Forum Replies Created
Actors have a right to their lives, and to do things they think are best. I’ll not fault Xenia or Michael on their decisions at the last minute not to attend.
But perhaps a little expression of sympathy for their disappointed fans might not be out of place.
We aren’t seeing that, though. Which perhaps, is disappointing, and possibly lacking in class.[/quote]
In my experience, the cream always rises to the top. When dealing with the public, a certain etiquette is necessary. Those that have proper manners know how to treat others; fans, colleagues, and their friends. I am sure that the four members of the cast that attended were looking forward to everyone gathering in the same place. From what I understand it caused quite a bit of turmoil for Mr. Downey, who spent a large amount of time the last week attempting to smooth things over for Mr. McManus to attend. In my opinion, if Mr. McManus had such little care for Mr. Downey’s attempt; it shows a lack of respect for Mr. Downey. After working with someone for so many years, this type of behavior points a lack of maturity and an obivious self serving nature. I do not wish to recieve an apology from such a person, but in fact believe he owes more of an apology to the people that weathered his little “tantrum”. From what I understand, when in the public eye (such as an actor or actress is); your behavior reflects greatly upon you and word travels fast. I am sure that this type of behavior is not acceptable to those who are serious in the business. Mr. McManus, in truth, has hurt himself worse than he has hurt anyone else. No One wants to work with someone who is unreliable, disrespectful, and prone to prima donna fits. As far as Ms. Seeberg’s “little white lie”, I can understand if she did not want to fans to know the particulars of her private life. However she lied to everyone. As I understand it, a short investigation had to be made just to find out the validity of her story. Again, a poor decision on her part to lie to the rest of the cast. Also, the story involving a “car wreck” unnecessarily caused worry amongst the people she had worked with and that cared for her. A person that lies is a liar, plain and simple. I do not condone lying even when thought to be necessary. Therefore I have come to the conclusion that although they both may be marvelous actors, they are not well rounded human beings.
ParticipantBebop vote for the DC crew!!!
I would always rather meet people that actually want to be met…
Participant*Bebop boggles at all the Lexx stuff she was not aware of*
*Bebop drags bean bag chair over and sits down*
Tell me all about it……..
*Bebop waits like a kid on Christmas*
After some confusion as to where the Brigadoom sing along was being held, Goblin, Michele, and I navigated our way through the hallways, basements, and sub basements of the Hyatt. Finally having found the correct room, we waited for the SG1 Live action session to end, so that we could take over the room in the name of all that is Lexx. For a warm up, we sang “Dead Thing Pie”….to the tune of “Dull, Dull, Dull”. Though still thrilled, I have to admit that I am running out of steam.
As the DVD version of “Brigadoom” was projected onto a screen, the silliness insued. What a great group!! Almost everyone showed up and we belted our fav tunes so that anyone within hearing distance would know our love for Lexx. Instead of a Kai, we had a Jack Sparrow….. which was almost better! (It seems that we could not afford an appearance fee for Kai! Go Figure.) Without much planning or direction, we were free to be creative with one another. After singing a Xev part to HDS’s Kai part, I was swept off my feet and run around the room! So surprised by this, I hope someone got a picture of my face….I am curious as to the look that I displayed.
All being said and done, I wished everyone a very fond farewell and made my way with Goblin back to the hotel. Upon arriving I was choked up with tears at having to say goodbye to my partner in crime. We hugged and exchanged info, so as not to lose track of each other in the furture.
As I lay my head on the pillow that night, I thought back across my weekend and decided that I had found a new home amonst the smiling faces that are this Lexx family. Leaving the next morning was a solemn affair. I whispered a wish into the wind, got into the car, and headed back home with the strange feeling that I was taking everyone with me. At least in my heart, if no where else.
An experience of a lifetime, my first Con was rich in laughter, smiles, hugs, and friendship. Thank you to everyone who was a part of it. And hopefully I will see you all again very soon.BebopChic
The hardest part of my experience came Sunday afternoon. Since I was leaving early Monday morning, the time came to say goodbye to Brian. I didn’t want to, everything in me refused. When I told him that this would be it, he looked sad and I almost cried right there. I managed to give and recieve a big hug and tell him that I would talk to him soon.
As I turned, the first tear fell, but I walked away tall and proud. Walking to the hotel, I continued to weep; sad for having it all end and joyful for all that I had experienced. Time spun backward as I thought of all the little moments and how wonderful everyone had been. A truly remarkable man, Brian made an impact on me that will last an eternity.
(To be continued….)
ParticipantI am not 100% sure, but i believe that this is a rebutle to my journal…if not, cool….if so, I am sorry you feel that way….I am who I am…..I am young…..but I believe in gaining knowledge and wisdom from others as well as from myself to be helpful in obtaining greater understanding.
My Best, Bebop
Well, it’s Sunday and my feet are starting to feel it! I must have walked ten miles this weekend, and half of it in heels!! I slept in a little later this morning, after the party I was the tiredest I’ve been in a while. I finally made my way down to the fan table and cast booth. Everyone at the fan table was in high spirits, but I could tell that I wasn’t the only one starting to tire. The very lovely Tree had traded her wench costume for a Xev costume, and yes definetely very Xevilicious!
At the cast booth, Brian was downing the coffee and smiling his most lovely of smiles. I spent some more time talking to Lloyd and James (Mothbreeder) today. After having placed the 791 robothead prop on top of the PC, it proceeded to give James hell; to the point he began inquiring about my very own method of fixing things (BASEBALL BAT GOOD!). We talked, laughed, and and cursed the wicked machine together. One of the hardest working people I’ve ever seen, James was a total sweetheart and a wealth of knowledge about computers (I still prefer the cure that goes crunch!). Lloyd provided me with loads of wonderful information, not to mention a very yummy sandwhich. (It’s nice to return to solid food!)
At one point Lloyd and Brian took turns seeing how red they could make my face!! In the end, my face was almost purple and my ears could have signaled landing planes. (Which of course led to Lloyd telling Brian, “Look at her ears! They’re so red, it’s so cute!”. ) After that I had to go smoke a ciggy just to get the blood to run back to the rest of my body, leaving me with a warm and fuzzy feeling. My cheeks have begun to hurt from laughing and smiling so much, but it is a welcomed pain.
The next panel was as good as the first one, but had a mostly male audience (They were expecting Xenia, Ellen, and Patty). The four cast members cracked jokes, told more stories, and hammed it up for the crowd. I even got to find out who’s idea it was for the “wall decorations” in Boomtown while “Stan” was having his “fruit cocktail”. ( I know, very BAD pun, but I couldn’t help myself…)
After that it was back to the tables, little did I know I was in store for the hardest part of my Con experience…..
(To be continued….)
Amazing!!! I soaked everything in, most definetely one of the best nights of my life! I spent most of my night talking with Jeff, Brian, and Lloyd. Brian and Jeff took turns running back and forth, to where those of us sitting there made the joke that they were like Bruce Wayne and Batman. (Hint: Jeff is Bruce Wayne and Brian is Batman!) Everytime Jeff ran to do something, saying he would be back…..Brian made his way back, sat down and started the conversation exactly where it was left off….then he would wander off for something telling us to sit tight he would be back……….and Jeff would be on his way back, sit down ,and start that conversation where it had been left off. (This went on for almost five hours!) There were about five of us that got to see this great phenonemon.
Brilliant! For once I find myself searching for words, I can’t find them. Such an intense experience is non comprehensible in language. I was intrigued, moved, and enjoyed some much needed joy. How to give a proper explanation……..
Amazing. Jeff spoke to me with logic, understanding, and sincerity. He imparted so much knowledge and wisdom upon me, that had I not been completely enthralled; I would have surely been overwhelmed!
And then there was Brian……….
Not one human being I have met in my entire life holds a candle to him. He is beautiful, intelligent, charismatic, clever, funny, sincere, sweet…… I could never do him justice in my most poetic of verbalizations. And he curses more than I do, and it is positively wonderful!!! I could talk to him for eternity and still not be sated! So amazing!I seem to have been accepted, and am thrilled to find such understanding. I feel at home, free to be myself, a very refreshing experience for the soul. I learned so much, and was in awe of the complexities concerning what is seen and what is.
Such is my joy……
(To be continued…)
Well the morning started off rough, 3 hours of sleep and a sickly stomach; but my spirits cannot be dampened!! Went to the cast booth by accident looking for the fan booth to begin my first shift. I was able to meet the cast, and Brian greeted me with a great big hug. Hugs are good!! Jeff showed off a carrot probe a fan had made and sent to him. Patty and Loiuse were stunning, and so nice. Louise’s voice is even more beautiful in person.
After finding the correct booth, I proceeded to put my feet to work. I learned VERY quickly where most things were and how to whisk through a crowd; Thank God for grace. I met countless people and was also allowed to read part of Valdron’s Lexx manuscript; the chapter on Michael and Kai. I am very happy and have begun to feel right at home.
I attended the first panel which was very interesting. Between the four of them, they had us in stiches with laughter. Brian also told a touching story about everyone being all choked up when they were shooting the last scene of the series. I became a little choked up myself when he told it. Louise is hilarious! She kept making perfect timing quips, mostly giving Jeff grief. It was great, you could see the group dynamic and how they really enjoyed being together.
After the panel I grabbed some lunch and a much needed nap (Thanks to Citizen K-oas, who worked my afternoon shift so I could recoop for the party) Thank you so much sweetie, big hug!!!
The Party……….
(To be continued…..
Participant[quote=”thefrey”]Well he is definately getting a bunch-o-press. I told him he needs to contact one of those look alike agencies and do a few parties before the Sparrow craze cools. He definately has the personality for walking into a room full of strangers and being outrageous. 😉
Nah….not HDS 8) …..LOL 😆
Participant[quote=”jkd112″](To the tune of “American Pie”)
My, my, it’s a Dead Thing Pie
Bunny and Lyekka and 790’s arrived
and so has Stanley Tweedle but no appearance from Kai
and all the Lexxy girls will cry…
all the Lexxy girls will cry….(OK, OK, I know that sucked… 😀 )[/quote]
You know, truth be told….I didn’t even have a chance to be dissapointed that MM cancelled at the Con. And in the end was glad for it.
ParticipantLook, I can’t afford appearal, but awhile back I had my very own Lexx hat made, so I will be sporting that…..and trust me it’s got flames on the bill…….it will attract attention………neh…..
ParticipantUm, can we have group trips to some of these things….I have a feeling I am going to get lost…. 😕
ParticipantI will help if I can, will do articles, interviews, whatever….. 😀
ParticipantHey we could always use the buddy system….we ditch our moms with each other so they have company. I mean I am 24, so it’s not like she isn’t used to it by now.
ParticipantI would like to know what it stands for too.
I promise I will not call you a troll……………BebopChic
ParticipantI have just purchased my tickets, I (along with my mom) will be in full attendance. I am hoping she finds stuff to do, it’s my birthday present, she’s just going to make sure I get there and back. I am so psyched!
ParticipantFriday Night Mixer:
What time and where?
ParticipantHow far ahead in advance will we be imformed of our duties if we have signed up to work the booths and be runners?