This is another one of those filler episodes, entertaining enough but nothing special. Must be something about those third episodes of a production season (see I, Roommate).
Read moreThe crew of Moya find a Paddac Beacon which could broadcast their exact location to the PeaceKeepers Their only way of hiding the signal is to land Moya in the swamp of a nearby planet while they disable the beacon.
Read moreGiant bugs that are able to replicate other life forms infest Moya so that they can breed. The ships temperature is increased, but to the detriment of Aeryn – Crichton attempts to save her.
Read moreD’Argo convinces everyone to help save some scientists in trouble before their spaceship explodes. They all agree to help transport them to a place where the scientists will be picked up by colleagues.
Read moreI loved this first part of the miniseries however and I personally rate it a piping hot 31,999 out of 10, however I added an extra point for Sikozu making it an even 32,000.
Read moreThis was an excellent episode, even if it was a “dream” episode, with the military base and Wilson being truly nightmarish. I also liked the fact that for the first time, John makes a decision about where his priorities to the Moyans... Read more
The acting was splendid as usual, and Acquara really looked like a tropical paradise, but the back-story of the villager’s plight didn’t make much sense, and Neera was just too ‘cardboard villain’ for words.
Read moreWhew, more Crichton torture, and one very creepy evil guy. Scorpius isn’t flamboyantly evil, he is evil because that is his nature. It is hard to convey how evil he really comes across in the episode; he isn’t over the top about it, like... Read more
This was a really jam-packed episode, and very suspenseful – a great start to the new season.
Read moreThe name of this episode has multiple meaning, which include something like “The Lives of Death” or “Death’s Lives,” or perhaps “Death’s Ways of Life.” In addition to the “life-related” meanings, there is also an alternate meaning to “vitas”... Read more
Welp, this was the latest in a long series of stories of this type, from “Star Trek” (the Old Series, of course), to “Logan’s Run.” Not hideously original, but the main story wasn’t too bad. The Rygel subplot was pretty lame, I have no idea... Read more
Wow! This was a great episode, and hysterically funny, albeit a little sad at the end. It was interesting to see the extent that John and the others knew exactly what buttons to push, especially John and Aeryn with each other.
Read moreChiana discovers a recording with Moya’s original Pilot. After seeing the recording and realizing Aeryn was involved, Pilot orders Aeryn to leave Moya.
Read moreAstute readers will notice that this episode is 2.06, even though its original airdate was the week after “The Way We Weren’t,” causing a few minor continuity problems. If you think everyone is getting along just a little too well after the... Read more
Note: This episode (2.10) was (amazingly enough) aired out of order with “My Three Crichtons” (2.13). It doesn’t make much of a difference in this case (unlike the way in which LEXX was aired), but it is… interesting.
Read moreThis was one of those amazing episodes that keep you on the edge of your seat (or in my case with your hand in the tissue box). Now, I really do know why I love this show so much!
Read moreTo an outside observer, the Nebari seem to be a peaceful, law-abiding bunch of people, but there’s a little more to it than that.
Read moreA Pretty good opening episode full of nervous apprehension and action. As a pilot show, this had almost everything.
Read moreNot the best of episodes I guess, but there were some good moments and some funny dialogue. Most of us will remember this episode I think, because of Zhaan’s brief absence of clothes.
Read morePilot is the rather unimaginative name for the pilot of the Leviathan space transport, Moya. There is an individual Pilot in each Leviathan. He comes from a planet where the dream of every member of his species is to travel the stars... Read more
Moya is a Leviathan, a race of living space ships. They certainly don’t look organic, but Moya is curvaceous and sleek and behind the hull are numerous veins and hull tissues.
Read moreIf you were to meet Captain Crais in a pub he would be the Head Doorman. It would only be a small pub, but there would be at least five doormen and all of them would be trained to kill.
Read moreSebaceans have a physical appearance practically identical to humans (presumably you shouldn’t need a guide to them), yet are in almost every other way totally different. A large part of the Sebacean people form the Peacekeepers – the... Read more