Kai is an old geezer. In fact he’s been dead for 2000 thousand years and is kept alive by a substance called proto-blood which animates his vital organs and stops him from decomposing.
Read moreThis is the biography of Stan ‘the man’ Tweeedle. The Security Guard, class four is the captain of the LEXX, which came about by accident rather that by design. The unfortunate Stanley has always been a bit of a wimp ….
Read moreFord and Arthur get thrown off the Vogon Ship, hitch a ride with Trillian and Zaphod and head off to Magrathea.
Read moreWe watched, transfixed, as the dulcet tones of Peter Jones introduced this colossally innovative, elegantly tacky and wondrous story that has become one of the all time great cult comedy tv sci fi adventures…….
Read moreThe Mice tell the story of how Earth is, in fact, a giant organic computer and Arthur is the only one left with the answer…. the answer to life the universe and evrything!
Read moreIn the Early days …. brave people dared to do brave deeds and go where no man had gone before. Pickings were rich and people got very rich indeed…. The saga moves to Magrathea.
Read moreHis Divine Shadow (also known as HIs Shadow) is the most despicable being ever created. To say that this bloke had no feelings for his fellow man would be an understatement of biblical proportions.
Read moreThe LEXX was grown from an enzyme transported in Stanley Tweedle’s tooth. This makes Stanley it’s mum as far as I’m concerned. Stanley is also it’s captain….. and it only gets weirder!
Read moreHe was once the Divine Orders greatest Bio-Vizier. He is most certainly a baddie, but he’s sooo weird that you almost get to like the geezer. He was a brilliant scientist and a genius but unfortunately the Divine Order also thought him... Read more
Thodin is a miraculous leader of Heretics played by rather glamorously by the very cool Barry Bostwick. He is the brave leader of a band of Heretics intent on the destruction of His Shadow.
Read moreA cuddly (for Kai at least) baby Cluster Lizard, played very convincingly by… erm… some guy’s arm.If you met Squish in a pub you’d shout, “Who let my wife in hear”. If you were a girl you’d cuddle it... Read more
Yottskry was played by a heavy actor (you know, one that has done Shakespeare and stuff) Malcolm McDowell.
Read morePoetman was played eloquently by Tim Curry.If you met Poetman in a pub you would tell him off for chatting up your girlfriend or, if you were a girl, you’d be enthralled by his chat-up lines but know,that he was probably a nasty piece of... Read more
Giggerota the Wicked, is a great character played enthusiastically by the stunning Ellen Dubin. She returned numerous times to the saga and is a great favourite with LEXX fans.
Read moreWist plays the lovely but deadly parasitic predator on Klaagia. She controlled the unfortunate occupants of the planet by infecting them with satellite worms, which attach themselves to the spinal cord of the host, and by doing so, controls... Read more
You don’t want to invite this dude to your party. Too much trouble and not much fun (unless you like seeing your guests lose limbs.
Read moreThis pair of mercenary bum-buddies, are responsible for the humiliation of Stanley (what isn’t) eight years earlier and then bare the brunt of his revenge in the episode ‘Eating Pattern’.
Read moreA Divine Predecessor is a former “His Shadow”, in this series they display a range of personalities ranging from despicable to erm…. even more despicable.
Read moreHe was the sort of character that would alarm you and yet, at the same time, display a quiet and soothing confidence. He was ultimately evil, and very good with pain.
Read moreTrillian is played beautifully by the lovely Sandra Dickinson.She is a girl from Earth with a degree in mathematics and another one in Astro Physics.
Read moreA futuristic retelling of Daniel Defoe’s classic story, Robinson Crusoe on Mars has gained a beloved cult reputation ever since its debut in the years leading up to the space race.
Read moreA short review of the Empty Land, the first of six books in the Shadow Histories series by A. Murti Schofield.
Read moreA few of you might remember G vs. E, later named Good vs. Evil. This was one of my favorite shows, and I thought it noteworthy.
Read moreAfter a short holiday break, Battlestar Galactica is back. This was the turning point in the first season and almost everyone really enjoyed it. The montage of scenes in the beginning was our first clue, this was going to be a schizophrenic... Read more