This show was great, it was funny and sad and silly all at the same time. – For a purple girl with a long tail, Trance can be really silly sometimes.
Read moreAnother cracker! And we were left without a shadow of a doubt that the Captain of the Pax Magellan had, at least once, bonked his own computer!
Read moreThis episode was another cracker (and a screamer!). It was well written and well directed, but by far the most praise should go to Gordon Michael Woolvett for his immaculate performance as Harper.
Read moreThis show was great, and not so great. It was great to see Andromeda back after such a long wait, and not so great if you watched the episode again. I watched it again…..
Read moreAnd about time! Finally, an episode that shows off Beka’s talents (and I’m not just talking about her boxer shorts).
Read moreOn a prison planet and Dylan is introduced to the warden, a humourless geezer who looked like a cross between Uncle Fester and Herman Munster
Read moreThis was Beka Valentine’s show, but far too much emphasis was placed on her brother. There is a LOT more to Beka, she is a skillful and adept communicator, a successful Captain in her own right.
Read moreThis was another cracking show. We learned much more about Trance, Harper and Tyr, we began to understand what happened in the closing months of the War…
Read moreHe’s supposed to be a sort of ships caretaker and ‘fix-it’ man, but lets face it, Harper is the closest thing that Andromeda has to a Ships Engineer.
Read moreThere is a myriad of high tech gadgetry and special stuff on-board the Andromeda. They are all fun!
Read moreThe Systems Commonwealth was 10,000 years old and had 1,247,000 member worlds before the Nietzscheans ended it with the war.
Read moreSelf conscious, arrogant, and a complete jerks (with everyone except other Nietzschean’s).
Read moreI’m afraid I don’t have much information on this Andromeda culture yet – other than the fact that they are a bunch of bastards!
Read moreThe Than are an insectoid race with different coloured skin depending on their designation in society. The green coloured ones are the engineers and scientists. Yellow or brownish coloured are the Than workers and the red ones are, of course... Read more
The Perseids were the first aliens to contact Humans without getting dressed up in green costumes and shouting iggy iggy. They actually look like humans mostly except for a bony face and black eyes.
Read moreVedrans were the founding members of the Systems Commonwealth and one of the most ancient and intellectual races in the three galaxies.
Read moreFirst Episode! Like most other Cult TV Sci Fi shows, Andromeda has it all, exotic spaceships, sexy lead characters and a gripping story always on the borders of plausibility.
Read moreI listened to the opening theme tune (Lifeson of Rush wrote and recorded it, my expectation rose again. I sat back, took a sip of beer from the can and let the show wash over me – All was right with the world.
Read moreContrary to popular opinion – and believe me, I can argue the point with any idiot, this show was great, the acting was sharp (especially Chris Lovic) and the story held our attention throughout.
Read moreI thought that this episode was the best yet. It had lots of grit, some clever banter, cool and sexy spaceships, impressive green missiles and of course a lovely shot of Beka’s bum.
Read moreThe new opening title sequence set the scene for an episode filled with action and intrigue, especially concerning Tyr and the Nietzschean’s.
Read more