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  • in reply to: no more lexx? #58025

    I posted in the General board asking the same question. I forget who, but someone replied saying it’s not on until December 16th I believe it was. Why? So Sci-Fi Channel can show some crappy movies. I freaked out when it wasnt on for 3 days that I could see. It’s right at a good part too.

    in reply to: Xev’s Xevivor Costume on eBay! #61518


    Originally posted by Jhevz:
    I’ve never looked for anything on eBay before; how soes 1 go about doing that? I’d like to know because there are some things I’d like to look up (LOTD, FoF, Lexx, Osmond, etc). Thanks.
    Xev is so cute in her little outfit; of course, I think she’s cute anyway.
    Take care & have a great Fall, Columbus Day & Hockey season.

    Lexxian to Lexxian,
    Jhevz [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    Ebay’s great. It’s actually really simple once you surf around on it a few times. just go to [url=][/url] then after the page loads, there’ll be a little search box at the top right. Then type in Lexx, or whatever else you wanna search for. Registering to USE ebay is pretty easy too, and its free. Good luck bidding! Oh, and unfortunately, I’ve never seen the pics of the props being sold, except the Xevivor outfit. All the other ones have the little box with an X in it. [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]

    in reply to: Xev’s Xevivor Costume on eBay! #61514

    I saw that a few days ago…very kool. If I had $3000 laying around, that’d be the ultimate Lexx prop to own. There’s a lot of props that go up on eBay though. A while back I saw a big latex tongue ( the toilet ), ATF card, The staff Stan used to kill Vlad, all sorts of neat stuff.

    in reply to: Xenia is looking for a MAN! IT COULD BE U!! #53828

    very nice interview. She seems like a really nice, genuine person. Unfortunately, I think I’m too young for her. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] On a side note, if there’s ever a movie with her and Angelina Jolie (my absolute favorite actress), I’d go insane! The most lucious lips in hollywood, together! [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] Loved the mention about a possible LEXX movie, and the comic project.

    in reply to: Xenia Seeburg Con News!!!! #61506


    Originally posted by HisDivineShadow:

    Thanks for the info but It’s more then just that, Dragoncon dont have the contacts that we do. It’s more like we will have their contacts get with them. When I talked with Xenia’s peeps, they didnt know where to get info on DC. I told them. But also they asked about how Lexx would do there etc..

    [ 02-10-2002: Message edited by: HisDivineShadow ]

    [ 02-10-2002: Message edited by: HisDivineShadow ]

    That’s true, very true. But aside from them wanting as much money as possible, because, after all, its all about money, The Dragoncon staff and directors seem really nice and concerned about what the fans what, and they listen to them. As far as what a LEXX panel, including stars would do, I think it would draw a large crowd. There was some sort of panel about LEXX this past year, but unfortunately I could only attend one day, so I dont know what the attendence was like for that.

    in reply to: Xenia Seeburg Con News!!!! #61503

    Hey all,
    That’s kool about Xenia’s appearances. As far as Dragoncon, Just send an email to the directors asking if it’d be possible to get Xenia, Brian Downey, and Michael McManus there, if not possibly more of the cast! I’m the one who got Jhonen Vasquez invited for this years DC, and it was pretty easy. I just sent an email saying he’d draw a big crowd ( which he did, in fact, i’d say a VERY big crowd for his panel ) Then provide some sort of contact information, either directly to the stars, or their agent. If they get a few emails, it’ll definately be a possibility. And I sent them an email thanking them for inviting Jhonen, and also suggesting to invite the LEXX cast. The people who I got in contact with are John and Brenda Tackett, who are in charge of guests and guest hospitality. And I think they’re actually the senior directors for DragonCon. They can be reached at Any other staff from Dragoncon can be reached via their site, [url=][/url] , then go to ‘Contact Us’.

    in reply to: The proof is clear: Lexx carried Farscape #53816

    Whoa, so Sci-Fi Channel has been screwing shows over in order to plug other shows and keep their ratings up!? That sucks. Not only does it suck, its what happened to Invader Zim. Dunno if anyone on here is a fan, but I loved it, and love ALL of Jhonen Vasquez’s works. But Nickelodeon pulled a lot of crap and was constantly screwing Invader Zim over! It’s normal slot was Friday at 9pm. Sometimes they’d just put that atrocity known as Fairly Oddparents on in place of it. Plus, when it was on, one fourth of the time it was the SAME episode! And then it was announced that it was cancelled due to ‘poor ratings’. Which in itself was BS, because ratings were GOOD, not GREAT, but GOOD. And they coulda been GREAT had Nick actually done a little thing called ADVERTISING. The real reason for its cancellation was from the Guys in Suits fearing that it would drive children to kill their parents, and the show was too ‘dark, and goth-natured’. Who owns Sci-Fi? If it’s VIACOM, expect more BULL**** Tacticts like that.

    in reply to: Yo Way Yo #57982


    Originally posted by elmey:

    When you see it you’ll find it more moving than you expect, and probably more upsetting than you expect–and I think that you’re right, part of the reason is that it is clearly the end of the show. At least it ended the way it was meant to end.

    And do what the rest of us are doing, start
    collecting the DVD’s. First of all it’s the unedited versions of the shows and the extra interviews and features are fun. And the episodes really repay repeated viewings, you’ll be surprised at what you missed the first time around! [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]


    Yeah, I’m planning on getting the DVDs…anyone know if Suncoast carries them? I’ve looked at Best Buy and they didnt have them, at least not that I saw. But back to Yo Way Yo…I can’t wait to see it, it sounds like a really solid episode at least, even if it will be really sad.

    in reply to: Yo Way Yo #57979

    I havent seen it yet, but my curiosity about it was killing me and i’ve read a few different reviews. I dunno. For some reason it just doesnt sit well with me. It doesnt seem like a fitting end whatsoever. It’s just chaotic. Kai, the dead one, dies…and Stan and Xev live on…It just leaves way too much to be desired and answered. Maybe when I actually see it a week from next tuesday I will have a different opinion…and maybe my distaste for it is actually a deeper distaste of the fact that LEXX did in fact come to an end. It’s sad. I’m just now really getting into it, and its over. [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img] But, it had a very good run, and all things must end eventually. WHY LEXX, WHY!?!? WHY MUST YOU END!!! I LOVEDED YOOS!

    in reply to: UScon Dragon Con Hotel Flash!!! #61474

    And those prices are discounted!?!? Geez hotels are hella expensive. If me and my little clan go for more than just one day this year, I think we’ll stay at a nearby hotel, its close enough, and a hell of a lot cheaper…which, saving money while at DragonCon is always a good thing, as there are plenty of kool things in the Dealer Room to blow your $$$ on.

    in reply to: Dragon Con Tickets Avail at Discount #61523

    Yeah, if you get you’re tickets before the day of DC, they’re cheaper. Now until November its $40, Until Feb it’s $45 I believe, and it gradually goes up after that.

    in reply to: Series V or other spin-off ideas #62574

    I have no idea to add to some of you guys’ great ones, but I just wanted to say a new series, or a spinoff of Lexx would be great. Hell, I’d LOVE if they made a movie of it, even if it was just straight-to-video. I havent seen the final episode yet, but I’ve read the review, and it got me mad…if you’re gonna end a series, let all of the characters live, or kill them all, dont kill one off and leave 2 alive with a cliffhanger!

    in reply to: LEXX S4 DVD News #54079

    Is there any possibility of a complete box-set of all the seasons coming out? That’d be kool, and possibly less expensive than buying each DvD that comes out, especially with only a few episodes per Dvd. ???

    in reply to: Keeping up with the (Z)Xev’s #53679

    I choose newest Xev ( Season 4 ) I liked the earlier Xenia-portrayed Xev as well, and I havent seen Zev except in one episode. Poor deprived me. I need to get me some Lexx dvds…unfortunately, im kinda broke [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]

    in reply to: Xenia’s Poster Available Now! #53699

    I agree that the dimensions don’t quite look right. especialls the shoulders vs. hips, it just doesnt look right. I’d expect it to be a fake nude, as it looks really altered. Maybe it’s real, she definately doesnt look bad, I dont think she could look bad if she TRIED! But it just doesnt look like the body we see in the Xev costume. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    in reply to: New to the boards, new to Lexx. #53636

    Wow, thanks for the great welcome! Dont mean to keep bumping my topic, but I wanted to say thanks for making me feel welcome. Some boards dont seem to be fond of newbies. But I have a feeling I wont be much of a newbie before too long. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] Peace.

    in reply to: Cyberpunk films #43814

    LAIN is an awesome anime series!

    in reply to: New to the boards, new to Lexx. #53632

    Great, thanks!
    BTW…I’m the one who emailed you a while back about the possibility of getting some of the stars and staff of Lexx to Dragoncon 2003. Are you going to try that?

    in reply to: The Six Degrees of Michael McManus or Brian #53758

    well, here’s my first official post:

    The Oracle says: Xenia Seeberg has a Clint Eastwood number of 3.

    Xenia Seeberg was in Total Recall 2070 (1998) (TV) with Kim Coates
    Kim Coates was in Pearl Harbor (2001) with Glenn Morshower
    Glenn Morshower was in Blood Work (2002) with Clint Eastwood

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