Forum Replies Created
Participant“The Noose” and “Judith” by A Perfect Circle..
and later on in the night…when the party is going wilde… Andrew W.K..
ParticipantWhy not use the classic: Sadgeezer, Glad to be Sad?
ParticipantMy dvd broke..perfect! now i have to wait longer to watch it..
thanks for all your thoughts and opinions..
maybe ill try to get some soap opera elements into the next
Toreaddor cheats on Nosferatu with a handsome young Ventrue..Logan, i still have some respect for you dawg…even though you watched soap operas……
Im trying to find Forever Knight now…
Participanti havent seen Forever Knight of The Hunger….but i will keep my eyes open…
I have the Kindred series on DVD here…havent seen it yet though..i was just checking what people on Sad thought of it..
I LARP alot, Vampire The Masquerade and the other WoD games from White Wolf…
and since Kindred is based on the old version of VAmpire The Masquerade i just had to see it!
Ive heard that Aaron spelling is behind it….it makes me sad…since i hate his other shows…A LOT….but since its vampire TM..ill try it out..
thanks for your reply Logan, you still the man!
Participanthmm, i thougt matrix revo was pretty good…
sure, some of the scenes were a bit too “hollywood” like…
but the battle scenes in the secong half of the movie were really cool…
didnt like the end though.., but its definetly worth seeing in my opinion…!
so, thumbs up for me!
I am going to get a cake, and champagne!
And flowers, and sweets, and new underwear!!!!!But seriously, this is good for science…
I bet 2$ that Sweden will be the next country that ships away its people into space…!
ParticipantWell, if she needs comforting, IM there….
ParticipantCongratulations!!! Only 6 days late, but wth, its the thougt that counts!
And good luck with you-know-what….. 😉
ParticipantIm talkin about the LARP version of Vampire, that is the way to play that i think seems very interesting.
White Wolf has started something called “Time of Judgement”, there is a cool timer on their website that is counting down towards the point were Gehenna is going to take place…Gehenna being a Final War….like Ragnarok..
But I dont really understand it, are they going to end the game? What about all the people who play it? Are they gonna stop?
ParticipantHappy day!!
Drink til ya drop and cant stop!!
-Some phatt rhymes from Camarilla!
ParticipantUnderworld huh?
Im gonna keep my eyes open for that one!
I have just started to play Vamp so I dont really know if that is gonna be a problem….hope not. Im very fascinated by the World of Darkness.
I have actually never played D&D….
I must be the only nerd in the world who hasent played it…But what do you think about miniature games?
ParticipantYeah, the story and the acting is why everyone likes Boomtown….
riiiiiight…….. 😆
ParticipantYes, harry pothead is for nerds….
ParticipantI loved that Spanish Inqusition stuff with Monty……thier awesome..
I saw this psychological thriller named Closet Land a few years ago….it scared the shit out of me….
The whole movie takes place in one room were a woman is being tortured…..
TV entertainment…..
ParticipantIm just gonna say:
1.Xenia Seeberg from Lexx
2. Nurse Jenny from PokémonMan, that makes me hooot!
ParticipantI think Darth Vader would make a kickass president!
And it would be cool to see him stand and hold those over-patriotic
speeches….. With his weezing voice…And the force would be good for solving crime in L.A….
/Camarilla-Formerly known as Dragula 8)