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ParticipantThink I remember reading about this. He is a bit old or older than what they think he is. I have been wanting to see this but forgot the name of the film.
Participantgot it
ParticipantSpace = no sound, tech/directors have said that you have to fake this for the audience other wise ppl wont watch it. Means add sound!
I like the mix of th two and the hybreds. Hybred like lord of the rings Trolls, they were sculpted and then scanned into cgi. You get a higher lvl of detail to the model with normally less time to complete.
There is alot of movies still using hand done models, It seems the the stop action claymation style has been replaced with cgi. It looks better and faster, other is to replace stunt actors. This is where it can go wrong and looks very bad. Poor models or animation will show it as a fake.
The most common is the use to cut costs, they fall into the wanting cgi to make up the effect but not paying the top dollar for it to look good. This is from smaller cgi effect companies that is cheaper than the old hand modeler and way less experienced than the higher end cgi effects companies. I call fly-by-night cgi, they often employ new to industry artists and crossovers, doing sub-contracts for the bigger ones and look to add to its profits.
Or paying a higher CGI company to do it but wants the bare min effort to be cheap.The most hazzard to this is the director or the producer, its being a good story teller, plain and simple. If you suck at it, it will show! Go watch someone old wedding video that hired a 1 man company to do it for them….. lol
ParticipantIts not that great, the story is placed around a family. Tom and 2 kids….
If your looking for it to be like the original you will be looking elsewhere….this isnt it. It has some moments but eh…
I was looking for a remake not an interpetation.
ParticipantAs a movie it was ok….too many jumps to get though the story.
As apart of the series…. I left feeling like I just watched Cliff Notes on film!
ParticipantThey could continue the series np, but the movie is the ender. There are other things they can explain like shepard. The movie is alittle to alot past the old series.
Continue where the old left off up till the time the movie is set in.
ParticipantWatch the movie, if you still needing that answer then go watch it again.
There are 2 big clues in the film that will give you the answer. 🙂Shiroekitsune
ParticipantIt was a good movie, although did he not like 1 or 2 of the actors?
What he did to the one character was weird and sudden, like he hated the actor or something? Limited screentime with him and the another (i wont name).Other than that is was too bad of a movie.
ParticipantThe show was better than Enterprise, which in my book is a terrible show! It wasn’t a bad series (Firefly) but alittle different than the norm which was good.
I will more than likely enjoy the movie, but wasn’t a serious fan of the show. It was something to watch.But on the side of hollywood though…they like to change stuff or dumb it down not only for movies but tv shows too, hate it when that think the majority of ppl are stupid and wont get certain concepts or story plots and feel the need to change it for ratings or commercial money pressure!
Plus right now it seems that there is a lull point with writers there, its sequel city of late, old series new, or book adaptation with little coming out as originals. doesn’t help that Scfi alone got rid of the 2 most original shows (Farscape & Lexx) for other shows that seem to be running past their time (Stargate)!
Granite Atlantis isn’t too bad and I do like Battlestar but lets face it…..they are running a Scfi tv channel that has very little I would want to watch of late, and I am a heavy Scifi geek!Shiroekitsune
ParticipantI regret that I haven’t seen it yet but I want to, work has me pinned down atm.
But I have come acrossed this though! 🙂
[quote]The film is now on release in the UK – 26 years after Douglas Adams’ original radio series was made.
He followed it up with a set of books, which he described as a trilogy in four, later five, parts.
Robbie Stamp told the Financial Times: “There are more books in the series and there could be a really good trilogy.”
The option was being considered by film giant Disney, which has made the new movie, the newspaper said.
Robert Mitchell of Disney-owned Buena Vista International (UK) later told the BBC News website that sequels were a possibility given the wealth of source material, although no decision had yet been made.
Rockwell (centre) plays Zaphod Beeblebrox, president of the galaxy
The big-screen version is the latest incarnation of the cult sci-fi comedy that began as a radio show in 1977 before becoming books and a TV series.The Office actor Martin Freeman stars as Arthur Dent, who travels through space with an array of eccentric companions after Earth is destroyed.
It also features Bill Nighy, John Malkovich, Sam Rockwell and rapper Mos Def.
The film has received mixed reviews from the critics, as it struggles to contain Adams’ deceptively complex work into a two-hour movie that is appealing both to newcomers and cult fans.
It is the first big-budget blockbuster of the summer season, with the final Star Wars prequel: Revenge of the Sith, and Ridley Scott’s Crusades movie, Kingdom of Heaven, set to follow next month. [/quote]
ParticipantI liked it, even had the chance to have seen it in the movie house at first release.
It’s the best non-star trek, star trek film!
ParticipantI want to see it.
Lots of info set in a limited time frame, I only wish to be entertained and not converted into a religion! 😉
Buck Rodgers – earth fighter
Space 1999 – moon lander
BSG – new old vipers mkII – new battlestar – old cylon fighters
Last Starfighter – feature ship
Star Wars – tie fighters
Damnation alley – feature tri-wheeled suv (not space but still cool)
Battle Beyond the Stars – feature ship
Cowboy Bebop – the bebop
Macross Plus – YF 19 – YF 21
Fifth Element – Hover taxi (again not space but cool)
Tron – lightcycles – tanks (hehe, cyber SPACE!)
Aliens – drop ship
All I can think of atm.
ParticipantIt more than likely the Whiners of the old show bandwagon.
Its not a normal scripted show, old school is ok but cheesy! I love the new RL setting or what if and what not.
Wish more shows were written like the new BSG.
ParticipantI tend to think that the 6 on the planet and the 6 in Baltar’s head are the same. The 6 on the ship that disappeared seemed to really not know Baltar at all, don’t think it was an act.
6 on the planet is showing feelings of love, it is either she is the one that stayed behind or she is the link, or both.
ParticipantIts a hollywood thing, not all Americans are that stupid!
ParticipantI want the team that is making the new BSG to remake Buck Rogers and start up a Flash Gordon series.
I like the Batman movie Tim did but not the second one. Indiana Jones isn’t too bad either. eh….
Androm and Enterprise can go though.
ParticipantGas tank is in front of the rear wheel, between the motor and wheel. Looks like a fender and the oil tank is under the trans is I remember right (which isn’t new).
ParticipantRed Dwarf, Coupling, Mr. Bean (movie), and Dr. Who (movie)….
Ya it will be screwed!
ParticipantThis does fit with the recent news I heard about the BBC investigating taxing computers like the tv.
ParticipantYa I too saw it.
I will hold my judgement till I see more in order to see how they are trying to pace and set the stage.
Not the best but not the worst I’ve seen to date, time will tell.
ParticipantNot saying its right but on a marketing standpoint it works, to get ppl to want to read the book from which the movie came from the cover often times has the movie poster on it so that it helps ppl out in finding the correct or original source.
You know the phase….judging book by….ya its true, those that aren’t heavy readers hear from friends that so and so book was better than the movie (which to date in my eyes is every movie done from a book) will see the same pic from the movie poster on the book and know thats the correct source.
Again its sad but true in these times. The only way around this is to place the book cover as the movie poster….but I highly doubt that will ever happen as to the fact companies want the star shown on it!….sigh
ParticipantI like B5 but do we really need another movie or show from it. The spinoff sucked, most of the movies made around it as semi add-ons/spinoffs aren’t that great.
Sorry folks but if it happen to hit the screen I know I wont be easy to cough up $8+ dollar to see it. What was one of the last movies… 3rd space?….OMFG….that was a total rip off of a wing commander game (few years before) and terrible directing! Then you have the Rangers spinoff….*shutters…..if i had to hear the phrase “we live for the one we die for the one” ONE MORE TIME!!!! 👿
It seems to me that anything outside of the original story seems bare and plain….don’t know who’s at fault…actors, directors, writers, it’s something and it’s terrible!
13th February 2005 at 3:13 pm in reply to: Walmart – The Continuing Saga of the Race to the Bottom #73176Shiroekitsune
ParticipantNot an uncommon practice to get out of a union or starting of one. If wal-mart allows it then the rest of the stores will follow suit i’m sure….that is what they don’t want. In the USA alone this would be very bad in their eyes!
The fallout from this would be devastating to what wal-mart wants and can do. I would love to see this happen….either way, unions in the stores or store closings!
There is a slow rise in communities that are starting to wake up to the wal-mart steamroller. One store opening hiring 200 worker but in affect over time of 1-2 year destroying over 1,000 job in all from the surrounding area due to other businesses close over competition.
Fact is wal-mart doesn’t hire enough ppl to constitute the low wages or the loss of jobs in the area. Its very sad what’s happening in the USA atm, jobs running background credit checks before hiring or policies of once you quit your never hired again for starter. Sure it sound great of paper but with the wages and hardness of obtaining work you don’t need the extras to hold you back. Perfect example: Stocking job….background credit checks and if the companies your seeking work from is owned by another company as an underling….your screwed…..
Going with wal-mart as example here….wal-mart has itself and owns Sam’s club….so if you had quit you cant work for wal-mart or sam’s club EVER, thats fine…but if wal-mart buys out say some gas stations, other stores….starts up a mall or opens up a restaurant that hits big like micky D’s… your hurting for job options and couldn’t work for any of them due to their no hiring quitters or credit risks….
Participantwhich SIX? rofl….
TTR or BSG!… matter….answer would still be the same! 😉Shiroekitsune
ParticipantBSG is good, and so is atlantis. As long as they still continue BSG I’m good. All others currently running don’t phase me, don’t watch them due to not worth my time for mindless crap.
Wish they would bring back some shows or do remakes like BSG……..Space 1999, Buck Rogers, Galaxy Rangers (live action or toon), and Other World just to list a few.
aah….memories from childhood…..
ParticipantI would venture to guess its a multi-link.
Say many gates being able to lock into the same gate. Other words say all the other gates would be able to dial into sg1 at the same time vs only 1 to 1 connection. This would allow many worlds to exit to a common point.Shiroekitsune
ParticipantI-Robot (Converse I believe – the shoes….not only does he hold it up and say the name but the year!)
ParticipantI am waiting for Baltar’s helper Lt Gaeta to do something with the detector. Story wise….it would show (screw) Baltar. The Lt Gaeta got him out of trouble and placed him back in it….circle…
1. speeds up the detector…thus next (2.)
2. fixes it, now everyone isnt green no matter what.
3. Boomer’s now ex-lover (forget the name) repair guy comes to Baltar (with news of boomer and wanting to know…remember she hasnt told him about the results yet) but isnt there and goes to Lt Gaeta which could start this whole mess….see 1.On the other end, Lt Gaeta could be a cylon….easy for him to place the white thing in the command area (miniseries), clear Baltar of the photo threat, and setting him up for later if he strays by working on the detector since he’s helping Baltar.
President Roslin and Colonel Tigh’s wife seems too easy to be cylons to me.
Cylon base I believe was on self destruct…easy kill for show. Baltar’s guess didnt mean a thing but to only help in converting him and to allowing the human’s to be herded…
Cylons were gone for a long time, planning in how and where jumps could go and planning bases, supplies, and etc along the way. Think of Boomer and Helo in this reguards. But herding the rest of the humans to where they want them by their interp of the prophesy
If the new series is to take some of the old…..Baltar is going to have to be a found out about, maybe for a second season beginner.