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  • in reply to: Censorship on SadGeezer #68805

    [quote=”nursewhen”]Including the story where Stan kills Xev which I believe was formerly deleted by you.[/quote]
    Very, very, very, very good point.

    But since no one wants to discuss this, I’m not going to say any more about it. I stated my dissenting opinion in this case.

    in reply to: Flame – what the fuck is that about! #68801

    [quote=”SadGeezer”]Hopefully I should get my email back soon.[/quote]
    Sad, did you get my email? I’ve sent it twice already.

    in reply to: Cancellation therapy #68799

    I still believe the “rating” system is bunk. It seems to me that it can only lead to universally bland and boring vanilla shows that cater to the lowest common denominator. Oh, wait. It’s already like that now…

    in reply to: Censorship on SadGeezer #68797

    ([i]I wish I had noticed this thread earlier. This particular forum is new to me. I started reading SadBoard again on 17 September and so I didn’t notice it. All I saw was a locked thread pertaining to this subject. So I took it upon myself to reopen the issue in a new thread in the SciFi Angst forum. That caused a lot of confusion and everybody and their dog yelled at me.[/i])
    😳 😳 😳 😳 😳

    I emailed Fatguy and requested a copy of his deleted story. (I did not see it when it was originally posted.) [b][i]In my opinion, it did NOT violate the established rules for posting stories at SadGeezer.Com.[/i][/b]

    in reply to: Fatguy’s New Website! #68724
    in reply to: Fractal Cores? Time Travel? You got it! #68654

    I like lettuce! Does anyone have any lettuce?

    in reply to: Brainstorming….. #68653

    Computer viruses with insect-like collective intelligence?

    in reply to: Role Playing Gamers? #68606

    Dungeons & Dragons. I’ve played that since about 1980. Now if I can only figure out how to break this Satan-worshipping habit. 😈

    Generic Universal Roleplaying System. I’ve played that since about 1987. I was in the process of writing my own all-encompasing role-playing game when I discovered GURPS.

    I tried Vampire: The Masquerade in the mid-1990s but I was bored to tears by the Game Master who insisted on tons of role-playing and no use of skills, combat or anything that involved the aquiring of experience points or level advancement.

    BTW, if you like Vampire: The Masquerade, be sure to see the movie “Underworld.”

    I’ve decided that the no-maps/all-talk role-playing games are unsatisfactory and I’ve decided to go back to using miniatures and maps in order to bring back that wargaming feel. I’ve been running D&D games lately using the 3rd Edition rules and I’ve been pretty satisfied.

    in reply to: Y Is Better Than X – A Futuristic Children’s Book. #68474

    They’re two slightly different works. Your point?

    in reply to: Shows NOT Sci-Fi #68472


    in reply to: X Is Better Than Y – A Futuristic Children’s Book. #68464

    [quote=”Fatguy”]Re Flamegrape:

    The conflict is an old one (especially during the Feminist revolution) and I also recall a Star Trek episode on that theme. Let me know if it is plagiaristic and I will remove it – you have more scope here than me…..

    If there was a problem, then I would have had it removed and informed you privately via email. As I recall, this was the discreet course of action that I followed when I had to deal with this sort of thing in the past. Rules would be explained in private and the subject was saved from public embarassment. However, it is the prerogative of the transgressor to freely debate the merits of the censorship. But this is at the person’s own risk of dire public opinion.

    in reply to: X Is Better Than Y – A Futuristic Children’s Book. #68460

    That would have fit in the movie, “Ghosts of Mars.” In that movie, the planet Mars had a matriarchal government.

    in reply to: Banned From Sadgeezer. #68422

    [i][b]Some reviews of Fatguy’s “Omega Man’s Log” story:[/b][/i]


    “THAT got banned?”


    “decent word structure for jhs kid…hes probably got notebooks full of literotica…at least hes literate….that post shouldnt have been yanked imo from such a board…

    i found it hard to believe that a log of that length would have no smell…now thats fiction”


    “Hey, everyone poop’s.”


    “I like in Family Guy where Peter’s looking for a book to teach potty training and the guy at the bookstore says “Here we have “Everybody Poops”, a very popular book with children.” Then Peter says he’s Catholic and the guy says “In that case, you want this book: “You’re a Naughty Child and That’s Concentrated Evil Coming Out of You”.”


    “The technical aspects of the writing aren’t very good, but it’s a creative enough idea to have some merit. Aside from the sentence fragments and the grammatical and punctuation errors, I don’t see anything wrong with it

    (The preferred spelling of the word is “judgment.”)”


    “That story really made me want to crap.”


    “This story has a good dramatic arch. A need/quest/desire is created and then is fullfilled. All loose ends are tied up nicely. Very Spielsberg-ian if ya ask me.”


    “I don’t get it.”


    “Sounds like the mythical “one turd no wipey” story to me. You may have some plagiarism issues to flush.”


    “This is very deep. The last human stands in judgement of humankind’s destruction of the earth, and his wordless commentary is that it is shit. Yet, it is the perfect shit- much like mankind. And then, of course, the ultimate irony is that he has taken the perfect shit, but has no one to show it to. Much like the guy at the end of the Twilight Zone who had the rest of his life to read in solitude only for his glasses to break, this profound character has become capable of producing the perfect shit, but has no one to show it to or to brag about it to. He is truly left in a living hell.”


    “I would venture to say that the fact that his shit didn’t smell alluded to the colloquialism that self-centered people think that they’re so special that they think that “their shit don’t stink.” In this case, he was the most special person on the planet because of his survival of the plague. The inherent irony is mindboggling.”


    “i think it’s a fine story, i just wish he would’ve gone into more detail about the actual pooping.”

    in reply to: Sci-Fi Is Dead! #68346

    Did you write that, Fatguy?

    *rubs eyes*

    That was good!

    in reply to: Happy Birthday to me, I’m back! #68349

    Someone gave me this picture of Johnny Cash for my birthday. I love it! I’m putting it on my desktop. I want it on a t-shirt!
    I thought I’d share it with all you SadGeezers:
    😆 😈 😆 😈 😆

    in reply to: Who are these Lexx Fans? #68327

    The fan-Kai at GenCon looks more like Michael McManus as Kai.

    in reply to: Who are these Lexx Fans? #68339

    Best looking fan-Kai I’ve ever seen, that’s for sure.
    😆 😆 😆

    in reply to: The price of DragonCon 2003 #66453

    [quote=”Fatguy”]This “therapy” is all well and good as long as we see this as “part-time activity” from the “real world”. But when the “real world” becomes too ugly; this attraction to the escapism found in sci-fi may become a fall into a very dark deep hole. I have been there many times while under pressure of school or work; but sooner or later you break the “fever” and get back to living in the real world (even though that may not be as exciting as sci-fi). …You may have fallen into such a trap and I suggest you ponder your recent actions and ask yourself where this is headed.[/quote]
    You should be asking this question of HDS and theFrey, not me. I had nothing to do with the planning of Lexx’s presence at DragonCon. For a while, I hosted the party pages for a couple of conventions and did those video interviews. But that’s it. I have a life.

    And I’ve also been around fandom for almost 15 years. I’ve SEEN this kind of thing before. Just about everyone I know in Lexx fandom does not have very much experience with conventions or fandom in general. Lexx is the first sci-fi show to really turn them on. That’s why it’s so difficult to explain it to everyone. HDS and theFrey have only been to DragonCon once and that was last year. Instead of first just setting up a club table at the convention this year, they are biting off way more than they can chew! And it seems that the actors’ convention manager is going along with the idea because he’s not paying for the tables. That’s one less thing to pay for.

    At most, I expected one, maybe two actors from Lexx to be invited to DragonCon 2003. If none were invited, tough! That’s the way fandom and conventions work. But they are FORCING their presence there and it’s going to be received poorly by the rest of fandom. Perhaps received poorly by the staff DragonCon.

    At Lolapalooza, either you’re a headline act, a sideshow band, or selling t-shirts and sodas outside in the parking lot. theFrey and HDS are going to have the equivalent of t-shirts and soda-selling for the Lexx actors at DragonCon. They are not invited and have their way payed for by DragonCon (like a headliner act). They are not even provided for in any way by the staff of DragonCon (like a sideshow act). They are permitted to park where they are because they’ve paid their admission and paid extra for some table space.

    I was looking forward to DragonCon 2003. But when I found out what was going on, I’ve been in shock!

    in reply to: The price of DragonCon 2003 #66452

    [quote=”nursewhen”][quote=”Flamegrape”]… the celebrity doing this is selling themselves short, obviously trying to make a buck, are starved for attention, or worse. [/quote]

    I’m sorry Flamegrape, I don’t understand. Are you planning to bar the Lexx cast to save them from themselves? Surely they will come and go as they please? Why are they going at all if they’ve not been invited? ❓ [/quote]
    They can come and go as they please, that’s true. They can pay money to have a table set up next to local Dungeons and Dragons club or the Pokemon Trading Card Society. They just won’t sitting anywhere near the other actors from other sci-fi shows who have been invited.

    And that’s a very good question. Why are they going at all if they’ve not been invited? No other sci-fi show actors do this. Ever!

    in reply to: The price of DragonCon 2003 #66449

    [quote=”thefrey”]This topic has gone into full Drama Queen Mode. Please don’t feed the Diva.[/quote]
    I don’t think you have any idea what you’re doing with DragonCon. Just like HDS over at Lexx.Com, you have nothing to say in defence of your actions. Just an INSULT.

    Do you regard my dire criticism of what’s planned for DragonCon as an insult to YOU?

    in reply to: The price of DragonCon 2003 #66447

    [quote=”elfie”]grape i think brian and them do all this for the love of the fans — image is nothin ya know. if they know the deal and are cool with it then i’m not going to stand in their way.([/quote]
    Yes, Brian loves the fans very much. He has told me so. I think he would do anything he could for them.

    But knowing Xenia, I don’t think she would be very happy with this substandard arrangement. Yes, she loves her fans very much too. She went to the trouble of making that little two-song CD this year because the fans wanted more music from her. But the arrangements made for her at DragonCon are nowhere near the same level of prominence or importance as what she did at MegaCon or that other con she did late last year. (She’s only done two so far.)

    (Incidentally, I thought it was inappropriate to use harsh criticism of her CD as an underhanded means of taking a swipe at the folks who were promoting Xenia’s presence at MegaCon. All that did was make Xenia look bad and helped nothing. That whole MegaCon convention issue should have been discussed frankly and openly with Lexx fandom. A related but separate issue.)

    in reply to: The price of DragonCon 2003 #66446

    (Forgive me for quoting you a bunch of times, elmey. But you bring up VERY good points that must be addressed.)

    [quote=”elmey”]:? Yikes, I can see this will be a hot topic, but I’m actually going to try to be practical (yeah, go ahead and laugh everybody). FG, your poll frames the situation in a black/white manner but since this is the official USCon, I don’t think you really expect anyone to dis-invite the cast at this point. You have legitimate concerns though, so what’s the solution?[/quote]
    “Yikes” barely scratches the surface. When I found out what was happening, I exclaimed something far more dire. That is what has me so concerned. This situation was already decided and put into action by UsCon in the name of all Lexx fans in the USA. But, in fact, none of the USA fans were consulted about this VERY imporatant decision. It was put into action when it was determined that none of the Lexx actors were to be invited. (For that matter, the name of the club was never up for debate either. The rest of fandom will be scratching their heads at that one too.)

    [quote=”elmey”]First, I don’t have any experience with Dragon Con so I have two questions:

    1. Is this an unusual situation for DragonCon or do other “celebs” who aren’t on the guest list attend?

    2. Will all the Lexx cast members have the same status, i.e. none of them are official invitees?[/quote]
    You don’t understand. DragonCon is not “doing” anything! NONE of the Lexx actors are official invities! This situation was entirely arranged by UsCon without consulting Lexx fans. Other “celebs” who attend but are not on the guest list are universally regarded as nobodies or worse. Most fans don’t know about money or fandom politics. All they see are non-celeberties who were not invited who are trying to hawk their autographs and cash in on DragonCon. To them, it will seem like it’s in VERY poor taste. It doesn’t matter that they know nothing about plans for Lexx fan parties or whatever. If they don’t want to appear like they are there just for money, they could give away their pictures and autographs for free. But they are not going to do that and further debase their vaule or importance in the future.

    Listen, if the whole point is to get together for Lexx fans, that’s wonderful. If they don’t care about selling autographs and presenting themselves to the rest of science-fiction fandom, then why bother showing their faces at DragonCon? And if there is no desire to gain members, why would the official USA Lexx fan club bother setting up a table at DragonCon? Do we all give a darn about how we look at DragonCon or not? If we DON’T, then we are certainly on that track.

    [quote=”elmey”]:It seems to me that since the Lexx parties are invitation only and will, I assume (haven’t checked the party details, sorry), be in private rooms, the casts’ presence at the parties (or at scheduled forums for that matter) shouldn’t cause them any loss of prestige. Think of it as being like Disney or Viacom trucking some of their stars into the private parties they throw for their clients at the broadcasting conventions. They’re often a hotter ticket than the convention itself.[/quote]
    I’m sorry, it would be nice to think of it that way, but you’d just be fooling yourself. The parties are private but open to all Lexx fans. DragonCon has nothing to do with the arrangement or advertisement of the parties. And advertising such non-convention activity is not only frowned upon but such inappropriate advertising is activly discouraged. Do we want to get in trouble with DragonCon?

    As far as prestige is concerned, they are at the BOTTOM so they won’t start out with any at the convention in the first place. They are paying their own way into the convention at regular door price. They can attend scheduled forums, but they won’t be listed anywhere in the programs and therefore will not be featured. I think we will be lucky if Lexx get’s one panel discussion. (Hell, ANY show can get at least one panel discussion there. It’s a HUGE convention. I attended a [i]Space: 1999[/i] panel discussion and there were just as many people in the panel as there were in the audience!) But the Lexx stars will not be FEATURED in any Q&A sessions, panel discussion, convention events, etc. Unless you surf the web, any casual or potential Lexx fan will have NO IDEA that they will be there. That’s part of the reason why they have a guest list. The guest list is used to advertise the convention and attract appropriate fans. As it stands, NO ONE will know that the Lexx actors will be there beforehand except for very dedicated Lexx fans who also happen to surf the internet. And there are plenty of HUGE Lexx fans out there in the world who do not have or do not use computers. So the hope is that random people who are attending the convention because of OTHER genre shows, movies, books, games, etc., will notice the Lexx presence. This is a less than ideal situation to say the least!

    [quote=”elmey”]The signing and selling is another issue–I know it’s an accepted practice and everyone does it blah blah, but frankly, it’ll be a cold day in hell before I pay [i]any[/i] actor for an autograph no matter what show they’re in, I’m afraid my views on this topic are [color=yellow]jaundiced.[/color] So for me, I’m not sure the location matters much in terms of “prestige”. It’s more a question of can you get any kind of volume if you’re not on the main floor? How important are the sales to them? Do they need to sell enough to subsidize their trip? etc.[/quote]
    Damned good points and damned good questions. There are plenty of fans in fandom who think like you do, that dislike the idea of actors selling autographs. (I happen to disagree. I love collecting them. But that’s beside the point.) And therefore there will be THOUSANDS of such fans at the convention who will see them there selling autographs in an area that is NOT the universally well-know area for selling autographs (the “Walk of Fame”). And what are they going to think of that?

    Yes, the sale of autographs helps subsidize their trip. If they were invited guests at DragonCon, some of their expenses would have been paid for by the convention staff. There are varying tiers of guest status, too. Some big-time stars have everything paid for them– air fare, hotel room, food, transport. And lesser guest have less things that are paid for them– perhaps only room and board and convention membership. Maybe only the convention membership is free and that’s all. The Lexx actors will receive NONE of these amenities.

    And ALL of this will be plainly visible to any experienced convention member who sees their regular, non-guest convention badge. Said experienced fanboy will look at them, look at their badge, look what they’re selling, look at where their located, maybe even remember something about a show called Lexx and it’s badboy status in fandom, and walk away shaking his head. It will seem so strange and in bad taste, that it will make a good story for him to tell his friends at lunch time. Word will spread throughout the convention– not because of the surprise bonus celebrities that have shown up but because of the overall pathetic presentation. You mark my words! That is exactly what will happen.

    [quote=”elmey”]UnCon didn’t have to deal with these types of issues; UsCon is going to be a lot harder to organize especially the first time around. But if the cast members are eager to attend, maybe we should put our heads together to figure out if there’s a way to make it work. The organizers really have a major task ahead of them–I’m sure they’re as concerned as you are that the Lexx cast is treated well.


    Yes, UnCon didn’t have to deal with these issues at all. Regular mainstream fandom is an entirely different story. It’s true that Lexx fans consider themselves to be nonconformists and not like other groups in fandom. But the makers of Lexx had to follow certain forms in order to have their show made and broadcast on television and presented to the world. The presence of the Lexx actors at these conventions is an extension of that. (Many Farscape fans will know that the stars of that show were under contract to not attend any conventions until they left the show– hence the presence of Virginia Hey and Lani Tupu last year at DragonCon 2002). All the other stars of these sci-fi television shows are either invited guests and, therefore, sit at the “Walk of Fame,” or they do not come to the convention at all for the precise reasons I have stated. If a given star doesn’t know much about DragonCon or conventions in general and say, “I’ll come anyway,” they would be advised by any number of people– agents, managers, fans– that such a course of action would not be appropriate and detrimental to their image. DraonCon doesn’t care because they are there to make money.

    Do we care about how they look to the rest of fandom and how we promote the show? Or are we just happy that they are there and we can party with them? If it’s the latter, WHY HAVE THEM COME TO DRAGONCON IN THE FIRST PLACE? Why not just have another UnCon? I think what’s happening is that the spirit of UnCon is being imbued upon the hugest mainstream fandom convention and it just won’t fit like that. I think use of the similar name, “UsCon,” underscores this. The fact that fans from other genres will will wonder what the heck “UsCon,” means is the subject for a different debate altogether. People will come up to the club booth and ALL of them will ask, “When and and where is this ‘UsCon’?” because they will ALL think that they are advertising for some convention, not a fan club. Oh, wait. The name of the official United States Lexx fanclub was NEVER up for debate. Just like the plans for DragonCon 2003 were NEVER up for debate either!

    in reply to: Dragon Con Update #66420

    [quote=”mandara k”]Well, I would advise against polling at this time; I think whatever the issue is; it is too volatile to post right now or even poll. I would recheck the facts and sit on it for a few days and even a week. IS it possible to know ALL the facts; don’t go off half cocked and just end up hurting others and ultimately yourself.[/quote]
    You’re right. I don’t want to post a poll about this right now. I wish I didn’t feel like I have to, but I do. I really hope that I do NOT have my facts straight or that there are more complete and accurate facts to be known.

    The people involved who are willing to talk to me can contact me. I have just about given up attempting to get through to certain people that I know aren’t listening to me. That is the precise reason why I have been raising a fuss for the last day. Hello, out there! Give me a call! A very wise person once said that lack of communication “makes ALL involved look petty, and like asses.” Wiser words have I not heard in a long while.

    in reply to: Dragon Con Update #66418

    [quote=”mandara k”]If you have done something or someone wrong…. hmmm. It’s an individual thing; some will, in time learn to accept you, but once a bond is broken; it is rarely ever the same. It takes a courageous heart to forgive someone who has done you wrong; it also takes a courageous heart to try to repair damage done to another; to admit we are not perfect; to admit we were wrong: to try to make amends; and to accept and move on if there is nothing more we can do to repair a situation.[/quote]
    Like I said before, it isn’t about anything like that. For what it’s worth, I can be a hothead and say things without knowing all the facts. To that end, I’m sorry for whatever I did. I do what I think is right. What others think of it and what they do about it is another story altogether.

    I’m following your advice, Mandara. Posting a poll is a VERY good idea. If I don’t hear anything from the people I have attempted to contact, I will post it tomorrow. Between now and then I will proof-read the wording. But it will be based on what I know so far, and if I’m wrong or don’t know all the facts, then I will look very stupid indeed.

    But related to the issue is whether or not certain people care if I look stupid and are enjoying seeing me put on the spot like this. They are free to contact me.

    The bottom line is that if I do have all my facts straight, it will set a very bad precedent and forever marr the image of Lexx fandom. It’s not directly about factionalization in fandom, but it’s very much related to it.

    in reply to: Dragon Con Update #66416

    [quote=”mandara k”]If you are “our” protector then let’s here it, Flame. If not, let us learn it for ourselves; let us be the judge of what’s going on. Put it in a poll. I would suggest however that you allow the current plans for what’s going on to continue; how do we know if something is wrong, does not work, or is going the wrong way unless it happens.

    In other words, enjoy the ride for a while.[/quote]
    That’s a good idea. Perhaps I will put it in a poll. It would be a very good one for the Sci-Fi Angst forum. I have never had this much angst about what is happening in Lexx fandom. A small personal conflict of mine led to me finding out things that have me shocked and alarmed. (Again, it has nothing to do with webpages or websites. I know some of you are thinking that’s my issue. It’s not that.)

    A good way to learn is from experience. A hard way to learn is to not listen to experienced advice.

    in reply to: Dragon Con Update #66413

    [quote=”mandara k”]Well, I’m sorry to hear you you are not being heard; Do you think there might be an underlying reason for that; and if there is, do you think you might want to try to repair that before you make your concerns known?[/quote]
    Oh, yes. I know there is an underlying reason. But I have very little idea how I could repair it.

    I’ll restate something that I’ve posted over at Lexx.Com.

    My protests pertain to the continued factionalization of Lexx fandom. And I fear that certain poor choices are leading Lexx fandom down a very dark path. It is something that is best not discussed in public at the moment. I made my protest statements in order to get attention and it seems to have backfired. Oh, well. I’m trying to persue a discussion with other people involved with Lexx fandom at the moment, but I’m having very little luck.

    in reply to: Dragon Con Update #66405

    [quote=”mandara k”]Do not accuse someone of unfair treatment and then not elaborate.[/quote]
    It is very difficult to elaborate. I don’t trust the “private” environment of the moderator’s forum. Certain people aren’t listening to me. The issues that I have are bigger than you or me. The people who ought to contact me know how to do so.

    But as far as my Lexx related webages go, “No Lexx for you! Come back two days!” They will be back online June 1.

    Have I made myself clear that I have deep concerns about what is happening? And that no one is listening?

    in reply to: Dragon Con Update #66403

    [quote=”Trini_T”][quote=”Flamegrape”][quote=”HisDivineShadow”][quote=”Meep”]I hope this one goes down in Lexx history :)[/quote]I have a feeling it aready is ;)[/quote]
    And that’s VERY important to YOU, isn’t it?[/quote]

    That’s not fair, Fg…it’s important to all of us who don’t want to see
    Lexx fly off into the sunset…at least not yet! There is still much fun to be had! :P[/quote]
    Not fair? I don’t think you know who has been treated unfairly.

    Fun to be had? At whose expense? At what cost? And what price do the actors have to pay?

    in reply to: Funniest Sci Fi Quotes #66401

    “It was… fun.”
    –Capt. Kirk’s last words

    in reply to: Dragon Con Update #66397

    [quote=”HisDivineShadow”][quote=”Meep”]I hope this one goes down in Lexx history :)[/quote]I have a feeling it aready is ;)[/quote]
    And that’s VERY important to YOU, isn’t it?

    in reply to: Movie vs. the Mini Series #66388

    I really enjoyed the David Lynch version. But it’s for a bunch of reasons that have little to do with it’s translation from book to screen. I like it because it’s a David Lynch film, period. It oozes his style. And it had Sean Young in it and I’m a sucker for her. I think she’s beautiful. And Patrick Stuart! Need I say more?

    However, in terms of translation from book to screen, I liked the mini-series much better. I think it captured the feeling quite well. I don’t agree with the petty criticisms that the painted backdrops looked fake. I didn’t notice them until some anal-retentive perfectionist fan pointed it out. 😉

    The Baron was PERFECT in the mini-series. He’s much more intelligent and scheming than the one in the mini-series. He didn’t have a skin disease, he just gained weight uncontrolably. They explain how he got that disease in the prequal books.

    I liked Duncan Idaho much better in the mini-series. I look forward to seeing him in all the other mini-series sequals. Fish Speakers! Woo-hoo!

    The only thing I thought the mini-series got totally wrong which the movie got totally right is the ethnic look of the Atreides. They are direct descendants of Agamemnon. Leto, Paul, Alia, and the twins all had black hair and generally looked greek. In the mini-series, the Atreides looked like they came from southern California or Ohio. The only one who looked right was Alia.

    I much prefered Alice Krige as Lady Jessica. I love her!

    (I think I mispelled a bunch of names. I didn’t bother to look them up.)

    in reply to: Welcome to the new moderator: LexxLurker #66374

    Welcome, LexxLurker.

    in reply to: Welcome to the new moderator, Logan :) #66373

    Welcome, Logan.

    in reply to: Existential Episode Epiphany #66361

    I thought it was interesting that Kai and Xev wanted to stay with the pan-dimension theater troupe instead of facing Mantrid. Stanley convinced them to fight. At first, he just wanted to run away to the center of the universe. But when he finally listened to Kai’s story, he knew that taking a stand was better than dying a coward. On the surface, you might have thought that it was a Kai-centric episode. But ultimately, the episode was all about Stan’s change of heart. Kai was indifferent, Xev felt it was all hopeless, but Stan convinced them that challenging Mantrid was the best thing to do.

    Go, Stan! Go, Stan! Go, Stan!
    U tha man! U tha man! U tha man!
    😀 😀 😀

    in reply to: 00-911 The Misadventures of Agent When Part 2 #66360

    Nice! Keep it flowing.

    in reply to: LEXX.com update (Part ducks) #66285

    A [i]Cleopatra 2525[/i] forum would be cute, but you’re right, Sad. It probably wouldn’t get much traffic, just like the [i]Aeon Flux[/i] forum. Do more forums add more burden to bandwidth or anything technical like that?

    I recommend that anyone who wants to discuss [i]Space: 1999[/i] to go to Space1999.Net itself and visit the forums there. I’m not sure that [i]Space: 1999[/i] would be in the same spirit of “cult” TV sci-fi as presented on this board. It might be a cult show in the USA, but not in the UK or other countries.

    For that matter, one could consider [i]Babylon 5[/i] to be mainstream sci-fi TV. I’m sure that there is plenty of discussion about B5 at other B5-oriented boards. But we seldom get traffic on the SadBoard B5 forum. Is this good or bad? I don’t know. It’s good too have forums for announcements about new things pertaining B5, but don’t the news articles on the front page of the site serve that purpose? (No offence intended towards the moderators of the B5 forums.)

    in reply to: New (or old) or different Sci Fi anyone? #66240

    I think there should be a section in SadGeezer.Com dedicated to [i]Cleopatra 2525[/i]. Hot women wearing skimpy clothing shooting laserguns and lots of explosions. I managed to tape the episodes they aired on the SciFi Channel a month ago.

    Hey, I have an idea. Why don’t I convert the first episode into a Divx file? It’s something else that would be cool to post on Sadgeezer.Net.

    in reply to: First Lady Bunny Poster Number 1 approved! #66236

    This certainly tops the list of fan artwork!

    in reply to: Welcome all from LEXX.com :) #66206

    [quote=”Logan”]BTW, I have a question: What exactly are sadgeezerish qualities? I think part of it is being laid back, having a live-and-let-live attitude, being honest, friendly, humorous, interested, interesting, and fun. In other words, the qualities essential for a good time at a pub. Sometimes I feel like I’m learning to become a geezer (I’m always looking to expand my personality, and generally improve myself) and then I fall back on my old posting habits.[/quote]

    I like definition #2

    A Cult TV Sci Fi SadGeezer is [b][i]ANYONE[/i][/b] who [b][i]’knows where their towel is'[/i][/b], someone who [b][i]’suspects that the Andromeda Computer is wearing a push-up bra'[/i][/b], a person who knows (or wants to know) which Space Corps Directive [b][i]’prohibits officers from wearing a red toupe'[/i][/b], someone who has ‘fantasize [b][i]about being Mr Flux or Mrs Goodchild'[/i][/b] or someone who wants to (but has never had the nerve to) wear a [b][i]’Centauri hairstyle'[/i][/b].

    There’s more here:
    [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=FAQ&file=index&myfaq=yes&id_cat=5&categories=Introduction+to+this+site&parent_id=0]Introduction to SadGeezer.com[/url]

    in reply to: Who is going so far? #66201

    Affordable tickets for the Las Vegas convention will go on sale soon, possibly in June. The $400 tickets went on sale first as part of a marketing ploy.

    About 30 to 40 people have signed up for the party in Vegas. And since people have been complaining about expensive convention tickets and expensive hotels (and advised to go to DragonCon instead) there will probably be a minimal amount of [i]Lexx[/i] fans in attendance. Because it’s a [i]Star Trek[/i] convention, it will be much more formal. And DragonCon will be a madhouse in comparison with many, many more [i]Lexx[/i] fans.

    in reply to: FanFic Rules and posting instructions #66098

    [quote=”thefrey”]Well the last monster one that was here was broken up in to chunks of about 15 pages a post. [/quote]
    What sort of word-count might that be? Perhaps the number of words per post might be a good unit of measure? I don’t know.

    in reply to: SadGeezer.net – Test – Please help #66028

    I managed to download part 2. I don’t know how long it took. More than 4 hours, I’m certain. The connection kept dropping. But I was able to somehow resume the download later. (Perhaps continuing downloads is a new feature of MSIE. I didn’t know it could do that.) I have a cable modem. I don’t recall the download speed, but it wasn’t too slow.

    in reply to: Lexx.Com board updated! #66027

    [quote=”streudel”]I’m very flattered that you guys think the Sadgeezers would be entertained by our little fic.[/quote]
    That’s why the fan fic forum is there.

    Just be sure to read the general guidelines/rules. No graphic porn and no horrifying descriptions of characters from the show dying. Examples include “Penthouse Letters” and snuff films. I had to delete one story that was nothing but a graphic description of one main character killing another.

    Although [b]very[/b] unlikely, one must consider the possibility that any of the actors from the show might eventually read some of this stuff.

    in reply to: Wednesday, I watched, `Eating Pattern’ #66026

    [i]Eating Pattern[/i] was my favorite of the first series movies. Stan and Zev needed to eat what the Lexx provided. But Lexx needed to eat, so he lands on a planet to dine. Looking for food, Stan and Zev encounter weirdos who harvest people not for food for themselves but to distill pattern for their snake parasites. And they wind up consuming the Divine Predecessors who used to dine on millions of people on the Cluster. And then the snake parasites, in turn, feed the “queen”. And then the queen hatches and attempts to feed upon the Lexx. It’s a bizarre twisting celtic knot of an interrelated [b]eating pattern[/b]. Cool!

    in reply to: *SPOILER* "Matrix Reloaded" #65994

    [quote=”bonnee”]Actually, you asked a couple of questions which were (themselves) clearly mere copies seeking an original (copy). [/quote]
    No they weren’t. You’re just being difficult and distracting as usual.

    Roger Ebert, of the Chicago Sun-Times, noticed it: “We may also wonder if Zion and its free citizens really exist, or if the humans only think so, but that leads to a logical loop ending in madness.”

    in reply to: *SPOILER* "Matrix Reloaded" #65990

    [quote=”bonnee”]The answer/s to your questions (I think) can be traced back to the first film…[/quote]
    No, the question I asked was if anyone else who saw the movie, “The Matrix Reloaded,” realised that everything that has been seen in both movies have been computer simulations?

    But I’ll take your answer as a, “Yes, I noticed that.”

    in reply to: #65986

    I saw it and I thought it was fine. I wasn’t a huge fan of the first movie. And I don’t think the second one was any better or worse than the first.

    On another bulletin board, someone complained that [i]Reloaded[/i] was “an obtuse shitstorm.” Yes, it was kind of deep and full of symbolism. But I didn’t have any trouble absorbing enough of it to enjoy the story. In fact, there was so much of it that I was beginning to gag when the reference to Persephone came up. I think there must be more that I missed. So perhaps it’s worth even a second viewing.

    I give it a thumbs up. [img]http://www.flamegrape.com/emoticons/thumbup.gif[/img]

    in reply to: "I’m glad we had this time together….." #65955

    [i]Eating Pattern[/i] was my favorite of the first series movies. Stan and Zev needed to eat what the Lexx provided. But Lexx needed to eat, so he lands on a planet to dine. Looking for food, Stan and Zev encounter weirdos who harvest people not for food for themselves but to distill pattern for their snake parasites. And they wind up consuming the Divine Predecessors who used to dine on millions of people on the Cluster. And then the snake parasites, in turn, feed the “queen”. And then the queen hatches and attempts to feed upon the Lexx. It’s a bizarre twisting celtic knot of an interrelated [b]eating pattern[/b]. Cool!

    in reply to: Lexx Hospitality Party – D.C.03 #65950

    oo ooo

    in reply to: Lexx.Com board updated! #65949

    It surprised me. I had just finished posting a reply when I got this message that the boards were down for upgrades.

    But I don’t think it had anything to do with fan fiction. On a moderated board, it’s never a problem.

    However, this suggests that Lexx.Com has not been forgotten by the people who own it. I’ve been wondering about that ever since ManOwar declared that he intended to buy Lexx.Com in July when it’s registration expires.

    And perhaps they might give some thought to updating the design of Lexx.Com itself. (hint, hint, I’ll do it for free)

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