Forum Replies Created
ParticipantAs cool it mighta been to see him go all Kill Bill on some enemy, it never happened.
Maybe that person is referring to the episode when he slices Vlad’s belly open with a lightning rod off the top of the building the two of them happen to be fighting on?
ParticipantI’d like to think she’s a bit like Vlad in the Executioner sense, except that she didn’t want protoblood like Vlad did, and instead of the snake being in her chest, it was her tongue, or the back of her throat, it’s kinda hard to tell. Plus, you are right about Kai and Thodin knowing her. I could have sworn I’ve seen a promo pic somewhere with Giggy and Thodin standing together, and no, it was never any scene from the movie. Have any of you seen it?
ParticipantCute! I love BtVS/Angel, and I especially loved the one with Gwen Stefani’s What You Waiting For. Buffy is what the song describes.
ParticipantI love the show Buffy, but it’s because of the supporting cast, not because of that nasty twig. Not only is the character so full of herself, it makes you want to gag, but still didn’t you love the episodes either when she got beat up by someone like Willow, Spike, etc. or the one in S7 when they all threw her out of her own house. I cheered.
ParticipantI’ve read up to at least book 7 or 8, and yes, by then, things are a bit tiresome. I haven’t read any since; you pretty much get the gist of things by book 4. Of course, they have their moments, but you have to remember that they were written for elementary school kids.
ParticipantThey’re kind of juvenille, but at some parts funny in all their sarcasm. The problem is, they get sort of tiresome, because they tend to be repetitive in more manner than one.
Count Olaf is the bad guy, and he wants the orphans’ fortune, so he keeps taking all these ridiculous disguises in his various ploys. Not very deep, but it’s not the worst thing you could be reading.
ParticipantHey, lizard, ignore that last post ^_^!
If you’re talking about the Kai/Vlad fic, I LOVED IT! There needs to be more stuff with them in it out there, even if they are trying to rip each other to pieces (like I said, I’m a Kai/Xev shipper all the way, but I always felt that Vlad cared more for her prey than she should have), and you wrote them both very well.
I liked how she lost control and tried to kill him. So Vlad. It was cute how he got kinda freaked out when he first saw her too. Don’t ask.
ParticipantHey lizard, could ya send the link? I wanna read it! ^_^
ParticipantThat’s a good idea, actually ^-^! It makes perfect sense, and now that you bring it up, it doesn’t make sense that 790 didn’t do just that ^-^. If you’d like to do it yourself, I’d be willing to help you, but you did pose a good idea for a fic that I might do if it’s okay.
ParticipantHeh…sorry ’bout my ineptness, thefrey ^_^.
Here’s the link: http://www.fanfiction.net/~zevofb3k
It’ll take you to the list of stories. Sleep Tight is Stan based, and he gets to see why Xev and Kai are the messed up people they are through their nightmares.
ParticipantNot that anyone should care, but I posted a fic called “Sleep Tight” at Fanfiction.net under the same name, of course. If you read Worthless?, it’ll make sense….boredom rears its ugly head yet again. Oh well…off to read leila’s second chapter.
2nd November 2004 at 1:49 am in reply to: Walmart – The Continuing Saga of the Race to the Bottom #73184ZevofB3K
ParticipantWhat do you expect from a store where people flock like ants? You can get run over by some crazy old lady’s shopping cart, and not get so much as a”Watch where you’re goin’ kid!”
Come to think of it, avoid places with “mart” in it somewhere. It just leads to trouble.
ParticipantHey, I’m behind it, even if it’s without Kai. I think Stan and Xev deserve that home they’ve been looking for.
ParticipantYou’re really good at character analysis, considering that these characters lasted one episode! They’re true to that episode’s script, and you still pull off the story. Given, I am just a kid, but you need to continue this ^_^.
ParticipantHeh, I’m the exact opposite of you. I was just a little kid when the movies were on TV, but I just watched the series this summer. I luv it!
As far as the people on it go, you’ve probably read that Ellen Dubin’s in Napoleon Dynamite, and Michael McManus was in a German film. I don’t know much either.
ParticipantGlad to see you like them! Don’t worry, I wanna do a Halloween pic…hee-hee. Xev/Zev trying to get Kai to explore the ritual of Trick-or-Treating seems appealing right now. Either that or I’ll dress Xev and Vlad up as O-Ren Ishii and The Bride from Kill Bill. I get bored like that.
ParticipantHeh, sorry about that! The address is:
http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/fanq/l/u/luffsan2/Vlad.jpg.htmlI really am awful with machines!
ParticipantI’m another one who bawled at the last Lexx episode. I’m a Kai “drooler”, but I still thought it was cool…some girly part of me wanted Kai and Xev to hook up, though ^_^.
Angel had a bad last episode. It didn’t end! Wesley dies, and then you just see demons rushing down the alley at Angel, Gunn, Illyria, and Spike! You don’t know what happens to them!
ParticipantOkay, now that I’m done with leila’s fic, here’s what the little girl has to say:
I like how you gave characters like Lissha and Jihana more of a story. They kinda needed it. It’s so cool when people explore things a little better ^_^.
Can’t wait to read the sequels, providing you still wanna do them ^_^.
ParticipantUgh! I’m so lost! Stupid computer of mine had to crash, so I spent the better part of two days fixing it.
Off to read leila and thefrey’s fics.
To mysteriesofthesea: Kai and Xev backstory all the way. They’re so adorable together!
ParticipantHope ya don’t mind me posting here, but hey, fighting is always cool. Heh, I like 790’s quotes in Section 16.
ParticipantOkay! Where ever is fine with me, just let me at whatever is required of me!
ParticipantTo thefrey: This is gonna take me a few days to finish, but so far it fits the formula! Me likes, and I’ll give you more feedback when I finish ^_^.
ParticipantArigato to both of you!
Thanx for the background idea, thefrey! I’ll try it (good ol’ photoshop!)
Don’t worry, I draw more than I breathe, and sadly it’s just another way to feed my Lexx obsession.
ParticipantTo leila: Very clever doing something on Brizon! He was such a great villain, and I like how you got inside his head.
To Logan: Not a dumb theory at all! I wanna read the fic!
To thefrey: Hey, so what if there’s only one? Fanfiction.net only has 51 Lexx fics. I’d like to read it if you ever decide to post it somewhere.
Please excuse the young girl for not knowing what trolling is (Gomen nasai!).
But no fighting or jealousy ^_^!
Just tell me where and when and how ya wanna start! Open to all suggestions! Lexxfans is a great place, considering it’s the only really decdicated place left aside from SadGeezers.
Participant[quote=”mysteriesofthesea”]writing group? Just for the fun of it? :)[/quote]
Ooh! Okay! I’d be happy to join up if you’ll have me ^_^.
ParticipantI know I’m being a pain with this, but since I have no where else to spill my pathetic whimpering, I think I’m done with Worthless? If any of you have time, see what you think.
Then again, if I were you, I probably wouldn’t read this anyway.
ParticipantTo iStan: Hey, you’re welcome! I’m glad you liked the Kai/Vlad fic ^_^.
To leila: Hey, Angel’s confusing if you just jump right in, but it gets easier. All you really gotta do to understand the fic is to watch Season 5 on TNT. I’d be glad to read your fics. Just show me where!
ParticipantSad thing is that we never really found out, since Kai got “whacked”.
Anywayz, that’s kinda of a point in the fic. I feel that as she drains them with her snake thingy, that they start to remember bits and pieces of who they were, and then gradually let go. Some cry, some get angry, ya know, that kinda thing. She’s surprised that Kai doesn’t seem to care at all.
ParticipantThank-you, thefrey.
Anywayz, anyone think that Kai and Vlad are an interesting pairing? I mean, I’m a Kai/Xev person, but I’ve done a fanfic that explores how Vlad thinks about her prey. Is that too weird?
ParticipantKai: Tourniquet by Evanescence.
The whole thing about “my soul cries for deliverance, Will I be denied, Christ tournquet my suicide” Yo Way Yo ring a bell?
Xev: My Happy Ending by eww….Avril Lavigne(not really a fan, but hey, it works)
Prince: Everybody’s Fool by Evanescence
ParticipantSure thing! ^_^. Go to google and type in Fanfiction.net if the address http://www.fanfiction.net doesn’t work. It’ll take you to a homepage with a list of categories. Choose TV Shows and scroll down the list until you find Lexx. My name there is ZevofB3K, so next to the title of a story Worthless? will be my name. If you click on my name (providing you like Worthless, of course ^_^!) It’ll take you to a list of stories I’ve written, and there’ll be the crossover fic. If you still can’t find me, send me an email at jeseir@catlover.com, then I can send you the link to my page.
Hope that helped, and feel free to tell me what you think of the fics!
ParticipantWhat’s the Actor Kai like? I missed that epi, and am just curious. Is he as annoying as everyone tells me?
ParticipantI got all bored, so I decided to post the second chapter of Worthless? on fanfiction.net. Xev, Stan, and Prince finally make appearances.
Participant^_^ Heh, I’m glad you liked them.
As for having posting problems, it isn’t so much that as it is just finding a place. A lot of the good Lexx sites are gone….sad but true. I’d like to read new Lexx fanfiction, since there’ll never be a Season 5.
ParticipantYa know, I always thought about that. Since Kai’s gone and all, maybe it would be an opportunity to have Xev toughen up and fight the insects. I dunno, but I think she’d be kinda broody about losing her dead guy.
ParticipantHow’s about the Angel-verse in S5? Look closely, I’ll bet that Kai and Illyria would have an odd respect for each other since they’re sort of alike, while Prince would feel right at home at Wolfram and Hart. Xev would flirt endlessly with Spike, Wes, and Angel, while Stan would either be terrifed of the demons, while trying to score with Harmony and/or Illyria.
Illy would smack Stan down, of course. Lorne would hafta read Kai on accident, and see that maybe he does care for Xev. Weird, I know.