Forum Replies Created
I mean, is this thing ever going to get off the ground?![/quote]
I don’t think so, personally.
Quite sad.[/quote]
[color=red] Well that sux 🙁…. I just recently became a smeghead and news of a movie sounded great ….*sigh* ….well, at least the season 8 DVD will be out soon..[/color]
Participant[color=red] If you go, I hope you take plenty of piccy’s Karuba-sweetie 😉 [/color]
Participant[color=red]Woot! …….temporary party over here ….> ➡ 🙂 [/color]
Participant[color=red] 😯
[size=24]yay[/size] RIII is here ! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
*does happy dance too *[/color]
Participant[quote=”KarubaLuna”]I found RIII! Yippee! She is currently having computer problems and did not know was down. She knows where we all are now and circumstances permitting, will come join us. 😀 😀 😀
Anybody know how to reach Yottskry? I know crinkle pants is very computer savy and should be able to find us here if he wants, but it would be nice to give him a heads up.[/quote][color=red] [img][/img]Whooo Wheeee [img][/img]
😀 …You rock Karuba ❗
8th June 2004 at 6:02 pm in reply to: TexxLexx meetup (1biliion apologies if this is not postable) #71731ilyekkakai
Participant[color=red]I got that package that Brian D. sent me for TexxLexx 🙂
…got some things to hand out to people attending…but I will keep what they are a surprise 😀 😛
hehehe [/color]ilyekkakai
Participant[quote=”Dee”][quote=”Flamegrape”][quote=”Sexecutioner”]is that a threat pink boy? :shock:[/quote]
Are you sure he’s a dupe for the Conspiracy?[/quote]There is a conspiracy! There is this pink’o communist group, and I am the head of it 😉 We get together to discuss the Sexecutioner, and how we plan to take him down, our whole lives revolve around him!! It makes us so mad he is so hot, & all the chics want him 😡 We just can’t have that!!! 😈
🙄 :P[/quote][color=red] 😆 [size=24]rofl[/size] 😆 😈 [/color]
Participant[color=red] *Gives the thread a long lick* …mmmmmmhmmm…tastes like I missed a yummy-licious time 😉’s a pic
😛 😈 🙄 [/color]
Participant[color=red] Lex G. , I would love to chat about the inspiration for Lexx 🙂
😳 What the heck is APEC , anyhoo ?
…please forgive my naiveness, I have seen it written before and have no foggy idea what it stands for… 😕 [/color]ilyekkakai
Participant[quote=”Deathscythehell”]now, now mok, eirther you have to give me all of your armies of darkness, or find enough for the whole cl.. uhhmeruh! board! yeaa… uhh board….[size=7]whew…that was close[/size][/quote] 😯 😉
Participant[quote=”Deathscythehell”]when im bored i play video games, drink, smoke, or kill kittens
( take that you hijacking fools! )[/quote] 😆 😆 😆 [color=red]LMAO 😆 😆 😆 😉 [/color]
Participant[quote=”Deathscythehell”]ohh cool i like that little auto censor thing on my curses….
now i can type !@£* and *&^% without having to add those stupid little * thingies asterisks i think they’er called..[/quote][color=red]Ain’t that cool? 😉 I tried to say *&#! and $!*#%*$..and it came out just like I wnated it 😆 😛 🙄 [/color]
Participant[color=red] Tee hee hee.. was nice to be free…
..on that is…..where I seemed to be a whiz..
..I do miss it so..
..but there will be a new one good to go..
.. and thats all I know 😉 😀 😛 [/color]ilyekkakai
Participant[quote=”Dee”][quote=”ilyekkakai”][color=red] I would want to be Kai 😀 …and in the ep Trip 😈
er….same Q [/color][/quote]
err.. so ya can have kinky sex?? 😈
same Q :wink:[/quote] 😈 😆 😉 😆 😈
Participant[color=red]Whooooo! Right on pinhead and Dee 😉 …I hear ya’s …I am just going to leave it there in my bookmarks ..just so I can stare longingly at it 😛 *sigh* …*hiccup*..*burp*…. [/color]
Participant[color=red] I would want to be Kai 😀 …and in the ep Trip 😈
er….same Q [/color]
Participant[quote=”Dee”]Hacker talk 🙄 Please don’t hack my site!!! :twisted:[/quote] 😆 😆 😆 😛
Participant[color=red] Weeeeel…I am drinking down a rather large bottle of Rhine and..
[size=24]Right on [/size][/color]
Participant[quote=”mok”]fehK?[/quote][color=red] Bwuh?[/color]
Participant[quote=”pinhead”]When it comes to names for the new board how about this- Since Lexx was distroyed in the last ep. and was replaced by Little Lexx then how about as a name for the new site? :D[/quote][color=red] 😯 😀
…I really like that one too has a nice sound to it 😀 [/color]
Participant[color=red] 😀 Ooooh cool …sounds like things are coming together ….like Jhevz always says ..Lexxians Unite !
…hey Karuba…I like the idea of the name being … 😉 😀
Participant[color=red]We are women! 😀 😯 hear us roar ❗ …. [size=7]meew [/size] 😉 😛 😈
PS…I [img][/img] you Karuba :D, not in the sense of “do me” kinda of love …just sisterly ..and brotherly Lexxlove 😉 ….(:D…if [i]that[/i] makes any senseless sense . 😉 )[/color]
Participant[color=red] One of these days….. I [i] do [/i] plan on a visit to Canada ….. can any Canada residents clue me in to the ideal place to visit? ..I heard Vancouver is nice…but I also fancy getting a glimse of Nova Scotia..LOL 😆 …I know 😛 …they are two locations at opposite ends 😉
..But any input would be greatly appreciated 😀 [/color]ilyekkakai
Participant[color=red] 😯 A co-inky-dink ❓ ❗ ❓
I sure hope not 😕 [/color]
Participant[color=red] 😯 ….oooh…the loosening of the threads …is that something like the loosening of the rods ? 😈 😛 😉 …!
😛 😈
Edit: It just occured to me…this little thread got hijacked somehow….awww 😳 …reminds me of the good ‘ol dayz …*insert longing sigh* 😉 [/color]
Participant[color=red]…Memories…. like watercolour pictures ….*breaks down in mid verse to twitch and sob quietly* …Lexx.comBB withdrawal feelings finally kicking in 😉 😛 🙄 😕 [/color]
Participant[color=red] 😀 Kewlness …I wish I could tag along 😉 …take some piccies for me please 😀 [/color]
Participant[color=red] You are more than welcome Karuba 😀 …this is a laid back planet …take a few hits O this…….and cop a squat in this here “easy chair” ..while we have a lil entertainment ala El-Coul 😉 😛 😈 😀 [/color]
“Hmm, I thought that only kittens died when I did that.”[/quote]
😈 😉 😆 😆 😆
Participant[color=red] 😆 😆 😆
😈 …hmmm…I would wanna live on that planet that Gubby Marx and his wonderfull narcolounger is on .. 😛 😉 🙄 😈
Same Question…> [/color]
Participant[color=red]Ooooh ..oooo 😀 …maya…I dig Gwar too!! 😀 …let me have it , I could trade that personal phone number I have to Gene Simons 😉 [/color]
[color=red]Awww …do I [i]have[/i] to come in.. [i]now[/i]?!? and my lil friends were’nt done playing yet…*pouts* [/color]ilyekkakai
Participant[color=red] 😀 ….I happen to like the 2 part idea, tho I might not go to the theatre to view it …instead ,wait till dvd comes out 😉 ….why?..might you ask? …Well, HP3 came out today and I was eager to see it and tried to catch the bargain matinee at 4:15pm…it was sold out .. so all I could get was the 6:15 viewing(and it cost $7.50..cause the bargain matinee times ended 😕 ) …I was fine with the wait ,I could kill time nearby…O.K. , so, I showed back up at the theatre about 30 min before the showtime and there was a friggin line that seemed to wrap around 😯
..sooo.. we waited and then they started letting us file in 20 min till the show…I am just happy I was able to snag my favourite spot 😀 😉 …only drawback is the lil kids that were close to me 🙄 👿
I enjoyed the show tremendously
..this one was a bit “darker” than the first two…I would go as far as to say that kids under 6 ..would get freaked out by some of the imagry 😯 😉
…all in all , I am glad I put up with the “little” inconveinces to see it…[/color]
Participant[color=red] 😀 Gee..I can’t wait to see it 🙂
sounds like a lot of fun 😆 [/color]
Thank you Frey
Participant[color=red] Excellent artwerk there, Cesare 😀
Participant[color=red] OOOooohhh….doctor …doctor !…I seem to have a …er…[i]bad[/i] carrot problemo… 😈 😛 🙄 😈 [/color]ilyekkakai
Participant[color=red] 😆 lmao 😉
…hrmmm…let’s see….the ..umm ..the obscure …well hidden …horny ladies that dream of a lucious Kai-sickle of thier veeery own…. ❓ 😈 😛 😉 😈
😆 LOL 😆What …about Lexx …draws you in……what Lexxy thing “does ” it for ya?? [/color]
Participant[color=red] 😈 ..what babe.. 😉 😛 [/color]
Participant[color=red] Is there a fungus amoung us??.. 😆 😆 😆
…I [i]do[/i] like the [i]good[/i] fungus tho 😉
😈 [/color]
Participant[quote=”LexxLurker”][quote=”ilyekkakai”][color=red] I shall raise my p p pattern colored margarita in honour of Lexxian world domimation 😛 😈 😛
Oh…and welkies deathscythehell 😀 ….bout time you made it here 😛 😉 [/color][/quote]
Speaking of Pa-pa-pattern and margaritas, ya’ll come up with any good recipes over at 😀
Spill the beans[/quote][color=red] Well….I am attending the TexxLexx shindig….and if it is not provided….I am bringing my own bottle of Te-kill-ya (tequila)…and a 12 pak O lime flavoured diet coke…I do have the green food colour handy.. 😈 …lazy arse I am….and maybe…just maybe…I might include a marachino cherrie or two … stem includeeeeeeed 😆 😈 😛 🙄 😉 😀 😛 [/color]
Participant[quote=”Deathscythehell”]only if i could make her naked
why cant we ask non-lexx related questions?[/quote][color=red]…Cause this is a different slice of the ..dark zone 😉 🙂 😉
…If you had no idea MM existed and if he never played the Kai role…who would you have seen take his place…if any one.. 😉 ❓ [/color]
Participant[color=red] I shall raise my p p pattern colored margarita in honour of Lexxian world domimation 😛 😈 😛
Oh…and welkies deathscythehell 😀 ….bout time you made it here 😛 😉 [/color]
Participant[color=red] [img][/img]
Beautiful…*sniffle*…I love it XS4Xevr ![img][/img] [/color]
[color=red] *..what each is thinking..*
:Kai: ..hmm..I hope there is proto blood in there somewhere..the dead do not put his john hancock for nothing..:Xev:.. hmm..some of these longer pieces look familiar..
:Stan: ..I hope those longer pieces are not what I think they are..
:Realtor Lady: ..just take the friggin basket and lemme go already..
Participant[color=red] 😕 Man! …I miss strolling down the ‘ol threads and hanging out ..
just generally lurking …posting when the fancy struck me .. *sigh*..
..O.K. , mini rant over … 😉
..carry on peoples ~[/color]ilyekkakai
Participant[color=red] 😀 Veeeery cute ….I see Lexxians can produce some extremely beautiful children 😀
Heh heh…keep up the good work ya’all 😉 😛 [/color]
Participant[color=red]:D Lookin good everybody 😀 [/color]
Participant[color=red] *pouts*…damn….I wish I was “you” 😉 😕
..but , alas, I know this is not me…….I miss the ol BB ….
…but, I am adaptable…eeeyup😉 …….
*tries not to pout as much..* 😉 😛 😈Edit: Uggghh more tequila for a bit 🙄 😉 🙄 [/color]
Participant[color=red] I see you Pinhead 😛
❗ 😯 😛😈 bwuhahahahaha 😈
*tries to hump Pinhead’s leg for more posterity…LOL*[/color]