Battlestar Galactica: Transcripts: SE1E05: You Can’t Go Home Again

Raptor – Space
Boomer: Galactica, Boomer. Hotdog’s aboard.
Crashdown: Yeah. So’s his lunch. Take it easy, Hotdog, you’re not the first to lose it in combat, you won’t be the last.
Boomer: No sign of Starbuck, he says she was hit. Still in the fight when he lost track of her.
Dualla: Roger that, Boomer. Search and rescue ops are underway for Starbuck. Bring Hotdog in, the old man wants to talk to him.

Galactica – Hangars
Adama: This is where you found him?
Boomer: Yes, sir. He had drifted quite a ways in the fight.
Adama: Was she maneuvering?
Hotdog: I think so… yes. Yes, sir.
Boomer: So, she survived the initial hits. She could still be alive.
Adama: She is alive, Lieutenant. We’re gonna find her.
Boomer: Yes, sir.
Adama: (re: Hotdog) Get this man to sick bay.
Crashdown: Yes, sir.
Adama leaves and Apollo comes up to Hotdog. He takes off his own pilot’s wings from his uniform and pins them on Hotdog’s.
Apollo: I think you earned those today.
And with that, Apollo starts walking to his Viper. Socinus catches up with him.
Socinus: The artillery R-T switch is sticking a bit, sir, but she’ll fly.
Apollo: Polish up the canopy, I want it crystal clear.
Tyrol: Yes, sir!
Apollo climbs into his Viper and Adama comes up to him.
Adama: Find her.
Apollo: I will.

Unnamed Moon – Surface
Starbuck wakes up on some moon’s surface as she’s being dragged along by the wind blowing in her parachute. As she desperately struggles to free herself from the ropes of the parachute, the wind slams her knee hard into a rock and then continues to drag her along. She pulls out a knife and tries to cut the parachute strings wrapped around her foot. She finally manages to free herself from the parachute just before she would have been dragged off a cliff.
Starbuck pulls out a radio and then angrily throws it away when she realizes that it’s been fracked beyond repair. Things don’t get much better for her when by using another gadget she finds out that the atmosphere is completely unbreatheable.
Starbuck: Oh, frak!

Galactica – Briefing Room / Hallway
Gaeta: Still no joy from the search teams, sir. In the last four hours we’ve combed everywhere within a 200 click sphere of Starbuck’s last known position. No ship, no ejection seat, no debris. So we’re extending the radius another 50.
Adama: We need more pilots.
Gaeta: Everybody who can fly is up, sir.
They walk out to the hallway.
Adama: What about Starbuck’s course computations?
Gaeta: The variables of combat would make them almost meaningless, sir.
Adama: Well, it’s time to start guessing.
Gaeta: Yes, sir.

Galactica – C.I.C.
Gaeta: Since there’s been no dradis contact in the area, I would have to guess that her Viper was captured by the gravity of a planetary body.
Tigh: The only nearby gravity wells are the gas giant and this moon. If the gas giant pulled her in, its radiation would fry her like an egg.
Adama: What about the moon?
Gaeta: The spectroscope people would call the atmosphere as CO2, methane, some argon. The clouds are mostly hydrocarbons. It’s cold as hell down there, but she could survive on the surface.
Tigh: Until her oxygen runs out.
Adama: When?
Gaeta: 46 hours and change, sir.
Tigh: A hell of a long time to stay in one place. What if the Cylons appear?
Adama: They won’t, not for a while.
Tigh: What makes you say that?
Adama: Sending a patrol instead of the base ship tells me that they didn’t even know we were here. So, they’re searching a lot of other places, places with potential supplies.
Tigh: Like staking out water holes in the desert.
Adama: Right. If we sent eight fighters to search an entire star system for 60-odd ships, it would take us…
Tigh: Weeks?
Adama: Assume they’re better and faster. It’ll take them days.
Tigh: A lot of assumptions you’re making.
Adama: Educated guess. Talk to me about searching the moon.
Tigh: It’s gonna be slow going. Can’t see squat through those clouds.
Adama: Send the ships below the cloud cover. Tell the pilots to take a hard look the old-fashioned way.
Gaeta: Mark one eyeball, sir.
Adama: Mark one eyeball.
Dualla: Commander… call from Colonial one.
Adama picks up a handset.
Adama: (on comms) Adama.
Roslin: (on comms) Commander Adama, I don’t want to take much of your time I just wanted to say how happy we all are that you found one of your pilots.
Adama: Thank you, Madam President.
Roslin: How is the search progressing for the other pilot?
Adama: Nothing yet, but we’ve just begun.
Roslin: I’ve spoken with the other captains in the fleet, they’ve agreed to give over their ships at your disposal if it’ll increase the odds of finding her.
Adama: Frak the odds, we’re gonna find her. (there’s a pause as he realizes. At the Colonial one, Roslin is taken aback) Excuse me. Thank you. Tell them we can sure use the help.
Roslin: I’ll coordinate their efforts with your C.I.C. Continued good luck.
Adama: Thank you.

Colonial one
Baltar enters and hands some papers to Roslin.
Roslin: Oh, thank you.
Baltar: So it looks like we’re gonna be staying here for a while.
#6 appears in a very sexy dress and seats on Roslin’s desk. She seductively lifts her leg and forcefully rests her foot on Baltar’s hand. He grunts and pulls his hand out, then raises it to ease the pain.
Roslin: (noticing) You all right?
Baltar: Yeah, I’m fine, it’s, um…
#6: How long do you think it’ll be before the Cylons wonder what happened to their missing patrol and send another one here to look for it?
Baltar: You have attacked us hundreds of times. We’re still here. I think you’ll find that we are more than adequately protected.
#6: Might be a little tricky with the fleet scattered over half the system looking for the lost pilot. How many days until the Cylons return, Gaius? (takes his hand and sucks on his fingers) one? Two? Three, at the most.
Roslin: (handing him his papers back) Doctor? Your requisition.
Baltar: Thank you. Madam President, I, uh, I don’t mean to be impertinent, really, but, uh, do you honestly think this is wise? You are compromising the security of the entire fleet while we search for one solitary pilot.
Roslin: It is a risk, but those pilots put their lives on the line for us every day.
Baltar: Yes… yeah, I was just saying that to, uh- I’m not insensitive to that, is what I’m saying. I happen to know the missing pilot personally.
#6: Not as personally as you’d like. Guess you’ll never get to find out if she’s a real blonde.
Baltar: Which makes it all the more difficult for me because on one hand, I think of the pilot and then the other hand, I think of the thousands of defenseless women and children and men throughout the fleet.
Roslin: I am sure Commander Adama has considered all of this, thank you, doctor.
Baltar: Yes, of course he has. Of course he has, thank you. (leaves)

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Tripping the Rift: Transcripts: S01E13: Android Love

Unnamed Moon – Surface
Starbuck: (limping) It’s okay… it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay. Okay, okay, get to higher ground. Then they see you… then they rescue you.

Viper – Unnamed Moon’s Atmosphere
Apollo: Galactica, Apollo. We are being passed around like beach balls down here. Visibility about two, best spectrum.
Dualla: Copy, Apollo.
Apollo: (suddenly seeing a mountain in front of him, pulls up) Whoa! Blue flight, go vertical, now, now, now!

Cylon-occupied Caprica – Fallout Shelter in Restaurant – 15th Day
It’s morning and Helo watches Caprica Boomer sleep on a hammock. Caprica Boomer awakes.
Caprica Boomer: Anything?
Helo: No. I don’t think anyone’s left out there.
Caprica Boomer: There must be someone. We can’t be the only two people left in the world.
Helo: Well, good news is my leg’s much better. And we’ve got anti-radiation meds to last three months. I say we load up as much food as we can and-
Caprica Boomer: …move out. Try to find a Raptor or a transport or something we can fly off Caprica. Unless you can think of a reason to stay.
Helo: I’m not really looking forward to going back out there. I’ve almost started to think of this place as…
Helo & Caprica Boomer: …home.
They smile at each other, then Caprica Boomer starts to get up.
Helo: No, sleep a little longer. Who knows when we’ll find clean sheets again. I’m gonna go topside and make some breakfast.

Cylon-occupied Caprica – Kitchen in Restaurant
Helo: Breakfast…
Helo whistles as he puts a couple of slices of bread in a toaster. Moments later he hears glass breaking and clinking footsteps approaching. It’s two Cylons that have entered the restaurant searching for survivors. He ducks behind some tinted glass and evades being detected by the Cylons. But then the toaster goes off and all hell breaks loose. The Cylons zero in on Helo and attack.
Caprica Boomer: (appering from the shelter) Hey, is breakfast ready?
Helo: Sharon, get out of here! Go, go, go!
He jumps behind the counter, pulls out a gun and shoots a Cylon twice in the head, destroying it. But the other Cylon comes forward and blasts the hell outta’ the kitchen, pinning Helo under the debris.

Unnamed Moon – Surface
Starbuck: Lords, it’s Kara Thrace. I’m running a little low on O2 and I could use a lucky break. No? Okay, just thought I’d mention it. (as she reaches the top of the high ground, she sees the Cylon Raider in a valley below) Oh, frak. (grunting, she cautiously gets close to it. She notices it’s got a shot in the “temple” with “blood” that’s dripped and dried from it and she laughes) Not bad shooting if I do say so myself. Lords, I owe you one. Looks like I found my ride out of here… (to the Raider) if I can fix you up.

Unnamed Moon – Atmosphere
Apollo: Galactica, Apollo. Bingo fuel.
Dualla: Roger, Apollo, return to base.
Apollo: What, can’t you tank me in orbit?
Dualla: Negative, Apollo, the tankers are refilling. You’ll be dry before they can launch.

Galactica – C.I.C.
Adama: (grunts in frustration) Are these figures correct?
Gaeta: Yes, sir, atmospheric ops mean that Viper and Raptor engines have to run continuously. Fuel’s gonna be a real problem if we keep it up.
Adama: Any report from the civilian ships?
Tigh: Nothing. They’re spread pretty far out. We’re gonna have a hell of a time trying to cover them if the Cylons pop in. We should consider pulling the civvies into a defensible formation.
Adama: No… keep all the ships on the search. We’ve left enough people behind. I don’t wanna leave Starbuck behind.
Tigh: I’m just saying, committing the entire fleet to this search-
Adama: I said no! We’re gonna find our missing pilot! And we’re gonna bring her home. We leave no one behind. Resume your duties.

Cylon-occupied Caprica – Restaurant
Helo wakes up amidst the debris. It’s already dusk.
Helo: (grunts) Sharon?! Sharon, where are you? Damn it Sharon, where are you?
He looks for her in the restaurant and in the fallout shelter to no avail, so he finally goes outside.
Helo: Sharon?! Sharon…?!

Unnamed Moon – Surface
Starbuck is at the Raider’s underside trying to find a way into it with her knife, when she discovers biological tissue just below it’s surface.
Starbuck: (gasps) Frak me. Are you… alive? And she keeps going at it with the knife.

Galactica – Hangars
Tyrol: What the hell happened this time, Captain?
Apollo: I hit the roll thrusters to level off for set down but only the left one fired.
Tyrol: Oh, gods, it’s that crap you’re flyin’ into down there. Gums everything up.
Apollo: Get me another Viper.
Tyrol: I’d love to, Captain but this is 13 Vipers that are down plus your Mark 7. I’m out!
Apollo: Damn it, I’ve got a pilot down and I need another Viper now!
Tyrol: I realize that, Captain but you can push people a hell of a lot further than you can push machines.
Apollo: Tyrol, I’m the CAG, you’re the Chief, just make it happen.

Galactica – C.I.C.
Gaeta: Commander, the clock has passed five hours, sir, for Starbuck’s O2 supply.
Adama: Noted.
Gaeta: Here’s the photo mosaic for the area we’ve searched so far.
Adama: We gotta do better than this.
Tigh: Can’t see very far when you’re hugging the ground.
Apollo: You can’t see anything at all from altitude, not to mention the crap in the air that keeps screwing up our ships. 13 Vipers down for repairs.
Adama: We need more eyes.
Tigh: Yeah, where you gonna get ’em?
Apollo: Pull the CAP.
Tigh: What?
Apollo: Redeploy the combat air patrol to the search.
Tigh: Bad idea, the CAP is the fleet’s only defense. If all our Vipers are frakin’ around on the moon when the Cylons come calling, we’re maggot meat.
Apollo: Well, then bring the fleet closer to the moon. We can always scramble the Vipers from the search to meet any attack.
Tigh: You gotta be kidding.
Apollo: Bottom line: we can double the area we can search in the time we have left.
Tigh: Starbuck would be the first one to tell you not to do this.
Apollo: Nothing would make you happier would it? Leave her behind, get rid of the foul-mouthed insubordinate pilot that keeps challenging your authority.
Tigh: You are way out of line, mister, I’m not the one confusing personal feelings with duty.
Apollo: Oh, yeah? What the hell does that mean?
Tigh: It means you are way too close to this because she is your friend-
Adama: Gentlemen! We have work to do. Captain, get as many birds up in the air as you can and you find our girl.
Apollo: You got it. (leaves)

Unnamed Moon – Inside the Raider
Starbuck: Oh… my… gods… you bite me and I’ll bite you back. So, I guess the only thing flying you, is you. This must be your brain. (grunting, she tears and tosses it out) I don’t think you’ll need it. It’s a good thing that I brought one of my own. (checks her remaining O2; it’s almost all gone) Frak… even cockroaches have to breathe. How the hell do you?

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Battlestar Galactica: Transcripts: S03E09: Unfinished Business

Galactica – Hangars
Socinus: Captain, call for you, sir!
Apollo: Can someone finish this up for me?
Creman: Sure.
Apollo: Where is it?
Scoinus: That way.
Walks to a phone on a wall and answers it.
Apollo: Yeah, Apollo.
Billy: Call from President Roslin.
Short pause, then…
Roslin: How are you holding up?
Apollo: Better than my Viper. We’re slapping one together from pieces of the others.
Roslin: I need your help. Do you know that your father just redeployed the combat air patrol?
Apollo: Yes, Madam President, it was my idea.
Roslin: Your idea?
Apollo: We need every Viper we’ve got.
Roslin: Now, maybe I’m missing something about the tactics involved here, but isn’t the fleet defenseless without the C.A.P.?
Apollo: only for a short time. Because after that… because after that, Kara’s oxygen will be gone and she’ll be dead.
Roslin: Are you very close with Lieutenant Thrace?
Apollo: I’m close with all my pilots.
Roslin: And I assume the same is true for your father?
Apollo: His pilots mean a lot to him, to all of us. We don’t leave anyone behind.
Roslin: But we have left people behind, you know that.
Apollo: Not this time. Your F.T.L. drive should be spun up and ready. Just make sure everyone is set to jump at the first sign of trouble.
Roslin: With all due respect, Captain, there are times when it is necessary for the safety of the fleet to-
Apollo: Not this time. Madam President, we just haven’t exhausted all the options and the safety of the fleet has not been compromised.
Roslin: I hope you find her.
Apollo: Thank you. (hangs up and leaves for his Viper)

Galactica – C.I.C.
Gaeta: Blue flight reports bingo fuel, sir.
Adama: Have them stay on the search. Send the tanker to them. (off his look) Is there a problem, Mr. Gaeta?
Gaeta: It’s just that trying to tank in that turbulence, sir, will be extremely hairy. I suggest we wait until the clock has run down and then tank them up on the way back to Galactica.
Adama: Did someone call them back to Galactica?
Gaeta: I just assumed-
Adama: …the search was over? That it was hopeless? That we should write Starbuck off as dead? Is that what you’re telling me, Mr. Gaeta?
Gaeta: No, sir.
Adama: Then what are you trying to tell me, Mr. Gaeta? (Starbuck’s O2 clock reaches 0) You have your orders.
Gaeta: Yes, sir.
Tigh: Time’s up, she’s out of O2.
Adama: The clock is a guess. We don’t know for a fact Starbuck is out of air.
Tigh: Her tank only holds so much oxygen.
Adama: She could have a reserve supply in her survival gear.
Tigh: A reserve?
Adama: Yes.
Tigh: What, she just happened to pack an extra bottle today?
Adama: It’s possible.
Tigh: We are putting people at risk. We have pilots out there who are pushing themselves and their ships too hard, all for the sake of-
Adama: We are not quitting. And you are relieved, Colonel.
Tigh: (pauses then stands in attention and salutes) I stand relieved, sir. (marches off)

Unnamed Moon – Inside the Raider
Starbuck pokes around the Raiders’ insides.
Starbuck: Come on… you’re part biological, right? Which means that you need oxygen, right? So, it’s gotta be here… somewhere.
She finally finds and air tube and sticks it in her mouth… goo and all.

Galactica – C.I.C.
Dualla: Commander, the President.
Adama: (on comms) Adama.
Roslin: (on comms) Commander Adama, I just want to say how very sorry I am about Lieutenant Thrace. Please give my condolences to your son and to the rest of the crew.
Adama: Excuse me, ma’am, but I think you’ve been misinformed.
Roslin: How?
Adama: We don’t know if Starbuck’s dead.
Roslin: I was told that her oxygen had run out a half an hour ago?
Adama: That’s an estimate. She may have a reserve supply. We’ll continue the search as long as there’s a chance she may be alive.
Roslin: And how long will that be?
Adama: Until I say stop. This is a military decision, Madam President. Thank you for your concern. (hangs up and gives a little, controlled punch to the reciever)

Unnamed Moon – Inside the Raider
Starbuck: First on the list: seal you up, (seals the bullet hole stuffing her bag into it. With the Raider sealed and pressurized, now she can breathe without the tube) and figure out what controls what. (sniffing) one of us needs a bath… ugh. All right… now you’re gonna teach me how to fly.
And she starts tinkering with the many organs and membranes to figure out how to pilot the craft.

Galactica – C.I.C.
Gaeta: Commander? Red flight reports an area of highlands here. Increased visibility out to 15 clicks, maybe.
Adama: It’s the wrong side of the moon-
Dualla: Excuse me, Commander?
Adama: Almost impossible for her to land there-
Dualla: Sir, we have a signal from Colonial one’s shuttle. They request permission to land. They have the President on board, sir.
Adama: Why wasn’t I notified the President was coming on board?
Dualla: There was no advance notice, sir. I didn’t know she was coming.
Adama: Let’s go. Have Colonel Tigh meet her at the airlock and bring her to my quarters, please.
Dualla: Very well.

Unnamed Moon – Inside the Raider
Starbuck: Every flying machine has four basic controls: power, pitch, yaw and roll. Where are yours? (touches something and the Raider fires) Safety tip number one: don’t touch that.

Galactica – Hallway
Tigh and Roslin walk together to Adama’s quarters.
Tigh: Are you gonna order us to stop the search?
Roslin: I came here to talk, not to give orders.
Tigh: It may take an order.
Roslin: Why? Colonel Tigh, do I need to know something?
Tigh: It’s gone beyond military needs. It’s personal. For the Commander and for Lee too. Because of Lieutenant Thrace. Because of her, and because of Zak Adama.
Roslin: The Commander’s dead son?
Tigh: It’s complicated. It would take about three weeks to explain.
Roslin: We’ve got about three minutes, talk fast.

Galactica – Adama’s Quarters
Adama and Apollo wait for Roslin standing side by side behind Adama’s desk.
Adama: She’s gonna press.
Apollo: I’m with you.
Tigh and Roslin enter.
Tigh: President Roslin.
Adama: Madam President.
Roslin: Skip the formalities, you both know why I’m here.
Adama: Termination of a pilot’s rescue mission is a military decision.
Roslin: That’s a bunch of crap. This isn’t military, it’s personal. Neither of you can let go of Kara Thrace because she’s your last link to Zak.
Apollo: You don’t know anything about my brother-
Roslin: Don’t even begin, Captain. You’ve lost perspective, (to Adama) as have you. Under normal circumstances it would just be sad that the two of you can’t come to terms with Zak’s death. In this situation, you’re putting your pilots at risk and you’re exposing the entire fleet to possible attack every moment we stay here.
Adama: We’ve been at risk of an attack since day one. Cylon’s won’t be missing the patrol for at least one more day.
Roslin: Colonel Tigh, how much aviation fuel has been expended in this operation?
Tigh: 43% of reserves.
Roslin: Almost half. That’s unacceptable. And operations in the moon’s atmosphere have put one-third of your fighters out of action. That is also completely unacceptable.
Adama: Crap unacceptable. Whatever it is you feel about this, the recovery of one pilot is a military matter.
Roslin: All right… it’s military, fine. And you’re both officers and you’re both honorable men and you’re both perfectly aware that you are putting the lives of over 45,000 people and the future of this civilization at risk, for your personal feelings. Now, if the two of you, of all people, can live with that, then the human race doesn’t stand a chance. Clear your heads.
Roslin and Tigh leave. Apollo and Adama remain silent for a long moment and then Apollo goes to an intercom.
Apollo: Combat, stand by.
Adama: (gets the handset from Apollo) This is the Commander. Terminate search operations, bring everyone home. Prepare the fleet to make a jump into the next system. We’re leaving.

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Futurama: S02E01: I Second that Emotion

Unnamed Moon – Inside the Raider
Starbuck: Okay, so it either works or it doesn’t. (tries it and it does work. Laughes) Okay, okay… that’s power, roll, pitch and yaw. We have control. Take me home! (the Raider lifts off the ground and she laughes again) Oh, you stink, but you’re one hell of a flying machine! (the Raider takes off)

Galactica – Adama’s Quarters
Apollo: I want you to know, I think she’s wrong. I think we have come to terms with what happened to Zak.
Adama: I haven’t.
Apollo starts to leave but then stops and turns back.
Apollo: I need to know something: why did you do this? Why did we do this? Is it for Kara? For Zak? For what?
Adama: Kara was family. You do whatever you have to do. Sometimes you break the rules.
Apollo: And if it was me down there instead?
Adama: You don’t have to ask that.
Apollo: Are you sure?
Adama: If it were you… we’d never leave.

Galactica – C.I.C.
Adama: (entering) Colonel.
Tigh: Commander.
Adama: Resume your duties.
Tigh: Sir. Fighters are aboard, sir. Civilian ships have begun their jumps to the next star system. You give the word, we’ll start our clock.
Adama: Start the clock.
Tigh: Mr. Gaeta, start the clock.
Adama: Madam President, would you like to return to your ship?
Roslin: Thank you, I’ll stay here. I’d like to see how the professionals do it.
Adama: As you wish. Execute jump, Lieutenant Gaeta.
Gaeta: Aye, sir. Jump clock is running. Navigation?
Navigation Officer: Go!
Gaeta: F.T.L.?
FTL Officer: Go!
Gaeta: Tactical?
Tactical Officer: Go!
Gaeta: Flight Ops?
Dualla: Contact! Dradis contact. Incoming, bearing zero-six-zero carom three-zero-eight.
Adama: Hold count.
Gaeta: Count held.
Dualla: Contact is…
Adama: Well?
Dualla: Cylon Raider, sir.
Adama: (to Tigh) You were right, it’s just a matter of time.
Dualla: He’s on an intercept course. He’ll be on us before we complete the jump, sir.
Adama: Action stations, launch Vipers.
Tigh: Action stations, action stations. Launch the Alert fighters, Cylon Raider approaching.

Raider – Space
Starbuck: Okay… now, look before you shoot, please.

Galactica – C.I.C.
Gaeta: Gun captains report weapons manned and ready.
Tigh: Where the hell are the Vipers?
Dualla: Most are being fueled. Hotdog and Apollo are in the tubes.

Vipers – Launching Tubes
Flight Computer: Viper one, clear forward, navcon-green. Interval failure, abort launch.
Hotdog: (as his launch is aborted and his Viper stops) Frak! Frak, frak, frak!

Viper – Space
Apollo: I guess I’m going solo.

Galactica – C.I.C.
Roslin: Why only one Cylon this time?
Tigh: Could be a lone recon mission, or the vanguard for a Cylon base ship about to jump on top of us. Either way, we’re gonna have to take it out before we can jump.

Raider / Viper – Space
Apollo: Galactica, Apollo. Target in sight.
Apollo fires and Starbuck dodges.
Starbuck: You idiot! Didn’t anybody teach you intercept protocol? Okay, we’re gonna have to do this the hard way then.
She starts maneuvering so expertly Apollo can’t hit her.
Apollo: Lords, this bastard’s good.

Galactica – C.I.C.
Gaeta: They’re closing fast. Port guns have a firing solution.
Adama: Very well.

Raider / Viper – Space
Apollo: Hold still, you little- (he fires and fails)
Starbuck: No cigar for you. Just a little… bit… closer… not that close! (flies the Raider behind him)
Apollo: What the?! I’ve lost him! Galactica, I repeat: he is nowhere to be seen.

Galactica – C.I.C.
Adama: Dradis?
Gaeta: No help, their reports have merged.
Tigh: Launch tube status?
Dualla: Still fouled. We’ll have a Viper away in 45 seconds.
Adama and Tigh: This’ll be over in 45 seconds.

Viper – Space
Apollo: (finally locating the Raider) Holy- Galactica, the Cylon is now flying in formation with me, right above my head. This thing is acting weird. Hook me through. (looks up and sees the words “STAR” and “BUCK” painted in Raider’s blood beneath its wings) Ha ha…! It’s Starbuck!

Galactica – C.I.C.
Adama: What?! Come again, Apollo.
Apollo: Galactica, the Cylon Raider is marked “Starbuck”! It’s written under the frakin’ wing!
The crew cheers.
Adama: Bring it into the bay! If it does anything, take it out!
Apollo: Wilco, Galactica, but I tell you what: it’s has got to be her. This thing is flying with some serious attitude.
Apollo laughes and the Galctica crew does too.

Viper / Raider – Space
As they fly side by side towards the Galactica, the Viper an the Raider wave their wings saluting one another.

Galactica – Hangars
Starbuck and Apollo have landed.
Tyrol: (to the Raider) Now your ass belongs to me.
Starbuck: (lying on a stretcher) Like my new toy?
Apollo: Boy, when you take a souvenir, you don’t screw around. Oh, my gods, you smell like a latrine.
Starbuck: Mmm… you wanna give me a bath? (laughes as she’s taken away to sick bay)

Galactica – Sick Bay
Adama: How you feeling?
Starbuck: Been a hell of a lot worse. Don’t have any ambrosia but the doc can fix you up with some really nice stuff. It’s not bad, is it? The knee?
Adama: Doc says it’s too early to tell, but knowing you, you’ll be fine. Kara…
Starbuck: Yeah?
Adama: You did good… you did real good. Need anything?
Starbuck: A stogie would be nice.
Adama: I had a feeling. (takes one out and hands it to her) It’s my last one, so enjoy.
Starbuck: Thank you.
Adama: Get some rest.
Starbuck holds the stogie tight in her hand and turns on her bed, touched and tearing up.

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Battlestar Galactica reviews are © 2005 Ryan Bechtel
Not for reproduction without the authors express permission

Battlsestar Galactica names, characters and everything else associated with the series are the property of Sci-Fi Channel, NBC-Universal and R&D Television.

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