Forum Replies Created
ParticipantAh, I like it. and thats why it gets good reviews. 😛 It’s nice that he’s trying to fit in with the time rather then just try to get home, makes it different and it goes a bit weird now and then which is always fun.
plus it’s got Gene Hunt…. He’s ‘avin ‘Ooops!
oh and considering I wasnt even a twinkle in me parents eye during the 70s I dont buy the nostalgia argument
ParticipantDone the impossible is a damn good DVD and well worth a watch and i’m also glad to see “You Can’t Stop The Serenity” hasnt been um… stopped.
ParticipantGood to have you back Trance!
wait, i dont know who you are!
but then you dont know who i am…
so it all works itself out in the end 🙂
Participantalot of offical sites seem to want to keep up to date with the latest cast changes.
or they go all out for the pilot and don’t change it.
ho hum.
ParticipantI like a mix of both, i love epic story arcs spanning years but i also like stand alones.
i dont get why people complain about deep space nine unless they’ve never encountered a story arc before. i watched it originally in all kinds of orders and still managed to follow 🙂
Participantresident evil is considered a sci-fi film, abeit just not a very good one. 😉
Participantits nice to see one of these list that arnt just made up of the current ‘flavours of the month’ 🙂
Participantwell it would have to have a section on the best places to find quality sci-fi costumes and a list of the most effective, vorlon for example is not. 😆
Participantwhat skill?
point camera press button put into computers 😛
ok so you might need to point it a few different ways and say the same thing but its easy 😛
ParticipantCheers Rory! 😀
had a bit of trouble with the keying on the full res vid but compressing it down has sorted that out 🙂
when i said “last week we spoke about this” i wanted Saddy to put in a flashback to last weeks show but must have forgot to include that bit 😛
nice to know people like my little bits anyhow 🙂
maybe some of you others can sort out your own sections 😉
Participantit gets much better in the left half of S1, s2 has some great eps but S3 and 4 and *amazing* really *really* good.
its one of the best sci-fis your going to see.
but it has a few weak moments early on 🙂
ParticipantWelcome back Kayo!
for me, the books are ok and the Tv series is lovely the movie… we dont talk about [if i was a mod of such areas the very mention of it would be a bannable offence!] but the radio series are the definitive Hitchhikers to me. its the original inception and its at its purest.
i’ve been listening to the Dirk Maggs adaptations of the last 3 books and aside from some passing issues [they were written as novels after all] their almost as good as the originals. 🙂
ParticipantIt was shit.
it was like having your childhood being raped…. by a blue peter presenter! 😯
Participantsome very good news indeed!
it is very probable that the film will NEVER happen! 8)
not to put you off but i think its just one of those coincidences here 😉
Doctor Who has had the “Warp Core” stype time rotor since 1996 and i really don’t see much resemblence between LEXX’s bridge and the new Tardis interior.
and the idea of having characters go into TV shows was hardly something new to LEXX
Participantits not very easy to email the show, i tried after Ep 1 and couldnt find an adress anywhere.
perhaps if we put a call out we’re get some and maybe we’ll need to “simulate” some but i reakon it’ll take off =)
Participantim not sure, but it was probabley etched frame by frame into the wall of some german cathedral 😉
Participanttheres nothing gothic about buffy… the writings of Poe are gothic… buffy is just Fantasy Horror.
it uses elements of the horror genre thats its selling point but it dosent use them in a traditional sense, so i would classify the rest of it as fantasy. but then buffy very point is that it is not a singular genre!
Participantperhaps you’d like to add this to the great sci-fi debate 😛
Participantbones isnt sci-fi
bloody shite is what bones is !
Participantsimply for compressing moviemaker is great!
anything else its terrible but for compression it does an amazing job!
Participantnor me 🙁
ParticipantStop Lurking!
i did! 😛
Participanti would recomend keeping the main podcast feed mp4 as people will be able to use that on various portable devices with minimal fuss, and i assume it is people with such things who go looking for video podcasts.
use that as the only podcast release on your server. then see what codec gives you the best compression to size ratio to use for google video.
im not sure if theres a time limit on google video like there is youtube.com but i know they accept most formats, so when you work out the best format for getting the smallest yet viewable file (remember it wont be full screen on google) you can upload it there and it will convert it to google player so viewers wont need an xvid codec to watch it on google video.
but it has to be small, i dont know what the average connection speed is but mines 2mb. i know there are alot of people with faster ones and still people on dial up. so really i think you’d aim for a file size around 20mb – 40mb for a 20 minute cast.
i still find windows moviemaker the easiest compresser for things like this but see what works best for you 🙂
ParticipantThe Sadcast is already ahead of the game by not being so stupid as to not use an incamera mic. thats more than a lot video podcasters !!! 😛
ParticipantI’ve been releasing my work online for a few years now and i dont want to sound up my self or anything but in my experience for compatability and compression size WMV is probabley the best and in my experience runs circles around quicktime.
you can usually get a watchable file at 1mb per min and somthing above average at 2mb per min. i know Xvid will give you dvd quality at a fraction of the size but if somone dosent have the codec (as a lot of regular net users wont) they arnt going to hunt it out,
i of course appriciate that you only have a limited number of hosting space and theres a fair argument for just Mov.
i dont mean to sound pretentious or anything but i’ve been making and watching webvideos for a long time (as im sure you have!) and i just want to make sure you make the podcast in a way that it will be accessable to as many people rather than limiting your audience for the highest quality codec.
Participantthe thing is your will loose alot of viewers if you have to say “you need this to watch this” it will put people off, just as looking at a forum and being told you need to sign up to use it will put most people off.
i’m not sure how compatable Mp4 is. but i know xvid is not the most widely used codec. if you have Mov and WMV that you should be viewable to just about everyone online without them having to go looking for new codecs or software.
Participantperhaps the sadcast could be uploaded to somthing like google video to help people who just want to stream it off the net?
Participanti think the BSG not sci-fi thing spawns from this idea that “sci-fi = bumpy alien bollocks” to the general public which is only a fraction of sci-fi and isnt true sci-fi
ParticipantSci-Fi for me somthing that uses current science theory as a plot point or story idea.
blade runner is a good example of sci-fi using artificle intelligents as a plot point, where as somthing like star wars is more fantasy based as its not relying on anything theoretical more making it up as they go along.
somthing like buffy is pure fantasy as there is no science there what so ever.
i think sci-fi has been a misused word for quite a while. when they hear it people think of star trek or stargate where people time travel all over the shop and travel faster than light just because.
there was a statement by one of the actors of i believe surface last year saying that they were not sci-fi but “speculative fiction” thats a very odd statement to make considering a large chunk of sci-fi is made up of speculative fiction.
so before i wattle on for hours i’ll sum up that sci-fi is usually but not always sci-fi because it atleast attempts a plausable explanation to the plot events. a good example of this is the scene in juarrasic park where they explain dinasaur cloning. that makes it sci-fi where as arthor conan doyles “The Lost World” is fantasy because they just find them.
this has made alot of people question NuBSG which has no real sci-fi elements other than they happen to live on a space ship.
ParticipantThe mirror universe duology was cool, i liked it anyway 🙂
plus the original mirror mirror had girls in skimpy costumes and it would violate continuity to have them not wearing them and you wouldnt want that now would you 😛
ParticipantHey all,
Cheers for the welcome SG 😀
i’ve got a couple of ideas, i’d like review [url=http://www.starwreck.com/]Star Wreck[/url]: In the Pirkining which is an excellent Star Trek meets Babylon 5 piss take.
i also had an idea for a sketch, i don’t know if it’ll work
i’ve also done a little test of my set up to see if i can pull off a bit of trickery, and show you what i look and sound like 🙂
you can see that [url=http://download.yousendit.com/33DAB7030F5D9F02]Here[/url]
Participantit really was pretty piss poor… oh well atleast the rest of the season was pretty much entirely fantastic 😆
Participantdo you know if your camera can be used as a webcam? if it can it should have a USB connection. use the same type of USB cable that connects most mp3 players to computers to plug your camera in.
then go into skype, click Tools > Options > Video
then you should be able to select your camera and be away.
that worked for me atleast 🙂
ParticipantHey Geezers!
I’m Faldor, i saw you’re podcast on itunes and reconised the name from reading some LEXX reviews a while back. so decided to check it out.
I’m a media student so i know all about film making [well… bits of it] and i think you’ve got a very good set up going on but perhaps you could do with a none drunk camera minion there on the free cam, not that theres anything wrong with a drunkard trying their hardest and failing miserably to point the camera at the guy next to them, it has its charm 😛
it should be quite easy to set up a camcorder that can function as a webcam, [like mine] and set up a live webcam chat [like on yahoo and i think skype does it now], then record on the camera then send the editor that footage and bingo live link up 😀
you could also have segments recorded seperately by people and sent to you. there was a webseries called [url=http://www.inside-report.com/]Inside Report[/url] that worked entirely like this
I hope that dosent sound too negitive, i really enjoyed the show and think it could go far 😀