over the possibility of cross species infection. He is looking forward to the cataloguing of medical information. He begins work conducting experiments on aliens visiting or... Read more
Good episode with a stinky ending. Really, I felt like throwing my beer can at the screen.
Read moreThis was a cracker of an episode – The title says it all to be honest – definitely watch this though, it’s great!
Read morehe depressing inevitability of Londo’s situation, the scary effects of Lyta’s involvement with the Vorlons and that twit Byron, gives the impression of a saga REALLY hotting up. However, the feeling that this great saga was drawing to a close... Read more
The only nice GELF is a Pleasure GELF which looks like a big green blob. The rest are all baddies.
Read moreSimulants are Biomechanical killers created for a war that never took place. Some of them escaped the dismantling process and now they prowl around deep space searching for a foe worthy of their attention! They despise humans and all forms... Read more
Mechanoids were created to do all the menial tasks that humans find so disagreeable. They are programmed to perform such duties as the ironing, cooking and cleaning.
Read moreThe concept of the Hologram is not a new one. The technology enables a member of the ships crew can remain a member of the crew despite the normally debilitating effects of death.
Read moreThree million years ago, Lister smuggled a pregnant cat on board Red Dwarf against the ship’s most stringent regulations. He rather stupidly took a picture of it and when the knowledge of the cats existence came to the attention of the... Read more
Cat is played miraculously by Danny John-Jules.
He is the coolest guy of the series; his devotion to all things shallow makes him eminently watchable and, like all the characters in Red Dwarf, never takes himself seriously.
Kryten is one of the best loved characters of the whole saga! He is a Series 4000 Mechanoid model 2X4B-523P played wonderfully by the excellent actor from Nottingham, Robert Llewellyn.
Read moreWe all breathed a sigh. This episode is another long and soppy end to the saga. I reckon JMS wants to extract as many tears form his devoted fans as possible – and he’s doing a good job!
Read moreBabylon 5 is left in the hands of a new crew. The main characters are dispersed throughout the Galaxy and Sheridan and Delenn have moved the Alliance headquarters from Babylon 5 to Minbar. Everything seems to be tied up nicely – Except for... Read more
This is the only episode I can’t re-watch. It was, after all, the end of an epic story that gripped from the very first episode. Watching ‘Sleeping in Light’ was, for most of us I think, like saying goodbye to people we had... Read more
Rimmer is a Hologram played marvellously by Chris Barrie and is the character in the series that everyone loves to hate. He is a cowardly, snivelling, back-stabbing, weaselly scumbag and we all love him dearly.
Read moreSkutters are the Red Dwarf maintenance robots. They look like hover-mowers with long necks and a beak! They have some intelligence and it seems that they also have feelings.
Read moreThis was a relatively good episode, the storyline was a lot tighter and although it suffered yet again from the introduction of another poor character, on the whole, sci fi SadGeezers should enjoy this one.
Read moreThis has got to be one of the worst Babylon 5 episodes I’ve ever seen. It was co-written by Harlan Ellison and directed by Janet Greek. They both need putting out of my misery in my opinion. This was a good story ruined by... Read more