Battlestar Galactica: Transcripts: S01E02: Water

Galactica – Maintenance Room
A very wet, catatonic, Boomer is sitting there, dripping water on the floor. After a few seconds, she comes back to reality and is in total shock. She is completely disoriented. She searches a nearby duffle bag and finds her dry uniform. She starts to change into it, but then she spots something. It’s a bomb. She finds an active G4 (BSG’s version of C4) explosive in her duffle. She freaks and wastes no time disarming it.

Galactica – Hangars
A now dry Boomer crosses paths with Cally.
Cally: Oh, excuse me, lieutenant?
Boomer: Specialist, good evening.
Cally: Sir?
Boomer: Is something wrong?
Cally: No, sir, it’s just… morning, sir.
Boomer: What time is it?
Cally: 05:45.

Galactica – Small Arms Locker
Boomer punches in her code and enters. Goes to put the explosives back in their proper place, and finds 6 more detonators are missing.
Boomer: (seriously freaked) Oh, my God! Oh, my God, oh, my God… where are the rest of them?

Galactica – Tigh’s quarters
Gaeta: (on P.A.) Attention, Colonial one will arrive in 30 minutes. Repeat: Colonial one will arrive in 30 minutes.
Tigh: (rummaging through his clothes) Damned, son-of-a-bitch sash… I heard you the first time! (finds a bottle of booze and marks off how much “fingers” it’s got left) one… two… three… four… five… five.

Galactica – Apollo’s quarters
He’s dressing up, but has trouble looking at himself in the mirror. He has a flashback of the destruction of the Olimpic Carrier.
Roslin: (in the flashback) Do it!

Galactica – Hallway
Apollo: I can’t stop thinking about the Olympic Carrier.
Adama: That was three days ago. It’s ancient history under these circumstances. Leave the second-guessing to the historians.
Apollo: But don’t we have a responsibility? I mean, as leaders, don’t we have an obligation to question our actions to… I don’t know, to make sure the decisions that we make are the right decisions.
Adama: We did what we had to do, son. A man takes responsibility for his actions, right or wrong. He accepts the consequences and lives with them. Every day.

Space – Colonial one docking
Gaeta: Colonial one, Galactica. Proceed to Omega docking. Contact C.I.C. when you have hard seal.
Pilot: Roger that, Galactica.

Colonial one
Billy: Excuse me, Madam President, we’ve arrived.
Roslin: Please don’t tell me that we have to go through this every time I step on that ship.
Billy: No, ma’am, but they will always “render honors” for your arrival, as protocol.
Roslin: The military… they do love their protocol.
Billy: Well, I’m sure that if they knew you didn’t like it, they’d be willing to-
Roslin: No, no, let Adama sound the trumpets. I think it makes him feel more comfortable. Maybe if he feels comfortable he’ll be a little easier to deal with.
Billy: That’s smart.
Roslin: No, it’s not smart, it’s politics. (changing subjects) I think I’m going to get tired of this outfit seeing as I only have three for the rest of my life.
Billy: It looks fine.
Roslin: “Fine”?
Billy: Uh, it looks… great.
Roslin: You don’t know anything about women, do you?
Billy: Shall we?
Roslin: Let’s go be presidential.

Galactica – Command
Roslin: I am confident that I speak for the entire fleet when I say “Thank you”. Without your extraordinary dedication, your tireless effort, your sacrifice, no one of us would be here today. I’m proud to serve as your president. Thank you.
Adama: Carry on.
Dualla: Sir… the Virgon Express is maneuvering alongside. They’re standing by for unrep.
Adama: Thank you very much, D. Officer of the watch, proceed with the unrep.
Gaeta: Aye, sir.
Adama: If you’ll step this way…
Roslin: Thank you.

Galactica – Hangars
Boomer: Uh, excuse me, chief, a word with you, please.
Tyrol: Yes, sir, just one second. (to an assistant) You know what?, just do it. (back to Boomer) What’s up?
Boomer: Got a problem.
Tyrol: (covering, as someone’s around) Well, yes, sir, lieutenant. I believe the navcon modules are ready for inspection. (takes her away into the Tool Room)

Galactica – Command
Dualla: Virgon Express, Galactica. We have you in visual contact. Maintain current course and speed.
VE Pilot: Roger that, Galactica. Maintain current course and speed.
Gaeta: Power up stabilization gyros 24a through 48c.
Adama: Galactica’s water recycling system is close to 100% effective. For all intents and purposes, there’s not one drop of water that’s wasted aboard. We have enough water for several years before replenishing.
Roslin: I see.
Adama: Many of the ships, like the Virgon Express, were not made for long-term voyages. They’ll have to tank off of us periodically.
Roslin: Right.

Galactica – Tool Room
Tyrol: Whatever it is, whatever it is, we’re gonna take care of it, okay? All right? Now, tell me what happened. What’s going on?
Boomer: There are, at this moment, six G-4 detonators missing from the small arms locker on deck 15.

Galactica – Command
Tigh: Commander, we’re ready to extend the water boom.
Adama: (to Roslin) Excuse me. (leave with Tigh)
Tigh: How’s it going?
Adama: Oh, boy… I feel like a…
Adama & Tigh: Tour guide?
Adama: It shows, huh?
Tigh: Well, she was a teacher. Probably sees all this as one big educational experience.
Roslin: He thinks I’m a total idiot, doesn’t he?
Apollo: What? Uh, no, sir- no.
Roslin: It’s all right.

Galactica – Tool Room
Tyrol: What are you telling me for? Munitions go missing, you gotta go tell the master-at-arms, right now.
Boomer: I know that!
Tyrol: Sharon, you can’t screw around with stuff like this-
Boomer: I’m not screwing around, okay? The only reason I didn’t tell anybody is because they’re gonna think I’m the one who took them!

Galactica – Command
Billy: How are things?
Dualla: Things are good.
Billy: Good. You look good. I really like your hair.
Dualla: (amused) My hair?
Billy: (kicking himself) I don’t know anything about women.
Apollo: Madam President, if I may? I think you should know that my father… well, this entire ceremony was his idea.
Roslin: I know. I think he’s enjoying it.
Apollo: Well, actually, he hates protocol pomp and all that.
Roslin: Really?
Apollo: He’s making a gesture, trying to make you feel like the president.
Adama: Open valves three and five.

Galactica – Toom Room
Boomer: I took the one detonator from the duffel, replaced it, and then went back to my quarters.
Tyrol: Well, ah… you know what?, you know what? It’s not your fault. Someone’s obviously setting you up to take the fall for something, that’s what it is. I mean, you wake up somewhere, you don’t know how you got there or anything. You’re drugged or manipulated. Or who knows what, something.
Boomer: What do we do? ‘Cause if I report what’s happened, they’re gonna think I’m a Cylon agent.
Tyrol: No, they’re not; no, they’re not. No, no, no, why would they think that? That’s crazy.
Boomer: People are getting crazy, okay? You’ve heard the rumors: Cylons who look like humans, sleeper agents hiding in the fleet.

Galactica – Exterior View
All the Galactica’s port-side water tanks blow.

Galactica – Command
Gaeta: Decompression alarm!
Adama: Damage report, Mr. Gaeta.
Gaeta: Ruptures in tanks 3, 5, 7, 9…
Tigh: Strain on the unrep lines, they’re gonna blow.
Adama: Release the lines. Veer away, starboard.
Tigh: Every tank on the port side has ruptured. We’re venting all our water directly into space.

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Galactica – Empty Water Tank
Tyrol’s team, all in E.V.A. suits, enter the tank.
Tyrol: C.I.C., this is D.C. one. We’re entering the tank.
Dualla: Roger that, D.C. one.
Tyrol: Raptor 478, it’s D.C. one. I have you in my sights.
Boomer: (shining a floodlight in from her Raptor hovering outside) Copy that, D.C. one, I have you in sight.
Tyrol: Understood.
Boomer: How’s it look in there? Can you tell what happened?
Tyrol: Lieutenant, don’t worry. About my team… I got things under control.
Boomer: Copy that, D.C. one. I feel better knowing you’re on it. (to Crashdown) Watch the light, you’re off target.

Galactica – Conference Room
Roslin: How much water did we lose?
Gaeta: (on the podium) Ten million jps, sir. Almost 60% of total potable water reserves.
Adama: Emergency rations. Shut down laundry, showers, anything non-essential, immediately.
Tigh: Yes, sir.
Roslin: How long will our water supplies last?
Gaeta: Well, aboard Galactica, about six days. But, one third of the other ships in the fleet were depending on us for replenishment. If we don’t find new supplies, they’ll run out of water in two days.
Billy: one third, that’s 16,000 people.
Roslin: Get the names of those ships, tell their captains to go on emergency rations immediately.
Tigh: There’s gonna be riots on those ships. Civilians don’t like hearing they can’t take a bath or wash their clothes or drink more than a thimble a day.
Roslin: Thank you for the warning, colonel.
Adama: That’ll be all, Mr. Gaeta.
Gaeta is about to step off the podium when Roslin stops him.
Roslin: And one more thing, lieutenant… do you have any theories about what may have caused the accident?
Gaeta: There are many theories at this point, madam president.
Roslin: Do you have a guess?
Adama: (stepping in) I tell my officers not to guess. I prefer to wait until we have fact.
Roslin: Indulge me.
Adama: Take a guess, Mr. Gaeta.
Gaeta: Well, I would have to say the most likely explanation is that the tank was structurally weakened during the Cylon nuclear detonation during the first attack, and that caused it to buckle and rupture. But it’s too early to say, sir.
Roslin: Interesting. Thank you, lieutenant.
Adama: Back to the matter at hand. I’ve ordered an astronomical survey of nearby star systems for potential water sources- colonel?
Tigh: Yes, sir. (takes the podium)

Galactica – Empty Water Tanks
Cally: Chief, take a look at this. (shows him a piece of metal)
Tyrol: What do you got?
Cally: Not sure. It looks like burn marks from an explosive. What do you think?
Tyrol: (covering) It’s, um… tough- tough to tell, it’s pretty rusted out.

Galactica – Conference Room
Tigh: (on the podium) Optical and x-ray telescopes say there are five systems within our practical jump radius. All five have planetary bodies with the potential for finding water in either a liquid or a frozen state.
Adama: Put together a plan for Raptors to scout each star system. I want the first launch at 17:30.
Apollo: Yes, sir.
Roslin: Colonel, how likely are we to find water on any of these planets?
Tigh: Now you want me to guess, I take it?
Adama: Colonel…
Tigh: Sir… my apologies, Madam President. Difficult day for everyone.
Roslin: I understand.
Tigh: Most planets are just hunks of rock or balls of gas. The galaxy’s a pretty barren and desolate place when you get right down to it.
Adama: Thank you, colonel.
Roslin: The water rationing will make our supply problem worse. Doctor Baltar, please share the results of your study.
Baltar: I’ve calculated that the rate of consumption regarding basic foodstuffs for the civilian population, this is based on information available to me at the time. The current civilian population of 45,265 will require, at minimum, 82 tons of grain, 85 tons of meat, 119 tons of fruit, 304 tons of vegetables and… 2.5 million jps of water.
Apollo: Is that per month?
Baltar: Per week.

Cylon-occupied Caprica
It’s pouring and Helo is watching through binoculars a Raptor crawling with Cylons.
Helo: Well, they found your Raptor.
Caprica Boomer: A few or a lot?
Helo: That’s what you get for coming back for me.
Caprica Boomer: Frak!
Helo: Yeah.
Caprica Boomer: I was sure they didn’t track me coming in.
Helo: I know.
Caprica Boomer: I set the jiggers to pulse.
Helo: I’m sure you did.
Caprica Boomer: I didn’t set off any detection grids, any dradis sweeps, pingers…
Helo: Never send a pilot to do an E.C.O.’s job.
Caprica Boomer: I can do your job.
Helo: Well, I guess that’s why the toasters are crawling all over our ride outta here. I don’t suppose we have a plan “B”.
Caprica Boomer: Plans “B”, “C”, “D” and “E” are the same as plan “A”: get off the planet and get back to the ship, come on. (pulls him away)
Helo: Where’re we going?
Caprica Boomer: Don’t ask questions, just follow your pilot.
Helo: Yes, sir.

Galactica – Conference Room
Tyrol: (on the podium) Um, so far we’ve found five discrete detonation points in the tank and we believe that there may be a sixth. I’ve suspected, due to the size of the residual scoring and the burn points, that we’re dealing with a G-4 type explosive. So I requested a spot-check of all inventory from the master-at-arms, and she indicated to me that there are six detonators missing from a small arms locker in the port flight pod. So, one detonator may still be unaccounted for.
Adama: Have the master-at-arms post guards at all small arms lockers, immediately.
Tyrol: It’s already done, sir. She also has opened an investigation into who may have had access to that locker. However, due to, um, ahem, spotty record-keeping and lax internal security procedures since the attack, she believes that we may never know who took the detonators.
Adama: Chief, thank you very much. Everyone except for colonel Tigh, captain Adama and doctor Baltar are now released. Please remember, this briefing is strictly confidential. There is at least one Cylon aboard the Galactica.
Everyone but the aforementioned leaves.
Roslin: How many people know Cylons look like humans?
Tigh: Rumor mill’s been working overtime. Half the ship’s talking about it.
Roslin: There’ll always be rumors and for most people that’s all they’ll ever be. I’m asking how many people actually know.
Tigh: The five people in this room, plus three marines.
Roslin: Let’s keep it that way. once this gets out officially, people will be accusing each other of being Cylons for no reason at all.
Adama: I agree. Doctor Baltar, how are we doing on the screenings?
Baltar: Screenings?
Roslin: You’re supposed to be screening Galactica crew for potential Cylon agents.

Baltar’s Daydream – His House in Caprica
#6: (naked, in a hot tub) Do you remember the first time you lied to a woman? Other than your mother, that is.
Baltar: Other than my mother… Sherry Bennett. Fourth grade, on the playground behind the band room. “If you show me yours, I’ll show you mine.” She did. I did… not. You know?, I think I slept with her, actually, many years later, of course.
#6: (coming out of the tub) Of course. Did she turn out to be a beautiful woman?
Baltar: As a matter of fact, she did. Very beautiful. But every woman has her beauty, her… feminine charms that are hers and hers alone.

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Battlestar Galactica: Miniseries: Part 2

Galactica – Conference Room
Adama: Doctor… doctor?
Baltar: Oh, right, the screenings. To tell you the truth, there are significant problems with implementing my Cylon detection method that I used aboard Galactica previously, and basically because I’ve run out of natural resources. I need a chemical compound. For example, the precursor test. I need large samples of, um, tetrahydrocycline, which, I don’t have to tell you- well, maybe I do have to tell you, but it’s a highly volatile-
Adama: Let me stop you right there. Your intellect, obviously outstrips everyone in this room. But it’s also obvious by the way that you’re talking, in order to make large-scale screenings you’re gonna need help. Staff, resources…
Baltar: Yes… that is exactly what I’m saying. Exactly. Although, um, more staff…
#6: Someone snooping around, watching your every move? Maybe it’ll be a woman, you could find her secret beauty.
Adama: I’m going to assign Lieutenant Gaeta to aid you in anything that you might need.
#6: So much for that.
Baltar: But, the need for secrecy…
Roslin: Clearly, this falls into the “absolutely necessary” category. Your screening techniques may be critical to our very survival.
#6: (teasing) Humanity’s very survival rests in your hands. Now, if only you had an actual Cylon detector.

Galactica – Hangars
Apollo: It’s a critical mission, Boomer. We already have fights breaking out on some ships over water rations. There’s panic in the air. You don’t find water out there and find it soon-
Boomer: I understand, captain, we’ll find it.
Apollo: Good hunting. (starts leaving) Hey, chief.
Tyrol: Captain. Lieutenant.
Boomer: Chief. (lower voice) I feel like my head’s about to explode.
Tyrol: Just relax, calm down. Focus on the mission, we’ll take care of everything when you get back.
Boomer: What about the investigation?
Tyrol: Master-at-arms is running it but don’t worry, there’s no connection to you. In fact, there’s no reason to believe you had anything to do with it at all.
Boomer: I didn’t.
Tyrol: I know.
Boomer: I would never do something like that. Never.
Tyrol: Sharon, I know.
Boomer: It’s really important you believe me on this. You do believe me, right?
Tyrol: Absolutely. (covering as someone passes) Yes, sir!
Boomer: Thank you, chief, carry on.

Galactica – Adama’s quarters
Adama: Please excuse me for keeping you waiting. I was called in the engine room, it’ll just take a moment.
Roslin: It’s all right. Some time I’d like to borrow a book or two. I only brought one with me on the flight to Galactica.
Adama: What book?
Roslin: “A Murder on Picon.” I have a weakness for mysteries.
Adama: Ever read “Dark Day”?
Roslin: Edward Prima. I am embarrassed to say it’s one of those classics I’ve never gotten around to reading.
Adama: I think you’ll enjoy it. (hands it to her)
Roslin: Thank you. It may be a while before I get this back to you.
Adama: It’s a gift. Never lend books.
Roslin: Well, then, thank you for the gift.
She smiles. He leaves.

Galactica – Hallways / Recreation Room
Gaeta and Baltar walk the hallways.
Gaeta: I’m really looking forward to working with you, doctor.
#6: (teasing) You have a friend!
Baltar: As am I, lieutenant.
Gaeta: I actually studied genetics in college. In fact, I was planning on going for my graduate degree through the military extension program.
Baltar: Wonderful- (as they pass the Recreation Room) Is that a card game?
Starbuck: (playing cards) And the girl wins again! Another round? Oh, c’mon guys, grace under pressure. There’s nothing like losing a little money to take your mind off those 14-hour patrols.
Baltar: (approaching the table) Mind if I sit in, lieutenant?
Starbuck: If you’ve got the cubits, we’ve got the chair. Of course, if you’ve got the “anything to drink” we’ll take that in lieu of cash.
Baltar: Do you know?, I don’t have any money. (in the background, Gaeta reaches for his wallet, ready to spot him the cash) But, um… this jacket must be worth at least 15 cubits. (takes it off) It’s made of the finest Caprican cloth, warm in winter, cool in summer, it would look great on you. Anybody else got any civilian clothes they’d be interested in putting on the table? (to Gaeta) Don’t let me keep you.

Galactica – Adama’s quarters
Roslin: Colonel Tigh was right. Rioting broke out on a cruise ship when they reduced water rations. We need to demonstrate an ability to maintain order; we need to do it now.
Adama: We don’t have the manpower for fleet security.
Roslin: You have the only armed, disciplined, force available.
Adama: Yeah, but I’m not gonna be your policeman.
Roslin: Hmm.
Adama: There’s a reason we separate military and the police: one fights the enemy of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people.
Roslin: I appreciate the complexity of the issue. And I won’t let that happen.
Adama: (resignedly) I’ll send troops to the cruise ship.
Roslin: (reassuringly) Commander, I won’t let that happen.

Raptor – Orbiting some “rock”
Boomer: Beginning dradis one sweep…
Crashdown: Beginning dradis two sweep. So, I’m thinking that we should give this lovely little rock of nothing a name. I’m thinking… “Kimiko”. (off her no reaction) Kimiko? After a lovely little lady in a lovely little city in a lovely little colony that I used to know.
Boomer: (couldn’t care less) Whatever…

Galactica – Recreation Room
Baltar: Sorry. So sorry, you had such a good run, though. Well, it looks like the bet’s to me. I will try and muddle through for another round. I’m going to, um, raise you five.
Starbuck: No guts, no glory, doctor. I’ll see your five and, um… raise you 20.
Baltar: It’s just you and me. I’m not used to playing in this kind of high-stakes game.
Starbuck: It’s not too late to bow out.
Baltar: Now, there’s an excellent suggestion. And you know what?, before proceeding any further, I should really examine my motivations for doing so. Staying in the game, I run the risk of losing my entire stake and being humiliated in front of all these lovely people.
Starbuck: “Humiliated” is a such a strong word. “Embarrassed” would be my choice.
Baltar: You do play rough, though, don’t you?
Starbuck: A little too rough for you?
Baltar: Well, my hand’s not that strong, it certainly wouldn’t take much to knock me out of the game.
Starbuck: Well, thank you, doctor.
Baltar: However… without a little risk, life would be so dull, wouldn’t it? Call it.
Starbuck: Ahem… okay. Ahem, (shows her hand) three on a run.
Baltar: (shows his) Full colors, thank you. (standing, collecting his winnings) Thank you all for a most pleasant evening. (walks up to Starbuck, hands her a cigarette) A parting gift. Hand-rolled from some of the finest fumarello leaf on Caprica. It’s also one of the last left in the universe.
Starbuck: Thank you.
Baltar: My pleasure. (he lights it up and Starbuck blows some smoke in his face) Excuse me. (leaves)

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Tripping the Rift: Ships: Jupiter 42

Galactica – Command
Dualla: (to Adama) Raptors have reported back after three star systems so far. All report negative for water, sir.
Tigh: (to Adama) I just checked with astrometrics. They’re coming up with big goose eggs. There’s no star systems within the range of our telescopes with planetary bodies likely to have water on them.
Dualla: Sir? Another Raptor just checked in. Negative on water as well.
Adama: Who’s left?
Dualla: Boomer and Crashdown, sir.
Tigh: Well, if they come up negative as well… what’s our back-up plan?
Adama: We jump to another sector, start the search all over again. Needle in a haystack.
Tigh: More like a grain of salt on the beach.

Raptor – Orbiting some moon
Crashdown: Still nothing and… more nothing.
Boomer: (her console blinking that multiple water sources have been discovered) I got nothing here, either.
Crashdown: Well, then that’s it. Five moons, five zeroes. I’m getting thirsty just thinking about it. I hope somebody else has more luck out there.
Boomer: Yeah…
She seems to be in some inner conflict with herself. Crashdown picks up something’s wrong.
Crashdown: What’s on your mind, Boomer?
Boomer: I don’t know. I have this feeling… (her console still blinking with the multiple water contacts) Let’s run that last sweep again. (reaches her hand down to the missing detonator, a bomb by her seat)
Crashdown: You’re the boss. Beginning sweep 21…
Boomer: Beginning sweep 22…
Crashdown: Boomer, I’m getting nothing again, how about you?
Boomer: (same water found result) I- I’m having trouble saying it. (reaches for the bomb again)
Crashdown: What do you mean?
Boomer: I think I see… (pulling her hand away from the bomb) Oh, I have positive contact, yeah!
Crashdown: What do you mean? Oh… whoo! Yeah! Good call, Boomer! Whoo!

Galactica – Command / Raptor
Dualla: Sir, dradis just picked up Boomer ‘s Raptor.
Adama: Let’s hear it.
Crashdown: Galactica, Crashdown. Dradis sweeps indicated it’s time to break out the swim trunks because we found water. Repeat, positive water contact!
Adama: Patch me in to the entire fleet.
Dualla: You’re connected, sir!
Adama: Attention, this is the commander. We have found water. Let’s go have a drink.
Crashdown: I think they’re pleased, I can hear them screaming in the background.

Cylon-occupied Caprica
It’s still raining, and Halo & Caprica Boomer are getting wet again.
Caprica Boomer shoots up in the neck with a fix of anti-radiation meds.
Helo: Sharon, careful with that needle. We’re running low on anti-radiation meds. (hands her some military ration) Not really mom’s home-cooking.
Caprica Boomer: Yeah? Beats eating grass and leaves.
Helo: We’ll be cooking up a fine meal of twigs and moss by the end of week.
Caprica Boomer: You spoil me.
Helo: Can I ask you something, Sharon? Why’d you come back for me?
Caprica Boomer: I hate to fly alone.
Helo: C’mon… you disobeyed orders, flew back into this hellhole… I mean, not that I don’t appreciate it but… why?
Caprica Boomer: I just couldn’t leave you behind. Let’s leave it at that.
The sexual tension is dense and they are an inch away from a kiss when they are interrupted by…
Helo: It’s Colonial Fleet’s signal. I- I can’t decode it but it means there’s someone.
Caprica Boomer: Someone in the military is still somewhere live and kicking here in Caprica. Ha, ha! Yes!
Helo: Now all we have to do is find them.

Galactica – Hangars
Boomer and Crashdown get out of their Raptor. Everybody comes to congratulate them.
Apollo: Way to go, Boomer!
Cally: Nice work, sir.
Apollo: Nice job, let’s get you debriefed.
Boomer: Yes, sir. Chief… could you take a look at my ejection pyros? I think there’s a short or something.
Tyrol: Yeah… Cally-
Boomer: (cutting him off) No, chief, if you could take a look at it yourself.
He nods and goes.

Colonial one
Roslin: Thank you for coming, captain Apollo. I am aware that you were in charge of the mission that destroyed the Olympic Carrier. I know what a hard thing that is to live with, for all of us. I’m struggling with it myself, frankly.
Apollo: I can’t stop thinking about it. But a man… has to accept responsibility for his actions. He doesn’t second-guess the choices he makes, he lives with them, every day.
Roslin: You know, I remember when president Adar sent the marines into Aerilon. 15 people died. In public, of course, he had to say all the usual things. He– he was sure of what he’d done, made the right choice, stayed the course. But he knew it was a mistake. And he kept the names of the dead in his desk drawer. He said that it was imperative for a leader to remember and learn from the mistakes even if they can’t admit to them publicly.
Apollo: Do you think we made a mistake?
Roslin: I don’t know. I don’t have a desk drawer yet, but, I have a pocket. (reaches into it and shows him a slip of paper that reads Olimpic Carrier) I don’t want to add to your burdens, however, I have a request: I would like you to be my personal military advisor.
Apollo: I’m sorry, um… my father is the senior military officer, he should advise you.
Roslin: Oh, no, no, no, no… I don’t mean to go behind your father’s back. Nothing like that. I’m not looking for military advice. I’m looking for advice about the military. That little insight about your father making a gesture, it really helped me. It made me reassess the man. I would appreciate more of those insights. And you can keep your day job at the C-A-G.
Apollo: It’s pronounced “CAG”.
Roslin: (smiles) Do you see why I need you?
Apollo: Um, so, who’s going to tell my father?
Roslin: Well… ahem. Uh, I was thinking that that would be your first assignment.
Apollo: Somehow, I knew you were gonna say that.
Roslin: Thank you, Captain.

Galactica – Tool Room
Boomer & Tyrol kiss.
Boomer: Hey… that is just what I needed.
Tyrol: Oh, yeah.
Boomer: Did you find the detonator?
Tyrol: Yes, I did, I gave it to the master-at-arms.
Boomer: (freaking) What?!
Tyrol: Hey– no, no, I told her i found it during maintenance. Listen, calm down. This is the best way to go about this, okay? Look, that puts them on the same trail that we’re on, doesn’t raise any suspicion to you. (she’s still very nervous) Listen– Hey, hey, hey… trust me on this, Sharon. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you, okay?
Boomer: Okay, yeah.
Tyrol: Don’t worry, sweetie.
Boomer: I better go.
Tyrol: Okay.
And she leaves. And as she walks away through the hallways, she’s looking rather Cylonish…

Transcript taken by Ryan Bechtel (2005)

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