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I like definition #2A Cult TV Sci Fi SadGeezer is [b][i]ANYONE[/i][/b] who [b][i]’knows where their towel is'[/i][/b], someone who [b][i]’suspects that the Andromeda Computer is wearing a push-up bra'[/i][/b], a person who knows (or wants to know) which Space Corps Directive [b][i]’prohibits officers from wearing a red toupe'[/i][/b], someone who has ‘fantasize [b][i]about being Mr Flux or Mrs Goodchild'[/i][/b] or someone who wants to (but has never had the nerve to) wear a [b][i]’Centauri hairstyle'[/i][/b].
[/quote]on my other forum I get an out break of “eyerolling” when mentioning my “red riding hood” / “ginger breadman” theory and this qoute made mine look completly (almost) sane…
thanks for the forum Sadgeezer
Participantinput on pickuplines:
nothing will ever beat “nice shoes, whan’a have sex”sad things on Swedish/English translations is the fact that the nummber six on swedish in pronounst and spelled “sex”
and sex means the same thing on Swedishthere are alot of jokes that can be done on that…
I loved the Tales From The Darkside television series as a kid, miss it. I saw the first of the TFTD movies in the movie theatre, knew one of the cast. I still vividly remember that scene with the cat flying into that person’s mouth — gross! 😆 If you liked that and you haven’t seen the Creepshow movies yet then you should!
[/quote]while waching it my friends cat
(a black, thin one with no signs at all)
was staring at me… couldnt get it to stop!! *paranoid*Would you consider someone weird if they had sex yo that movie??
translated quote from “santa is father ta all the chilldren”
– He would fuck a worm if it had tits!!
– Die you devlish santa fuck
– You dont give green plastic pinguins to pepole you dont knownasym
Participantlate happy birhtdy 😉
ParticipantI think Iw seen Dancer in the DArk… but Im not shure…
I like Dogma
(some angel movie… really funny)and Briesis got me to watch “mating habits of the earth bound human”
If you want to watch a weird movie u should se the Swedish film “tomten är far till alla barnen”
translated: Santa is father to all the children
and Nasym is a great fan of “tales from the darkside”
those movies are realy [color=red]bad[/color]!! but funny[/img]nasym
ParticipantDo I dare ask the number of lights on the cake?
Strangely enough, I’ve never come accross anyone else with the name SadGeezer ;)[/quote]One of my favorit web pages are Wheezers house
the girl that owns it calls herself Wheezer…(the resemblence of the name was one of the things that made me stick around)
Participantas I se it you should be proud of your color… white pepole spend hours and hours in the sun trying to become what you were from birth 😉
nice wife, u should know that ur a lucky man
(you probably know that)nasym
ParticipantOk, I noticed how that looked… dont give me an anwswer : Red Dwarf
I just mean WHAT will happen? Lister take cat to fiji?
or heve he allrerady done that
(Iw just seen the first episode)nasym
ParticipantI thought new zeeland was cheapest… 😕
(not in anyway mentioning the LOTR movies wich I have to say stunk badly)what will the movie be aboute?
ParticipantUr a lucky men Logan… and If you think these sleep-less nights are bad. Just think of the ones u’ll have when she turnes 15 and dosnt come home fore the hole night 😕
Participantok so I dont know what you think of this show, but I have every epesode ether on tape or in file… Charmed
here is a good one:
Im Krell, a Zotar!
Hi, Im Prue… Scorpio!from the movie Spawn:
have you ever ridden a clowns pink pony before?
Its a privlige beeing a hell spawn 😈nasym
Participantur so pretty…
nasym tries to stay the hell away from all sorts of cameras and camera-looking-objects
(yes, even the ones that spray water)the worst picure I have is the one SumoKvalstreT took on me sleeping… I was about to kill him, but then I rememberd that his sister probably didnt want to be an only child[img][/img]
If she ever post it Ill steal her bundle of joy (cat)my nick is and allways has been “nasym”, if you flipp it it becomes “mysan” and my real name is “My”
(my mother say “mysan”)Yes I know My is a pronom, a guy from Calefornia had some fun aboute that
Its pronounsed “mue”… and he couldnt say that so it became “me”
(he had even more fun about that)but If its taken (dosnt happen much)
I go by “MTTD”nasym
I havent seen the first one, but my friend made me se the second… and he is just as much a comic freak as I, so we just sat there:
what? they dont do that!
who’s that??
why isnt he with…well, yuo get the picture 😕 …
Participantshe can type 😯
ParticipantI think Its har for her to not do that… she allready “sold” seven books to WB, and they have a tendensy to change good things…
and why this one was so late was becous she had some dissagreement with WB 👿
Participantrh.. what makes us Swedes
(ok so we are the most beautiful of pepole 😉 )
so good??nasym
ParticipantAngel: Buffy, tvS
Kai: Lexx
Kim: Star trek Voyager
Cole: Charmednothing can ever beat Julian mc Mayhon as “Cole” in Charmed
Participantso this is an oooold forum mmm 60s…
Participantpoor you… and pooooor harry…
You realy get that
Participantwell since my humor is lower then the “married with children” show it sounds like Ill fitt right in 😈
I take the word “low” to hole new levels [img][/img]
and igf I bug you… just ask me to shut up…
(It works)nasym
ParticipantI have ’em on my computer… found them at KaAzA
though my speakers are down
my computer never works as it shouldnasym
Participantthank goood….
I love that actor… (nice ass)
ParticipantDid you know teletubbies are trying to take over the world… I read it in Ernie…
theý are running out of food (rabbits) even though the rabbits multiply alot! so they want humans to work at there rabbit-killing-factory…
maby this is one of there brain-washing sites
(I satt for an hour just playing)
Participant[color=yellow][size=18]Warning spoiler!!![/size][/color]
[size=17]if you havent read the fifth dont read this!!![/size]
(black text)
[color=black]I think Sirius dying was a perfect escape for JK Rowling, since now Harry has a house
(of course Sirius wanted Harry to have it)
And now Harry needs to find a new father figure…
(probably mr Weasly)
couse when he had Sirius he was slipping away from Arthur Weasly and Dumbeldore… and from his “family”.
+ we all knew it had to be some reason Dumbledore wanted Harry to live there and semed to think that harry was beeing to dramatic when he said Petunia hated him.the man knows EVERYTHING else!!
btw, on a scale of one to ten how much didnt you hate miss Umbridge?[/color]
(no more black text)
Its fun getting to discusse this, when I try to talk books with my friends they just look at me like Im a gren fluffy monster in a pink teddy….
Participant72… dont ask, I just stuck with me…
Participantgod slopemaster, you have my envie…
I havent even seen all episodes of the first year!!!
(need MORE time for tv)nasym
ParticipantGod I wish I had more time for tv…[img][/img]
can you confirm *pleeeeaase* that its just rumors aboute the actor beeing on drugs
*hope, hope, hope*nasym
Participant[size=14]The real question you should vent is: [b]how do you read the book?[/size][/b]
do you read it the child way and get all “smotchi” over the magic
(wich moste pepole sadly cant after reaching the gentle age of 15)
or do you read it the adult way:
a boy in a bad family makes up a dream to forget his real life…*hears how “child shrink” I sound*
[img][/img]I can ad that Iw read all of the books, “the Order of the Fenix” took me two days since I couldnt put it down…
(I read it the first way since my brain will never evolve… i hope)and as I se it 3-5 are the best ones yet!
I wanted to read it again but my mother stole it [img][/img]and nursewhen, when I read the first book I thought it whas by Roal Dhal…
It reminded me about his book “the witches”[size=9]btw dudelove, If I wanted scary Id just skip putting my makeup on: [color=red][/color][img][/img][/size]