Forum Replies Created
Participantxenia just called me and she’s ready for the chat! please join #lexxcast in about 40 minutes to ask xenia your questions. she’ll happily answer them for you.
ParticipantI’m sorry to hear you missed the chat, jkd112 😥 . it was a VERY interesting chat and the chatlog can be found here: xenia was having trouble logging in and she retried it many many times without being successful we decided to have a phone chat… hehe.
gela 🙂
Participantthe #lexxchat room is now open for everyone!!
come on join the fun… we’re already chatting there, awaiting xenia seeberg to join us in about 45 minutes…
Participantheya all,
don’t forget to join the chat TODAY!! Mrs. Seeberg promised to chat with us for approx. 1 hour! chat starts at 11 pm CET, 10 pm GMT, 5 pm ET etc!
this will be a moderated chat, just as the last LEXX cast chat. questions can be send to any chat moderator and we’ll gladly post them for you. this is the only way to make sure Mrs. Seeberg will answer as many questions as possible.
just a reminder: you can access the chatroom via the CHAT BUTTON at – all you have to do is register first ;). the chat client will connect directly to the chatroom.
you can find us here: on IRC – server – room name: #lexxchat
see you all later,
gela 🙂
Participant[quote=”jodi”]Bloody AA, well thanks, hope fans of LEXX are liking my efforts in this, LEXX.COM should be back up for sale and a cross breed of all lexx sites, continue under the banner of what new people would read buying say a dvd or vid. comes up all the time so for us even just a direction page to this site and others could direct the first time internet lexx info folks straight to us. Or am l daft 😆
Anyway no worries like you say :P[/quote]
hi jodi,
you can find us here now:
new forum, but basically the same ppl as on the old bored ;).
gela 🙂
Participantglad you liked it 😀 . we had a lot of fun arranging it, and we’re very happy that ellen, patty, xenia and brian shared their time with us and answered many many questions. and thanks to everyone who sent us questions :).
Participantyou can find the full transcript of the chat here:
gela 🙂
Participantok we’re meeting now, right now, in #lexxchat! please come and join us!!!
gela 🙂
Participanthello lexxians,
the chat will take place in #lexxchat on irc.fefnet.
you can either use the chat client on which will lead directly to the room on sunday (no installation needed, just press the button “chat room” on the very top of our forum) or log in directly if you’re using an irc client, such as mirc, Excursion, Trillian etc.
there’s a chance that xenia will join us too, so keep your fingers crossed that she can make it tomorrow!!!
don’t forget to be there in time… 1 p.m. EST, 6 p.m. GMT, 7 p.m. CET and so on ;).
iStan and gela
p.s. the #lexxfans chat room on irc.fefnet is open for everyone, please join us if you like!
Participantwe’re terribly sorry for the late update, but here it is now…
the chat will take place on dec.19, 1 pm EST, that’s 7 pm CET (Europe time) and 6 pm GMT (UK time) 🙂 on IRC.fefnet. so far we have Brian, Ellen, Jeff and Patty, and we still hope we’ll get Nigel and Jeff Pustil for the chat as well :).
for those of you who’re not familiar with IRC: The bored has now installed an IRC portal. There is a chat room button at the top of the page that currently links to #lexxfans. Interested or bored bored members might want to take a minute and try it out. Apparently, it doesn’t play nicely with every browser. Bug reports and feedback are appreciated.
we’ll announce the name of the room on saturday, 18th. the chat room client on will lead to the new room, so those of you who plan to use it don’t have to make any changes.
hope to see you all on sunday 🙂
iStan and gela
Participant[quote=”SadGeezer”]Sounds great!will it be in the usual #lexx chat room?[/quote]
thank you :).
no we will set up an extra room for the chat. we’ll announce the name of it in good time of course :).
Participant…please keep your fingers crossed that night bennett will join us as well…. 🙂
Participantheya all 😀
here’s something I wrote for the new lexx board,
it could be useful for those ppl who’d like to come to the lexx cast chat tomorrow :). (sorry for my crappy english; it’s 4.40 am for me right now and I am VERY tired)-if you didn’t register yet, you should do it NOW . go to
click on “neu registrieren”, a box comes up, type in a username and a password and repeat the password. that should be all. click on “ich habe die AGBs verstanden und akzeptiert” to proceed to the next window. all you have to do there is click on “jetzt einloggen”. that’s all .-there will be 2 chatrooms tomorrow. after logging in under you should see those 2 rooms. I guess they’re called /promitalk1 and /promitalk2
-in chatroom 1 will be eva, doreen, ellen and brian
-in chatroom 2 will be xenia, patty, louise and probably michael-if you want to be in both rooms, register a 2nd nick. then open another browser window and log in under the 2nd name too and enter the other chatroom
-it’s a moderated chat. means that you type your question (you can type in english or german) in the message bar, not as a PM, and the mods decide what question will be posted
-you HAVE to type something within a minute or you will be kicked out of the chatroom.
-to send a private message to someone, e.g. me (lol), type in (no matter in which room you are):
/p gela12: hallo
your text should appear in the chatroom window, starting with “iStan (ok that’s just an example, lol” flüstert zu gela12: hallo
(means: iStan whispers to gela12….)
noone can read that message except you. the first part, “iStan flüstert zu gela12” should be highlighted red-to save your chatlog, press the SHIFT button and do a left mouse click into the chat window. a little box will come up, saying “save all” (or something like that)
I hope I didn’t forget anything, if so, I may add it later.
chat will take place at 4 pm CET, 8 am MDT, 9 am CST, 10 am EST and so on . 😉
16th June 2004 at 8:46 pm in reply to: New LEXX bored is up and running…everyone’s welcome :) #72066gela
Participantheya all 🙂
the new bbored url is now finally working. you can all delete the temporary one ;).
*hugs* to all,
gela13th June 2004 at 12:43 pm in reply to: New LEXX bored is up and running…everyone’s welcome :) #71991gela
Participant[quote=”Logan”]Excellent work you peeps have done on the “bored”… A big improvement over the last one methinks. Nice to have an off-topic forum and a polls forum.
[/quote]yepp..that was really…er… necessary 😉 😈 .
glad to have you back on the bored as well, Logan ;).
11th June 2004 at 8:34 pm in reply to: New LEXX bored is up and running…everyone’s welcome :) #71927gela
Participantthank you, Tony, and thank you LexxLurker! 😀
and also thanks for the kind words on the bored…hehe ;). I know that we all will certainly continue posting here on this board 😉 (at least I do, hehe).
gela 🙂
Participant[quote=”thefrey”]Ummm, didn’t get one. Sorry. That thing hates me. My email works okay though.
frey at[/quote]
ackk, sorry, my bad, I sent it out right now 😳
Participant[quote=”thefrey”]So waiting time is over with the advent of Lexx2 or what? :D[/quote]
nope..please check your PM 😉
Participant[quote=”pet”]If you’re finally going to have control over content you should grab a plug-and-play php gallery for everyone’s screengrabs and scans and icons and con photos so you’d finally get a downloads section, you know? Maybe a spot for Brigadoom mp3’s (since they’re not illegal to trade). :idea:[/quote]
thank you pet :D. if it’s getting more official (it’s not the url above but a different one the maker will surely announce by the end of the week…) there will be (weekly? monthly?) backups of course…and yeah, I’m sure also a download section…and some surprises I’m not going to talk about here ;). I’m not going to spoil the fun, hehe 👿
Participantwelcome, RIII, I am glad you’re here now.
I hope your computer problems are solved and you can come back online and chat with us as you usual. 😀 can you send me your email addy via PM please ;).gela 😉
Participantthanks for keeping us updated, Karuba! I’m glad you found her. let’s hope she’ll find her way back to lexx fandom soon ;).
I have yottskry’s email addy, I can email him later 😉
ParticipantLOL…well yeah, by the end of the week everything should be set up. thanks for your understanding Hansuke 😉
Participant[quote=”Hansuke”]Does anyone have any ideas about where a new Lexxian home should be. We could set up an ICQ group, a MSN group, or a Yahoo group. Both ICQ and MSN groups have topics list similiar to the old Lexxian bored. I’m sure there are opinions for and against any new prospective homes. I don’t like being a refugee and living in a tent. Mine has holes and I get wet when it rains. :([/quote]
hansuke, a new board will be up by the end of the week…well about a week or so. please read the thread 😉
Participant[quote=”thefrey”]By the way Mok I like your Avatar. Reminds me of some of the GamesWork Shop stuff theBrother use to have when he ran a game shop.[/quote]
I must admit it still reminds me of Sadgeezer 😉
Participanttest for stupid sig
Participantthank you, XS4Xevr for keeping us updated 😀
We will, of course, abide by the wishes of the greatness of gela and wait in eager anticipation of whatever she and her crew might have in store for us.[/quote]LOL….:D
you’re too sweet, coul 😉 😳 .
well yeah I think it’s worthing waiting. but it’s not my crew, in fact I don’t think I’m even a part of the crew, ahem…or am I? at least I try to convince ppl not to start a board on their own, because that would cause a lot of confusion at the end…we don’t need several boards, do we ;). (I think the name is already chosen too, lol. well…not sure ;))*hugs* the coul man 😉
Participant[quote=”streudel”]Thanks for the update, Gela. I’m all for being co-ordinated on this thing. Let me know if there’s any way I can help. :D[/quote]
you’re welcome, Streudel ;). Karuba, please check your email ;).
all I can do is offer my help too, hehe, well we have to wait and see ok?gela 😀
Participantumm, el_could, streudel…could you please wait and don’t start anything here right now??? things are already on their way, if you understand what I mean…so please please….just wait for some more days ok??? I promise it’s worth it ;).
ParticipantHeadgehog, I don’t know if you ever checked but this happened to him twice…last time I banned him just 2 weeks before the bored went down. apparently he didn’t learn his lesson :(.
Participant[quote=”iStan”]Huggles gela. I miss you ( and the dirndl… and the sauerkraut and maple syrup soup).[/quote]
thank you iStan…it’s good to know someone misses me, really…I miss you too, and the bored of course, and so many other lexxians who still didn’t find their way to Saddy’s 😥 . I hope we can continue our chat about latex dirndl’s and food in general soon, hehe 😈 .
*hugs* back 😀
ParticipantI do believe in second chances as well, FunkET. remember what happened to Mr.T/Jacknife_Johnny (known as Sexecutioner here) at he had his second chance but he didn’t take it and was banned permanently.
it would only be fair if you do the same with maya. IMHO she’s an important member of the lexxian fandom and she unselfishly offers help to everyone who ask her about lexx stuff. you know that, FunkET. sorry, theFrey, I can take criticism and I hope you can do that too.
Participant[quote=”iStan”]Sigh… No reply from Troy Strum yet, though he is still listed as the guru.
And conspiracy theory fan that I am I note that the site went down at the end of the month/billing period.[/quote]
I think it would be best if someone would call AA to find out what’s going on. or tries to get the latest email addy of paul donovan and ask him what happened. I see your point, iStan, I was wondering about it too (the bored went down on 6/1)
Participant*shakes head*
all I can say and will say is that things are apparantly handled here very differently. or that ppl seem to be treated differently here. well that’s just what I think. 5.30 am for me, I’m going to bed now….gela
Participant[quote=”thefrey”]Well I haven’t received any emails from her.
Maya was permentantly banned a long time ago.[/quote]
that’s strange.
why, if I may ask?
and why has she been able to write here some hours ago?
just wondering…
Edit: Aha! sorry Dee, for some reason I missed page 10 when I posted my reply. You are awesome Dude! You e-mailed PD you say? Well, all I have to say is knowing you have done so much makes sitting on my thumb just that much more enjoyable. Thanks.[/quote]yeah, dee was so sweet to call them. I wonder if it is an actual email addy of PD or if anyone has a newer, different one?
Participant[quote=”iStan”]5 a.m. Gosh, I just love insomnia…
Anyway, Alliance Atlantis finally and grudgingly released the figures for the last quarter of the most recent fiscal year. Highlights include a larger than expected loss and the winding down of production, completing their switch to broadcasting. For details click [url=]here[/url]. Revenue from CSI and their ‘old shows’ declined markedly. Could there be a connection here?[/quote]
I don’t get it 🙁 😕
Participant[quote=”Deathscythehell”]only if i could make her naked
why cant we ask non-lexx related questions?[/quote]
because this board has an offtopic area and doesn’t…that’s why ;).
who else is checking “” at least once an hour? 🙄
Who wants a date with what Lexx character..and why? [/color][/quote]KAI 😈 . you don’t need an answer why, do you? 😉
same question 😉
Participant[quote=”stormsweeper”]I’m not sure who you would send a message to – Verio is a pretty damn big company, and you’d be lucky to get an email response within a couple days if you were a customer of theirs. The people who actually fix these problems won’t be the onmes fielding emails, in any case – the ones who have the job of answering emails just do a lot of “paperwork” and move on.
In any case, it will likely be back up sometime in the next 12 hours.[/quote]
that was meant as a joke, storm, see that I used the 😉 smilie …hehe 😉
And in answer to Pinhead’s query – I think it is time we plan guerrilla tactics in the event we ever need them. We need the names and home phone numbers of several Alliance Atlantis exec’s and a cohesive strategy for ensuring they keep going until this universe gets done in. Showing up in Paul Donovan’s bedroom at night with Lexx DVD’s, beer and chips would be one option. We must think globally.
[/quote]hehe…well if you like I’lll send you email addys, addresses and phone numbers of the responsible ppl and you can try to get in contact with them…LOL 😈 😈 😉 .
btw, paul donovan is still the owner of at least til 2006, hehe.
gela 😉
Participantheya all 🙂
yeah I’m here too…lol. thank you Sadgeezer for giving us (again) a temporary home :D. (but I must admit that I am a regular lurker here, hehe)
I hope it’s really “just” a router in washington and someone will fix it soon.
gela 🙁
Participant[quote=”SadGeezer”]That’s a surprise! I have lots of Sci Fi DVD’s that I’d like to sell on and other bits and pieces like signed posters and stuff.
I was sure that peeps would find something like an eBAY for sci fi useful.[/quote]
give them some more time…some ppl might still be on holidays ;).
I think it’s a good idea 🙂gela
Participantoh, german would be nice too….. 🙂
Participant[quote=”pinhead”]Hi everybody- I got tired waiting for to come back on line.
Are there any Xenia Lovers here? :roll:[/quote]hi pinhead,
good to see you here :). I miss you! and I miss our chats, hehe.seems that most of the kai droolers didn’t make their way to sadgeezers, so I’m nearly alone here, LOL…(ok, I said “nearly”, so please don’t complain 😉 )
I’m sure there are a lot of xenia fans around…
gela 🙂
Participanthi sad,
thank you for your warm welcome words…
I deeply apologize for my harsh words in my first post at sadgeezers… I know this won’t be my steady home, but I thank you very much for being so kind and welcome us all here…I must say that I really miss, *sob*…
but I think this is the best place for all the great fanfics writers from… 😛
besides I asked one of my closest lexxian friends to post is wonderful fics here on the board (he caused a lot of trouble on when he tried it there, hehe), and hopefully he’ll do that soon… oh I hope that our new board will have as many features as this one…
btw streudel and all the others, I think all our old msgs will still be there on the new board… I think I heard about it from someone who should know it ;).
greetings to all from germany 🙂
(soon back to “lurk mode” hehe)gela
Participant[color=blue][/color]heyas everyone,
just a short msg from me again :). thanks for all the replies to my posts. 😆
nursewhen, I sent off your package yesterday, please watch out for it the next days hehe…fourthof5, I hope you got my email with the shipping rates, if you prolly not believe me (well I’m sure you do but who knows, heheheh) please have a look at 😀 .
oh, and all the others…nice to see you again…Tweedlegurl my love, I’m so happy to see you on a bboard again…I missed you so much…what about a big welcome-kiss? 😉
gela 🙂
Participant[quote=”streudel”]Hi Gela!
Good to see you here. How are you doing?
hi streudel,
thanks for asking, I’m ok, just missing the board. thanks for your email, I’m glad you got the letter.
Participanthi logan/funkET 🙂
thanks for your nice words! unfortunately I have to keep this short because I’m at work…I can only tell you that I am and have been for a long time (before I signed in) a lurker at but I don’t feel very familiar with this board…and I’ll definitely go back to my “home” as soon as it’s online again :).
gela 🙂
Participant[quote=”fourthof5″]Gela. I have been to the bank and it looks like to will be quite easy to send a check to you. It will be a bank check so its not going to bounce at all.
Will email you in a day or two with all the details. Once the check is on the way it will be at your place within 72 hours.[/quote]
[color=violet][/color]hi fourth/nigel,
thanks for your post :). well I’m happy to hear from you again, just send me an email if you know more. I think a bank check will be ok, I hope I don’t loose any money when I pay in the check….it should at least cover the costs for buying the cds and shipping :). I will send you a mail back if I can tell you exactly the costs for postage. I’ll know that this afternoon! please don’t send me anything before that…thanks 🙂many greetings from
gela -