While not shown much in the Sci Fi mini-series, lasguns are worth mentioning here. Lasguns are the futuristic weapons you knew were missing from the Dune series.
Read moreThe hunter-seeker is a deadly tool of assassins. The tiny floating tadpole-like machine is remotely controlled by an operator not far away from the lethal device.
Read moreSaint Alia of the Knife, sister to the God Paul “Maud-Dib” Atreides is acting regent until Paul’s children Leto and Ghanima are of age to rule…
Read moreMelange (me’lange also ma,lanj) n-s, origin uncertain (thought to derive from the ancient Terran Franzh): a. mixture of spice; b. spice of Arrakis (Dune) with geriatric properties first noted by Yanshuph Ashkoko, royal chemist in reign... Read more
Scytale is a Bene Tlielax Facedancer, and is one of the most intriguing characters in the Dune Saga, he also represents a contradiction that may lead to the answers in the final book.
Read moreFenring was the former ruler of Arrakis, for the Empire, at the time when it was Harkonnen quasi-fief.
Read moreThe origins of the Bene Gesserit are shrouded in mystery. Again believed to originate during the Butlerian Jihad, the Bene Gesserit are an all-female sisterhood devoted to a secret Breeding Program.
Read moreA brilliant, totally evil man, he was once a great warrior and shockingly attractive. All the changed after he raped the Reverend Mother Mohium.
Read moreA stone burner is hands-down the most destructive weapon in the Dune universe, and maybe in all of sci-fi.
Read moreOriginally Zensunni Wanderers, the Bene Tlielax inhabit a world called Tleilax, whose capitol city is Bandalong. Their home planet is offlimits to all non-Tlielaxu.
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