Forum Replies Created
18th June 2003 at 7:48 pm in reply to: The Hulk and new Harry Potter Online – Say it Isn’t True #66725
ParticipantHow much higher will the prices be when the book first comes out as compared to one year later? Just wondering how much I can save if I buy it a few months after the initial release. There will probably be so many fans lined up to buy the book, that you won’t be able to get it until a few weeks after the first shipment anyways 🙂
ParticipantYou are quite gifted in the work of poetry, Psiren! I hope you continue on this, and achieve the inspiration you need 🙂
ParticipantGreat, sounds like all the worry about the Dragoncon was needless!
ParticipantThanks a bunch Sadgeezer! I was always wondering how people did that in the phpBB forums 😀
ParticipantThere is a show and a movie — the Outer Limits and the Matrix — that explain humanity’s thoughts of artificial intelligence quite clearly. There was an episode of the Outer Limits where a bunch of high tech ships became “aware” and turned on the humans, and many generations later, started breeding the small amount of people it kept alive after the battle (between a crew of 1500 and the machines) to repair itself. That was a pretty good ep, maybe some of you will see it one day 😀
I think that the borg are the borg, because a once organic lifeform existed that wanted the quickness and near “perfection” of artificial machinery, so they started to add electronic components to their bodies, but these machines that they bonded with somehow became self aware and malicious in a way, so the machines eventually took over a race that was bound with them.
ParticipantIf many Lexx fans make it to DragonCon, I’m sure the actors will be treated very kindly by them. That’s one of the larger reasons of why they are going to attend… for the fans, right? I think that most fans will take the time to find out where their at, and where to watch them.
I’m sure something will get planned out for them, there are just too many people devoted to them to not have anything run smoothly and nicely 🙂Meep
ParticipantIs there a form for Canadians? Or do I just put my Province in the State area and my Postal code in the Zip area?
Participant[b]MM[/b]: God these look ugly. Could I get a pair of platforms instead?
ParticipantI hope this one goes down in Lexx history 🙂
ParticipantWhoa, forum moderator! congrats Logan 😀
Thanks for the welcome sadgeezer! err.. would someone care to fill me in on what the show prisoner is about? I’d be interested to find out about any new/old scifi show I don’t already know about 🙂
ParticipantThanks for a great 4 days of hospitality! I hope I can drag myself here now and then and check up on everyone. Seems Struedel has become an avid member here too 😀
I was just wondering if anyone here knows where to get tickets for the MegaCon 2003? It seems I’ll be going there too so I’d like to get tickets before it’s too late :|. Also, would anyone happen to know how to modify the height and width of your avatar images to have them fit into an 80×80 square for the phpBB2 system? I really want to post my new sheep 🙂
ParticipantNOOOO! 🙁 I can’t make it to that DragonCon 🙁 🙁 🙁
But I will see some of you (hopefully) at the MegaCon in Vegas 😉Meep
ParticipantHey, and we could hire pinhead as our baby manager! I’m sure he knows a lot about babies!
ParticipantSorry I’m completely veering off the topic of this thread, but could someone (who lives around the Vancouver area) tell me where I can rent any Lexx seasons? I think the Rogers video on Davie street has the first four movies (thank you funkET :D), anyone else know some good places I can rent/buy season 2-3 on DVD?
🙁 Once again sorry that I’m asking this question on your thread, but I must know where to get lexxed up 🙄
ParticipantSpeaking of width… I just checked the avatar uploading section and it said I needed an image of less than 80×80. I already have my avatar downloaded onto my comp, how would I change this 90×72 pic to something smaller?
ParticipantErr… I just popped into the TV room and watched the end of the buffy musical episode. (sorry for anyone who doesn’t watch buffy, this is just idle chatter), but did anyone think that spike looked like he was eating something when he kissed buffy 8) I’ve seen bad kissers but… 😳
ParticipantJust wondering, are you guys going to post the beginning up until this point and start posting more, or should we all read your links?
ParticipantI sure do hope it is , for I have been looking forward to it for a very long time 🙂 . I guess I’ll be seeing it tomorrow at about 8:00 pacific time
ParticipantThank you for the warm welcome SG! I, too, will be staying here even after the opens up again. I’ve just been surfing around on this site all night yesterday and found some goodies 😛 This seems to be one of the best sci-fi sites I have seen in a while, definitely a good resource for fans all around. Well, have fun with the “do women find stan sexy” crew, their sure to give you some laughs , farts, chair falls and trouble breathing due to mass hyperventilation from prolonged giggle attacks 😯
ParticipantHi Tweedlegurl790! Welcome to the party 8)
I think we’re all almost in place here for a big fanfic that will page this place out by about 20 (if it’s ok with the admins). I really hope this will inspire more people to write fanfic about their favourite shows!– I still can’t get over your furniture joke on the MM thread tweedle 😛
Participant[color=red] 2 days and counting [/color] 😥 [color=#444444][/color]
2 days I can barely take, but after 72 hours of no lexx forums I will turn evil 👿
If you haven’t already, check out stan’s station at
ParticipantHi nursewhen! Now we just need Uber and fourthof5 and we’ll have the full house of writers 😀
I sure hope the board isn’t down for two full days, I’m sure everyone’s starting to feel a little withdrawn 😐
ParticipantWhat’s this?! It’s a super miniature divine assassin baby kai (with the pout! ) how cute! 😛
It’s like everyone here knows every single site on the web
ParticipantI wish I had found out about Lexx five years ago…
It feels like I’ve missed out on the Lexx craze for the most part, but there are still a few individuals who fan in their creative wafts to the Lexx boards 🙂
ParticipantNoo! you start from 0 posts again? I just about got to my 50th 🙁