Forum Replies Created
Participant[quote=”SadGeezer”][quote=”Berzerker”]I know that some of these might not actually fall exatcly in the Sci-Fi cult film area, but they’re pretty close to the genre.
1. Serenity
2. The Nightmare Before Christmas
3. Dawn of the Dead
4. Evil Dead
[/quote]Great choices, especially Serenity. Hmmm. Makes you wonder if a Cult Sci Fi film is cult because it failed at the box office?!
[quote=”Berzerker”]And for the hell of it, Snakes on a Plane.[/quote]
Haha. I guess someone had to suggest it :)[/quote]
Well not every cult film was a flop (does the smegfest Napoleon Dynamite ring a bell?), it just seems to be common that a cult film is just somethign that did poorly in theaters. By all means Star Wars, Star Trek, or any comic book movie would be a cult film, but the problem with those are that they already became such a huge part of our culture that we don’t think of them in that way. But yeah Serenity failed at the box office but broke even with DVD sales.
And of course I had to suggest Snakes On A Plane. I mean it’s Snakes…on a plane. That movie has forever changed my life.
ParticipantI know that some of these might not actually fall exatcly in the Sci-Fi cult film area, but they’re pretty close to the genre.
1. Serenity
2. The Nightmare Before Christmas
3. Dawn of the Dead
4. Evil DeadAnd for the hell of it, Snakes on a Plane.
ParticipantNot sure if it counts by some of your standards of what sci-fi, but anyway, Paranoia Agent is a great show. More on the anime show level, but it’s so frackin’ trippy and bizarre that it’s up there. Also Fooly Cooly, another anime but this one deals with monsters and space pirates.
But yeah Futurama, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, both great shows. And Robot Chicken, another sci-fi show at times, totally rocks.
ParticipantRyan keeps on telling me it’s not going to happen but, hey I’m right behind you or anyone on this. Serenity was probably one of thes best movies out last year. I know some may beg to differ, but that’s my opinion. Futher more, just because a movie doesn’t meet what the Studio was expecting doesn’t mean that’s where it ends. Like you said, it’s making all of it’s money back and more through dvd sales. And right now in Hollywood, no matter how much the President of the Academy wants to deny it, most movies make about 60% of it’s money now through DVD sales (this also includes pay-per view, on demand)
I know I’m going a little off topic here for a second, but all please bare with me. Austin Powers was a movie that did terrable in the box office. I mean it came no where close to what it cost them to make it. But thanks to video sales, the movie went on to two more movies that did well. And other movies too, are being made into sequals thanks to dvd sales. So thanks to all us browncoats and Sci-Fi fans buying the movie it still has a chance. It still has a chance.
Also I have a little theory about Serenity 2. Reason why some fans are all doom and gloom, is because Joss is shruging off any comment about the movie. But the thind is Joss onlys does one project at a time. He doesn’t even think about anything else, while he’s writing or directing. Right now he’s working on Wonder Woman, so it’s not the end. Now to my theory part of this. Joss has said many times that he has had Morena Baccarin (Inara) to play here. Let’s say she get’s the part. Wonder Woman, which has been around since the 50’s, has one huge ass following. So it’s going to gain attraction, and going to make big bucks. Fans of this movie would want to see Joss and Morena’s work on Firefly/Serenity. A bigger fan base and demand is build. We all get our wish.
So let’s all stand on our beliefs of a Serenity 2. Because did Mal give up on getting back at the Alliance in any sort of way after the Battle of Serenity?
ParticipantI’m not sure if anyone ever heard of this one song, but it’s called “The Fantastic Four” by Ray Wall Band. This song is so campy and bad that they took it off the movie album and put it right up on iTunes. So if you ever need a good chuckle, go download it.
Anyway, The Bloodhound Gang did one song on there new album in which they give nods to all there favorite Sci-Fi shows. Even piano part of the music, is just them playing the tune from the New BSG (that is played in every first 30 seconds of every episode) backwards then fowards.
“I’m The Least You Could Do”
It always sucks refolding the kind of map
Needed when i get stuck where the sun don’t shine the fact
Is if i just shut up my rubbered stamp could flag you as dumb-(Hitchhicker’s Guide to the Galaxy)It ain’t your mind you’re givin’ me a piece of
As it don’t take einstein to know that’s just obscene but (Farscape)
It’s been buck rogers’ time since i hit other than rock bottom (Buck Rogers)Even the odds of having you against me
With your crotchless jihad on blue balls evidently (crotchless jihad referring to the cylons on BSG)
Are all mighty good god so angel dust my soul like james brownStreet leagl whore hauling so much stunning ass
Sell yourself short like bridget at the bunny ranch
Do it all fours the satisfaction of getting fouledI’m the least you could do
If only life were as easy as youI’m the least you could do
If only life were as easy as youI would still get screwed
I don’t care if getting under someone that’s
Beneath you fits the m.o. of conundrum as
You reckoned this was just a fancy word for rubbersI aim to get a bang out of working your
Weak spot that sets the bar so low just nerve can score
With no respect since oddly danger feels like pay dirt (Smallvile)I’m the least you could do
If only life were as easy as youI’m the least you could do
If only life were as easy as youI’m the least you could do
If only life were as easy as youIf only
When my fumbling breaks you should
I thank your dad for the damaged goods?When my fumbling breaks you should
I thank your dad for the damaged goods?When my fumbling breaks you should
I thank your dad for the damaged goods?When my fumbling breaks you should
I thank your dad for the damaged goods?Berzerker
Participant5. “How can I help you Clark?” – Lex Luther on Smallville (He says this so much on [i]Smallville[/i] you could make it into a drinking game.)
4.”Bah, Dr. Doom doesn’t need a catch phrase.” – Dr. Doom of the Fanstastic Four
3. “Freedom is on the march.” – Dubya
2. The souds the Penguin makes from Batman.
1. “And I would’ve gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for those meddling kids.” – Every single Scooby Doo villian… ever.
11th December 2005 at 8:25 pm in reply to: Best Sci Fi Film of 2005 – Poll – We Need Your Vote #75818Berzerker
ParticipantHold on, hold on. We have The Frackin’ Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D! but no Serenity?! Is there something I’m missing here? I mean don’t get me wrong, I love films by Robert Rodriguez. But come on.
Anyway, since Serenity isn’t on the list, and this was a close one for me, but I have to go with the Bats.
ParticipantDon’t worry Lil’ Slugger will get to them…oh wait I forgot we had this conversation before about me living in a world of TV characters. Damn you Adult Swim…lol
Anyway what you should do is capitalize certian letters in various lines that spell out something like “WHO EVER COPIES THIS IS A D-BAG” or what not.
And to you tpol. Yeah, uh huh, HHog is not a man. This is coming from a person who made an account to probably bash this whole issue on the transcripts. So does that make you a man?
Participant[quote=”Headgehog”]Are you insulting Bruce Campbell?
[i]dems fighting words…[/i] :evil:[/quote]
No, I would never. Remember Alien Apocalypse. The only reason I sat through the pile of crap was because of Bruce Campbell.
You’re right. But I said a few cast members. Some immediately come to mind who are incapable of acting.[/quote]Yeah espically that in this movie we’re going to have Chewy, and come on how can Hayden Christensen be out acted by a dog…Oh wait nevermind, I just answered my own question. I think when I see the Vader mask on for the first time in this movie, I’ll be cheering. Not because the birth of Vader begins, but because I won’t have to put up with Hayden’s acting ever again.
ParticipantJune 24- George A Romero’s Land of the Dead
July 22 – The Island
Oct 21 – Doom
Though this is more horror than Sci-Fi
Oct 28 – Saw 2
Oh yeah and Lexx: Rebirth. I heard it’s almost done because they change the cast to a one man movie all done by Pauly Shore. It’s going to be released on May 19th, which would put it up against Stars Wars…J/K about this.
Participant[quote=”pet”]I know that the movie industry has to get advertising support; it’s a fact of life. I liked the way MacDonald’s was handled in the Fifth Element, updated and Lexxified, and we are all used to seeing the brand name on computer shots. [b]But[/b]…
For some reason this grates on me. The only reason the chick in Blade: Trinity listens to music while “hunting” is so that they can plug the Ipod over and over and over. [i]The entire movie seems to be a commercial for Ipod.[/i]
I would have liked to have seen more Blade in it than Ipod, but that’s just me.
Okay, anyone else have a gripe about a ridiculous product placement ruining your suspension of disbelief? Anyone?
Hey at least they didn’t play that god forsaken overplayed U2 song everytime the iPOD was popped out.
ParticipantI see everyone forgot to wish all the atheist people a Happy Saturday. 🙄