His latest achievement, before the downfall of the colonies was the program that allowed the entire defense grid to be networked and thus more efficient.
Read moreur story starts off an another uninhibited planet. The crew is standing outside a giant temple, trying to find a way in… for the last 12 hours. The temple is rumored to be a place of healing. But for a “hospital” it has some... Read more
Under orders from Earth Force, Gideon had to welcome aboard two visitors; a political officer, Welles, and his flamboyant infernal decorator Kevin Sprach.
Read moreNothing starts the day like a Psi Corp inquisition, or as its now call the Board of Telepath Integration. Just ask Matheson. As per the new telepath rules, all teeps working with normals have to undergo periodic scans to show that they... Read more
Alright porno! Now this is how you start off an episode right. Captain Gideon is watchin’ smut. And not just ordinary adult entertainment, but the kinky alien stuff. It turns out that Eilerson had to quickly give Gideon a report, and he... Read more
If you’re like me, you have a Pavlovian response to a telephone’s ring. For me I feel the need to end the ringing with a heavy mallet. Why? Because usually its not good news.
Read moreOur story continues in Arrakeen. Despite the fat Baron’s victory, he’s not happy at all. In fact he’s shvitzing out! The Baron is having a nightmare, or rather a prescient vision.
Read moreOriginally Gurney Hallackhailed from Geidi Prime, the Harkonnen home world. At an early age Gurney’s sisters was enslaved by the Harkonnens to work in their army brothels.
Read morePaul Maud-Dib Atreides was one of the most extraordinary humans in all of the Dune universe. Paul was na-Duke to House Atriedes
Read moreA stone burner is hands-down the most destructive weapon in the Dune universe, and maybe in all of sci-fi.
Read moreThese asteroid sized space ships are the how most people and cargo are transported between the various planets, moons and systems of the Empire.
Read moreOrnithopters, or thopters as they are commonly referred to, are the most common small transport vessels in the Imperium. These ships are capable of carrying 6 passengers, 9 if the back seats are removed.
Read moreNo respectable house leader or space craft would be caught without a shield. Shields are the most common protection measures in the Dune universe. They prevent any fast moving object from passing through their field. Shields function because... Read more
Suspenders is also another common technology employed by humans that utilizes a Holtzman field.
Read moreWhile not shown much in the Sci Fi mini-series, lasguns are worth mentioning here. Lasguns are the futuristic weapons you knew were missing from the Dune series.
Read moreThe hunter-seeker is a deadly tool of assassins. The tiny floating tadpole-like machine is remotely controlled by an operator not far away from the lethal device.
Read moreSaint Alia of the Knife, sister to the God Paul “Maud-Dib” Atreides is acting regent until Paul’s children Leto and Ghanima are of age to rule…
Read moreMelange (me’lange also ma,lanj) n-s, origin uncertain (thought to derive from the ancient Terran Franzh): a. mixture of spice; b. spice of Arrakis (Dune) with geriatric properties first noted by Yanshuph Ashkoko, royal chemist in reign... Read more
Scytale is a Bene Tlielax Facedancer, and is one of the most intriguing characters in the Dune Saga, he also represents a contradiction that may lead to the answers in the final book.
Read moreFenring was the former ruler of Arrakis, for the Empire, at the time when it was Harkonnen quasi-fief.
Read moreThe origins of the Bene Gesserit are shrouded in mystery. Again believed to originate during the Butlerian Jihad, the Bene Gesserit are an all-female sisterhood devoted to a secret Breeding Program.
Read moreA brilliant, totally evil man, he was once a great warrior and shockingly attractive. All the changed after he raped the Reverend Mother Mohium.
Read moreTroopers are cloned Imperial Commandos. They serve the Dark Clowns (presumably Dark Clowns are the Imperialists).
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