Battlestar Galactica: Transcripts: S02E02: Valley of Darkness

Galactica – Hallway
Billy: Hey. Dualla: Uh, hey. Billy: Quite a day, huh?  Dualla: Yeah.  Billy: Um… wow, I… I haven’t seen you in person since–  Dualla: Two weeks ago. Billy: I’ve really been thinking about you.  Dualla: That’s nice. I gotta go.  Billy: Uh, hey, Dee. Dee, hey. Hey. Listen… I know that I haven’t really made an effort, or it must seem like I really haven’t made an effort to make this, whatever this is,  a priority, but–  Dualla: But? But you were too busy helping the President spark a mutiny on my ship? Or, but you wanted to wait until you were desperate and needed a shoulder to cry on before making your move.  Billy: I think that was a little uncalled for.  Dualla: Yeah…I’m sorry. You’re right. I gotta go.  
Galactica – Medbay
Power goes out Tigh: What the hell? Ishay: Grab the emergency flashlights.  Medic: Copy that. Check the ventilator.  
Galactica – CIC——————————–Kelly: Report status.  Gaeta: Let’s check subsystems. Let’s get emergency power back on. 
Galactica – Hangar
Pilots are returning from their mission Hotdog: Flyboy! Flyboy: Hotdog!  Hotdog: Whoo!  Flyboy: Yeah! Way to go, baby. Kat: Aah, yes!  Flyboy: Over here, Kat. Come here.    Galactica – CIC
——————————– Tigh: X-O cydra. Gaeata: Uh, it’s the virus, sir. I think it must have spawned copies of itself in some other computer systems. It’s knocked out main power and auxiliary units. Uh… emergency power just kicked back in. 
Galactica – Hangars
Flyboy: Hey, captain, nice work out there. Apollo: I’m not sure what you guys are kissing and hugging about. We screwed up. We let one through.  Flyboy: Yes, sir.  Kat: what’s going on with the lights?  Apollo: I’m not sure.  
Galactica – CIC
——————————– Gaeta: We still have no idea if we can reach most of the ship. Tigh: What the hell was that?  Gaeta: Not sure, sir. Checking.    Galactica – Hangar
——————————– Jammer: Power’s out, sir. I think it’s shipwide. Sound-powered phone’s the only thing working. Tried to get through to damage control, but the lines are jammed.  Apollo: Okay, get the birds tied down, make the ordinance safe. I’ll head up to combat, see what the hell’s going on.  Jammer: Sir   Galactica – CIC
——————————– Kelly: Say again. Sullen’s reporting the starboard flight pod. We’ve been boarded.  
Galactica – Hallway
——————————– Flyboy: Okay, look, when I came up on his six, all right, he rotated, so I had to bug out. It was plain, clean, and simple. Kat: Did you see when I turned on that pair chasing me on the port beam?  Flyboy: Yeah, saw that. That was sweet.  Kat: I rotate, pulled back, hit the brakes and there–bang! Left one’s lined up dead center ring. I chatter him, turn back to get his wingman– A cylon Centurion appears, and swipes at Flyboy with its razor claws. The pilots shoot at it and bug out opposite the Centurion. Kat: (Screaming) Hotdog: Holy, frack! Frack! Apollo: Frack! Get outta of here! No, come on! Kat: Go, go, go! Lots of indistinct yelling Kat: Go!  Apollo: come on, come on! Hurry! Get through the hatch! Go! Get up the ladder, go! Get up, get up the ladder! Apollo turns around to see a Centurion coming his way. He shoots at it with no effect. When he runs out of ammo, it appears grimuntil its head explodes. A marine behind the Centurion took it out. Twinam: You all right, Captain?  Apollo: Still breathing. I guess that’s all right. Kat, Hotdog! You all right? Hotdog: Think so. Kat: Can I get back to you on that? Apollo: Sitrep?  Twinam: We’ve been boarded, sir. Don’t know how many, where they are, where they’re headed.  Bonnington: Our standard ammo doesn’t even make a dent. Explosive rounds are the only way to take ’em down.  Apollo: How many rounds you got? Bonnington: That was our last one. Kat: (Gasps in despair) Apollo: Hotdog. Take this to C.I.C. (scribbles a note) Give it to Colonel Tigh or the officer in charge. Hotdog: Yes, sir. Apollo: Marines. Let’s get toaster shopping.  Twinam: All clear sir! Apollo: Kat, on me.  Kat: Yes, sir.  
Galactica – CIC
——————————– Gaeta: (on radio) Galactica to all ships. We have been boarded by a cylon raiding party. Do not approach or attempt to dock with galactica. Keep a safe distance until we have secured the ship. I say again, we have been boarded by a cylon raiding–ah! Gaeta hears a loud feedback/jamming screetch.  Kelly: What the hell was that?  Gaeta: The cylons jammed the signal. Kelly: Great.   Galactica – Brig
Gunshots and screaming in backgroung Billy: Are those gunshots?  Venner: Yeah.  Billy: We can’t stay in here. Roslin: Open the door.  Venner: You know I can’t do that, Madame President.  Roslin: Corporal Venner, I have no intention of being locked in this cell and shot like a rat in a cage. Open the door! He opens her rat cage Roslin: Thank you. They hear the brig cell door being open. Venner: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Door opens Apollo: Corporal Venner, don’t shoot! It’s Captain Adama. I have a fire team with me.  Venner: Come on in, Captain. Apollo: Watch the companionway.  Twinam: We’re clear, sir.  Apollo: We’ve been boarded. This deck is crawling with cylons. They’re trying to get to the magazines.  Roslin: How can we help? Apollo: Stay alive and don’t get shot. Leave the cylons to us. Okay, sickbay is the safest spot. It’s farthest away from any potential targets, and it’s designed to function as a disaster shelter in case the ship were lost. Bonnington, sidearm. Bonnington: Sir Hands him his gun. Apollo: Okay, Billy, you ever handled a weapon before?  Billy: Pelt gun from my uncle when I was, like, ten.  Apollo: Principle’s the same. Real ones just make a bigger noise. Madame president.  Roslin: No, thank you. I can’t. Apollo: Corporal.  Venner: Yes?  Apollo: You’re in charge of getting her down to sickbay. Take Bonnington as escort. Remember, just head away from the sound
of gunfire.  Venner: Right. Roslin: What about you?  Apollo: We’re heading towards the gunfire. Okay, listen up. There’s a small arms locker on causeway bravo, two decks down. We’re gonna go get some explosive rounds,and then we’re heading for the magazines. Twinam– Twinam: Sir. Apollo: You take point.  Roslin: Good luck, Captain. May the lords protect you. Apollo: Yeah, you too. Clear? Kat: Clear
Apollo: Okay, let’s go.  
Caprica – Delphi
——————————– Helo: We should probably head out of the city, try to scout one of the outlying airbases. See if we can find a rapter.  Starbuck: That’s not exactly what I expected. Thought I’d be stepping over decaying corpses in the streets.  Helo: Yeah, we saw a few bodies here and there. Not much though. Sharon said that– cylon sharon said they had troops picking up the bodies. Transporting them to mass incinerators.  Starbuck: Your girlfriend’s from a lovely family. Good people, great values.  Helo: Enough, all right. Okay, I was fooled by help she fooled me. You happy now? Starbuck: It’s not about making me happy. Helo: Then what’s it about? What do you want here? You want me to say I’m a fracking idiot, okay. I’m a fracking idiot.  Starbuck: That make you feel better?  Helo: I don’t care anymore. I’ve been here for months. By myself, on the run. on step ahead of the cylons. With the cylons, I guess, actually. She seemed so real. Like Sharon, you know? Same grin, same laugh. All the little things. I feel in love with a machine. That’s stupid. So just call me an idiot, and let’s be done with it. Starbuck: You’re an idiot. Helo: All right? Starbuck: You’re an idiot. But the cylons have a way of making all of us look like idiots.  Helo: Kara, what are you doing?  Starbuck: Making a pit stop. I got something I gotta pick up.  Helo: Hey, we gotta keep going.  Starbuck: I got a place here, Helo.  
Galactica – CIC
——————————– Gaeta: The cylon virus spawned itself in our subsystems before we broke the network. I have teams cleaning each subsystem, but it’ll be at least an hour before we can restore main power.  Tigh: Captain? Kelly: What few marines we have are assembling at their checkpoints, but comm’s spotty.  Tigh: Where are the cylons?  Kelly: Looks like they split into two forces. one moving forward– Tigh: and one moving aft.  Kelly: Yes, sir.  Tigh: I’ve seen this before. These are their objectives.  Gaeta: Secondary damage control and auxiliary fire control, sir.  Tigh: If they’re successful, they will override their decompression safeties and vent us all into space. And once we’re all dead, they’ll turn the ship’s guns on the fleet and wipe it out once and for all.   Kobol – Ruins (Dream)
It appears as though the Galctica has come to resuce the downed Raptor party. Adama: Dr. Baltar.  Baltar: God. How in god’s name did you find us? Adama: what do you have there? A baby mysteriously appears in Baltars arms. Baltar: Well, it’s a child, obviously. Adama: A child. Can I hold it? Baltar: Please.  Adama: Is this the shape of things to come?  Baltar: That’s my understanding. Adama: only one thing for it then.  He starts walking toward the deep steram with the baby in his arms. In the distance you can hear thousands of viewers changing the channel.  Baltar: Commander? Please. Commander, where are you going? Come back! Commander! Please.  Adama continues to ignore Baltar, and heads toward the stream. Baltar: Commander! Commander. Commander, please. [Gasps]  Adama drowns the baby in stream, and the ratings just drowned with her! Baltar: No!  
Kobol – Forest
——————————– #6: Shh. Shh… Baltar: He killed our baby.  #6: Our baby?  Baltar: Adama… I saw him drown the baby. Why would anyone want to drown a baby?  #6: Gaius, the answer’s all around us. What happened here? Human sacrifice. There are scores of old human skulls littered littered on the ground. #6: Not the fairy tales your “scriptures” would have you believe.  Baltar: I thought kobol was supposed to be a paradise or something. Some place where gods live with the humans in harmony, or– #6: For a time, perhaps. Then your true nature asserted itself. Your brutality, your depravity, your barbarism.  Baltar: So the “scriptures” are all a lie. It’s all just a lie, just a cover-up for all this… savagery.  #6: Exactly. All of this has happened before, Gaius. And all of it will happen again. Baltar: Adama. #6: Mankind’s true nature will always assert itself. Baltar: So he will try and kill our baby. #6: only if you let him, Gaius. only if you let him. 
Galactica – Hallway
The party discovers some dead crewmembers in one area Kat: (Gasps) Apollo: Keep your eyes up ahead. Come on. Come on! Okay, go. Go, go, go, go, go. They continue forward to the weapons locker. Apollo: Is it clear?  Kat: Yeah. Apollo: Is it clear?  Kat: Clear.  Apollo: Okay. (He tries the door keypad) Keypads dead. They open the door. Jammer: Okay… don’t shoot, don’t shoot, I’m human! Kat: Jammer? Jammer: Yes sir, it’s me. It’s me. Jammer, don’t shoot, please. Jammer. Spec 3.  Apollo: Collishaw! Watch the hatch. Kat! What’s going on? Find those explosive rounds. What the hell happened here? Jammer: I don’t know, sir. I was here in this fort. I just came in here to hide. Cylons everywhere. Apollo: All right, settle down, settle down. You’re gonna be just fine.  Kat: Apollo?  She shows him a munitions case with only a half dozen rounds. Apollo: You’re kidding me. That’s it?  Kat: Didn’t have much to begin with, sir. The other fire teams must have cleaned the locker out right before us.  Apollo: Six rounds. There are five of us. Okay, well… each of you guys take one. I’ll take the reload.  Jammer: Wait, you’re not counting me, are you, sir? I mean, I’m just– I mean, I’m just a knuckledragger here. I don’t know how to fight centurions. I don’t know the first thing about fighting centurions! Apollo: Come on. Let’s go.  Collishaw: Let’s do it.    Caprica – Starbucks Apartment
Starbuck and Helo are standing outside her apartment, She doesn’t have her keys so she shoots the lock and kick the door  open. Starbuck: You never have your house keys when you need ’em. Helo:These yours? You paint these, Kara?  Starbuck: Yeah.  Starbuck turns on a music box after she installs batteries Helo: How the hell did you get power.  Starbuck: Batteries. Kept turning off the power. Something about not paying a bill. Helo: That is definitely not you. Refers to a picture
 opens refirgerator and scoffs. He finds a package of noddles elsewhere Starbuck: It’s my dad.  Helo: Well, we got one package of noodles. You don’t believe in groceries?  Starbuck: You know, I never really liked this place anyway. Air conditioning doesn’t work in the summer. Heater doesn’t work in the winter. The rent’s a crime.  Helo: A-hah. They sit back on the couches and relax. She lights up a cigar. Starbuck: After they attacked, I never… I never pined over any of my old crap. Never missed it. Stupid view of the parking lot. Broken toilet in the bathroom. You know, everyone I know… is fighting to get back what they had. And I’m fighting ’cause I don’t know how to do anything else. [Sighing]  
Galactica – Hallway
more dead bodies Roslin: How far to sickbay?  Venner: 60 meters. Roslin checks a dead crewman’s pulse Dualla: She stopped breathing a while ago.  Billy: Dee? Ohh my gods Dee. Hey. Are you all right?  Dualla: Yeah, I was going to the head.  Billy: Oh, my god, you’re bleeding.  Dualla: Went back to my rack.  Billy: Are you shot?  Dualla: I forgot something.  Billy: Hey. Dee, look at me. Dee, look at me. Dee. Roslin: Try using her rank.  Billy: Petty officer Dualla, look at me. Hey. Dualla: Hey. I’m glad to see you. I’ve been here in the dark a long time. Roslin: It’s probably a concussion. Corporal Venner. We need an alternate route to sickbay. Give me your eyes. Look at me. Corporal. We don’t want to walk into gunfire. We want to go away from the cylons. Now clear your head. Come on. Venner: We could, we can go in the, all the way on the starboard side. It’s a lot farther.  Roslin: Good. Starboard. 
Galactica – CIC
——————————– Gaeta: Lieutenant Wallace reports his unit destroyed two centurions at this junction. They trapped a third in the ship’s laundry. It can’t walk, but it’s still shooting.  Kelly: At least we’ve contained the threat to auxiliary fire control. Tigh: Trust me. They’re still heading for the aft damage control.  Petty Officer: Lt. Gaeta (hands him a phone) Gaeta: Sergeant Hadrian reports her units had to halt their advance on deck 10 at frame 69. Sounds cut through the hull ahead of her and the compartments are open to space. Kelly: Smart move. Keeps us from chasin’ ’em. Tigh: There is nothing between the last two cylons and the decompression safeties. If you know any prayers, now’s the time.  
Kobol – Forest
——————————– Cally: What do you say we take five? How much further, do you think?  Tyrol doesn’t answer Cally: Tarn getting shot, it wasn’t your fault. You know that, right?  Chief? Talk to me, mother-frakker!  Tyrol: (Laughing) “Mother-frakker”?  Both: (Laughing) Cally: (Coughing) Socinus better appreciate this.  Tyrol: He’s probably lyin’ in the sun like some gods-damn emperor. He’s an idiot. (Laughs) Cally: I hope he’s okay.  Tyrol: He’ll be fine. He’s a tough kid. We just, gotta get him the medkit. Yeah, we gotta go, Cally.  
Elsewhere in the forest Baltar: Crashdown!
Crashdown: Shhh! Where the hell have you been? Where have you been? Doc, where have you been? Answer me. Baltar: I got lost– Crashdown: Doc, you never run off like that. You are under my command. This is a military operation, do you understand me? What I want to hear from you is, “yes, sir!” Baltar: Yes, sir! Look, Crashdown, I, I’m getting a really bad feeling about this place.  Crashdown: Oh, yeah, you and me, both, doc. enter Tyrol and Cally. Tyrol: Flash! Flash! Crashdown: Thunder.  Tyrol: Go, go, go. Crashdown: Here. Here. Here. Where’s Tarn? (tosses him tarn’s dogtags) What happened? Tyrol: Cylons.  Crashdown: Were you followed? Tyrol: No. How’s he doing?  Selix: He’s not gonna make it.  Tyrol: What? What do you mean? What are you talking about? We’ve got the medkit; give him a shot. Give him another shot! Selix: Too late.  Tyrol: What do you mean it’s too late? I got you the medkit. What else do you want? So we go get the medicine you asked for. Tarn–for what? For this! Come on, you gotta do something. You have to do something.  Selix: I can’t change that he’s gonna die, Chief. It’s gonna be slow and painful. And we can spare him that. We can spare him that if we give him the morpha from my kit and the one that you brought back.  Tyrol: What? No. El-tee? El-tee, come on. Crashdown: He’s your man, Chief.  Tyrol: Give it to me. Give it to me. Hey, buddy. It’s Chief. How ya doin’?  Socinus: What’s goin’ on, Chief?  Tyrol: Well, you know. Just listenin’to the birds.  Socinus: (groaning) Tyrol: I, uh… I got a little somethin’ for the pain. Good news, buddy.  He injects Socinus with the overdosed painkillers. Tyrol: We got a rescue party here. The raptor just landed. We’re gonna put you on it, take you back to Galactica. Okay?  Socinus: I’m goin’ home?  Tyrol: Yeah. You’re goin’ home.  Socinus dies peacefully. 
Galactica – Another Arms Locker and CIC via Phone Call
Jammer is repair a telephone 
Apollo: How are you coming, Jammer?  Jammer: That should do it, captain.  Apollo: Hey, nice job. You guys, check the deck, check the lockers. There’s gotta be more rounds in here.
(into phone) Combat, 12-8-6-4-2. Arms locker. Apollo here.  Kelly: Colonel, it’s Apollo. He’s on deck 12, abaft frame 8-6. That’s between the cylons and aft damage control. Tigh: Apollo, XO. Sitrep.  Apollo: Five armed defectors. We haven’t seen anything but bodies between here and the hangar deck. 
Galactica – Deck 12
Bonnington: Clear. Venner: Okay, from what I can remember, the sickbay’s about 20 meters through that hatch.  Billy: How are you feeling? Dualla: Like I’m walking underwater.  
Galactica – CIC and Arms Locker
——————————– Tigh: Any marines with you?
Apollo: Privates Collishaw, Twinam. Tigh: Take your men and proceed without delay to aft damage control.  
Galactica – Deck 12
——————————–  Dualla: Is that yours? Billy: Oh, uh, yeah. I guess it is now.  Dualla: Okay, if you’re gonna keep it in your trousers like that… you might want to turn the safety on.  She reaches down to the crotch of his pants and turns on the safety. Billy: All righty.  Venner: Is it stuck? Bonnington: Oh, frak! The hatch won’t open. The other side’s been de-pressurized.  Roslin: All right, Corporal venner, this is your ship. I’m just a tourist. Find us another way to sickbay.  Venner: Okay, um… okay, we have to head toward aft damage control.  Roslin: Aft damage control.   
Galactica – CIC and Arms Locker
——————————– Apollo: Aft damage control. Tigh: That’s what they’re after. Let’s not waste any more time. You get to aft damage control and get there right frakking now, mister. Get there before the cylons, or we lose the ship. Is that clear?  Apollo: Aft damage control rfn. on our way. Apollo out.  
Galactica – Aft Damage Control
——————————– Apollo: okay, we made it. Twinam and jammer, you take this side. Kat, Collishaw, you take that side. We’re gonna need some cover! Let’s get this stuff out.  They start moving things into a defensive cover position. Apollo: Wait. That’s nice. Okay, everybody, get down, stay down. Hold your fire until I  give the signal. Remember, you only have one round, so it’s gotta be a head shot to make a kill. Do you understand? Understood?  Kat: Yes, sir.  Marines: Yes, sir.  Apollo: Kat, kill the flashlight.   Galactica – Near aft Damage Control——————————–  Venner: Take cover! Take cover!   Galactica – Aft Damage Control
Apollo: Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go! Steady up there, Jammer.  Jammer: Yes, sir. I’m not really cut out for this, sir. Apollo: Me neither. Sometimes you got to roll a hard six.  Jammer: Wh-what does that mean, sir?  Apollo: Uh… I don’t know. It’s something my dad says. Just…don’t shoot until I tell ya to. All right. Okay, we’re in good shape. They’re coming. But we’re in good shape. Head shot. Reload. Head shot. Head shot. Reload.  Head shot. Reload. Head shot. Okay, they’re coming. Everybody down!    Galactica – Near aft Damage Control——————————–
Dualla: You want to shoot that, you got to take the safety off.  She unlocks the saftey. Billy withdrawls the gun, and accidently fires, alerting the Centurains
[Gasps]  Billy: Damn it! Apollo: Fire!  Jammer: Frak! Lot of Screaming All hell breaks loose, and everyone starts firing at each other. The two marines are killed. As well as the the three Centurians.  
Venner: Hey, hey… are you all right? Roslin: Yes. I’m fine.  
Jammer: We did it! We got ’em all! They don’t look so big now, do they? Apollo: They look big enough.  
Dualla: I’ll, uh, I’ll take that. (refeering to the gun) Billy: Yeah.  
Venner: Have you been shot? Roslin: Uh, no, I don’t think so. (Laughs) Yeah, I’m fine.  He shows he bullet holes in her blazer. Roslin: Oh Venner: The gods must be watching over you.  
Carpica – Starbucks Apartment
——————————– Starbucks finds her truck keys 
Starbuck: Tired of walking?  Helo: (Laughs) Okay.  They move out to her humvee. Helo: Thanks.  
Galactica – Med Bay
Dualla is resting in the med bay. Billy: Hey. How do you feel? Dualla: Better.  Billy: I thought you said– Dualla: Forget what I said. And listen to what I’m saying. You listening? She pulls him down and kisses him. Billy: Mm-hmm. I’m sorry. I, uh– [Laughs nervously] I didn’t hear that. Could you, uh… could you do that one more time?  Dualla: Let me be clear. Get the curtain. 
Tigh: Doc cottle’s on his way. He’ll be here any minute.  Roslin: He’s going to be all right. You know that. Apollo: Yeah. Yeah, I-I know that. Roslin: Colonel, I assume there’s still a cell out there waiting for me.  Tigh: That’s right.  Roslin: Corporal venner, I’m ready. Tigh: I can’t believe you sided with that woman against the old man. I wouldn’t do that if you put a gun to my head. And you did. As far as I’m concerned, you’re not fit to wear a uniform. Apollo: Hmm. You’re right about that part. I am not fit to wear the uniform. Maybe I never was. Then again, neither are you. This isn’t my ship. And it sure as hell isn’t yours. It’s his. And when he wakes up… he’ll decide what to do with the both of us. Apollo leaves Tigh: Thank the gods I didn’t have kids.

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