Battlestar Galactica: Transcripts: S03E14 The Woman King
Helo: Previously, on Battlestar Galactica…
Officer’s Mess
Helo: We all made sacrifices.
Tigh: That so?
Helo: Yes, that’s right.
Tigh: Then how come some Cylon-lover is holding down my post?
Agathon Quarters
Sharon: Hera’s alive. I’m her mother, and I’m going to get her. I’m begging you to do this.
(Helo shoots her; howls.)
Agathon Quarters
Roslin: You’ve put the entire Fleet in jeopardy. Are you aware of that?
Helo: I’m not a traitor. I did what I thought was right. She’ll get Hera.
Basestar: Hera’s Nursery
Caprica: Let’s go.
Hangar Deck
Sharon, shielding Caprica: Whoa, whoa! Hold your fire!
Tigh: Get out of the way. Throw that thing in the brig.
Not Actually Previously: Galactica Brig
Baltar: I demand my rights as a colonial citizen to legal representation and full due process.
Roslin: Do you?
Adama’s Quarters
Adama: So what happens next?
Roslin: We give him his trial.
Totally Not Previously: Galactica Hangar Deck
Cally: Do they really think they can squeeze more civvies onto the starboard Hangar deck?
Chief: That’s why Helo was transferred down here — to manage the civilian refugees.
Still No: Galactica CIC
Gaeta: Sir we’ve got the breakdown on the Thera Sita inhabitants coming aboard: 51 Sagittarons.
Tigh: Oh, boy…
Adama: Helo may be overmatched down there.
Agathon Quarters
(Helo paces their quarters, unable to sleep. After hours, he finally passes out; Sharon and Hera find him sleeping there.)
Galactica Corridor
Sharon: So a pretty rough night last night, huh?
(Taps his shoulder.)
Sharon: Hey, I said you didn’t sleep so well.
Helo: Oh, stupid dream. Whatever.
Sharon: So you’re okay?
Helo: Yeah.
Sharon: They’re about to increase the population down there by 300 and you’re okay.
Helo: Yeah. I don’t know where I’m gonna put them, but it’s not like I’m walking around taking my own pulse. I’m fine.
Apollo: Hey, there he is.
Starbuck: If it isn’t the Mayor of Dogville.
Racetrack: Hey, cut him some slack, guys.
Starbuck: I hear you just got a new shipload of subjects.
Racetrack: Helo, come here. Come here. Listen, I need a favor. I have a date tonight with this ripped and ready nugget that I want to break in, you know, just right. Think you could wrangle me up one of those cute little sexy cubicles you got down there?
Helo: Yeah, yeah.
Apollo: We’ll see you around, Helo.
Helo: Yeah, you guys know where to find me.
Sharon: You’re gonna check up on Hera, right?
Helo: Yes, I’m gonna check up on Hera.
Sharon: Okay. I love you.
Helo: I love you too.
Galactica: Dogville
Helo: Welcome aboard. You need to keep moving. We’ll deal with your questions later. Come on, people, I need you to keep moving. Welcome aboard, but you need to keep moving. I know, I know. We’ll deal with your concerns. Keep moving, keep moving. Welcome aboard Galactica, people. My name is Captain Karl Agathon. I’ve been assigned to look after your personal welfare. We’ll get to it soon. I need you to keep moving for now.
Buckminster: Where are you putting the Sagittarons?
Helo: Living arrangements haven’t been made yet, sir, I need you to keep moving.
Buckminster: We want to be with our own!
Tigh: You heard the man. Move your ass. Move!
Helo: I’ve got this under control here, Colonel.
Tigh: yeah, sure you do.
Dogville Triage
Robert: Excuse me, ma’am, could I have a brief look at your son?
King: No no, no, no, we’re fine, we’re fine. We don’t need a doctor.
Robert: I know, I know.
King: Look, we don’t need a doctor. We’re Sagittaron. We don’t believe in medicine.
Dualla: It’s all right, ma’am, this is Dr. Robert. He’s our civilian doctor, he has nothing to do with the military. We’ll respect your traditions. You can trust me, I’m Sagittaron. It’s okay.
Robert: All right?
Dualla: It’s okay.
Robert, checking out the boy: You feel that? Would you open your mouth for me, please? Open wide. All right. Look at this. Okay, you feel anything? How about here?
King: All right, that’s enough.
Willie: Get your hands off me!
King: That’s enough, that’s enough. Thank you very much.
Dualla: Okay, settle down.
Robert: Sir —
Buckminster: You just keep your hands to yourself.
Robert: Okay, yeah.
Tigh: Mike, you brain-dead card cheat. You still owe me that drink.
Robert, noticing the epidemic: Saul, get out of here. Now.
Tigh: Well, you’re in a good mood today.
Helo comes up: Hey, Doc, I don’t know, but meme of these people they look, um…
Robert: Sick.
Helo: Sick, yeah.
(Willie falls.)
Dualla: Medic! Dr. Robert!
Robert, running: Leave, Saul.
Tigh: Yeah
King: No, you keep your hands off my son.
Marine: I’ve got him.
King: No! No! Where are they taking him?
Dualla: It’s all right, ma’am. Just walk this way.
(Helo watches the people and worries about the epidemic some more.)
41,401 survivors in the Fleet
Adama’s Office
Tigh: So? What have we got here, Mike?
Robert: Mellorak sickness. It originates in the kidneys and then rapidly attacks the respiratory and the immune system.
Cottle: It’s a nasty bit of business. If you don’t treat the first symptoms within 48 hours, it’ll kill you within three to five days.
Adama: How contagious is it?
Robert: Well, it’s not airborne, so we lucked out there. It’s spread through human contact. Saliva, sexual intercourse, through the skin. Right now it seems confined to the Sagittarons.
Tigh: That’s good; they’re welcome to it.
Robert: It’s obviously spreading down there. Where we were working.
Adama: It’s curable?
Cottle: Absolutely, yes. A shot of bitamucin and you’re right as rain in a day or two. And sedatives alleviate the symptoms. But I don’t know how long our stock of bitamucin will hold out, so we should probably conserve it and only inoculate after the first symptoms show.
Adama: This is a civilian infection, Dr. Robert, so it’s in your hands. But I want Tyrol and the crew immunized before they get sick. I don’t need any downtime.
Cottle: If we disinfect everything and stress hygiene, some people won’t get sick. And, uh, they won’t need the medicine.
Helo: Then shouldn’t we get everyone to the showers? Especially the Sagittarons. We should make an announcement.
Robert: — No, no, we don’t want to single them out anymore than we already have to. We’ll have a riot on our hands. Now, if it were up to me, I would say just get the Sagittarons settled and then deal with the civvies that have already arrived.
Cottle: Huh. Well, at least you won’t have to worry about having enough medicine for the Sagittarons.
Adama: Yeah. Most of them are gonna refuse it. People are gonna die.
Cottle: The last 3,000 years medicine’s been just the great curse.
Tigh: That’s because they’re a bunch of stubborn, root-sucking jackasses holding onto traditions that are a thousand years old.
Dogville Triage
(Sagittarons praying, burning herbs, giving burdock tea to the children and the sick.)
Man: Drink this.
(Buckminster from before gives somebody some tea.)
Robert: Stink enough for you in here?
Helo: Yeah, it’s a really potent smell.
Robert: That’s burdock root. Sagittarons use it as a calmative.
Helo: Does it work?
Robert: Hell, I don’t know. They’re all gonna die anyway.
Colonial one
Zarek: Tell me there won’t be a trial.
Roslin, patiently: Gaius Baltar will be tried for high crimes and treason. A tribunal of judges will hear the evidence against him, a verdict will be read, he will be found guilty. And he will be finally held responsible for his actions. If you can summon up a little patience, as I have done, we will get through this ordeal.
Zarek: Listen to me, Baltar will get his trial. And this is what you’ll get. A hurricane. The media will descend on you and watch and scrutinize and question your every move. You will have sectarian violence. You will have assassination attempts. You will have civil unrest on a scale we’ve never seen. Work, labor, everyday routine in this Fleet will come to a complete halt. This trial is going to bring the entire Fleet down.
Tory: Mr. Vice President, we have a security plan in order which includes rapid Marine deployment, increased CAP operations, security details…
Zarek: — A hurricane, Laura. If I were you, I’d declare martial law during the trial. You’re gonna need a lot more than a little patience to survive. I’m here if you need me.
(He leaves.)
Tory: Your best friend, your worst enemy.
Roslin: I’ve never seen him like that. He was truly frightened.
Dogville: Helo’s Office
Man: We are not sick. Sagges brought the sickness with them. Send then back.
Helo: Okay, sir, where do you suggest that I send them?
Man: I don’t know. Figure it out.
Helo: Okay, your concerns have been noted. We’re gonna do the best we can.
Man: Yeah, right.
(Mrs. King approaches.)
Helo: Yes. Can I help you?
King: My son is dead.
Helo nods: …I’m sorry. That’s a soma braid, right? You Sagittarons believe it’s supposed to bring good health? Look, I’m sorry. It’s not enough. If you don’t treat the disease, it’s fatal, okay? This — this didn’t have to happen!
King: Yes, it did. He was killed.
Helo: No, ma’am, he died. Okay? He died because he needed real medicine.
King: He died because I made a mistake.
Helo: Okay. Okay, good, yeah. And please, tell the others.
King: I will. I will tell them not to trust him. They warned me about him, but I wouldn’t listen. I didn’t want my son to die. I took a chance. I went to Dr. Robert. I let the doctor give the medicine to Willie.
Helo: Ma’am. You waited too long.
King: Willie had been sick for less than 12 hours. He was 19. He is dead. That doctor killed my son.
Dogville Triage
Robert: We lost another one last night.
Helo: Yeah, Willie King.
Robert: No, a three-year-old girl whose parents refused to let me treat her. Willie King’s mother lost Willie King. It’s a shame, he was a goner. You saw him when he was in here. He was at least three days symptomatic.
Helo: You explained this to the mother.
Robert: Yes, of course I did. I mean, what the hell am I supposed to say to her? “Sorry, ma’am, but if you would’ve just turned the corner a little sooner on your superstitious crap, we could’ve saved your son?” Get your shirt off, would you?
Helo: Excuse me?
Robert: I’m gonna vaccinate you.
Helo: But I’m not sick. I thought we were rationing.
Robert: You think I’m gonna wait until you’re on your back for a day? Who the hell else is gonna help me around here?
Helo: Okay, okay.
Robert: Okay. Oh, I talked to Tigh. He was asking about you. I told him you were doing a hell of a job. I wouldn’t wish this place on anybody. Come on, you ready?
Helo: Yeah.
Robert: This might sting a bit. …You’re done.
Joe’s Bar
Apollo: Come on. All right, hands of stone, let me see what you got.
Connor: Put it in the hole, Marge.
Marge: Wanna know my secret, Connor? I pretend this thing is your face.
(Helo enters.)
Starbuck: Hey, it’s Mellorak man. Everybody run.
Helo: Relax, the doc dosed me.
Gaeta, smoking: I hear it’s pretty rough down there, huh?
Helo: only if you’re a Sagittaron… Dying, you know, it just seems so senseless.
Chief: Yeah, well, you’ll get no tears from me. It’s bad enough my gang’s gotta sweat through their stench. I have feeling one of these days we’re gonna wake up in the morning, I’m gonna be really pissed ’cause we’re out of meds, ’cause those frakkoids saw the light and now we gotta share.
Apollo: You gonna babble or shoot?
Chief shoots and sits: None of those religious freaks lifted a finger on New Caprica against the Cylons.
Apollo: Hey, Chief, knock it off.
Chief: Well, a lot of good Resistance people lost their lives…
Apollo: — Hey, I said knock it off. All right?
Chief: Oh. Sorry, Dee!
Dualla: It’s all right. I have more of a reason to be mad at them then you do. I am Sagittaron. Most of them are paranoid, pigheaded, and argumentative.
Helo: Yeah well, they’re sure making it miserable for Dr. Robert.
Dualla: Medicine’s an abomination, it’s a sin against the Gods. Physicians are reading disease, because they refuse to acknowledge that the body…
Apollo, when she makes the shot: –There you go!
Dualla: … And the mind are myths.
Apollo: Well, this body’s no myth.
(Lee kisses Dualla; Kara rolls her eyes.)
Dualla: If I get sick, I’m going to see Dr. Robert.
Apollo: You’re not getting sick.
Dualla: Anyone but Cottle. Nearsighted bastard … may as well use a spike instead of a needle.
Brig: Caprica Six
Sharon: So they’re treating you well, then?
Caprica: Yeah, well enough. Take a while to get to the point though, don’t they?
Sharon: Look, Six. I want to thank you for what you did. I’m still not sure why you did it, though.
Chip Gaius: Exactly.
Chip Gaius: What are we doing here? How could you possibly throw yourself on the mercy of these people?
Sharon: And d now you’re here.
Caprica: …Yeah.
Sharon: Your best chance of survival is to work with them. And that means to help them expose Baltar for his crimes.
Sharon: Look, I gotta go. So I’m gonna look into some clothes for you. Please take care of yourself.
(Caprica nods; Sharon leaves.)
Caprica: Hey…
Surveillance Room
(Tory and Roslin watch on the brig observation monitors.)
Caprica: “… Thank you for the visit. To have some company… Thank you.”
Sharon: “Yeah. I care about you.”
Caprica’s Cell
(Backwards Chip Six music.)
Chip Gaius: Do you think any of them care about you?
Caprica: I imagine they don’t.
Chip Gaius: So what are you doing here again?
Caprica: I’m still trying to figure that out.
Chip Gaius: So you’re here to save him, are you?
Caprica: I told you I don’t know.
Chip Gaius: You are here because you want to be human.
Chip Gaius: But there’s a trick to being a human: you have to think only about yourself.
(They make out.)
Brig Surveillance
Roslin: …Okay. What do you think she’s doing now?
Tory: I don’t know.
Roslin: Like she’s talking to something or someone. I don’t know. I’ve seen her do it before.
(Laura cocks her head, Caprica keeps making out with imaginary Gaius.)
(Riot of people grabbing at Robert.)
Buckminster: You’re not gonna kill any more of us!
Marines: Stay back!
Buckminster and others: Get him! That’s him, he’s the one! Dr. Robert, he murdered them! He’s trying to kill us!
(Helo appears; he and the Marines try to stop them mobbing the doctor.)
Marines: Get back! Stay back! Stay back!
Robert: Get off of me!
Helo, running in: Stay back! Everybody back! Step away! Get off him now! Move back, move back! Back away now!
Buckminster: He killed my father!
Robert: I tried to help him, you ignorant fool!
Helo: Okay, get behind me.
Dogville Triage
Helo: So you immunized the old man, but he later died? Buckminster and his father are fundamentalists. What made them change their minds about getting immunized?
Robert: Change their mind? Who said they changed their mind? I administered the bitamucin on my own.
Helo: Without their consent?
Robert: Look, it was the middle of the night. I was doing my rounds, and the old man was screaming in pain. I mean, what was I supposed to do?
Helo: Okay, I don’t understand. Aren’t we rationing? It was well after the 48 hours.
Robert: Yeah, that’s right, but it’s not exact. Everybody’s different. …Okay, he was marginal. Look, I’m not gonna sit here and apologize to you for doing my job. I got two Picons down there that are starting to show symptoms. Now w I’m gonna go treat them, if it’s alright with you.
Adama’s Office
Helo: The doctor’s version of when he administered the drug greatly differed from that of Mrs. King.
Adama: Who?
Helo: The woman, King — the one I told you about, Mrs. King. Her son started showing symptoms. She immediately took him to Robert for treatment. The boy still died. In the other case, Robert treated a Sagittaron without the man’s consent.
Cottle: Well, that’s something we probably should have done to all of them in the first place, this disease would’ve been gone by now. The only reason we didn’t is we’re trying respect the customs of the Sagittarons.
Helo: But that’s the point, he didn’t respect them. Sir, people could be dying under Robert’s care.
Cottle: People die under my care every day, it goes with the damn job.
Helo: Killing doesn’t.
Tigh: Killing? You are way out of line. Micah Robert deserves better than this.
Helo: Even if I’m wrong, even if he isn’t treating some of these people unethically, I’m concerned he’s created a situation down there. It’s bad.
Adama: Captain. I have the former President of the Colonies sitting in a prison cell, and a Cylon woman is in custody, and a population that would love nothing more than to tear both of them apart. My ship is overcrowded, and I have an epidemic on my hands. Now the question is: are you capable of doing your job? And are you going to stop making these unfounded accusations? Are you?
Helo: …Yes, sir.
Adama: Dismissed.
Galactica Corridor
(Helo grumbles angrily as he walks away.)
Tigh, following him out: Agathon! Why don’t you knock it off, Helo. Get your teeth out of the Doc’s ass. It’s not doing you any good.
Helo: With all due respect, sir, I think Micah Robert might be hurting people.
Tigh: He is the only one who’s had anything good to say about you in as long as I can remember. You may as well take whatever credibility you have left and chuck it out an airlock. You seriously want to stand up for these crazy frakkin’ people? What is it with you? You just like being on the outside looking in, do you?
Helo: I don’t quite know what you mean by that sir, unless you’re referring to my wife. Again.
Tigh: Mike Robert is a stand-up guy. A Caprican, one of our own. A man I can trust. on New Caprica, he worked with the Resistance. He patched up my eye. He fought the enemy. While you were snuggled up in bed with your Cylon wife every night —
(Helo punches him in the gut.)
Marine: Colonel! You okay?
Tigh: So you do give a frak what your friends think. Good for you! That’s how it should be. But you know what? I give a frak too. About friends, about loyalty. You keep soiling Mike Robert’s good name, and we are gonna finish this. How’s that sound to you?
(Helo doesn’t have an answer.)
Tigh: You better have the Doc take look at that hand, now.
Helo’s Office
Helo: Sorry but you’re going to have to wait …
(He makes his way through the Sagittaron group to the floor.)
Helo: Excuse me, excuse me. 15 minutes, people. I’ll be back in 15 minutes. I’m sorry.
(Helo catches King’s eye; spots Sharon past her,)
Helo: Excuse me, excuse me … Sir, get your hand off me…
(He comes upon Sharon.)
Helo: Sharon!
Sharon: Helo…
Helo: Hey, what’s going on?
Sharon: How’s Hera?
Helo: … What do you mean, “How’s Hera”?
Sharon: She got sick about an hour ago? They pulled me off CAP.
Helo: What are you talking about? No one told me.
Sharon: They sent her to Dr. Robert…
Dogville Triage
(Dr. Robert getting the injection ready; Hera’s sounding sick and upset..)
Helo: Okay, you know what? I don’t know if she needs this.
Sharon: Helo, this is serious. She could die from this.
Robert, injecting Hera: All right, here we go, here we go.
Sharon: All right, look at this. Look at this. Here, here’s your toy. Good girl, that’s a good girl.
Robert: Now, these are a sedative in pill form. Just give her a half every six hours, just crush it up.
Sharon: Okay.
Robert: Okay?
Sharon: And she’ll be okay, though?
Robert: And she’ll be fine. You can take her home.
Sharon: Thank you, Doctor.
Robert, chuckling: Okay.
Sharon: Bye-bye!
Robert: All right, bye-bye.
Sharon: We’re going. Say “Bye-bye”!
Robert: Bye-bye.
(Alone again. Dr. Robert takes out Willie King’s soma braid.)
Robert: She’ll be fine. All right?
Helo: Okay.
Robert: Mm-hmm. Oh, um, listen. Would you give this to Mrs. King? This is … belonged to her son, I know she’d want it back. All right?
Helo, approaching Mrs. King: Hi… Dr. Robert gave me this to give to you.
King: He gave you this. Huh.
King: How is your daughter?
Helo: She’s fine, thanks.
King: Good.
Helo: Mrs. King, please. I need to ask you something. If you thought Dr. Robert was dangerous, why let him treat your son? I mean, you said you were warned…
King: I couldn’t believe anyone could have that much hate inside of them.
Helo: But you understand how some of this doesn’t…
King: — I am through talking. Talking isn’t going to bring Willie back. I think you should leave now.
Helo: Mrs. King, I …I’m sorry.
Agathon Quarters
Sharon: You seem angry.
Helo: I’m not, I’m just… Work.
Sharon: It’s okay that you hate your job. It’s okay to admit it, too.
Helo: It’s not the job! I know the job sucks, I don’t need to be reminded of it!
Sharon: Okay. Then what is it?
Helo: Look… It’s what I see every day, okay? It’s hard to not see it.
Sharon: See what? Talk to me, Karl.
Helo: I don’t know, I … I keep doing it. You know, I keep doing it, I keep ending up on the wrong side of everything. You know, maybe Tigh’s right. Maybe I want it that way. What if I’m flying a desk not because I’m good at it, not because I’m right guy for the job, but because it’s the right punishment for the guy who crosses the line, and everybody knows it? Maybe I belong in Dogville.
Sharon, doing laundry: You’re saying … Leave it.
Helo: What does that mean, “Just leave it”?
Sharon: It means it’s your job to manage these people, Helo, and you’ve just got to do it.
Helo: Yeah, you know what? You’re right. It’s me. It’s all in my frakkin’ head.
Sharon: I didn’t say that … Where are you going?
Helo: I don’t know.
Sickbay: Cottle’s Office
Helo: Doc?
(Helo goes through the charts and patient histories and treatments on Cottle’s desk: dead, dead, dead.)
Cottle, entering: You ought to try a bed, Helo. You’ll get more sleep that way.
Helo, standing: He’s killing them. It’s right here.
Cottle: You get your righteous ass out of here right now, before I have the old man lock you up and throw away the key.
Helo: No, listen to me! He killed them on New Caprica! Look. Guy goes in for a cough, he dies of heart failure. Here, see for yourself. This one, woman had simple appendicitis, she died on the operating table. Of the Picons he treated, 12% of them died, Capricans — oh, he likes Capricans — the mortality rate was 6%. Sagittarons? 90%. 90% of the Sagittarons died while in his care.
Cottle: — I am not going to listen to this, do you hear me? That man has his hands full down there!
Helo: He’s singling out Sagittarons! That doesn’t bother you?
Cottle: What exactly…
Helo: — Doctor, that doesn’t bother you?
Cottle: What exactly is he doing?
Helo: I don’t know. I’m not a doctor…
Cottle: — Well now, that’s the first sensible thing you’ve said.
Helo: Listen to me, I don’t think he’s giving them the medicine .. something, he’s doing something.
Cottle: My Gods, you’re not going to let it go, are you?
Helo: Please, can you do an autopsy on Mrs. King’s son, to see how he died? I’ll let it go, I will, I promise, I will let it go. Just check.
Cottle: I did. I checked King’s son. Mellorak sickness. He had bitamucin in his system. All right, now, that’s it. Now, you just leave it! And get out of here!
Dogville Triage
Dualla: Hey, Doc? I don’t really feel so good. Think I could get some of that bitamucin?
Agathon Quarters
(Loud knocking on the door wakes up all three of them. Helo gets dressed and grabs his gun.)
Sharon, whispering: Who is it?
(Sharon tends to Hera as Helo goes to the door.)
Sharon: Hey, Hera. It’s okay.
Helo: Mrs. King?
King: Your friend, the soldier. Dualla. She’s sick. She went to the doctor. She went to the doctor to…
Helo: — Hold up, slow down, what…
King: — No, you listen to me. We lost two more tonight: Sagittarons, who let that murderer treat them. You have to do something.
Sharon: Excuse me, what is she doing here?
Marines: There she is!
Marine: Ma’am, you’re not supposed to be here. Let go now.
(The Marines take her away.)
Marine: Sorry, Captain. Frakkin’ refugees. I don’t know how she snuck through. Morning, sir.
(Alone again; Helo starts dressing.)
Sharon: Don’t. Don’t even think it.
Helo: Sharon, it’s Dualla. Dualla went down there.
Sharon: She has a husband.
Helo: Yeah, and he’s out flying CAP.
Sharon: She’ll be fine. She’ll take her meds, she’ll be fine. You know what’s all over the ship? You and the Sagittarons. How you might actually be listening to them.
Helo: That’s my job.
Sharon: They’re dying because they’re refusing medication, Karl.
Helo: You want me to look the other way, is that it? Is that it? Our daughter’s fine, that’s all that matters?
Sharon: No!
Helo: Or is it because as long as everyone hates the Sagittarons they’ll forget you’re a Cylon for five minutes?
Sharon, standing up so fast: You shut the frak up. Yeah, I want you to look the other way. I have to fight every single day on this ship to be accepted…
Helo: This has nothing to do with you! Okay? You think that’s who I am? That’s what I’ve become, that’s my defining characteristic? The guy married to a Cylon? This guy’s dirty. I think he’s a liar, and I think he’s killing people because he’s a racist son of a bitch.
Helo: Make a hole! Make a hole! Get out of the way! Get out of the way, get out of the way.
Dogville Triage
(He searches all the beds and gurneys: Dualla’s on a bed, unconscious, non-responsive and very, very sick.)
Helo: Dee? Dee. Dualla?
(Helo checks her vitals.)
Dogville Triage
Helo: Dualla. No, no. No no no, no no, no! No!
(She stirs.)
Helo: Dualla, hey! Oh, hey! What are you doing here?
Dualla: Went to Dr. Robert … He gave me something … It kicked the frak out of me …Where’s Lee?
Helo: We’re gonna go see him. Come on, come on. I gotta take you to Cottle.
Dualla: No.
Helo: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on.
Dualla: He’s got hands of stone…
Helo: I know, I know, come on.
Robert, appearing: Hey, hey, what the hell are you doing here?
Helo: She’s coming with me.
Robert: No, she’s not. She’s in no condition to go anywhere.
Helo: I’m taking her to Cottle. Just to be sure.
Robert: What do you mean just to be … Hey, get the hell out of here!
Helo: Get the frak out of my way, doctor! Now! Come on, Dee, come on.
Robert: Security!
Galactica Corridor
(Tigh and Cottle approaching the Hangar Bay with a Marine squad.)
Dogville Triage
(Marines approach Helo.)
Robert: Agathon. He’s lost, I don’t … He’s hurting one of my patients.
Helo: You poisoned her! I’m taking her to Cottle.
Robert: Get the XO!
Dualla, drowsily: No, leave me alone. Not Cottle. Please, just leave me alone.
Galactica Corridor
(Tigh and Cottle approaching the Hangar Bay with a Marine squad.)
Dogville Triage
Marine: Captain, what’s going on? Sir?
Dualla: Leave me alone.
Marine: Captain!
Dualla: I want to sleep.
Helo: No no no, Dee, we gotta go.
Marine: Captain, she doesn’t want to go! Sir, she says she doesn’t want to go.
Helo: Get your hand off of me, Sergeant!
Marine: Stand down or we’ll move, Agathon!
Helo: You stand down! Get your gun out of my face, Sergeant!
Sergeant: Cool it!
Robert: I don’t know what kind of a crusade you’re on, or who you’re trying to impress, but it seriously is not working.
Helo: You’re killing them, Robert. I know you’re doing it!
(Tigh enters with Cottle and more Marines.)
Tigh: Stand down.
Robert: Saul. You told me he was a flake, you didn’t tell me he was dangerous!
Tigh: — Shut the frak up. (To Cottle, checking Dualla): How is she?
Cottle: She’s been sedated, but she’s okay.
Robert: Wait a minute — You don’t believe him, do you? He’s seriously delusional. Needs help.
Tigh: Yeah, and we should’ve given it to him.
Helo: Doc?
Cottle: I didn’t check Willie’s blood until a couple of hours ago. I was exhausted, and I’ll admit the Sagittarons annoy the hell out of me, and I didn’t want to go against my colleague … But you were right about the records, Helo. There was no bitamucin in the King boy’s body.
Robert: He died because it was too late…
Cottle: No, he didn’t. He died of acute cell destruction. He was injected with a toxic bisphosphonate.
Robert: Now, obviously you got a wrong reading here. Now, I don’t know what else these people–
Cottle: — No! The old man, Mr. Buckminster, died of the same thing. There was no bitamucin in his system.
Helo: You killed him, you sick frak.
Robert: You ought to be on your knees thanking me for saving your daughter’s life!
(Helo jumps for him and is restrained.)
Robert: For having the meds to cure her of her illness. Now, you know how painful this disease is at the end. And they don’t want our help. Now, why waste time and meds and space on them, when all of those resources could go to those who really deserve it? Who gets the medication when there’s not enough to go around — the Sagittaron who won’t even raise a finger to save his own race, or a Viper pilot?
Cottle: What the hell happened to “do no harm,” Doctor?
Robert: Look, I intervened because someone has to make the tough choices here. But it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, because look at them! They’re gonna destroy themselves anyway. Look at them, look at them. They’re like worms crawling on a hot rock. Remember what you used to say, Saul? Aside from a Cylon, is there anything that you hate more than a Sagittaron?
Tigh: I’ll tell you what I hate, Mike: Being wrong. Captain Agathon.
Helo: Sir?
Tigh: Arrest this son of a bitch. Gag him if you have to.
Helo: My pleasure, sir.
Robert, pointing at Dee: I didn’t harm her!
Helo: Right, she’s one of the good ones.
(They escort him out, and Helo and King stare stupidly at each other in slow motion.)
Adama’s Office
Helo: Sir, you wanted to see me?
Adama: Yes, Captain. Please, sit down. There’s hate, and there’s allowing hate. Two sides of the same coin, really. We’re guilty of both. Somewhere, we got lost. You being the lone voice in the wilderness, we were bound to stay that way for a while. This is my ship. And I owe you an apology.
Helo: That’s not necessary, sir.
Adama: All the same, you still have it. That’ll be all, Captain.
Helo: Admiral. The infected Cylons? I did it. I reversed the air purification system and they, um … suffocated.
Adama: Are you sure you wanna have this conversation, Captain?
Helo: Yes, sir.)
(Helo salutes. Adama sits. Helo goes home and kisses his wife, who is standing there with the baby waiting for him.)
Transcript taken by Ryan Bechtel
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A Special thanks goes out to Boomer and TWoP for their gracious assistance in preparing these transcripts.
Battlsestar Galactica names, characters and everything else associated with the series are the property of Sci-Fi Channel, NBC Universal and R&D Television.