Forum Replies Created
ParticipantGood luck! I changed hosts back in November and had all kinds of horrible things (site was hacked, server outages, ect, ect) happen for almost 2 months but things have been good the last month (knock on wood) I actually moved all 3 sites and my Invision forums myself and it was no fun at all editing the php files to use the new mysql databases. I guess whatever doesn’t kill us makes us stronger eh?
ParticipantSpace above and beyond was one of my favorites. I remember when every sunday I would be in front of the TV to watch it then Earth 2 would come on and after that there was Lexx. It was my ritual and I miss it. I consumed many a pizza watching saab.
ParticipantIt seems that my computer is running my life now. I use it when I should be sleeping, eating, fornicating, or going outside. Worse yet is that it seems to multiply and cost me money. I now have 5 computers in my house (3 working) and I spend thousands of dollars every year to keep everything new and updated (every year my tax refund check goes to newegg.com). I lust after new motherboards, videocards, RAM, and the fastest processors like a stalker after Jody Foster. I should be asleep right now but I’m waiting on Fedex to bring my new CD burner 🙁
ParticipantThat poor man. They have butchered all of his books that they made into films (with the exception of Bladerunner and possibly Imposter) It’s funny how when he was alive he was very poor but 20 years later his books are making millions as crappy movies. I see they are turning [u]A Scanner Darkly[/u] into a movie too, I hope they don’t screw it up too badly. I find it interesting that the “Official” site can’t afford to spellcheck their press releases 😕
ParticipantIt was a lot better then I thought it would be. I really liked the sound effects during the space battles. I thought Edward James Olmos did a great Adama (more “human” then Lorne Green) as it’s been pointed out the people were flawed and therefore easier to sympathize with then the first BG. This series was my favorite when I was younger (I had the BG sheets and pillowcases!) but this is one of the rare cases when a “reimagining” actually worked! I wasn’t disappointed with the female Starbuck as she did a great job playing a fighter pilot (she had a definate jock-mentality like you would expect) In all the mini-series was more visceral and “real” then the original. While I certainly hope that it will be a regular series I wouldn’t expect it to last long as the price for those special effects must be enormous even with CGI. I’m afraid that like the first BG it could be cut short bacause of the price. I almost would have preferred a long mini-series (like [u]Taken[/u] or [u]Dune[/u] ) to this two hour thing that just whetted our appetites.
Participant[quote=”SadGeezer”]Why is that!? He’s one of the fathers of sci fi. Why aren’t the film-makers making films about bakealite spaceships, real swashbuckling space cowboy stuff.
[/quote]Argg. I go away for awhile and you start talking about Doc Smith! I am a big fan of his space opera. A few years a go I sent a $100 check to Old Earth Books to have the box set of the Lensman series sent to me and never got it 😥 However they never cashed the check and I got the trades as they came out 😛 I’m hoping that someday the Skylark series will come out again.
ParticipantI call it pure evil. I understand that it was made by the same people that do the “Teletubbies”
Participant[quote=”SadGeezer”]I didn’t see it. Was i9t on in the UK, I’m a PJF fan myself.[/quote]
I don’t know if it showed in the U.K., I saw it in the U.S. They showed it as a saturday movie and made a big deal about it and then showed it a month later early in the morning. The site for it is here [url]http://www.scifi.com/onair/scifipictures/riverworld/[/url]
ParticipantI liked the series much better. The movie didn’t make a lot of sense if you hadn’t read the book first. I was however disappointed with some of the shortcuts taken in the series. In the book Leto and his sister were much younger (i’m thinking they went with older characters for sex appeal and to appease the more conservative U.S. audience) I think they should have explored the ecology of Arrakis more (In the series you don’t get much of an explanation about the sandtrout or Leto’s transformation) I still really like the series though, I bought the DVD the same time I bought my DVD player.
ParticipantYou got linked at [url]www.bbspot.com[/url]