Battlestar Galactica: Transcripts: S02E07: Home Pt. 2

The opening sequence is a collage of scenes alternating back and fourth between Kobol and Galactica. on Kobol the President’s team is climbing up a mountain in the rain, Struggling to get up. Roslin also tries to keep track of all the notations in the scriptures. on Galactica, Adama, Tigh, Gaeta and Tyrol go over scriptures and maps to try to find the location of Roslin’s party on Kobol

Galactica – Adama’s Quarters


Adama: This could be anywhere.

Gaeta: If we only use information contained within the Book of Pythia, which makes sense given the President’s identification for that particular gospel (said in disgust), then the Tomb of Athena is most likely located somewhere… in the mountains to the west of the City of the Gods.

Adama: Let’s assume she starts at the most easily recognized landmark which is the opera house. They’d be setting down somewhere around here in this meadow, then heading west.

Kobol – A Steep Hill


Apollo: Are you okay?

Roslin: Yes. (Breathing heavy) I am.

Apollo: We got to get out of this ravine! I don’t want us to get caught in a flash flood.

Galactica – Adama’s Quarters


Tyrol: Raptor one went down right about here just outside the ruins of the city. Now, we never made it past, say, here. But we visually scouted the approaches out to the mountains.

Kobol – Steep Hill


Meier slips and nearly falls down the hill. Zarek cathes him and helps him up.

Meier: (Grunts) Thanks.

Zarek: Any time.
Galactica – Adama’s Quarters


Tigh: If this is all she’s got to go on, I don’t know how the hell that woman thinks she’s gonna find this tomb.

Aama: Well, maybe she’s seen it in a vision.

Tigh and Gaeta:  (Stifled laughter)

Aama: I’m serious. She says she sees things. Images, prophecies, whatever. The point is that she believes in them. And so do the people that are with her.

Tyrol: Sir, all due respect, that terrain is so rugged, I can’t imagine navigating it without a map or a guide.

Kobol – Steep Hill


Helo and Boomer have a race to see how can reach a ledge of the hill first. Boomer wins.

Helo: Okay, you’re king of the hill.

Boomer: Queen of the hill, thank you very much. We should take shelter until the storm passes.

Helo: Sounds good. After that?

Boomer: Then we start the tough part.  (pause) Let’s go.
Galactica – Adama’s Quarters


Gaeta: The last rescue team, reported no sign of a cylon base ship or a raider anywhere near Kobol.

Adama: Well, we’ll set the jump arrival coordinates to the upper atmosphere. Just in case.

Gaeta: Ah, sir, that’s risky, and it’s certainly not possible with a ship of this size.

Adama: I’ll be going down in a raptor.

Tigh: What?

Adama: I’m not gonna leave the fleet undefended. And it’s too risky to try to take all of us.

Tigh: We’ll send a search party for frak’s sake.

Adama: [Sighs] “And zeus warned the leaders of the 12 tribes that any return to kobol would exact a price in blood.”

Tyrol: It certainly did for us.

Adama: No more bloodshed. Enough loss. I’m only gonna take people who are absolutely necessary. Don’t try to argue with me, Saul. Truth is, I’m the only one that can reach out to Roslin. It’s always been between us anyway. We may have gone down separately, but we’re gonna come back together. Hopefully on our feet. But even in body bags, we’re gonna be coming back together.
Kobol – Steep Hill


Zarek: I’m going to contact the Astral Queen, see if they can pick us up until the weather clears.

Apollo: You’re not in charge here, Tom. All com traffic goes through me. Try to remember that.

Meier: How much longer do you wanna wait, Tom?

Zarek: Just keep your eyes on him. Meier: All right.
Kobol – Summit of the hill.


Boomer: Eleven O’Clock. Twenty degrees elevation. There’s a formation of twin rocks up ahead.

Helo: Yeah, I’ve got it.

Boomer: I think those are the Gates of Hera.

Starbuck: You think?

Boomer: I’m putting together a lot of pieces from a lot of sources beyond your scriptures. If I’m right, that’s the spot where your god supposedly stood and watched Athena throw herself down onto the rocks below out of despair over the exodus of the 13 tribes.

Zarek: Supposedly? I thought the cylons believed in the gods.

Starbuck: Yeah, don’t get her started. They believe in one true god or something like that.  Boomer: And we don’t worship false idols.

Apollo: You were quick enough to come on this mission. Lead us all to some tomb only actually mentioned in our false scriptures.

Boomer: We know more about your religion than you do. Athena’s Tomb, whoever, and whatever she really was is probably up there. That part is true.

Starbuck: Madam President, we won’t make it up there before nightfall.

Roslin: Let’s go, see how far we get.

Galactica – Biocylon Holding Cell


Baltar: This is a depressing place. Part of me is glad poor Sharon never made it in here. (He sees a naked #6 sitting on a chair in the room) You decided to brighten up the place a little, did you?

#6: Our child will be born here. In this room. You’re not listening.

Baltar: Oh, you noticed? [Scoffs] No, I’ve had enough. Do you seriously expect me to listen to you while you sit around stark naked, prattle on about this mythical baby of ours?

#6: Mythical?

Baltar: Yes, mythical. It– do you have any notion of how ridiculous you’ve become? The whole turn of our conversation completely shot to pieces. I’m the father of a baby who will be born to me, uh, from my fantasy woman who I see solely in my head. My fantasy woman, by the way, who stopped being my fantasy. You’re not my fantasy anymore. No, sadly, no. You’re nothing more than a common tease.

#6: I never said I would bear the child.

Baltar: Oh, wonderful. More doubletalk, more mind games. All right then, who’s it going to be? Who’s going to bear our secret love child? It’s not starbuck is it?

#6: Careful, Gaius, you’re in dangerous territory now.

Baltar: Then I guess I’m really scared. So what’s it gonna be this week? What is it? Don’t tell me, I’ll guess. Um… the ship’s gonna blow up! No, damn, damn. Done that one. Done that one. So it’s gotta be someone else. Somebo–me! Yes, of course, me! I’m gonna explode! Good! God is gonna make me spontaneously combust in a great big ball of flame, and then the whole crew of Galactica can celebrate on ambrosia. Get really drunk.  #6 now appears clothed in a sweat suit and hair in a pony tail.

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#6: [Laughs] Okay. Enough. I can’t do this anymore. You’re right. Game’s over. You win.

Baltar: Win? Ah, um… what did I win?  #6: You don’t get it? [Chuckles] Come on, gaius. Wake up and smell the psychosis already.

Baltar: I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about.

#6: Okay, look. There is no cylon chip implanted in your brain. I’m not real. You’re not really getting secret messages from the Cylons. You’re just crazy.

Baltar: Very funny. Hysterical. Do you, um, do you write your own material?  #6: You don’t believe me, do you?

Baltar: No, I don’t.

#6: [Laughter] That’s great. I love it.

Baltar: Is it? Good. I’ve had enough of this. All right? So can we just stop playing this stupid game?

#6: Oh, I’m sorry.But it’s the truth. There is no chip.

Baltar: If there is no chip, then who… or what… are you, exactly?

#6: I’m you. I’m your subconscious frakking with your mind. Okay. Check it out. You helped the cylons commit genocide against your own people, and your fragile little mind couldn’t handle it. So poof, I appear and start telling you how special you are. How god has chosen you. Yeah… right.

Baltar: Well, I don’t know what game you’re playing anymore. But I don’t like playing these stupid games. So, uh, now you’ve had your fun.  #6: Why don’t you get yourself checked out, hmm? Go down to sick bay and get a brain scan. That would settle it, wouldn’t it? Go ahead. I dare you.
Raptor one


Tyrol: How simple could it be? Okay. We’re in the north-northwest continent, quadrant c, sector 2, which…

Racetrack: Oh, for frak’s sake, let me see if I can make heads or tails of it.

Tyrol: Look, I marked the terrain as best I could but we’re not… topography’s for pansies anyways.

Adama: How you feeling? Diplomatic?

Billy: I still don’t think this is a very good idea, commander. The last time she saw me, she wasn’t too happy with me.

Adama: She trusts you, values your counsel. She’ll listen to you.  Billy: I doubt that very much. I’m her assistant. She doesn’t put any more stock in what I say than–

Adama: She thinks you’ll be president one day.

Billy: ‘Scuse me? Adama: That’s what she said to me once, that you reminded her of president adar when he ran for his first office.  Billy: I don’t really know how to respond to that, sir.

Adama: Don’t let it go to your head. Adar was a moron.

Racetrack: This is an intra-atmos entry. You guys buckled in?

Adama: Yeah The raptor makes a jump to Kobol. It jumps straight into the atmosphere, the crew is subjected to some very strong g forces during reentry.

Racetrack: Perimeter’s clear. No cylon presence.

Adama: See? Nothing to worry about. Having good luck already.

Kobol – Presidential Party Campsite==============================================Apollo sees Helo and Boomer acting very friendlyt o one another. They are clearly in love. Apollo: Gives me the creeps seeing him acting like that with her.

Starbuck: He loves her. And, yeah, he knows she’s a machine. He doesn’t care. He loves her anyway.  Apollo: Frak! How can one of us get that roped in by one of them? You know, we should keep an eye on him too.  Starbuck: Helo’s a friend of mine, all right? He’s one of the good guys. Apollo: Yeah? Sharon was a friend of yours too.   Helo: Feel like I’m back on Caprica.  Boomer: No thanks. I’m happy right here.

Helo: Really?

Boomer: Yeah, actually. Just being with you and Kara feels like I’ve come home. It’s like I’m back in the fleet.  Helo: But you were never in the fleet.  That was the other sharon.

Boomer: I know. I know that. But I remember all of it. Like getting my wings. My first trip aboard the Galactica. You know, the memory of being in a uniform is so strong, is so potent, it’s, like, I’m Sharon Valerii and this is my family. That’s pretty weird, huh?

Helo: That’s okay. I like weird.
Zarek: Losing that priest really frakked her up.  Meier: She’s lost a lot of people. Friends. Supporters. All she has left is her young prince. We’re here. He’s here. We know what we have to do.

Zarek: Terrain’s rougher than we thought. Don’t know how far until we reach this tomb.  Meier: Why are you backing out of this now?  Zarek: I’m not backing out of anything. Getting blood on your hands is a lot harder than washing it off.  Meier: Then let the cylon do it. What if the Cylon were to get a weapon and shoot him herself? There would be a lot of confusion, stress, panic. And the cylon could find herself getting shot real easy.  Zarek: How would you propose such a thing might happen?  Meier: This has to happen, Tom. You know that.  Zarek: Not until we find the tomb.    Kobol – Trail============================================== Helo: How much further?

Boomer: Farther.

Helo: What?

Boomer: Farther describes actual distance. Further is more figurative.

Helo: [Scoffs] You’re a dictionary now?

Boomer: I’m sorry I’m smarter than you.  Helo: Well, that’s okay. The baby can have your brains as long as he gets my looks.  Boomer: Yeah? That’d be a real blessing for her.  Helo: Her? You know it’s a girl?

Boomer: Yeah.
Starbuck: So from what I could tell, the Cylons have a plan for Caprica. They’re cleaning up the bodies, bringing in the heavy machinery to fix the infrastructure.  Roslin: I understand.

Starbuck: But they haven’t killed everyone. There’s a resistance movement.  once we find the tomb and get the map, I think our first order of business has to be planning a rescue mission back to Caprica.  Roslin: Lieutenant, I hope you know how grateful I am for everything you’ve done and what you’ve risked, but right now I can’t think about anything but finding that tomb. Thank you.
Galactica – Medbay, MRI Machine==============================================Baltar is getting an MRI of his brain. #6 shows up to torture him a bit. #6: Comfy?

Baltar: Can’t talk. Can’t move.  #6: Then you certainly wouldn’t want me to do this.  #6 starts to give him a hand job. Baltar: Ooh!  Cottle: Oh, frak. I told you not to move.  Baltar: I’m so terribly sorry, Doctor. It–it won’t happen again.

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Cottle: Great. Now I have to reset and start from the beginning.  Baltar: Now he’s gotta reset and start all over again. Why are you doing this to me?  #6: Come on, Gaius. Even back when you weren’t nuts, there was always that little voice in your head. That little voice helping you through the rough times, remember? I’m just the latest version of that little voice.  Baltar: I don’t believe that for one moment. No. God has a plan for me.  #6: God’s plan?  Baltar: Mm-hmm.  #6: [laughs] Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. There’s a god and he talks to Gaius Baltar. Okay. Baltar: Oh, shut up, will you?

Cottle: Hey. Will you stop going crazy in there?  Baltar: I’m not crazy.    Kobol – New Campsite============================================== Meier: Once you find this tomb, you know he’s going to have you killed, right?  Boomer: He’s not like that. Meier: He’s a soldier. You’re the enemy. Nothing’s going to change that. Your twin, your copy or whatever– Boomer: I know. The other sharon shot the old man. I heard it about 1,000 times.  Meier: Do you remember shooting him?  Boomer: It wasn’t me. Meier: Do you remember?  Boomer: No.

Meier: I see. Well, what do you think happened to her?  Boomer: I don’t know. Probably threw her in the brig or something.  Meier: Hands her a gun She was murdered by one of the crew, and everyone aboard galactica just let it happen. Think I’m lying? Ask Lee. They’re not going to let your child be born. You think they’re going to let you raise a potential enemy right in their midst? You want to get off this planet alive, you better start looking out for yourself.  [Sound of disturbed brush]

Apollo: Psst! Starbuck! Psst.

Starbuck: Lie low. The party take up defensive positions in anticipation of an attack. Apollo peaks around a corner with his gun raised and finds Adama there also with his gun raised. It’s another Caprican Standoff.

Adama: Put down your weapon, Captain.

They each put down their weapons, and hug each other. Adama starts to cry.

Roslin: Commander.  Adama: It’s good to see you.

Billy: Madame President.

Roslin: Billy. Billy, you have no idea what it means to me to have you here.  Billy: It’s good to see you too.  Tyrol: Oh, my gods. Commander? Commander!

Tyrol sees Boomer, and raises his weapon to defend Adama. Helo: She’s with us, Commander.

Adama starts to stare her down. He has a series of flashbacks of his injury and seeing Boomer’s corpse. Adama:  (from The Farm inthe morgue) Why? Adama attacks her. He jumps on her and throttles her.

Starbuck: Commander, no! No!

Boomer: Get off of me!

Adama: I want you to die.

Roslin: Commander. Commander, please don’t. We need her.  Helo: Commander! Commander, you’ve got to let her go.  Adama: Die.

Helo: Sir!
Boomer is still being strangled. She grunts and makes some choking noises. Soon though Adama starts to have an anxiety attack and loses strength and starts to fall off her. Apollo: Dad? Dad?  Boomer: [Grunting] And you ask why?  Adama falls off Boomer. She gaps for breath.   Galactica – Medbay==============================================Cottle is showing Baltar the results of his MRI. Cottle: Nothing, nothing, more nothing. Are you satisfied?
Baltar: Yes. Yes, I am. Thank you very much, Doctor. Just, um… we’re absolutely positive, aren’t we, that there’s no, um… unidentified objects?  Cottle: Well, you can obsess over these as much as you like on your own time. Freakin’ hypochondriac. one on every bloody ship.    Kobol – Campsite============================================== Adama: You interfered with a military mission, and you broke your word to me.  Roslin: It’s the second part that really bothers you, isn’t it?  Adama: Laura, I forgive you.

Roslin: Thank you, pal. I didn’t ask for your forgiveness.  Adama: Well, you have it anyway.   Helo: I can’t believe the old man reacted like that.  Boomer: You know they killed the other Sharon?  Helo: What? Boomer: In cold blood. Not even a trial.

Tyrol: Hi.

Boomer: Hi.

Tyrol: Sharon?

Boomer: Hello, Chief.

Tyrol: You know who I am.

Boomer: Yes. We haven’t met, but… (She hugs him and he is weireded out)I remember you. It’s good to see you.
Kobol – Near the Campsite==============================================Meier and Zarek are draining the pipes Meier: So where does this leave us?

Zarek: [Laughs] Back to where we started. Under the yoke of president roslin and commander adama.  Meier: [Sighs] Not if we go back to the ship with a map to earth. And a sad story of how many people were killed down on Kobol by the Cylons.

Zarek: It’s over. Let it go. For now.
Kobol – Capsite============================================== Roslin: Lieutenant thrace says that there are survivors on the colonies. Back on Caprica, there are people fighting against the Cylons every day. They’re fighting for their homes. Their future.  Adama: I see.

Roslin: Does it give you pause? Maybe your impulse the day the cylons attacked was right. Maybe we should have stayed and fought for our homes. Maybe the President of the Colonies should have stayed with her people.  Adama: I didn’t come here for this. I didn’t come here to navel gaze. Or to catalogue our mistakes. We made a decision to leave the Colonies after the attack. We made the decision. It was the right one then, it’s the right one now. ‘Cause every moment of every day since then… is a gift.  Roslin: From the gods. Adama: No, from you. For convincing me that I should go. I would be dead. My son would be dead. Whatever else the cost… I won’t second guess that outcome. I think it’s time to go find this…tomb of yours.   Boomer: So Cally kills Sharon… and the old man gives her 30 days in the brig.  Helo: 30 days for murder.  Boomer: They don’t see it as murder, Helo. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. That’s what you’re not hearing. To him, to the president, to all of them. Cylons aren’t people. I’m not a person to them. I’m a thing.  Helo: I won’t just stand by and let them kill you like the other Sharon. Okay?

Boomer: I believe you, Helo. I do. But if we’re gonna have any future together, any at all… I’m gonna have to take matters into my own hands.  Helo: What are you talking about? Boomer: Do you love me? Helo: Yes.
Boomer: Do you trust me?

Helo: Yes.

Boomer: Then don’t ask me what I have to do.  Helo: Sharon, what the frak are you talking–  Boomer: Trust me. Trust us.

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Kobol – Near the Tomb of Athena============================================== Meier: Have you had a chance to think about our conversation?  Boomer: I haven’t thought about anything else.

Meier: And?

Boomer: When we get to the entrance, they’ll be distracted. I’ll take the father, and you take the son.   In the distance, at the entrance to the Tomb of Athena  Boomer: You should see this!  Roslin: Lieutenant Thrace, I hope you have that arrow handy.  Boomer and Meier arrive at the entrance. Boomer pulls a gun on Adama, and Meier does the same to Apollo. Boomer turns and shoots Meier, then Apollo shoots one of his cronies who is about to shoot her. She points the gun at Adama again. Boomer: I need you to know something. I’m Sharon, but I’m a different Sharon. I know who I am. I don’t have hidden protocols or programs lying in wait to be activated. I make my own choices. I make my own decisions. And I need you to know this is my choice.  She relinquishes the guns to Adama, who passes it to Tyrol. Tyrol: This is one of the old stallions. It’s not military issue. Where the hell’d you get this?  Boomer: It’s his.
Meier: Oh…oh.

Zarek: Take it easy.  Meier: Just wanted… to see you get your due.  Zarek: You never did listen to me.  Meier: Grunts and dies
Kobol – Entrance to the Tomb of Athena==============================================Starbuck moves the arrow over the door to the tomb with no effect. Starnuck: Stupid frakking thing couldn’t come with a handbook? No, because that would just be too logical, wouldn’t it?  Roslin: “And the Arrow of Apollo will open the Tomb of Athena.”

Zarek: Yeah, well, unless anyone sees a keyhole or whatever, then we’re either in the wrong place or we’re just perfectly screwed.  Adama: Okay, then why don’t we just, uh– Helo, c’mere. on three. one… two…three.  The three start pushing on the rock door. It starts to break loose and open. Apollo: There it is.  Roslin: Oh, my gods.

The tomb is opened and they start to move through. Apollo: After you. (to Starbuck)

Adama: Helo, you stay out.

Helo: Yes, sir.

Adama: Chief.

Tyrol: Sir?

Adama: Guard everybody.

Tyrol: Sir.
Kobol – Tomb of Athena==============================================It’s a room full of broken statues and plaques.  Starbuck: If the arrow didn’t actually open the tomb, how do we know this is the right place?  Adama: We don’t. But this is a tomb alright.  Roslin:  The scriptures say you need the arrow to find the map.

Starbuck: These broken statues– I recognize them. The ram, Aerilon. Gemenon, the twins. These are the icons of the 12 tribes, the 12 colonies. I mean, this is really where it all began. We all came from this place.  Billy: This could be Picon, the fish. Apollo: I guess this little lady could be Virgon, right?

Starbuck: The goat– Caprica.

Roslin: Sagittaron. The archer.  Adama: He’s missing something.  Starbuck places the arrow of Apollo in the bow of the Archer. The door closes and the room goes black.   Kobol – Tomb of Athena (?) Open Field==============================================There are 12 monoliths in a circle. Each with gems set in a constellation pattern in the stone with the constellation in stars above the monolith. Billy: Uh… where the hell are we?

Roslin: I don’t know. Tomb of Athena, I think.  Adama: I thought we were already in the tomb.

Starbuck: I think that was the lobby.  Roslin: Again the ancient symbols. These patterns… were on the original flags of the 12 colonies back in the days when the colonies were called by their ancient names: Aries… Taurus… Gemini… Cancer… Leo… Libra… Virgo.  Adama: The jewels match the constellations.  Apollo: this is the map– this is the map to Earth.  Adama: Maybe. So is Earth in one of these constellations?  Starbuck: We’re standing on it. We’re standing on Earth. The scriptures say that when the 13th tribe landed on Earth, they looked up into the heavens and they saw their 12 brothers.  Roslin: Earth is the place where you can look up in the sky and see the constellations of the 12 colonies.  Starbuck: I don’t know what good it’s gonna do us though. I mean, what are we supposed to do? Search the entire galaxy for one particular star pattern?  Apollo: There. There in Scorpio. I’ve seen that before. It’s the lagoon nebula.  Adama: Astro body M8.. That’s a long way from here.  Roslin: Yeah. But at least now we have a map and a direction.    Galactica – Hangar==============================================Adama is giving a speech to a large portion of the staff of the Galactica Adama: We have struggled since the attacks… trying to rely on one another. Our strength and our only hope as a people, is to remain undivided. We haven’t always done all we could to insure that. Many people believe that the scriptures, the letters from the gods, will lead us to salvation. Maybe they will. But “the gods shall lift those who lift each other.” And so, to lift all of us, let me present once again the president of the colonies, Laura Roslin.  [Applause] Adama starts a coordianted clap for the President, everyone joins in.   Galactica – Boomer’s Cell============================================== Boomer: I’m okay. I’m okay, really.  Helo: Yeah. It’s just, uh… it’s just I don’t want our baby born in this cell.   Baltar: Their child?

#6: I told you a child would arrive. Told you it would be born right here in this room. How could you ever doubt me?  Baltar: Boomer is going to bear… our child?  #6: An honor for which she is hardly deserving. But one doesn’t question god’s will. [Sighs]  Baltar: Well, you’re not a chip. That we’ve established.  #6: Yes. Baltar: But sharon being pregnant does suggest that you are rather more than a simple manifestation of my subconscious. And I’m not… crazy?  #6: No.

Baltar: Then who… or what… are you, exactly? #6: I’m an angel of god sent here to protect you. To guide you, to love you.  Baltar: To what end?

#6: To the end of the human race.
Transcript taken by Ryan Bechtel

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