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  • in reply to: Lexx and the mother of all crossovers (Part One) #62458

    The sun was setting fiery red on the horizon. It’s cold January rays shined weakly on BowCatz as she carefully lowered her archery equipment to the cold ground covered heavily with pineneedles and pinecones. Far away, she heard a squirrel bark its whining call in the waining twilight. With her breath smoking, she unstrapped her safety harness from the tree, and turned in her climbing tree stand to lower herself carefully. At nearly thirty feet in the air, it took several minutes before she made it to the ground. She stopped and climbed out of the stand only to find herself standing in a brightly lit and warm hallway that opened to a wide open area containing large winged insects. Strange looking men with blinking lights on their heads walked around the insects with blank expressions on their faces. They appeared to be tending the insects. "What the …?" BowCatz whispered as she turned completely around expecting to see the red winter sun setting through the trees of the forest she had grown up in. Her archery equipment was gone, as well as her climbing deerstand and the tree she had spent six hours in waiting for a whitetail buck to pass by. The illuminated fleshy walls of the ship and the hard floors were a strange contrast to the dark forest and the huntress, feeling a panic attack coming on, made herself take deep breaths for a few minutes. "I must have fallen. I must be laying on the ground under the tree dreaming this. I must have hit my head." BowCatz turned and looked at the Mothbreeders with deep suspicion. "But, it seems so real. I can smell the scent of the insects that kinda look like moths." As a Mothbreeder approached her, she reached around her belt and unsnapped her big hunting knife and pulled it out of its sheath and held it ready for an attack. "Back off!" The Mothbreeder walked past her like she wasn’t there. The little red light among the wires on its head blinking steadily. BowCatz dressed in full camoflauge with her face painted green and brown took a fighting stance while the Mothbreeder was in sight. When it turned down another hallway, she relaxed and silently turned to watch the other strange men and thier large insects. "Okay. Okay. I don’t know what’s going on, but I better find a safe place to hide till I do," said BowCatz whispering as she began to sheath the large hunting knife. The sudden tight grip around her wrist and having her arm quickly raised over her head snapped her around looking a tall man with pale skin dressed in black. "Let go," she growled and pulled back. "Let go of me," she demanded while pushing back on his chest. To her it felt like she was pushing against a hard leather wall and not skin and muscle. Resisting was futile. The grip became stronger and the knife fell behind her with a dull thud. It was then she was released and momentum made her fall back against the lumpy wall. BowCatz grabbed her aching wrist and glared angrily at the man with long dark hair. "Harm no one and you’ll live." The monotone voice was dead serious and BowCatz knew it. "Where am I?" "Follow me." "Where am I?" BowCatz demanding tone only brought a look of serious intent on the tall man’s face. He turned and walked a few paces then stopped and looked at BowCatz unsmiling. Taking another deep breath, BowCatz slowly followed after carefully picking up her knife then sheathing it. His eyes never left her and she felt his intense stare. "Harm no one and you will live." "I heard you the first time." BowCatz had no intention of showing fear and hissed out her words. "No one harms me and they’ll live, too." The man in black gave no response. He lead her to a crowded room where a man in a red uniform stood on a raised platform as a hologram control board appeared below his hand. He only glanced at her mumbling, "Not another one." Everyone turned and stared at her and BowCatz felt very uncomfortable. Being basically shy, she slowed her pace and seeing another young woman with long blonde hair, walked over to her. "Hi. I’m BowCatz." BowCatz tried to sound friendly as the tall dark man watched her. BowCatz knew she was being monitored by him and that she had better be careful. "Hi. I’m Xev." "Where am I? I, I, …well, I was in the woods and now I’m here. Is this really happening?" "Yes. It’s happening, BowCatz." Stanley removed his hand and the control panel disappeared. His terse tone matched the irritated look on his face. "Kai, maybe you should search the Lexx for more people. There could be a whole army of shadow warriors on board by now." Kai left the room without speaking. BowCatz estimated twenty people were in the room. They looked like professional people, except for a rather odd looking group standing off to themselves. They eyed her silently then turned to talk quietly among themselves. "Xev, what is this place?" "You are on the Lexx. It’s a living ship…a space ship as they called it." Xev looked at the small group of people whispering in the corner and back at BowCatz. "A spaceship? I’ve been abducted?" "No. Not abducted. Gee. That’s funny. That is what they said, too." BowCatz looked up at the viewer as several space ships appeared and disappeared. The word "dimension" popped into her mind. "It looks like a dimensional shift. A shift of time and space. Gravity affects time and space, so I have learned from late night talk radio." "Gravity?" Xev appeared puzzled. "Yes, if gravity is increased along with electromagnetic energy then it effects the visible dimension. Something with incredible mass and with electromagnetic potential is pulsing near here." "Are you sure?" Stanley said obviously irritated. "What are you when you are not painted up like a tree? " BowCatz blushed under the heavy camoflauged paint. She had forgottened how she was dressed and quickly assumed she must look odd among these people. After giving Stanley a go-to-hell look, she continued. "It’s a theory, but physical principles should be the same whereever we are in the universe. I mean, I would assume it would be." "A black hole." Captian Kirk stepped up from the crowd of people. "An invisible and huge black hole would cause this anomaly." Captain Kirk turned and looked at the tall slender man with greenish skin and pointed ears. BowCatz immediately thought she must have fallen the entire thirty feet out of the tree. …I’m dreaming and what a dream it is… "Possible, Captain. I would need to go back to the Enterprise and conduct a test. If Kai will let me leave without incident, then I will test this theory of an invisible black hole. As if summoned, Kai appeared and escorted Mr. Spock to the moth corral. It was deemed too dangerous to attempt beaming for fear the Enterprise would disappear again and might not return. BowCatz listened to the other’s talk for a while then slipped out of the room unnoticed. A natural explorer, she wanted to tour the Lexx.

    Circe called her back and motioned for her to stand near her. Bowcatz obeyed.  "Be careful, Bowcatz. Whatever is happening hasn’t stopped yet.  Don’t stray too far."

    "Okay." Bowcatz understood without questioning, but her natural curiousity pulled at her to go exploring.  Bowcatz tried to ignore it by focusing her attention on the people around her.  They were just as surprised as she was, except for Circe. She was calm and at that time in her life, Bowcatz needed calmness.

    in reply to: Lexx and the mother of all crossovers (Part One) #62464

    BowCatz washed her face and hands. But the camouflage paint was stubborn and remained around her nose and ears. Zev explained to her how to use the toilet, but the thought of it made BowCatz glad she hadn’t drank any water that day.

     The lack of moisture, the stress of hunting on a cold day, and now this was taking its toll on her mind and body. She needed rest.

    Zev noticed her fatigue and showed her to a quiet darkened room where she could lie down on the floor and sleep. BowCatz thanked her and Zev left in the direction of the bridge. Oddly though, after BowCatz stretched out, she couldn’t sleep.

     Bowcatz closed her eyes and images of Kai popped into her mind. He stood with his brace ready. Confused by the images, she was grateful when the images left as quickly as they appeared. BowCatz rolled to her side and tried to sleep again.

    The room was quiet, but the vibration of possibly an engine flowed through her. A pulsing sensation she felt through the floor that reminded her of a motor. Then she felt something move over her. It felt like a soft wave of energy travelling around the room then it settled next to her, like a shadow.

    BowCatz opened her eyes, but the room was still dark. She felt the energy move to her forehead and reach out to her. She withdrew instinctively.

    "What is that?" Fear showed in her voice and BowCatz heard it. The energy field was invisible, but BowCatz felt like it was right in front of her. Sitting up then standing, she reached out with a trembling hand towards the direction it felt like it was coming from. Then a sense of peace filled her mind. It was like someone was telling her to be at peace. That everything was okay.

    BowCatz’ instincts told her to be very cautious, but there was something soothing about the communication. Laying back down on the floor, she curled up and drifted off to sleep after saying a prayer for protection. Who had reached out and touched her mind?

    in reply to: MM’s latest film #74054


    [color=red][b][size=18]It would be so cool[/size][/b][/color] if he were to show up in a few shows of the Battlestar Gallactica 2005!!! He is definitely a Cylon and knows it. He could be #6’s old love interest. Driven by jealously, he might have his own agenda for getting her back regardless of the Cylons overall plans. Balzar better watch out. Seems to me that if Cylons have a faith then they must have a form of love.


    in reply to: MM’s latest film #73995

    No cologne, Michi M. C?

    in reply to: MM’s latest film #73871

    😯 😮 😆 ❓ Is there any other way to get the movie to load? I would really like to see what MM is up to these days. 😀 🙂 😮 😆 😉

    He’s lost a lot of weight, eh? He was so skinny in [i]Speaking Parts[/i], I felt a compulsion to make him a pan of biscuits and Texas white gravy. I hope he’s not sick or on cocaine. He’s got way too much talent to throw it away on bad behavior.

    Yeah, I was a kai drooler ([i]Calico Kai[/i] at the board) for a while, but I wouldn’t infringe on the guy’s privacy. I’m a private person, too. I do miss Lexx though. Too bad they couldn’t have hired more writers and put out a fifth season. Personally, they could do a show about the ship itself. Zev and Stanley let it fall into new hands (Zev gets married and Stanley finally finds what he is looking for and baby Lexx wants to move on by instinct). It could crossover with Battlestar Gallatica 2005 + Farscape 2004 + Blade’s 7 1980 something + The Red Green Show from PBS.

    Haven’t we done a crossover fanfic story along this line here at Sadgeezer? ❓

    in reply to: Heard anything about Michael McManus lately? #69865

    Coming from a family of actors, I would prefer a website dedicated to his art. A few personal items would be okay, but don’t destroy the mystique of my roomy imagination.

    A couple of photos of him around the house, holding a cat, or washing his car would be okay. Nothing too personal. Actors are of a different mindset than most people we meet. Their imaginations run very deep and their visualization skills can be quite literal. Words are thier bread and butter.

    But, it would be nice if he would create a simple website. $7.95 a month wouldn’t kill him and he can have it hosted, too. If he has a favorite charity, then Pay Pal could handle that as well.

    in reply to: Heard anything about Michael McManus lately? #69771

    I guess I just miss him, that’s all. He has such style.

    In “Wake The Dead”, he didn’t need the yellow eyes. He had such an evil persona. 😈 That rolling around on the floor quoting the kid who programmed him. Freaky scary maniacal dude definitely.

    He could build a website so easy and free at Angelfire or Geocities.

    I hope he doesn’t go weird and join some cult and forget us fans. Unless he’s the cult leader. 8)

    The Cult of MM. 😆
    Now accepting memberships.
    Family memberships available.
    Virgins slain every full moon. (opt out available. See MM for details.)

    in reply to: New Michael McManus Fan board open to all #69493

    The [color=red]Devine MM [/color]has a new website? Okay, so email the link to me please. That way no one gets offended and two pages of flame warfare can end.

    [color=cyan]Peace in 2004.[/color] 😛

    in reply to: Banned From Sadgeezer. #68382

    🙄 Want to waste your precious time? Click on the banned links.

    In the fifties (last century), people who were obsessed with killing women and bodily functions were locked away in insane asylums. Maurice, they have a room waiting for you, dude. Walk this way… ➡ If I’m on duty, I’ll let you keep your belt and shoe laces.

    in reply to: My big fat Sabacean Wedding :) #66696

    😆 I rarely go to weddings, but this one I would definitely go to. Great artwork, BTW.

    in reply to: Nasa gives go-ahead for nuclear mission to outer planets #66678

    😀 The first little buddy space tracker went missing just a few minutes after landing on Mars. I don’t think the boys on Mars are interested in us going to their planet without an invitation. Personally, I would loved to have seen the little tracker picked up and we get one of those closeup and out of focus”is the camera on” looks from the Martian.

    I’ll go to Mars just after Burger King gets there first. I hate freeze dried food. 8) 😆

    I worked at a nuclear power plant for several years in the 1970s. It was being built near the Mississippi River and I was a lowly surveyor rodman. Boy, did I see things though. Pipefitters on speed. Millwrights bringing in bottles of whiskey. Engineers always had the best pot. I learned how to spell Thai stick (thought it was tie schtick. I was real young in the 1970s.) I hope they build these spaceships under tighter scrutiny than that place was built.

    in reply to: Kai Kaption Speaking Parts #66676

    (1) I will pour wine into this shoe. I will offer it to her. If she drinks from it then I know she is a Kai drooler. I will leave immediately.

    (2)To shoe or not to shoe. That is the question.

    (3)Women should be like shoes. Long tongued (ahem) 😳 , well heeled, good body and form, quiet, and will walk away when the relationship is old and worn out. Yes, women should be like shoes.

    in reply to: Is it me, or did the Lexx start having dymentia… #58010

    The Lexx has been starved most of his life. This can lead to demensia. But, in America, we’ve seen all four seasons and I won’t give away what happens later on.

    in reply to: killing key characters not good for series? #53165

    Okay. Maybe not Kevin Sorbo. Pulls thefrey from the heavy traffic, breaks the knife blade on the pavement, takes the gun out of his hand and tosses it in the drain, and makes him spit out the poison by slapping him on the back while clutching his throat tightly so he can’t swallow it. Feel better?

    I suppose it shouldn’t be anyone like Kai at all. A fresh face with a fresh background for us to empathize with. I just hope the new guy is basically honorable. Not a John Criton (Farscape) type of guy, either. One is enough on Friday night. I like my leading men honorable. And let 790 fall for Stanley this time. hee hee

    Brother….it’s been nearly six weeks and I still miss Kai. [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]

    in reply to: killing key characters not good for series? #53161

    I believe it is called character empathy. A character is presented with good and bad qualities and we get to decide if something in us clicks with the character and then poof! they are gone. It’s like a favorite pet that suddenly vanishes and you don’t want to get hurt again. Ratings fall. I start to buy or rent movies on VHS and forget the series.

    I liked the character Kai. Michael McManus is a very handsome man, but it was Kai and his sacrifice and his service to his native people and to the his shipmates aboard the Lexx that really grew on me. He helped out strangers and defended the weak. He helped the immature to mature or killed them off if they had the abuse of power nature. I just liked the man Kai and I miss him.

    Kai spoke the truth and didn’t give a flip if you liked it or not. I like that in anyone. I guess having been told that about myself from various ex-husbands, family members, and co-workers. I care about people, it’s just that I choose not to intrude or make their decisions for them. God gave us the Holy Bible for those type of decisions anyway. ‘Sides, people never listen, so why bother.

    I hope the writers for Lexx can find one viable strand of DNA from Kai in the mass and mess of the nuclear explosion from 4.24 and have 790 create a new Kai. He may not look like MM—maybe blonde next time. Maybe Kevin Sorbo (Hercules) if his new show doesn’t work out. Anyway…I hope they make a few movies if they don’t revive the series.

    Character empathy. That’s it. I really liked Kai and have sworn never ever to get that involved with another character again. Baby, I mean it, too, cause Friday night is just plain empty now. Farscape is okay, but it’s no Lexx.

    This TV show had me crying at work after Kai died. Yeah, I got involved with character empathy, very involved.

    in reply to: What are we up to? #53127

    It was kind of a shock to watch [i]8MM[/i] the first time. A sort of sit sideways in the chair when the dirty bits came on. It’s definitely hardcore. Should of had an X rating, if you ask me. I watched it again a couple of hours later and really understood where Cage’s character was coming from. Through the dirtiness and violence, Cage was simply making the world a safer place for his new born daughter.

    Recently I read what a French philosopher commented on something to the effect of it’s not so much what happens to you as to what you let it do to you. Cage’s character let the brutal and I mean brutal homicide of a teenage girl bring out a mix of punisher/vindicator in him. But it cost him. Remember how tortured he looked at the end of the movie where he was raking his lawn till he received the letter from the girl’s mother? Slow, stiff movements. Kinda hunched over carrying the burden of knowing he killed men. Even after the letter he still looked like he was on the edge of a nervous breakdown.


    I miss Lexx. It’s Friday night and FarScape is running its second show. Why can’t the SciFi channel rerun the episodes from season one all over again?

    in reply to: What are we up to? #53124

    It’s gotten real bad for me. I watched a porn movie last Friday night. I thought it was a movie about a souped up gun or something, but it was a private eye movie that had real porn in it. Got it at the Wal-Mart in Clinton, Mississippi, too. A lot of “f” words, too. It was called [i]8MM[/i]. Has Nicholas Cage in it. Made in 1999.

    Cage’s character investigates an alleged snuff movie and it gets really really sleazy and bloody. Now if somebody hadn’t killed off Kai, I wouldn’t be watching Cage pour gas over some sleazebag’s head and set him on fire.

    By the time I figured out it wasn’t a [i]Dirty Harry[/i] type movie, I wanted to see the ending. Was the girl really killed? Does Cage get, uh, well, you know, rear-ended when he’s chained to the bed by Machine (another character)? Can he protect his family? I never had these problems while watching Lexx. And I thought Lexx was racy. Oh, I don’t think so, anymore.

    Cross-over idea.
    Lexx and 8MM. Whew, boy! NOW that’s a sexy movie.

    in reply to: Will MM become Tina Louise??? #53112

    If MM doesn’t want to be Kai—fine. Go off to the world of stage and Tony awards, MM. Or Genie awards (in Canada), MM. It’s Kai I miss.

    Why did Paul kill off Kai?

    Can’t they find one strand of Kai DNA floating out there in the vacuum of space and have 790 make a new Kai? It worked with Zev/Xev.

    The new season would have a live Kai and the romantic twists and turns as Zev, Kai, Stanley, 790, and Little Lexx go off to new adventures.

    [b]Goodbye, MM. [/b] I hope you have a long and happy life and a long and rewarding career and finally meet someone who loves you very much and you love them very much and the two of you have beautiful babies together. If not babies then well behaved pets.

    in reply to: Kai Laughed. ( 4.24 Yo Way Spoiler) #57755

    I work here in Jackson, MS and own property down in Claiborne county, MS. When I’m not here in Jackson, I’m down there working on the farm.

    I was right. As last Friday night passed by, I looked at the clock and it was nearing 9:30 PM and I sighed. No more Lexx. Here it is Friday (two weeks later) and I’m feeling a little better. I swear, it’s like a family member has died. [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]

    I’ll never ever let another TV show get to me like Lexx. Never.

    in reply to: Yo Way Yo Vidcaps #57602

    Thank you, thefrey, thank you. You captured the best scenes.


    in reply to: i’m really grieving! #52857

    Okay, so maybe Michael McManus is tired of playing Kai. Okay, I can deal with that. But they didn’t have to kill off Kai, [b]DID THEY[/b]?!?!?!?!

    It just occured to me that Prince has the ability to appear and disappear at will. Maybe, maybe, maybe he saved Kai and we just don’t know it, yet. Yeah, I know Kai said that Prince appeared to him because he was to die soon, but Prince has appeared to a lot of people that didn’t die soon. Maybe I am just grasping at straws here.

    If anyone enjoys messing with someone’s mind, it is Prince. He comes across as loving dark humor. There I go again. Sorry. (Puts her straws down.)


    in reply to: I plan to go to UNCON 2002 #61263

    If you see Michael McManus or any of the Supreme Beans you let them know that they have broken a lot hearts. [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] I mean it. Direct them to this website and let them read all these posts from broken hearted fans for themselves. Was that their intention?

    Why oh why did they have to kill Kai?

    in reply to: Kai Laughed. ( 4.24 Yo Way Spoiler) #57747

    Here it is Tuesday night in Mississippi USA and my heart strings are still tender from 4.24. Friday night is coming soon and no Lexx.

    I have spent the last two years hoping and hoping that Kai would be made human and that he and Zev would fall in love and it would be so all romantic. With Lexx’ quirkiness, I knew something would happen, but you can’t be too certain with Lexx following normal tv writing. (If you knew me you would raise your eyebrow and say, “BowCatz, you? You? You have a romantic streak? I don’t believe it.” I didn’t know I had it either—till Lexx, Kai, Zev, Stanley, and that 790.)

    I guess when Friday, 9:00 PM passes then I’ll start to accept it.

    BTW, great crash scene at the end.

    in reply to: i’m really grieving! #52854

    Tell me about it. Saturday all day and night, I had a tight throat. Man, I was hurting. Sunday, it didn’t get much better. Then, Monday was so stressful at work that I just let go. Yeah, I cried. I know it is a tv show, but I cried like somebody just shot Bowhunter, my best cat.

    I, too, [b]never ever[/b] want to get this attached to a tv character again. Blast you, SciFi channel. You have broken my heart. Paul Donavan (sp?) might want to stay in hiding for a while till this blows over.


    Why did they have to kill him off? WHY? WHY? WHY? It is just not right.


    When Kai looked at the blood on his knuckles, it just broke my heart. There he was doing the right thing again and paying the ultimate sacrifice again. He was human again. Maybe he didn’t love Zev, but maybe he could have in time. It was obvious he cared about her.

    I had no idea that I was such a romantic. It’s always been hunting and fishing and life on my motorcycle or camping with the Jeep on a sandbar–never mushy stuff like love stories– then a tv show from Canada breaks my heart.

    Yeah, Paul. Stay low for a while. [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] grrrrr [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]

    I gotta go. This is too upsetting.

    [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: BowCatz ]

    in reply to: "Yo Way Yo" Out with a Bang! #57776

    It’s kinda comforting to know I’m not the only one who cried. Haven’t done this since seeing the movie [i]The Color Purple[/i]. I thought to myself as I wiped away the tears that it’s only a tv show, but, man, what a show! Here it is nearly 36 hours later and I’ve still got a lump in my throat. I’ll miss Lexx. I can’t type no more. My eyes are getting tearry now.

    Bye, Kai. Bye, Xev. Bye, Stanley. Go to H-E-double hockey sticks, 790.

    in reply to: Trip 4.22 ready for Komic Kaptions #52668

    quote[quote]twack is Mister Michael McManus’ designator [/quote]

    What’s a “designator”?

    quote[quote]Since some of his more rabid fans have taken exception [/quote]

    McManus has rabid stalker type fans? Really? [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img]

    in reply to: Reminds me of The Game #52455

    Really nice link. Nice web site, too. Beautiful images. Very inspiring.

    in reply to: Predictions please ladies and gentlemen #52464

    I see time as cyclical and spiraling in the direction that the soul influences it to. I see Kai regaining his soul and then finding peace because this is what he wants. Wasn’t it in “Garden” that he planted himself, so he would decompose? Our deepest desires eventually see the light of day if held long enough in the heart. They will manifest in the ways made open to them by our decisions.

    Xev is a person who finds conflict with her basic needs. She is starved of the basics that children and women need. She wanted parents that loved her and found herself in a box unloved. She was fed too much. She was unattractive to those around her and again was separated at the altar and then sent for the love slave treatment. As a love slave, she would be used for shallow purposes and would have been lonely a lot till she was summoned to perform again. Left alone afterward to walk back to her room. Why? Well, on the Lexx she was alone with her dead man who wanted to kiss her about as much as he wanted to kiss anybody. (That’s cold, man. That is cold.) She has people around her who seem unable to love her for her for some reason or another. It’s like no matter how she’s packaged, no one loves her. What a lonely karma for Xev. I see Xev finally finding love when she really wants it and from someone who appreciates her for her — lizard and all. And, she went hungry many times on the Lexx.

    Stanley. Poor Stanley. Fourth class at nearly everything except killing Vlad. I see Stanley losing the Lexx forever. If Prince comes around , he’ll be the one to use the Lexx. Prince has a lot of carney barker in him , so he’ll make a big show of it, too. Kai won’t be there to save Stanley anymore–he had different plans. Xev will be gone. He’ll probably lose her along the way and won’t know it till she’s gone for a while. He’ll probably accidently kill himself and no one will know it.

    790 is turned off completely and put on a shelf somewhere till someone needs a few electronic parts and remembers the dusty robot head someone found somewhere a long time ago. The rest of his plastic head is used for target practice.

    We are born then we die in this realm and move on. We can’t relive the same life over and over again. Kai can’t become a Brunnen-G warrior fighting insects again. That’s over and done with. He has to move on. Xev has to find love or remain in a kind of loveless purgatory till she realizes she’s doing it to herself. Stanley lacks the imagination to know what is really going on beyond his different sensual hungers for food, sleep, or sex. He’ll die forgottened. I need some batteries. I wonder if 790’s batteries would fit in anything I have around here? I’m always looking for something to use for target practice, too. [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img]


    Kai must be the new president or I’m not for it one bit.




    [ 09-04-2002: Message edited by: BowCatz ]

    in reply to: Kai is becoming alive, but also evil, I think… #52447

    “Johnny Got His Gun”? Okay. I was close.

    Help. Having a heck of a time adding an image. I clicked on “IMAGE” and typed in the correct URL and it just isn’t working. Any suggestions welcomed. Nice suggestions, that is.

    [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    in reply to: Kai is becoming alive, but also evil, I think… #52445

    The poem reminded me of a war movie titled “Johnny Get Your Gun”. A war vet is blown apart by a land mine, but is not killed. Paralyzed, blind, and totally dependent on those around him at a VA hospital, he taps out “Kill me.” in morse code. I think James Fransicus (sp?) (Longstreet 70s tv show) was in it. Jason Robards was in it, too. He helped the war vet in dream type sequences. Rent it if you want a vet’s perspective of a war. Kai might approve of this movie for the way war stresses the mind.

    I was told by my Viet Nam vet husband that this movie was not allowed to be shown on any military facility in Viet Nam or any place where soldiers were stationed in southeast Asia.

    I worship His Shadow.
    (yeah, right.)

    I’ll miss you, Kai. It’s been fun these past two years.


    [ 08-04-2002: Message edited by: BowCatz ]

    in reply to: Lexx and the mother of all crossovers (Part One) #62471

    [b]It[/b] is fun writing fanfic. I’m glad you liked it. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    in reply to: Lexx and the mother of all crossovers (Part One) #62468


    [ 29-12-2002: Message edited by: SadGeezer ]

    in reply to: Lexx and the mother of all crossovers (Part One) #62466

    If nothing else, Bowcatz was good at building bob-wire fences. With T-posts and the all the tools necessary, she stayed busy on her farm keeping her property line in order. Her neighbor’s cattle had a way of straying onto her property eating up the deer food plots.

    Now she dreamed she was walking along the boundary line nearest the creek and wondering how the fence had aged so much. The rusting wire had fallen off the T-posts, which were rusted to the point of crumbling in her fingers. Where had all the time gone? Suddenly, her legs felt very heavy and she fell to the ground. It was then she woke up.

    She heard footsteps moving away from the room she was in. Sitting up, she stretched out her arms and her spine. Standing, she listened carefully for more sounds. Her growling belly was the only sound she heard.

    On the bridge, she met Stanley. He was alone. His face was dark and very sad.

    “What’s wrong?” Bowcatz asked concerned. She sat down beside him.

    He looked at her for a moment then replied softly. “I thought I was the only one onboard. We were standing here talking then the light went kinda strange and then everyone was gone. I couldn’t find anyone. I don’t do alone very well. You think I would get use to it, by now.”

    “Zev showed me to a room off the main corridor. I’ve been sleeping for atleast four hours. Man, I’m hungry, too. Wish my backpack had been beamed up with me. I always take a big snack bag with me when I hunt.”

    Stanley looked at her kindly. The meanness had gone out of him. The hours alone had changed him. “Yeah, what kinda snacks? We only have the goo.”


    “Yeah, goo. The Lexx feeds us goo.”

    “That doesn’t sound very good.”

    “It’s not. But, it beats starving to death.”

    “I hear ya. As for snacks, I keep peanutbutter chocolate chip cookies, sardines, crackers, deer jerky, pickled artichoke hearts in the little glass jars, sometimes biscuits and sausage. When my parents were alive, I would always have really good home-cooked food. But, now it’s mainly snack food or salads. ”

    “I don’t know what most of what you said is, but it sounds good.”

    “Yeah, I like it.”

    As they spoke, Bowcatz noticed how the light in the bridge became a yellowish intense color. It lasted for a few minutes. Then they both heard the voices climb in volume around them. It was the British group that spoke first.

    “Where did you go? Where have we been? Oh…..that was a strange sensation.”

    Bowcatz and Stanley looked at each other in surprise and the people slowly appearing in the room. But, Kai never re-appeared. When Zev noticed this, she became obviously sad.


    in reply to: Bad Carrot = Yuck! #57218

    I guess the devil made me do it. It was Friday night and the TV was on and there was Lexx. The opening music hooks my heart like the voice of an old love and I’m singing along. Gads! I’m hooked. (Glad, too.)

    I loved “The Game”. The dialog was fast and intelligent between Kai and Prince. The chess board was clearly a brilliant idea, too. And the background scenery was absolutely breathtaking. I’m back. I missed you guys.

    You got me because now I have to know if Prince will keep his word. Will Kai find peace and rest? [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    in reply to: Lexx and the mother of all crossovers (Part One) #62462

    BowCatz moved quietly downed the darkened hallways listening to the sounds of the living ship. The narrow hallway opened up to a large room with what appeared to be veins running in and out of the wall. BowCatz placed her fingers lightly on these veins and felt a pulse.

    “You really are alive,” she marveled.

    Thin sheets of skin blocked her path as she made her way through the ship. She could tell by wear on the floor what areas of the ship was most travelled and explored these areas first. The further back into the ship she went the colder the temperatures became. She zipped her hunting coat up to her throat and explored till the temperatures were near zero. She had to turn back then.

    “You should stay with the others,” said Stanley, stepping from the entrance to the galley.

    “I didn’t know it was required.” BowCatz didn’t know if she trusted Stanley or not, but she trusted her instincts to give him room.

    “I would hate to have to send Kai looking for you. He can be very very persuasive with his brace.”

    “Brace? What kind of brace?”

    Stanley pointed to his right forearm. “It’s a weapon attached to his body. It shoots out and grabs meddling girls by the throat.”

    BowCatz rolled her green eyes at the thought. “He had his chance to use his brace. He didn’t. If you want me back to the front of your ship, just say so, Captain.”

    BowCatz had been awake nearly twenty hours and was tired and hungry. It showed in her irritated tone of voice.

    “Follow me.” Stanley led her back to the bridge quickly.

    BowCatz didn’t want to be there anymore than Stanley wanted her there, but she had no way of knowing how to get back home. Resigned to her current situation, she followed Stanley without speaking.

    BowCatz sat on the floor and leaned against the wall looking at the other people. She wanted to rest, but her camoflauge paint was drying and it made her skin itch. It was Zev who noticed her discomfort and lead her to the restroom to wash the paint off.

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