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ParticipantGotta make a correction to the Angel airings. The WB moved it about and now it’s on Wednesdays at 9pm EST, with a new eppie this week, 4.08 “Habeas Corpses”
No new Buffy this week (tonight) but will be back next week with 7.12 “Potential”
And I have to agree about Cordy being pretty much a pod-person. I still feel scarred by that Conoor-Cordelia action… how can she not feel the slightest bit weird knowing that she had changed his diapers!! She’s got her memories back! And, what, she can’t love Angel now (which I still maintain was a forced feeling and a wrong place to go), does she forget the loveable but goofy Groo? Whatever happened to him? And what about Phantom Dennis?? I miss Dennis!!
Um, yeah.. ok.
ParticipantHoly cow, it’s been forever since I visited here. Bad me! *slaps wrist*
Well, as a faithful (but not *Faith*ful) watcher (or do I mean viewer?) of BtVS, I can tell you I have found Season to be Phenomenal! (notice, with a capital “P”!) Sure, there are some things that will make you go “wha-?” But, nothing like the Season 5 ending (Buffy’s sudden realization that she and Dawn are actually interchangeable – great dramatically, but I still don’t get it. And Olaf, the troll god’s hammer… since when did he become a troll god?)
Well, at least any Season 7 conundrums *I* could explain to myself, hence, my extreme enjoyment.
As it stands, the big honcho-type person of CBS (the station that owns UPN, where BtVS is aired here) isn’t sounding very hopeful, but they always throw out the last line that it still *may* come back in some form or another.
And, there is still no definite word on SMG’s decision one way or another. I have a feeling the concensus amongst the fandom is that she’s not going to sign on again (so that way she can go off and do Scooby Doo 2… yeah, bold career move.) My personal cattiness aside, I wish her the best whatever she chooses.
As for the ratings… I don’t actually pay too much attention to them. However, there are theories. One is that UPN doesn’t reach as many people, but I think the math will work for them in that aspect… can’t explain it, but, I don’t think that reflects as heavily…
Another is that due to Season 6 being heavy in the melodrama, and the ugliness of the end, a lot of viewers who were faithful to one of the relationships (and I’m not talking Anya and Xander or Spike and Buffy) jumped ship. Mind you, I don’t have numbers or proof, but simply a possibility. Sadly, I do think Season 6 alienated a lot of viewers.
And then there’s the whole back story going on that can be confusing to new viewers…
but I’ve rambled too much… hope I answered some things… maybe…
4th December 2001 at 2:22 am in reply to: the ultimate buffy spoiler- those who don’t want to know, do #43028Fantasma
ParticipantAnother yummy Buffy topic!
Let’s see if I can drag this from my memory..
Spike and Buffy… this is about Buffy needing to feel AND avoiding all the cards that Spike calls her on. After another discussion where someone had pointed out that when Spike was telling Buffy something she didn’t want to hear, she stopped it my be kissing him. I’m sure it never even crossed her mind that in her coming back from the dead, she might have come back *different.* So, when Spike realized he could smack her around, and jumped to the conclusion that *she* came back wrong, suddenly she found herself with feelings of horror and maybe worthlessness. She had become one of the *things* she slays.
Which really doens’t fit into anything, but it seemed important in my head.
Another idea that I enjoyed was that Spike actually doens’t want to hurt her, and in return, no chip work. And I’d bet to say that he can’t really hurt her physically anyway. But, again, I don’t really have anything to support that.
Personally, I think the two of them together do work a little bit of magic. Sure, Angel was/is the love of her life, but if she give him happies, so comes the end of the world… literally… and Riley… I think she liked him.. I think she cared for him.. but it was an empty love… he was supposedly everything she wanted.. a nice normal boy… but, it got boring.. and thus he took the boot = P Plus the fact, that she had to hold back with him… I can only imagine if he had bruised hips on occasion = P… now, Spike on the other hand… he is everything that is wrong for her (but at least he’s got the strength, so her nutcracker like thighs won’t break him), and thus the allure.. which induces the conflict “He is bad, he is evil, and yet, he is so kissable..” or is that my conflict…
Is this Spike/Buffy pairing sick and disturbing? Most definitely. Is it enjoyable? Most definitely.. in the naughty sort of way = P
As for the Willow saga… there are hints of this way back when, maybe even season 2, but I can think of the Halloween eppie in Season 4 where Oz says to Buffy, “You didn’t encourage her, did you?” and think it shows that even back then, Willow didn’t really understand the power of it all. She used it.. and used it.. and used it… until we found she wasn’t even doing the simplest of tasks.. and magic seemed to be the answer to everything. Fighting with you girlfriend? Make her forget. Need some decorations? Wave your hand. In some ways it’s Faith’s motto of “Want, Take, Have.”
It just got too easy. And no one but Tara could see it (or at least she was the only to speak up about it.)
And then Amy brought her to Rack. He was into the very black stuff no doubt, very hard, scary stuff. Which I think led to her wake up call, the one that said “I have a problem, I need help.” But going it cold turkey? Promising never to use magic again? I said it before and I’ll say it again, Don’t make promises you can’t keep.
It’s going to be a long and difficult road for both Buffy and Willow. They gave in to their naughty desires, whether it be to feel good, or to just not feel empty, and the temptation to go back will be great.
This struggle will be intense, and I can’t wait for new eppies again! = )
ParticipantAs Buffy fanatic, I can say that I remember no fire demon, in which case, it is probably exclusive to the comic (much like what Mary Beth said), but the mentions of a wheel-chaired Spike, a Jenny-mourning Giles, an alive and kicking Kendra, and an evil Angelous are to give you an idea as to when it takes place. So it *could* have happened in the time betwen episode A and episode B.
Hope that helps = )
ParticipantWell, I found that all entertaining and enlightening. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]
I just wish I could remember my dreams like that, cuz I *love* sharing my dreams. Mine tend to be a mismatched bunch of scenes with an arc theme. Kinda like a lot of tv I watch [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]
I’ve maybe had 2 or 3 Lexx dreams, and I think they were all promenently Kai absent, much to my dismay.
Now, my Vin Diesel dreams were much nicer. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] But I’m not going there either. Mostly cuz I can’t really remember them [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]
But, so the topic of this thread is Lyekka, and she’s coming back? Coolness. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]
Participant“I don’t know art, but I know what I like!”
Personally, that quote sums it up for me. I probably could come up with pages and pages for why I like what I like, and it’s [b]a lot[/b]
Course, my stuff falls in the science fiction and fantasy arena. It may be sad, but I liked the cookie cutter scifi shows (All the Star Trek, seaQuest, Farscape, Buck Rogers, Babylon5, Voyagers, Quantum Leap, Time Trax, The Powers of Matthew Starr, Misfits of Science, Automan, Fantastic Journey… blah blah blah, the list goes on and on) and I also like the original stuff. Heck, I even liked Dune the 3rd time I watched it! (First two times, I was bored [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img] )
I like Buffy the Vampire Slauyer, Angel, Roswell, 7 days, The Sentinel, The Pretender (tho that isn’t *really* scifi), Red Dwarf, and so many others that I’m bound to forget something along the way..Why do I enjoy them? Eh, who knows? They entertain me, that’s all I know. Maybe it is the cute guys [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img] What can I say? I like escapism. Flashy effects and good looking people get me hooked but the story lines real me in. Course, I also entertain easily [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]
So, I can’t really tell you why I like what I like, I just do (“How come apple jacks don’t taste like apples?”).
As for what I don’t like… I *really* didn’t like Black Scorpion. It just gave me bad vibes.
Ok, I’m sure I wrote a lot here and actually said nothing. So I’m going to stop now.
K, bye.
ParticipantI must admit, when I saw that klingon run by, I did have a flash of thought of “that’s not how they looked like in TOS”
So, here’s what I’m thinking.. they looked like how we knew them from the future time… Worf and such times.. did Kahn look like that? I’ve only seen half of one movie, so I don’t really know…
But, yeah, here’s my idea… temporal anomaly. We already know that those aliens that are new to us (can’t remember their names yet).. they are part of a temporal war, so, I say that there’s been some kind of screwy-ness with the time line. And so what if it’s not true. [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img] Until they give me a reason, that’s what I’m believing.
I’m still kind of hoping Q will make an appearance, even if I heard that such things aren’t happening. At least with the theory of the continuum, it is by all means *possible*.. I mean, couldn’t he show up as a character where the crew don’t know who he is, but we do?
What can I say, I’m a Q fan [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]
Ya know it wasn’t until I read about T’Pol hairstyle being compared to Kes that I actually saw the resemblance. At least now I know why it looked familiar. [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]
But I’m so intrigued by this temporal enemy, I wonder who it will be! Will it be someone we know, or someone completely different?
Now, if only Archer could break out of his “I must do it alone” mentality.. even if Kirk was like that (or so my dad says)
I can’t wait to see how this story will unfold. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]
ParticipantI’ve noticed that too about the Captains of certain shows for some reason… Noticed it first in Babylon 5… why do they feel the need to do it themselves? I mean, that’s why they have XO’s!
But anyways… I enjoyed watching it last night. It didn’t feel hokey or campy like the original Trek (I grew up on NG, so it was hard to see TOS as anything but campy [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img] ), but it still managed to come off as “not as advanced.
No Universal translators? That’s gonna be rough… how many folks wondered what the Klingon was really saying? [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]
The only thing that irked me a little, and it could be that it’s all in my head, but, isn’t it characteristic of Vulcans to not use contractions? They were using them all over the place last night and it just seemed off…
Maybe it’s just me, whatever.
ParticipantOkay, I’ll admit, I stopped reading this thread when there was excessive talk about hair [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]
It does make me think of something tho (yay me!)… how many purple aliens have we been graced with? Trance got me trying to think of others, and maybe it’s my limited knowledge, but are there any others?
Besides the one eyed one horned flying purple people eater [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]
ParticipantOkay, I’ll admit, I stopped reading this thread when there was excessive talk about hair [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]
It does make me think of something tho (yay me!)… how many purple aliens have we been graced with? Trance got me trying to think of others, and maybe it’s my limited knowledge, but are there any others?
Besides the one eyed one horned flying purple people eater [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]
*Fantasma’s jaw drops at the awesomeness of that quiz posted above.
Holy cow! I feel.. so.. uneducated. I looked it over and a might have been able to answer a question here or two.. I think I new more answers on my *twitch twitch* Organic Chemistry exams! And I didn’t know jack there!
Excellent work on that quiz up there, but aren’t we supposed to be taught that stuff *before* we’re quizzed? [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]
Oh wait.. I skipped that class, didn’t I? [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]
ParticipantI hadn’t heard about SG1 going blockbuster, but I have heard that SciFi acquired the rights to SG1 and it will be airing on Saturday nights now that First Wave has ended.
So, the series is not yet over. After the season on showtime (it is showtime, right?)has its run, it shuffles over to Scifi, much like The Outer Limits.. and a just about all the the other SciFi claims as originals [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]
Well, at least this way I might be able to keep current with it.. I don’t get showtime and I tend to forget when it’s on when it’s on a channel I do get…
Fantasma [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]Fantasma
Buffy premiers here in the USA on October 2nd at 8pm EST, it will be a two hour season premier and I am excited beyond belief!
Angel was wonderful last night, even if split up from Buffy [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img] but whatever.
FX is also airing the BtVS reruns from eppie one (the 7pm EST showing is re-run at 4pm EST the next day).
I am truly blessed for having all the channels. Maybe the god/s/goddess/fates/oracles do love me!
Oh yeah, I’m Fantasma.
This is my first time posting to the SadBoard, so please…be gentle [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]
Fantasma = )Oh, check around online or your local listings for times… I just can’t do those time conversions [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]