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ParticipantMust have that DVD!!!!!
Participant*Holds up hands* I fully admit, I was wrong….I know less about bio cylons and pregnancy than I thought 🙂
What a ending, I never expected Boomer to pull a gun on Adama, not after she seemed to turn her back on her kind and help in the destruction of a base star. My jaw just dropped when she fired the first shot, I was caught totally my surprise.
ParticipantAny thoughts on the physical effects she seems to have on him?.
During Bastile Day she smashed his head into the mirror, we’ve also seen her hurt him in numerous ways, and lets try and forget the number of times she’s done more *ahem* pleasurable things.
She can’t be there to do these things physically, so either she’s in his brain and is over riding his physical responses, or he’s doing these things to himself. We need a Psychologist here 🙂
ParticipantI love the dirty business of politics, for Baltar to become vice President was unexpected but a nice twist, he’s gaining power without even trying and no one has a clue he’s either in league with the Cylons or totally mad.
However I found the dealings on Caprica to be the best part of the Episode. Does anyone believe boomer is actually a “good guy”, have the bio Cylons been made too human. Are her feelings for Helo so real and so genuine that she’s willing to risk her life and betray her people for love.
ParticipantI’m no expert on pregnancy or the workings of bio cylons, but they only had nookie a few days ago. A bit early for signs of preganacy isn’t it.
ParticipantI don’t normally go out side the BSG forums, but there’s some Sci fi that I just can’t stand and I need to vent.
As others have said, Buck Rogers was awful. Firstly, even as a kid I knew Buck sounded an awful lot like that word my parents only said when they thought I wasn’t around. As if that wasn’t bad enough they name the mega babe female lead character Wilma, Wilma is Fred Flintstones wife, only a cartoon character can get away with a name like Wilma, this is the future for crying out loud, call her something sexy and futuristic, Ardala got a cool name after all. And of course there’s Twinky, the super smart programers of the future have somehow found it impossible to create a robot that doesn’t have to say “Dweebie dweebie dweebie” before uttering a few words of wisdom. The whole show was rank and I’m ashamed to say I watched it.
A more recent example of Sci Fi gone bad is the abysmal attempts to rekindle the Babylon 5 magic with spin off’s. Crusade showed promice but I never really got anywhere, What I remember most was the God awful music that went with the episodes. It never seemed to convey the mood of what was on the screen and so failed to enhance the episodes in any way. In time it may have improved but we’ll never know.
I also have to mention “The legend of the rangers”, another B5 spin off. I loved B5 with a passion but this show was so bad I had to laugh at it to continue to watch. Now I’m all for writers and such trying something new, but who in there right mind thought a virtual reality style tactical interface with the controller in question performing Martial art style kicks and punches would be taken seriously. Just watching that poor woman make a fool of herself as she kicked and punched furiously made me cringe. This system of weapons controll is supposed to be superior to a regular tactical inteface how????
Finally, Andromeda…I began watching this series with high hopes, it did after all come from the mind of the Sci Fi great Gene Roddenberry. I had really enjoyed “Earth final Conflict” and thought this would be another great show. I found it quite childish though, the characters lacked any real depth, I quite liked the ships AI and Trance was quite interesting sometimes but the rest never captivated me. I watched the first series with half hearted interest, the season one finale did pick things up but season two proved to be just as bad. If Dylan wasn’t having his way with some alien beauty (yawn) then Beka was meeting up with some long lost love who betrayed her once and surprise surprise did so again. After mising several episodes of season two I stopped watching all together, I’m not sure but I think there have been two more seasons, I’ve not made any effort to watch them.
On a more positive note, I really enjoyed Space above and beyond, War of the worlds (Can’t wait to see the remake) and Futurama if you can call it Sci fi 🙂
ParticipantWhen it comes to battles DS9 reigns supreme with Babylon 5 close second. I’m not sure what I expected from Galactica, there is after all only one ship that’s battle worthy in the entire fleet so mass battles aren’t all that likely.
It would have been nice to see the Galactica strutt her stuff though as she did in the pilot show.
Perhaps in a later episode.
ParticipantThis episode will either be……
A one man goes in with a gun and explosive pack and using stealth and tactics takes down a Cylon base by himself
The Galactica flys in with guns blazind and misiles flying as well as hoards of Vipers fireing on anything vaguely Cylon looking.
We can but hope and prey it’s the second one 🙂
ParticipantI don’t think it’s any of them, they all seem like the obvious choice 🙂
I’d say it’s more likely to be the Presidents aid or his new girlfriend (I don’t remember either of the characters names).
ParticipantI suppose I shouldn’t moan, just look at the festive tv treats that have taken it’s place.
On monday the 20th we have the 2001 film Prince charming staring none other than Martin short himself.
And the week after we get two, yes TWO epsiodes of Malcolm in the Middle. One can harldy wait to see what fun filled festive mayhem that family have in store for us.
If it wasn’t for the fact that I love Christmas I might be miffed.