When JMS indicated to the B5 newsgroups that we should be patient, this was the episode he was talking about. This is the Babylon 5 we have all come to know and love.
Read moreGaribaldi is sent to retrieve a witness to the shipping line attacks but his relapse into alcoholism jeopardises this covert mission to the Drazi home-world.
Read moreThis was one of JMS’s filler episodes but it was marvellous, pretty, ruthless and scary nonetheless.
Read moreDelenn gets up in the middle of the night, something is troubling her. Sheridan asks if everything is ok, she says that it is, and then heads off for a sleazy bar !!
Read moreWe have seen a lot of the Drazi Sun Hawk in season five, usually being blown up by the Centauri! For a cruiser it is very small and can only house one fighter.
Read moreThis was a tense opening episode. It introduced new characters and situations.
A cool graphics sequence opens the 5th season of Babylon 5 as the new Commanding Officer of Babylon 5 Captain Lockley, arrives through the jumpgate.
Read moreAnother quite tense episode, a little frightening and also a little bit too close to US formula TV for my liking. Not enough sex, violence and special effects like the last episode, I hope things hot up soon.
Read moreis it me, or is this series starting to get you all worked up too? Things are not too clear, there are many unanswered questions and alliances that should be solid are very fragile indeed. I almost dread seeing the next episode.
Read moreThis has got to be one of the worst Babylon 5 episodes I’ve ever seen. It was co-written by Harlan Ellison and directed by Janet Greek. They both need putting out of my misery in my opinion. This was a good story ruined by... Read more
This was a relatively good episode, the storyline was a lot tighter and although it suffered yet again from the introduction of another poor character, on the whole, sci fi SadGeezers should enjoy this one.
Read moreThe Minbari War Cruiser is about 300 meters long and has a staff of around 200. It has loads of canons, missile launchers and electro-pulse weapons.
Read moreBrakiri ships are run by Ak habil conglomerate, a company which is part of the Brakiri Navy (all brakiri ships are run by companies, which are based on transmissions from 20th century earth.) if you would like any more brakiri information... Read more
Lyta interned with the PsiCops, but wasn’t rated high enough to be one herself (all PsiCops are P12). Her rating is that of a P5 (not particularly high). She became Babylon 5’s first commercial telepath in 2257. Her Psi rating... Read more
Bester is an absolute tosspot and well played by Walter Koenig of Star Trek fame. He really looks the part doesn’t he? He is a high ranking Psi Cop and completely dedicated to the Psi Corps. He has one of the highest telepath ratings on... Read more
The best thing about Mr. Morden is that he is dead. Don’t you just hate it when you do a review of someone and they die in the next episode. He got clobbered soon after a delightful conversation with Vir on Centauri Prime in Season 4.
Read moreThe Shadows are thought to be the oldest race in the Galaxy. Their real name is supposed to be 10,000 characters long and unrepeatable by humans. A bit impractical don’t you think?
Read moreOne of the best things about the Vorlons is that nobody knows much about them. They are uncommunicative and more than a little aloof. You wouldn’t pick a fight with a Vorlon, then again, you wouldn’t buy one a drink either.
Read moreThe Narn are a much-persecuted race. They were relatively peaceful and well ordered with an abundance of natural resources.
Councilor G’Kar
Leader of the resistance, visionary, poet and ‘headbanger’.
Then... Read more
There seem to be at least two types of Drakh. one appeared in the episode “Lines of Communication.” He sort of shimmered and looked like the McDonald’s Hamburglar from hell. The other type first appeared in “In the Kingdom of the Blind”.
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