I am not a Number. I am a person.
Like most prisons, the citizens of the Village come in many categories, some are chosen for what they know, and some for whom they know.
The Warders are those who make sure the Village runs smoothly and that the Prisoners volunteer the required information.
Read moreSpeedlearn is a revolutionary educational technique involving a combination of courses designed by a mass education computer known as the General.
Read moreThe underground control and administrative areas of the Village house many large computers which our staff rely on to interpret events and analyze Village behavior.
Read moreAn electropass is a device which allows high-ranking Village personnel freedom of movement while Rovers are present.
Read moreClones appear throughout the Village in different areas, from general laborers to special-case Prisoners and even as a Number 2. It is unclear what the procedure is for clone design.
Read moreHypnosis provides a clean and simple way of managing the behavior of individual prisoners when an Infiltrator or Clone may not be practical because of time restraints.
Read moreThe Village is equipped throughout with different methods of stunning and temporary paralysis.
Read moreJacob Saltzman (sometimes spelled “Seltzman”) developed a machine which allows the transference of consciousness from one body to another.
Read moreThe ultrasonic Social Conversion procedure was developed by formerly disharmonious Number 86 to quickly and efficiently modify the antisocial behavior of Unmutuals to conform to our normal standards of social operation, allowing them to become... Read more
A reaction transmitter is small device used in conjunction with hypnosis to create a human tracking system.
Read moreNeuropharmacologist Number 14 invented and developed a machine which translates electrical impulses from REM sleep in sedated individuals into visual and audio signals, thus allowing observation of their dreams on a screen.
Read moreAt times it is necessary to provide security to certain areas of the Village while maintaining the illusion of freedom of movement. For this reason, the forcefields were installed at the Town Hall and Administration.
Read moreRovers, the Village Guardians, roam the Village and its outskirts as a constant reminder that there is no escape.
Read moreStandard meprobamate, developed by F.M. Berger and B.J. Ludwig under the name Miltown, is an anti-anxiety drug which balances the chemistry in the limbic system and thalamus.
Read moreMytol is the trade name of one of over 1500 drugs synthesized from the benzodiazepine group after the discovery of substance Ro-5-0690
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