Forum Replies Created
Participant[quote=”nursewhen”]I got hooked on the apple catching and the jumping dog.[/quote][color=violet]OMG! I spent, like, ten minutes playing the apple catching! 😯 😀
There was also another little game where you had to drag-and-drop the five little characters into their outlines. Easy to do as long as the outlines were stationary, but as you got farther into the game, the outlines were set into motion. That got hard!
OK. Now that my true *geek* colors are showing, I’ll shut up. 😳
[i]*runs and hides in coat closet*[/i][/color]
Participant[color=violet]One nick is enough for me – I’d never be able to keep things straight if I used more than one. (I’m one of those people who have trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time, so you can see the potential problems! :shock:) I also think it’s nice to be able to ‘recognize’ friends and acquaintances when you run across them on different boards, and using the same nick, or at least a similar one, help with that. 😉 😀 [/color]
Participant[quote=”SadGeezer”]Me too!
I just HAD to click ALL the balloons :)[/quote][color=violet]Oh, good! Now I don’t feel like such a dork! 😛
What can I say – I’m easily entertained! 🙄 😉 [/color]
Participant[color=violet]I, also, have paid more than $14.50 for [i]nothing[/i]. Unfortunately, at the time I forked out the dough for [i]nothing[/i], I thought I was getting [i]something[/i]! At least this seller was up-front about what he was selling. 😛 😉 [/color]
Participant[color=violet] 🙄
How pathetic!*goes back to wallowing in her recently acquired box of Kai’s bits ‘n’ pieces*[/color]
Participant[color=violet]Bebopbel, I thought it was a really cool site! I spent probably 30 minutes there playing around. 😀
Even though I can see the *evil* Teletubbies resemblance, I don’t think this site unleashes nearly the destructive force that the Teletubbies do. 🙄
Besides, Barney’s evilness makes the Teletubbies pale in comparison. 👿BTW, Logan, I couldn’t get your link to work. Even tried to cut and paste it, but no luck. 🙁 [/color]
Participant[color=violet]Has anyone here stateside caught an ep of ‘Most Extreme Elimination’ on TNN? It’s an imported gameshow from Japan that’s been dubbed in English a la ’60’s Godzilla movies. Two emcees, dressed in what appears to be full Imperial costume, comment on the antics of several teams of contestants competing in crazy, outrageous, and rather dangerous-looking physical feats. It is absolutely hysterical!!! Logan, this show is right up your alley. If you haven’t seen it, look for it! (Do you get TNN in Canada?)
I’ve also developed an unexplainable obsession with anime. Current faves include Cowboy Bebop, InuYasha, Ruroni Kenshin, and Kikaider.
I also regularly set my VCR for Monk (Tony Shaloub is too funny!), The Dead Zone, and the Law & Order series (all of ’em). CSI’s pretty good, too.[/color]
Participant[color=violet]I’ve been seeing the trailers for this movie on TV for a week or two now, and I still practically fall off the couch laughing every time it comes on! This looks like a definite must-see. Maybe I’ll catch it at the drive-in with the ex and kids one night. 😀 [/color]
Participant[color=violet]MM: “Egoyan’s crazy if he thinks I’m gonna wear these shoes…YeGads! How far is he gonna push it? He’s already got me in this hideous wig! And he has the nerve to tell me it’s not something the hairdresser picked up off the side of the road on the way to the set! What’s that smell?!”[/color]
Participant[color=violet]Both are very nice, but I went with the 790 design. I think it’ll look better on a white tee. [/color]
Participant[color=violet]”What’s not to love?” pretty much says it all…… 😈 [/color]
Participant[color=violet]I just watched a Metallica special on MTV (MTV Icon Award), and saw Korn perform this song. It made me remember seeing this thread, so I just had to post this. Not sure why, but here I am… 🙂
This song seems like it was written just for Kai – it really seems to fit his situation and, to an extent, his personality. I wonder if Lars and James ever saw Lexx? 😉
I’ve never been a huge fan of metal, but I do like to listen once in a while. I can’t listen for too long, though – all the screaming voices and screaming guitars start to run together after a while. Metallica is one of the few metal bands that I can actually say I know who they are and recognize some of their work.[/color]
Participant[color=violet]Oh drool, [i]drool[/i], [b]drool![/b] Damn, he’s fine!
I happen to have this movie on DVD, but it was…ummm…nice…to be able to sit and ponder those smoldering green eyes and luscious, pouty lips in a still shot. Several of those pix really drove home the fact that MM really has a beautiful profile.
I must go dry out my keyboard, now…there seems to be drool everywhere, for some strange reason. 😉
[i]BTW, whoever was responsible for that god-awful wig MM was forced to wear should have that same ratty roadkill skunkhide [b]superglued[/b] to his/her head![/i] 👿 [/color]
[color=cyan]edit: Oh, yeah, captions. Good idea – I think there’s some [i]interesting[/i] possibilities there…[/color]
Participant[quote=”gela”]seems that most of the kai droolers didn’t make their way to sadgeezers, so I’m nearly alone here, LOL…(ok, I said “nearly”, so please don’t complain 😉 )
gela :)[/quote]
[color=violet]There may not be a lot of us here, gela dear, but the [b]best[/b] droolers made it! Think quality, not quantity. 😉Well, OK, there’s a lot of ‘quantity’ here, as well! 😛
Hope Sad has protected his server against the impending flood of drool and chocolate sauce! :twisted:[/color]purple_unicorn
Participant[color=violet]Saw it the first time around at Lexx.com, and it’s [i]still[/i] funny. 😛
I wish I could have seen you trying to put your head into that – it had to be a sight! 😯 [/color]purple_unicorn
Participant[color=violet]Welcome, LL! Sad has gone all out and rolled out the red carpet for all us Lexx.com refugees. C’mon in and grab a beer and a sandwich! 😉 [/color]
Participant[color=violet]Sad, I must say you have been most hospitable to all us lost souls wandering the internet while our first home is being remodeled. While I have lurked here for quite some time, I’m sorry it took the temporary loss of the Lexx.com bored for me to actually start posting. Like some of my comrades, I, too, will continue to post here even after our bored reopens. Thanks for being such a friendly host – you have done the Red Cross Internet Disaster Relief Team proud! 😀
Kudos on the site, btw. This is one of the best scifi sites I’ve run across on the web. You’ve really done a great job with it! 😉 [/color]
In a nutshell, it’s Wyle E. Coyote meets Lexx. 😉
[/color][/quote]Hmmmmmmmmm I wonder who Wyle E. is :lol:[/quote]
[color=violet]I think we all know who’s playing the hapless coyote in this little looney tune, don’t we? 😈Hey there, Uber_Vixen and TG! Hail, hail, the gang’s all here! Well, maybe not all, but enough!. 😉
Goody, goody! Does this mean that the saga will soon be continuing, and we’ll be able to read some new episodes? I hope so – I’m suffering from major Stanfic withdrawal! Not to mention, I believe the Perfidious Fourth is in for a stinkbomb of epic proportions for his latest act of perfidy. 👿 [/color]
Participant[color=violet]Speaking as one who has been following this little adventure from its somewhat accidental beginning, make sure you have a box of kleenex handy and a super-absorbent Depends on when you sit down to read it. You’ll need both because this little piece of comedic genius will have you laughing so hard you’ll be snotting yourself and suffer a total loss of bladder control in the process! Might not be a bad idea to put some sort of protective plastic cover over your computer, as well. 😈
In a nutshell, it’s Wyle E. Coyote meets Lexx. 😉
I personally think the Beans would be flattered and honored by this humble little fanfic.[/color]
Participant[color=violet]Oh, yes! The perfidious Fourth definitely must suffer horribly for the horror he inflicted on that poor, defenseless inflatable companion!
Maybe you could take away his little red hat, and set him adrift in a decrepit old Russian satellite with no one but the Kai-obsessed 790 for company and spam and stale water to sustain him? Just a thought…… 😈 [/color]
Participant[color=violet]Yep! You can tell the Lexx.commers are here! This thread went from 2 pages to 5 just since this morning!
Hi everybody!!!
[i]*runs around hugging and patting everyone not quick enough to dodge her*[/i]
Emoticons for everyone! 😀 😛 🙄 😉Boy oh boy, I’m glad Sad’s is so hospitable. I’m really having a major case of withdrawal from the bored. I’ve just been wandering around the internet like a lost puppy looking for a pat and a treat or two since Friday. The crew here at Sad’s have been very obliging in making the lost puppy feel wanted and loved, and for that I’m ever so grateful!
I’m [i]really[/i] having some major withdrawal from the Stanfic thread, though. I can’t wait to read the next chapters. I’m not sure if it was Streudel or Nursewhen who suggested it, but I’m in complete agreement with posting the chapters somewhere if the bored doesn’t come back to life soon. I’d hate to see this great creative endeavor lose its momentum![/color]
Participant[color=violet]Hey, everyone! Nice to see so many familiar faces! 🙂
Thank you Logan for offering to share the communal spittoon. Streudel and I will try to keep a handle on the drooling so we don’t send Sad’s board up in a shower of sparks and chocolate sauce.
And Storm, thanks for popping in to alleviate my paranoid fears of a bloody coup. (Overactive imagination, y’know. It can be as much trouble as an overactive bladder, at times, and I don’t always have my medication handy! 😉 )
I have actually been lurking around here off and on almost as long as I’ve been a member at Lexx.com. I may have to start posting more often…
‘Bye for now! 8) [/color]
Participant[quote]I did not see a change of ownership to the URL, in fact it was just recently renew for several years by Mr. Paul Donovan. [/quote][color=violet]Well that is something of a relief. 🙄
I’m kinda thinking that the bored finally became overloaded with drool and chocolate sauce and went [b]*kerflooey*![/b] I have a cartoonish vision of a big computer server that starts to spark, shudder, and vibrate across the floor to the sheer horror of the computer geeks in charge of keeping it running, who all begin shrieking like little girls and dive under their desks. Then it starts to spin in ever-quickening circles, throwing sparks and splatters of drool in every direction. The plug finally dislodges from the outlet, and the server lurches and grinds to a halt, beginning to smoke and ooze chocolate sauce out of every one of its openings. The final indignity is a dull explosion that blows the server into a thousand drool- and chocolate sauce-encrusted bits and pieces, all overshadowed by a large, black mushroom cloud that rises menacingly toward the ceiling. The computer geeks finally begin peeking out from their hiding spots to look upon this scene of utter devastation – large globs of drool and chocolate sauce stick to everything, and bits and chunks of circuit boards, wires, and other assorted hardware lay everywhere, all radiating out from a large puddle of chocolate sauce surrounding the charred spot on the floor that marked the server’s final resting place. This horrific scene can only be made worse by the sharp, hair-curling smell of fried circuits and scorched chocolate that hangs in the air. Oh the horror of it all! 😈 😉
But then again, that’s just [i]my[/i] twisted little vision! 😀 [/color]
Participant[color=violet] Hey everyone! How’s things?
I’ve been lurking around quite a few places trying to find out if anyone knows what’s going on with little luck. Maya reported hearing whispers of rumor about someone new taking over the bored in a post on the SciFi bboard – that’s a rather frightening thought! 🙁
I also popped into Lexx chat (thedarkzone.org) yesterday evening for a couple of minutes to see if there had been any talk. Mantrid was there, but all he said is that a new bored was being installed; nothing about the whys or whos of it. No one else there knew anything, either, or if they did, they didn’t volunteer any info.
Well, I guess I’ll keep lurking and checking the bored site for signs of life. Later gators! 😉 [/color]