Forum Replies Created
12th June 2004 at 5:22 am in reply to: New LEXX bored is up and running…everyone’s welcome :) #71948
Participant[quote=”LexxLurker”]Been fun chewin’ the fat with you guys. See you around :)[/quote]
I, for one, will be renting a flat on this board.
I quite like it!Thanks Sad and Sad sipotters for so graciously welcoming and tolerating our fold in your most excellent home.
This board almost kicks as much ass as its staff!
C U again very soon
Participant[quote=”pinhead”]Now I’m really confused, doesn’t a Canadian team win the Cup every year? 😕 (I’m talking about the players, not the location)[/quote]
Well we pay them more. I guess if the Canadian players werent such mercenaries and had more national pride they would stay at home and win the Cup for their homeland every year.
ParticipantI watched the series. Twas quite exciting.
If I am being elusively honest… I ‘might’ have been cheering for Flames.as for the Star charts…
well, lets see, the traded Hully cause he didnt get along with Hitch and the city loses a beloved player. Then, very shortly thereafter, they fire Hitch, a beloved coach. To add insult to injury, there was the most pathetic picture of Ken slumping with head hung towards the podium to announce his dismissal on the front page of the newspaper. Then they axed Hatcher who was far and away the fan favorite and team captain. And ever since we’ve been ‘retooling.’ As Dallasites have seen the results of owner Tom Hick’s retooling in his other team the Texas Rangers we dont know quite what to expect… but were not expecting much. 😥
Participant[quote=”Flamegrape”][quote=”Sexecutioner”]is that a threat pink boy? :shock:[/quote]
Are you sure he’s a dupe for the Conspiracy?[/quote]I could be wrong but I think he is referring to a Russian euphemism
for a homosexual… a term ‘someone’ 🙄 might have used on the old bored a time or two.See… he CAN learn! Alas, the vacuum doesnt seem to be being filled with positive molecules.
ParticipantWell, I havent been to Calgary but I have been Atlanta… and see no reason to defend that particular city.
If you are trying to provoke me into a US vs Canada flamewar I will simply point to the SCOREBOARD and be done with it.
Participantmaybe you could get some info about it in the Farscape forum on this board? 😀
8th June 2004 at 9:25 pm in reply to: TexxLexx meetup (1biliion apologies if this is not postable) #71757El_Coul
ParticipantBleck, the Sewer Walk is the equivelant of the West End in Dallas.
Tres Touristy… though it is fun to stay at that really nice hotel there with the dark balconies and through stuff at the unsuspecting dorks below before dissappearing into the shadows to reload. 😛El_Coul
Welcome RIII, was hoping you would join us sooner rather than later!
ParticipantLets see…
2 chics rolling around in a mountain of sweets singing to a statue?
If BGB does anything to ‘foil’ THAT ‘evil plan’ I will certainly break out my top-shelf can of whoop-ass on him… and he has permission to do the same to me if I had the silly notion to interfer.
Participantlol, Flamegrape, compassionate and warm as ever. 😆
Thanks for sharing that email theFrey… very insightful.
ParticipantI have a question…
[size=18]Q: Whats more fun than a gaggle of lexxian ladies covered in whipped cream and pie parts?[/size]
(if your answer is anything other than ‘nothing’ you need to have your circuitry overhauled)
Now, if youll excuse me, I think Lexxicon was saying something about ‘desert’ in the other thread. 😈
Participant[quote=”Lexxicon”]Ahh…since you [i]are[/i] what you think…then perhaps you should think a little more kindly of that determined ‘rival’ who greets you every morning…give him a :wink:[/quote]
Rhyming words and emoticons… how clever. 😉
Yes, I am guilty of hijacking many times over so it will probably take the both of you to punish me properly.but first, you will have to excuse me as I am off to the post to send an important letter.
I will return for my 30 lashes soon enough.
ParticipantDear Lexx.comers,
I wasnt gonna post about this (in an un-smartypants kind of way) but…
I appreciate how y’all feel but lets remember weve just crashed this dinner party en masse so lets try not to complain about the food before the hosts and hostesses have even finished setting the table to accomodate their new ‘guests’ huh? 😉
Thought is like a mirror. One looking at it sees his image inside and thinks that there are two images, but the two are really one.[/quote]As an Aries, I have the baboonish tendency to attack my reflection as I only see a potential rival who will not break eye-contact. Maybe thats why Im so confused and irritable?
A thought ‘provoking’ quote, nonetheless, Lexxicon.
ParticipantI know this is COMPLETELY O/T but…
Did anyone ever see that Simpson’s episode where George and Barbara Bush decided moved into the house across the street from our favorite family?
Of course, Homer and George dont see eye to eye and start fussin and feudin so George hangs a big banner on his OWN house that reads ‘Bad Neighbor’ so that Homer will know he is a bad neighbor when he looks across the street.
Twas Funny
OK, sorry, back to the show!
Participantwow a curse filter!?!?
i hadnt noticed that yet. is it possible i went 20+ posts here without cursing? surely not!
fuckin a
Participant[quote=”KarubaLuna”]El Coul! You rock man. If $$$’s are required I bet any number of us would be more than willing to send some bucks. I doubt any of us are independently wealthy but as a group we could all probably spare a few bucks or euros each. 😀 [/quote]
Well, lest you think too much of my ‘generosity’ its only around $6 a year to register and keep a domain name… which I could probably find in my couch cushions. And I was thinking/hoping I could get it hosted free of charge with my friends company.
We will, of course, abide by the wishes of the greatness of gela and wait in eager anticipation of whatever she and her crew might have in store for us.
Participant[quote=”streudel”]I noticed the folks at the DarkZone Trading Post suggested another phpboard in the style and spirit of Lexx.com.
Any thoughts?[/quote]
I run a phpboard with theSteve2k for another site and can tell you they are remarkably user friendly and easy to run.
The only potential obstacle is finding a host.One of my dearest friends runs a webhosting company so I might be persuaded to throw one up if I thought enough people would visit.
I’d even spring for the domain registration fee. 😉
incidentaly, if this plan was to commence we would need a name… suggestions?El_Coul
Participant[quote=”Sexecutioner”]I find great amusement that lexx.com is’nt working, what comes around go’s around.[/quote]
On the contrary, my dull-witted friend…
I find it QUITE extraordinary that the community lost its home without warning and managed to reassemble itself so quickly. Frankly, I think thats pretty astonishing and speaks volumes about the collective ingenuity and bonding of our sect of Lexxians.
Maybe we are just geeks with nothing better to do?
either way
The ghost, it seems, is greater than the machine.El_Coul
Participanteeewww catfight
as a male, ya know, i will never understand this territorialty thing
women 🙄
Participant[quote=”LexxSlave”]see? not as cute without the head tilt! ;)[/quote]
both are equally cute, my dear.
Interesting though about the head tilt.
Ive noticed that individuals differ in the way they prefer to be photographed. Head tilts, ‘good’ sides, from up looking down or vice versa. Personally, if I am aware I am going to be photographed I usually look down because I hate the expressions in my eyes that are captured in still shots. I dont feel that way about moving pictures at all but Im just not comfortable looking straight into a camera for a photo.
Why we do this? We should know that how we see ourselves and how others see us is completely different and when we ‘pose’ we dont really look like ourselves.
I wonder if it has to do with the fact that in ‘real time’ we can only see ourselves in mirrors… which is actually a reverse image of reality… so when we see ourselves pictured the image seems off so we ‘pose’ to try to capture the image we have of ourselves as seen through the mirror?
I dunno, maybe not.
Participant[quote=”ilyekkakai”][color=red] 😯 ….oooh…the loosening of the threads …is that something like the loosening of the rods ? 😈 😛 😉 …..sa-weeeet!
😛 :twisted:[/color] [/quote]
Well, I was refering to the loosening of all the [i]garments[/i] within reach… any rods inadvertantly loosened would be circumstantial.
Sorry bout the [color=red]hijack[/color], my bad. 🙄
Somewhere on this thread there was a question about which character you would want to date? I’ll expand the range of the question a bit with my reply. I would want to…
[b]-Party with Giggy
-‘Date’ Zev
-Buddy around with Xev
-Marry Bunny
-Peer longingly at Lyekka in the garden next door when Bunny had a ‘headache'[/b]
Which Lexx character would make for the best spinoff ala [i]Frasier[/i] to [i]Cheers[/i]?
Participant[quote=”pinhead”]Right now I’m listening to Jeff Rense’s interview with Alex Jones 🙂 For those who don’t know Alex, he’s just like David Icke but without the reptilians :shock:[/quote]
I love that guy!
The best part is… he broadcasts live from 3 – 6 am here.
Not exactly primetime, but hey, the powers that be are keepin the man down so what can he do?
The only thing better than he radio show is his cable access show.
Ever seen that?El_Coul
Participantok, if i must
*loosens all threads within reach*
[i]take thy beak fromst, like, my heart[/i]
I blow up a whole planet to get your attention and you Dis my thang with alieeeen smack
hit the cloaking device mr spock, im going to retire to my quarters to cry
😥 😥 😥
😥 😥 😥
😥 😥 😥El_Coul
Participant🙄 same q 🙄
[size=18]I.L.K. in da haus![/size]
I dont know a ‘Gubby’ but I know a Gummo and he has some bruthas. Grouch, Harp, Chic and Zep. They Be Hippies!
Participant[quote=”KarubaLuna”]I would like to live on the planet with the hairy chested, powerful-thighed warriors in the frothy disco skirts and heavy jewellery. 😀 And I would be their Queen[/quote]
*hoists authoritive tone*
LEXX… blow up that terrible planet…
But save the Queen!
We can entertain her adequatley on our planet of fools.
As she is a [i]majesty[/i] we will know just what to do with her.Make It So!
Participant[quote=”mayaxiong”][color=violet]Too bad about the ‘tude, dude..I ran across a nifty Gwar T-shirt and live video in my cache of old music memoribilia the other day and thought how cool it would be to send it to someone worthy….
Oh well….[/color] :twisted:[/quote]
now now Maya
careful lest a poax befall yeEl_Coul
Participant[quote=”KarubaLuna”]Who is the prettiest plant in the two universes?
If you were a character for an episode of the Lexx, how would you like to die?[/quote]
Trickery aside then… the answer to both would be Lyekka.
same q
Participant[quote=”KarubaLuna”]Who is the prettiest plant in the two universes?[/quote]
Is that a trick question?
ParticipantI’d love to Ms.K but wouldnt know how. 🙁
Someone more competant (than me) needs to get on that case… we could use the cheery good aura!El_Coul
Participantthats one sweet baby funkman!
here is a ‘stamp’ of me and mine that turned out ok:
Participantnot to be redundant but [size=18]THX[/size] to this XLent board for hosting the refugeez! and thanks to our cohabitants for not pretending they dont know us. 😉
this Sad site is really quite remarkable. Im glad the crutch failed and forced me to crawl here. Very Coul!
ps- Im SOO lonely for YOU! 😈
(yes dont kid yourself, you know who YOU is)El_Coul
Participant[quote=”KarubaLuna”](At least I think that is Klingon for saying “Hi Cutiepie”)[/quote]
Actually, that is initiating a mating ritual… at least from this captain’s perspective 😈
Participant[quote=”mandara k”]It’s slow now, but like the growing pains on most new boards; it takes time to create a base of some type; and already in a hostile enviroment anyway. We are the peace-keeping fun board!
I hope lexx.com goes up again soon for you. [/quote]
I hope so too lest historians analogize lexx.com’s demise as the moon Praxis exploding and the lexx.comers becoming the klingon trash of the virtual galaxy seeking a military solution rather than a peacefull asimilation.
We Need Living Space!
*the general settles comfortably into the captains chair of his cloaked asskicking bird of prey prototype and plots his next move*
2nd June 2004 at 3:09 am in reply to: TexxLexx meetup (1biliion apologies if this is not postable) #71096El_Coul
Participant[quote=”mok”]Austin is olny 1 1/2 hours away you know.[/quote]
ya… if your traveling by skateboardEl_Coul
Participantwell well well
moonlighting are we all? 😆
well, Im a refugee too so someone clear a cot for me as well.
guess ill have a look around while im here, seems a nice little board