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  • #71176

    [quote=”ilyekkakai”][color=red] 😈 I hear ya Dee 😉
    ..I want our lil’ slice O the dark zone back too …especially since I am indulging in a shot or two O tequila…must hold back …must not be tempted to dance on the edge of naughtyness 😛 😈 😉
    hehehe [/color][/quote]

    I feel ya girl 😉 😈

    Ooh, [color=orange]Bad[/color][color=red]Dee[/color][color=orange]zer[/color].com, I kinda like the sound of that. :)[/quote]

    Me too 😉 😆 😈


    [color=red] Is there such a place besides the Lexx.comBB to carry on some naughty Lexxian mayhem??

    Ahh…maybe somewhere on yahoo 😆 😛 😈 😛 😆 [/color]


    [quote=”ilyekkakai”][color=red] Is there such a place besides the Lexx.comBB to carry on some naughty Lexxian mayhem??

    Ahh…maybe somewhere on yahoo 😆 😛 😈 😛 😆 [/color][/quote]

    Sure, Yahoo has many naughty chat rooms, filled with all kinda freaks w/ web cams. Not that I would know, as I do not, umm.. hang out in them rooms………. much 😛 😈


    [quote=”Dee”][quote=”ilyekkakai”][color=red] Is there such a place besides the Lexx.comBB to carry on some naughty Lexxian mayhem??

    Ahh…maybe somewhere on yahoo 😆 😛 😈 😛 😆 [/color][/quote]

    Sure, Yahoo has many naughty chat rooms, filled with all kinda freaks w/ web cams. Not that I would know, as I do not, umm.. hang out in them rooms………. much 😛 :twisted:[/quote] 😉 😛 😈 😉

    [color=red]…hey…what’s maya’s dark zone addy at yahoo ? anyone got a link to it?[/color]


    [color=red]…hey…what’s maya’s dark zone addy at yahoo ? anyone got a link to it?[/color][/quote]

    [url]http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/group/Dark_Zone_Trading_Post/[/url] 😉


    [color=red]…hey…what’s maya’s dark zone addy at yahoo ? anyone got a link to it?[/color][/quote]

    [url]http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/group/Dark_Zone_Trading_Post/[/url] :wink:[/quote][color=red]Thank you [i]very[/i] much Dee 😀 😀 😀 …I had, had it bookmarked on my old browser but did’nt have a link for it on my new one… coolness …now I can get naughty with them bad girls that love Kai sooo much 😛 😈 😛

    hehe [/color]


    U r welcome 😉 Now go get down and dirty 😛


    [quote=”Dee”]U r welcome 😉 Now go get down and dirty :P[/quote][color=red] Heeeell yeah!!!! ….

    woot…woot…a true Ho-down …about to commence 😛 🙄 😈 😆 😆 😆

    Kai sluts unite!!!! 😈 😛 😈 [/color]


    [color=red] I see you Pinhead 😛
    ❗ 😯 😛

    😈 bwuhahahahaha 😈

    *tries to hump Pinhead’s leg for more posterity…LOL*[/color]


    not to be redundant but [size=18]THX[/size] to this XLent board for hosting the refugeez! and thanks to our cohabitants for not pretending they dont know us. 😉

    this Sad site is really quite remarkable. Im glad the crutch failed and forced me to crawl here. Very Coul!

    ps- Im SOO lonely for YOU! 😈
    (yes dont kid yourself, you know who YOU is)


    [color=red] *pouts*…damn….I wish I was “you” 😉 😕
    ..but , alas, I know this is not me…….I miss the ol BB ….
    …but, I am adaptable…eeeyup :mrgreen: 😉 …….
    *tries not to pout as much..* 😉 😛 😈

    Edit: Uggghh ..no more tequila for a bit 🙄 😉 🙄 [/color]


    Lexx fans everywhere are getting frustrated by the lack of a bored 😡



    Yesterday the lexx.com homepage worked fine from my home computer, only the bored was down. Today I went to lexx.com on another computer and found out that both are down, so I must have just been viewing a cache of the lexx.com homepage. 🙁

    *sucks thumb to calm lexx.com addiction* 😯 🙄

    -nice spellchecker, lexx.com needs one of these


    *washes up on the shore of the Sadgeezer board, rubs eyes*

    One day I was happily posting on lexx.com and then the next thing I know, nothing! 😥 After 2 days of typing http://www.lexx.com into the address bar and coming to a dead end I wash up here.

    Well sadgeezer & friends, it appears that we have another refugee from lexx.com! Me!

    Additional: Bummer! I finally got around to posting another pic in the “What Do You Look Like 2” thread (just before it went down) and never got to see any of the replies! I hope my picture wasn’t THAT bad!


    *puff of smoke*
    😥 i miss my Lexx.com Bored 😥
    but it gave me an excuse to come back on here! i knew if something was wrong & it wasn’t just my computer i’d find my slightly confused fellow Lexxians here….
    *gets out the futon & some Jiffy Pop*


    Looks as if the Dark Dragon known as Dave is now a refugee. All I have is a simple Q, has that ship sank?

    Need…Lexx… (Twitches uncontrolably)


    I am no longer a hyper strung out addicted Lexxian going thru withdrawal. For most of yesterday I was in stage 2 – a weak quivering mass of anxiety and doubt lying before my keyboard, typing Lexx.com, Lexx.com into my browser over and over in a dull haze.

    Now, however, I am moving into stage 3. I have always taken Lexx.com’s existence for granted. I don’t know how it works and I don’t know who is responsible for running it and how they do that.
    I think it is time to be a responsible Lexxian and know how the basics of my favourite board works.

    So – questions for Stormy, or gela or Mantrid (if he is finally settled in Stockholm and checking Sad’s) – Paul Donovan ownes the domain. Is he the one who controls the site then? Who set up the bored and has the power to unplug it? Who decided who the administrators would be? Do the admins have contact with the people who run the site? And if indeed, a router is burned out, who would be responsible for making the calls to have it fixed and do these people even know the site is down? I find the mystery the most frustrating part.

    Any answers would be much appreciated. In the meantime I will do my level best not to spontaneously combust. 😀


    Karuba:I know the questions are aimed at the lexx.com admin, so I hope you don’t mind if I chime in in the meantime on some of it….

    Alliance Atlantis (AA) owns lexx.com, and they have the power to unplug it. To reiterate something I said earlier in this thread, more than one AA site is down because of the router which is promising — it’s not localised to lexx.com. Unfortunately the AA peeps are notoriously difficult to contact, and slow about getting problems fixed (they don’t seem very hands on when it comes to many of their sites). Ex Salter New Media techie and webmaster, Troy Strum, was a major player in setting up the lexx.com board. Don’t know if he’s still involved… I don’t have his new email addy.


    [quote=”Logan”]Karuba:I know the questions are aimed at the lexx.com admin, so I hope you don’t mind if I chime in in the meantime on some of it….

    Alliance Atlantis (AA) owns lexx.com, and they have the power to unplug it. To reiterate something I said earlier in this thread, more than one AA site is down because of the router which is promising — it’s not localised to lexx.com. Unfortunately the AA peeps are notoriously difficult to contact, and slow about getting problems fixed (they don’t seem very hands on when it comes to many of their sites). Ex Salter New Media techie and webmaster, Troy Strum, was a major player in setting up the lexx.com board. Don’t know if he’s still involved… I don’t have his new email addy.[/quote]

    He’s not a permanent employee; they contract him for a short time whenever work needs to be done.

    I think there is a shakeup in some Canadian ISP’s this week, as Global Telecom is being sold to Bell Canada. There’s a few other non-AA sites also affected currently.

    I’ve sent out a couple emails, but since I’m not a paying customer of any of the parties, I’m not really holding my breath on this one.


    Hmmm. Thank you guys. That helps a lot. I have found in life that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Stormy – would you be willing to give out some of those e-mail addresses so that we can pester various powers that be? Politely, of course. If so, you could e-mail them to me or p.m. them, rather than post them on a public forum. You could control who you give the addresses to in this way. Even though we aren’t paying customers, the collective pain of our plight might move someone to take action to shut us up. 😀


    Why does what Stormie just posted sound ominous?

    Relax..breathe..meditate..it will all work out in the end..

    WE HOPE!


    Well, welcome to Sads. I refuse to call myself a refugee because I come here twice a day anyway. But I was wondering what happened to lexx.com.

    I am off to an exotic vacation on saturday!! So I guess I wont be chatting with the gang anyhow!!! But I always feel as if i am missing out if I don’t make the bulleting board rounds a couple of times a day.


    Thanks for the info, Storm. Any site using that “route” would be affected. It would be nice if they could reroute it in the meantime, but for various reasons I wouldn’t expect it. Perhaps we should call the [i]roto-router[/i] man. 😉

    Relax in the meantime… I wouldn’t pester them even politely. If there’s a shake-up, it’s gonna take a little while for things to realign themselves. Maybe in the next cycle of time. 😉 Really, I wouldn’t worry too much.

    Lizard, have a great trip! The people here made me feel really welcome, so I don’t exactly feel like a refugee here either… 😛

    [size=9][i]…But I do miss my Funkdom.[/i][/size] 😉


    Well, there are times you simply can’t reroute around the problem, especially in low-density networked areas (like most of the Maritimes, I’d suspect, or anywhere in the US outside of the coasts and a few major middle-cities (Chicago, Dallas, Memphis, Denver, etc).


    By the way, FX is one of the mods of this forum, so your name may be a bit confusing. Perhaps it would be more appropriate if you called yourself FunkET at this site. 😉 😆 (just a silly little joke)[/quote]
    I must have seen FX somewhere before, either here or on Lexx.com ….anyway it must have lodged somewere in my brain and resurfaced when I was trying to think of a name …anywho I am now Quosh alias FFX alias Logan. OK I know my new name sounds a bit wishy washy but its the best I could come up with so thats it.


    So…. where’s the ‘sexcellent’ JJ, then? 😈 😈 😈


    He’s not hard to find Pliffers! You must have sniffed him out by now.

    Logan – Stormie – Thanks guys. I’ll go back to my fetal position and thumb-sucking then. Not my style to sit around and hope other people fix things. Very difficult. But I will try.

    In the meantime, anyone want to plan a coup d’etat of a third world country or something while we wait for Lexx.com to go back up again? It would keep us busy. Or hack into the North Korean defence system? I haven’t a clue where to start but I am willing to learn.

    Or perhaps we should go to Fatguy’s Fortress and turn it into a Lexx site. Let’s see – he had thousands of non-related posts promoting himself at Lexx.com. That should be good for a couple thousand of Lexx posts at his own site. 😈 Or he could ban us all. Even more fun. 😛


    Haha, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t ban you guys! Why should he, yer loads o’fun! And most definately welcome and sadgeezer.com BBS until mummy board is back up and running again 🙂


    Thank you Mr. Sadgeezer.

    Step one. Consult standard issue Canadian map of the world and locate a desirable third world country that would meet Lexxian ideals.

    Something in Canada South perhaps? I could go for just about anything on the Pacific rim really. The Atlantic Carribean, for instance, is just so passe. Although, there is something to be said for a strong tradition of mai-tai and umbrella drink mixing.

    What I would really like is take over Hawaii. But that might really piss off the American government and that would be a bad thing. I am going to have to go google “third world countries ripe for the plucking” and see what comes up. I will be back…….

    ( Check it out the Canadian world domination site. It has been up-dated) [url]http://cwd.ptbcanadian.com/index2.html[/url]


    I guess I’m taking up residence here. Not sure where here is though ❓


    [quote=”KarubaLuna”]Or perhaps we should go to Fatguy’s Fortress and turn it into a Lexx site. Let’s see – he had thousands of non-related posts promoting himself at Lexx.com. That should be good for a couple thousand of Lexx posts at his own site. 😈 Or he could ban us all. Even more fun. :P[/quote]

    Truly evil. I like it.

    Lexx, invade that site.
    As you command, iStan.

    Realistically, though, I think that the Lexx Brigade of CWD should set its sights on the Turks and Caicos.


    [color=red] 😕 Man! …I miss strolling down the ‘ol threads and hanging out ..
    just generally lurking …posting when the fancy struck me .. *sigh*..
    ..O.K. , mini rant over … 😉
    ..carry on peoples ~[/color]


    [color=plum][i]A long, long time ago,
    From a universe far, far away
    One Great Show used to make me smile
    And I knew if they had one more chance,
    That they could make all us people dance
    And we’d all be happy again for a while

    I can’t remember if I cried
    When I saw the last of the big bug in the sky
    I couldn’t bring myself to say good-bye…
    Then the Dark Zone went into a deeper night
    And something touched me deep inside
    The day that Lexx.com died

    So is it bye, bye big bug in the sky?
    Thoughts so heavy for my Xev-vy, Stan, 790 & Kai
    And high-pitched hummings in the telephone lines
    Singing this will be the day that we die!
    Is this to be the day that we die?
    Has darkness completely swallowed the sky?

    So here we all are in another place
    Another generation lost in space
    With no where to go to start again…
    But we’re here among other friends…
    So… To the three I admire most
    I propose a nice long toast… …[/i][/color]


    [color=red] [img]http://smilies.jeeptalk.org/otn/realhappy/luxhello.gif[/img]
    Beautiful…*sniffle*…I love it XS4Xevr !

    [img]http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/ups/DeNiro/pray.gif[/img] [/color]


    *sob* *sniff* And I was feeling better. XS4Xevr you should post a warning at the start of your poignant song.

    Back to Lexxian domination – The UN has conveniently published an on-line list of third world countries. http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/third_world.htm. And surprise, surprise, the Turks and Caicos aren’t on the list. Do you think they are weak and puny enough for us to overtake them? They have all that….money. Not that I’m saying an absolute no. Just wondering if we would get our asses kicked.


    [color=violet]I say that if you’re going to go to all the trouble of conquering a territory, you might as well make it worth your while..
    I nominate that we conquer Beverly Hills, especially Rodeo Drive…

    All in favor, raise your Martinis !![/color] 😈


    hee hee hee!

    And raise ’em again! I think cocktails should be integral to our planning. Great to see you Maya. 😀


    if you all want a site that you can discuss anything, and be a little rique, you can go to http://www.offtopic.com


    [color=red] I shall raise my p p pattern colored margarita in honour of Lexxian world domimation 😛 😈 😛 :mrgreen:

    Oh…and welkies deathscythehell 😀 ….bout time you made it here 😛 😉 [/color]


    [quote=”ilyekkakai”][color=red] I shall raise my p p pattern colored margarita in honour of Lexxian world domimation 😛 😈 😛 :mrgreen:

    Oh…and welkies deathscythehell 😀 ….bout time you made it here 😛 😉 [/color][/quote]

    Speaking of Pa-pa-pattern and margaritas, ya’ll come up with any good recipes over at Lexx.com? 😀

    Spill the beans


    [quote=”LexxLurker”][quote=”ilyekkakai”][color=red] I shall raise my p p pattern colored margarita in honour of Lexxian world domimation 😛 😈 😛 :mrgreen:

    Oh…and welkies deathscythehell 😀 ….bout time you made it here 😛 😉 [/color][/quote]

    Speaking of Pa-pa-pattern and margaritas, ya’ll come up with any good recipes over at Lexx.com? 😀

    Spill the beans[/quote][color=red] Well….I am attending the TexxLexx shindig….and if it is not provided….I am bringing my own bottle of Te-kill-ya (tequila)…and a 12 pak O lime flavoured diet coke…I do have the green food colour handy.. 😈 …lazy arse I am….and maybe…just maybe…I might include a marachino cherrie or two … stem includeeeeeeed 😆 😈 😛 🙄 😉 😀 😛 [/color]


    [quote=”SadGeezer”]Haha, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t ban you guys! Why should he, yer loads o’fun! And most definately welcome and sadgeezer.com BBS until mummy board is back up and running again :)[/quote]
    Cheers SadGeezer ol’ pal! It’s so very kind of you to welcome such a motley bunch of smegheads like us!…..

    Wait a minute…. smegheads?…. am I in the wrong board?…. Red Lexx? 😛


    [quote=”DennisMoore”]…a motley bunch of smegheads…. Wait a minute…. Red Lexx? :P[/quote]

    Oh dear. Have you been sticking your “parts” into various orfices on the Lexx again? I would get that looked at if I were you Dennis. And tell all the other Lexxians you were playing with to get themselves checked too. Some good strong antibiotics and you should be right as rain again in no time. 😛


    [quote=”KarubaLuna”]Oh dear. Have you been sticking your “parts” into various orfices on the Lexx again?[/quote]
    I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it! 😥
    Oh well, hopefully I haven’t picked up any LTD’s (Lexx Transmitted Diseases). I wonder if Dr Xev would check that out for me? 😀


    [color=red] Is there a fungus amoung us??.. 😆 😆 😆

    …I [i]do[/i] like the [i]good[/i] fungus tho 😉 :mrgreen: 😈 [/color]


    [quote=”DennisMoore”][quote=”KarubaLuna”]Oh dear. Have you been sticking your “parts” into various orfices on the Lexx again?[/quote]
    I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it! 😥
    Oh well, hopefully I haven’t picked up any LTD’s (Lexx Transmitted Diseases). I wonder if Dr Xev would check that out for me? :D[/quote]

    Umm, I don’t know about Zev, but there is another doctor in the house…..



    [color=red] OOOooohhh….doctor …doctor !
    ..er..umm…I seem to have a …er…[i]bad[/i] carrot problemo… 😈 😛 🙄 😈 [/color]


    Hey gang…. Just got AIM,so anyone lookin’ for me, my screen name is RobbieBonham….. 😀


    [quote=”Plif”]Hey gang…. Just got AIM,so anyone lookin’ for me, my screen name is RobbieBonham….. D[/quote]

    I’m still “bigbuginthesky” on AIM.

    D cry ?


    Lexx.com is evil!!!, its run by facist moderators!!!!, the reason why lexx.com was’nt working is because I put a poax on it!!

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